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Item/Victory II

From Neptunia Wiki

This page contains information regarding items in Megadimension Neptunia VII.


Name Description Price Notes
Healing Grass Restores an ally's HP by 800. 100
Healing Pod Restores an ally's HP by 2000. 1200
Healing Drink Restores an ally's HP by 4000. 5000
Healing Bottle Restores an ally's HP by 10000. 12900
Nep Bull Restores 30% of one ally's HP. 100
Nep Bull C Restores 50% of one ally's HP. The upgraded version of Nep Bull. It's more potent, but is also a touch more bitter. 800
Nep Bull S Restores 70% of one ally's HP. The upgraded version of Nep Bull C. Since it's extremely potent, keeping it down is a challenge. 2000
Nep Bull EX Restores 100% of one ally's HP. The upgraded version of Nep Bull S. The ultimate of all Nep Bulls. 15000
Nep Bull EX-II Restores 100% of one ally's HP and SP. Recovers all ailments too. 50000
Healing Circle Restores 30% HP of all allies within range. 200
Healing Rain Restores 50% HP of all allies within range. 1200
Healing Field Restores 70% HP of all allies within range. 3000
Healing Light Restores 100% HP of all allies within range. 22500
SP Charger Restores 25% of one ally's SP. 1000
P. SP Charger Restores 40% of one ally's SP. "P. SP" means "Portable SP." A good portable SP recovery item. 2000
P. SP Charger 2 Restores 60% of one ally's SP. A modified version of the P. SP Charger. 4500
Detoxin Removes Poison from an ally. 200
Paralaxin Removes Paralysis from an ally. 200
Reflex Removes Apathy from an ally. 200
Tuffmil Removes an ally's Virus infection. 200
Face Slapper Removes Confusion from an ally. 200
Movealin Removes Shadow Hold from an ally. 200
Clearlin Removes Stun from an ally. 200
Panacea Removes status ailments and restores 30% HP for all allies in range. 700
Super Panacea Removes status ailments and restores 50% HP for all allies in range. 1800
INT Booster Increase element attack power for all allies in range. 200
INT Booster Z Increase element attack power and defense for all allies in range. 600
AGI Booster Increases action speed for all allies in range. 200
AGI Booster Z Increases action speed greatly for all allies in range. 600
STR Booster Increases physical attack power for all allies in range. 200
STR Booster Z increases physical attack power and defense for all allies in range. 600
Life Fragment Revives and restores 30% of one ally's HP. 500
Exuberant Fragment Revives and restores 50% of one ally's HP. 1000
Exuberant Lump Revives and restores 80% of one ally's HP. 3000
Angel Wings Revives and restores 30% HP of all allies in range. 5000
Real Angel Wings Revives and restores 50% HP of all allies in range. 8000
Eject Button Dramatically slapping this big red button will warp you out of a dungeon instantly. 100
Forbidden Twing If used in a dungeon, this twig somehow respawns any defeated foes. 1000
CPU Chips Munchies with a CPU card included. Don't you dare buy them just for the cards! -
Gamindustri Chocolate An egg-shaped chocolate with a figure included. A very finely made figure made by a famous modeler. -
Observation Scope Looking though this allows you to see other people's heart rate, temperature, and... stuff. 10
Analyser A device made to scan targets. Unlike the Observation Scope, it can be used a number of times. -
Hero Sausage A Hero's true meal! Mind you, it's not a weiner. Restores one ally's HP by 50% and SP by 500. -
Plump Dogoo -
Horsebird Sashimi -
Deep Fried Chocopi Planeptune's specialty. One whole Chocopi deep fried as is! HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Pudding Planeptune's specialty, or rather, Neptune's favorite-turned-specialty. HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Curry Udon Lastation's specialty. Beware of dirtying your clothes. HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Uni Curry Lastation's curry with Uni's added touch. Popular among the soldiers. HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Blanc Manju Lowee's specialty. Shipped to this dimension due to its popularity. HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Frozen Tangerines Lowee's specialty. A simple dessert of frozen tangerines. HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Tea Leanbox's specialty. A special tea blend concocted by Vert. HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Dried Shitake Leanbox's specialty. A shitake mushroom with an "x" on the cap. HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Deep Fried Shrimp Zero Dimension's specialty. Um.. This isn't what I think it is, is it? HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Naruto Fishcake Heart Dimension's specialty...? A fishcake with a spiral mark. HP and SP recovers by 30% 1500
Gold Ignot A really bright golden bar! Enjoy feeling rich. - Sells for 100000 Credits
Silver Ignot A sparkling silver bar! Not as valuable as gold, but still! - Sells for 80000 Credits


Idea Chips


Flag Items

Name Description How to Obtain
Jumping Star Turn on to increase jump height. Defeat Steamax
Sneaking Eye Turn on to view sight range of enemies on the mini map. Quest: Shoot-Down King's Counterattack!
Rocket Jumper Turn on to greatly increase jump height in certain dungeons. 2nd playthrough
Sturdy Heart Turn on to prevent game overs during Neplunker Dungeon.
Dash Sneakers Turn on to increase your movement speed.
Help Button Turn on to call "Teach Me Histy"
Dark Orb Turn on to prevent world map battles.
White Orb Turn this on to prevent dungeon battles against contacted enemies. Quest: Memories of That Day
Exe Driver Turn this on to have EXE Drive always at full. Quest: Memories of Days Long Past
Please, Look Turn this on to have character models within the equipment glance towards you by default. 2nd playthrough

Key Items

Name How to Obtain
Power Bracelet Item development
Hyper Bracelet Item development
Energy mate Hidden Treasure, Stealing from Monsters
Hyper Booster Clear Neplunker Dungeon (Hyper Dimension)

CPU Chips Cards

There are 33 cards in total that can be collected from using and opening CPU Chips.


There are 4 SR cards.

Item Name Description
[Main] Neptune I may look like I'm fooling around, but I'll still do what needs to be done! Shine, my super heroine self!
[Silent Night] Noire She looks up to the night stars to think of a dream of having someone beside her.
[Pondering Moment] Blanc Her dream - to be Gamindustri's greatest author. The number of books she has just shows how much stronger she is.
[Games for Life] Vert A well endowed beauty with a sleepy look. She holds a controller in hand, devoid of sleep yet another night.


There are 12 R cards.

Item Name Description
Purple Heart Her cool looks makes hearts beat.
So this is what a CPU is supposed to be!
Black Heart A graceful CPU of monotone.
Feeling a bit high in this form.
White Heart Her inner rage surfaces!
And yet, she seems to not change much from normal.
Green Heart Her bundled hair allures others.
...May I call you "Dear Sister?"
Purple Sister Wanting to be like her sister makes her stronger.
I can handle myself now!
Black Sister I want my friend and sister to see me now!
Strength in arms, and justice in my hair style!
White Sisters They want to fight with their sister.
None can stop the pure motive of the twins!
Iris Heart That condescending look awakens something in others...
Please, treat me like scum!
Yellow Heart Her charm is the gap between her interior and exterior.
But her amazing power is on par with the greatest of beings.
Planeptune Sisters The younger sisters seeks her older sister,
and her older sister relies on her. Synergy!
Lastation Sisters Sisters who can't speak honestly to each other.
The black hides their true inner feelings.
Lowee Sisters "Say, Sis'? Can you play with us?"
"Not now, I'm reading a book..."


There are 17 N cards.

Item Name Description
Neptune Gamindustri's heroine who overcame the greatest of challenges.
Loves pudding, but hates eggplants.
Noire Always serious, hence is always covering for others. But she doesn't seem to hate that so much...
Blanc The snow white purity epitomizes her as a CPU. Just need to be careful when she's angry, though.
Vert Her golden hair, green theme, and large endowments captivate the citizens.
*sigh* I wish I had a younger sister...
Nepgear A well-rounded girl who protects the people and is a tech guru, too. Wait... Are you sure she's not the older sister?
Uni Matures in line with her friend and rival. I-It's not like I'm doing this for you or anything!
Rom *sob* *anticipation* *squee*
Ram A younger sister to her two older sisters. Playing pranks as usual it seems. But, that's what makes her cute.
Plutia An adventuring girl from a different world. Her smile can be scary sometimes.
Peashy The strongest playful girl around. I couldn't believe my eyes when she did that and became that.
IF Born from dual blades of demon fire... By my word, let those of sin douse themselves with hellfire, and... *snip*
Compa A clumsy, yet bright smiling girl that everyone loves. Um, but can you please not sting me with your syringe?
Histoire A keeper of history that supports the people in place of the neet CPU. Anything takes about 3 days.
Kei Jinguji The main frame supporting the sisters of black. Her short pants and socks may be the key to her skill as an oracle.
Mina Nishizawa The Oracle caring for the twin sisters and CPU of the land of snow.
She looks exactly like what you would expect from an oracle.
Chika Hakozaki An oracle of the land beyond the sea, tending to a younger-sister-seeking CPU. Ah, dear sister, can't I be your younger sister?
Nepgeardam Who is she? Where did she come from? Where is she going?

Gamindustri Chocolate Figures

Item Name Description
Back-Man A yellow circle that keeps running backwards. It's surprising, but he has a family.
Pang The oldest game known in Gamindustri. No games would have been born without this.
Car Race A game which became a benchmark to high-def car games, that was released at the launch of a certain console.
Monument A very weird plate looking thingy that appears in the game. Legend says that if you shoot it 256 times it'll break.
Monster Chaser A monster hit title where you roast meat, and fight monsters too. Fun to play with friends. Especially when you get in their way.
G To A A major title where you play as a cop to stop car theivery. You can even use a tank against them, if you'd like!
Cook Now Papa Didn't really do well domestically, but did amazing elsewhere. Don't underestimate the power of a cooking papa.
Assassin Motto It's said that you're a target for assassination if you carry this around. Everyone says the scientist is the true evil, but could that be true?
Dankey Ape A wild creature that jumps all over the place. My lord, even he has a family. What are you folks doing now?
Semaruaru and Ammi A duo who keeps playing games and doesn't listen to others. I guess the games they're playing are really good.
Z Chief A person of the special force working amid betrayal and schemes. Um, wait. You didn't hear this from me.
Soldier A soldier that can appear in any kind of FPS game. Are you a Call of Beauty fan or a Field Battle fan?
Pocketed Monstrosties You capture the monstrosities using a special pocket, and you train them to go to the top. Ram is into this game.
Ricky the Rat The ultimate mascot around offering dreams and hope through theme parks. None of those recent cheap mascots got a chance against him.
Mono-Noke Clock So popular that the anime goods are out of stock everywhere. Doing pretty good with the anime and goods, meow.
Tresspassers The source of those nasty guys in dungeons you find all over Gamindustri. For some reason, they materialized and are invading the land. Scary-scary.