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From Neptunia Wiki

Items is a diverse terms used to classify everything from combat tools to equipment.


Item is a term used to classify things like combat tools such as healing items and all forms of equipment such as weapons, costumes, etc. There are also Key Items that are essential for plot progression or unlocking new abilities or items.

Item Types

  • Usable Items: Items that can be used in battle by any character in or out of battle. Usable items can be used for recovery, status ailment treatment, or even stat increases. These can be created using Item Development, dropped by enemies, obtained as rewards from quests, found in dungeons, or bought from the shop.
  • Key Items: Items that are either required for story progression or have a special use such as a Product Proposal.
  • Equipment:
    • Weapons: Items that can be equipped to a character to primarily increase their offensive base stats. These can be made using Item Development, found in dungeons, or bought from the shop.
    • Armor: Items that can be equipped to a character to primarily increase defensive base stats. These can be made using Item Development, found in dungeons, or bought from the shop.
    • Ornaments: Items that influence a variety of stats such as HP, AP or other stats. These can be made using Item Development, found in dungeons, or bought from the shop.
    • Costumes: Items that change the onscreen costume of a character. These can be made using Item Development, dropped from enemies, obtained as rewards for completing quests, or bought from the shop.
    • Accessories: Items that change the onscreen accessory of a character. These can be made using Item Development, dropped from enemies, obtained as rewards for completing quests, or bought from the shop.
    • Processor Units: Items that are unique to CPUs and CPU Candidates and influence their stats in goddess form. These items consist of a Core Unit, Head Unit, Shoulder Unit, Waist Unit, Back Unit, and Leg Unit. In Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 and Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, the Core unit of a processor can be visually changed using the Costume Canvas feature.
  • Materials/Synthesis Items: Items required for Item Development. They can be found in dungeons from gathering spots or even dropped from certain enemies.
  • Game Discs: These are items created using the Disc Developer system. The idea chips used to create the game disc will decide which of the character's stats gets influenced.

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