Item/Neptune Collection
< Item
This page lists all the usable items that can be purchased in Neptune Collection.
Usable Items
Item Name | Kana | Effect | Unit price |
Heal Drink (small) | ヒールドリンク(小) | Small recovery (30%) of HP | 50 coins 40 Nep Money |
Heal Drink (medium) | ヒールドリンク(中) | Moderate recovery (60%) HP | 100 coins 80 Nep Money |
Heal Drink (large) | ヒールドリンク(大) | Fully Restores HP | 150 coins 120 Nep Money |
Nep Bull (small) | ネプビタン(小) | Small recovery (30%) of stamina | 50 coins 40 Nep Money |
Nep Bull (medium) | ネプビタン(中) | Medium recovery (60%) stamina | 100 coins 80 Nep Money |
Nep Bull (large) | ネプビタン(大) | Full recovery stamina | 150 coins 120 Nep Money |
Wanna | ワナ | 100 coins 80 Nep Money | |
3500 Neptune credit | 3500ネプクレジット | 3500 Neptune credit is added when used. | 50 coins 40 Nep Money |