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From Neptunia Wiki

Neplunker is a gameplay mechanic appearing in Megadimension Neptunia VII that includes various elements of the video game Spelunker.


The elements of "Lives" and "Energy" are particular to dungeons with this mode. "Lives" is the amount of times a player can challenge the dungeon. "Energy" is the stamina the player has for all actions.

When the amount of "Lives" reaches 0, the player will get a Game Over. If the player clears the Neplunker Dungeon, they will receive a special item.

Causes to Lose a Life

  • Falling from a height
  • Running into bat dung
  • Touching steam or flames
  • Energy falling to 0


  • Energy: Restores the player's energy.
  • Red Medicine: Movement speed is doubled for a short time.
  • 1-up: Life is increased by 1.

It is highly recommended to save game progress before challenging this dungeon.

The main story will have no effect, but when the player gets a Game Over they will be returned to the Title Screen. If the player has Sturdy Heart enabled after starting New Game+, they will be sent back to the map screen.

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