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Command/EXE Drive/Victory II/Vert

From Neptunia Wiki

This page lists all of Vert's EXE Drive Skills in Megadimension Neptunia VII.

  • Differences in skills that appear in Next Form will be denoted with [] surrounding the information.

EXE Drive Skill

Spiral Break

Obtain: Lvl 30 Note: The hit box is a vertical rectangle in front of Vert.Against boss enemies, Spiral Break hits 12 times and does 80% more damage with the extra hit.
Type: Elemental Attack Target: Enemy Radius
EXE Needed: 1 Participants: Vert
Power: 4500 [5850] Hit: 11
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Wind (5:5)
Range: 3.5m Wait: 87
Status: Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: With my special move, the enemy will be overwhelmed by my beauty.

Infinite Spear

Obtain: Unlock Next Form Note: Returns Vert to her human form after use
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Separate
EXE Needed: 2 Participants: Vert
Power: 10500 Hit: 120
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 1.0~6.0m Wait: 127
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: I'll exterminate the enemy with a myraid of spears created by share energy. *This EXE Drive is only available in Next Form.

Coupling Skill

Broken Fannings

Obtain: Recruit Nepgear in Vert's route in Hyper Dimension Neptunia G Note: Can only be used in human and HDD form
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Separate
EXE Needed: 2 Participants: Vert and Nepgear
Power: 4500 Hit: 15
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 1.0~5.5m Wait: 65
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: Nepgear and Vert's Coupling Skill. *Both must be in the same transformation state to activate.

Formation Skill

Broken Fannings

Obtain: Recruit Nepgear in Vert's route in Hyper Dimension Neptunia G Note: Can only be used in human and HDD form
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Pinch
EXE Needed: 2 Participants: Vert and Nepgear
Power: 5300 Hit: 15
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: Line created between Vert and Nepgear Wait: 65
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: Nepgear and Vert's Coupling Skill. *Both must be in the same transformation state to activate.

Blade and Spear

Obtain: Recruit Vert after clearing the 4 routes in Hyper Dimension Neptunia G Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Pinch
EXE Needed: 2 Participants: Vert and Neptune
Power: 5300 [6000] Hit: 11
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: Line created between Vert and Neptune. Wait: 65
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: Neptune and Vert's Formation Skill. *All must be in the same transformation state to activate.

Guardian Force

Obtain: Unlock Next Form Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Surround
EXE Needed: 4 Participants: Vert, Neptune, Noire and Blanc
Power: 7300 [8500] Hit: 15
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: The quadrilateral created between Vert, Neptune, Noire and Blanc. Wait: 65
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert's Formation Skill. *All must be in the same transformation state to activate.

Rampage Wind

Obtain: Rescue the CPUs in Heart Dimension Neptunia H Note: Can only be used in human and HDD form.
Type: Elemental Attack Target: Enemy Pinch
EXE Needed: 2 Participants: Vert and S-Sha
Power: 5300 Hit: 7
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Wind (0:10)
Range: Line created between Vert and S-Sha Wait: 65
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: Vert and S-Sha's Formation Skill. *All must be in the same transformation state to activate.

Current Hardware

Obtain: Recruit Noire, Blanc and Vert after completing the 4 routes in Hyper Dimension Neptunia G Note: -
Type: Elemental Attack Target: Enemy Surround
EXE Needed: 3 Participants: Vert, Noire and Blanc
Power: 6200 [7400] Hit: 5
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Wind (0:10)
Range: The triangle created between Vert, Noire and Blanc. Wait: 65
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: Noire, Blanc, and Vert's Formation Skill. *All must be in the same transformation state to activate.

Arthur's Field of Finesse

Obtain: Event: How to Use a Knight Correctly? Note: Can only be used in human form
Type: Elemental Attack Target: Enemy Pinch
EXE Needed: 2 Participants: Vert and Million Arthur
Power: 5800 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Wind (0:10)
Range: Line created between Vert and Million Arthur. Wait: 65
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: Formation Skill with Million Arthur and Vert. *Both characters must be in the same transformation state.

Budding Undulation

Obtain: Event: Punishment Note: Can only be used in human form.
Type: Elemental Attack Target: Enemy Pinch
EXE Needed: 2 Participants: Vert and Nitroplus
Power: 5900 Hit: 15
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Dark (5:5)
Range: Line created between Vert and Nitroplus Wait: 65
Status: Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: Nitroplus and Vert's Formation Skill. *All must be in the same transformation state to activate.