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Command/Combo/Victory II/Nepgear

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This page lists the Combo Skills belonging to Nepgear in Megadimension Neptunia VII.

Rush Combos


Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: Haven't used Power
Power: 135 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Slash an enemy twice in rapid succession.

Rapid Hit

Level: 8 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: None
Power: 138 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Slash an enemy three times in rapid succession.

Rapid Rush

Level: 16 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: Haven't used Power
Power: 138 Hit: 5
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Strike the enemy with a high-speed attack five times.

Blue Sonic

Level: 23 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: All previous attacks were Power
Power: 140 Hit: 8
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Conquers enemies with swift, consecutive sword moves.

Silver Tear

Level: 33 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: Haven't used Power
Power: 142 Hit: 8
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A sword technique passed down to Nepgear. This girl really is good at everything.

Gear S. Dance

Level: 40 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: All previous attacks were Power
Power: 145 Hit: 10
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: An elegant sword technique that throws out all of her learned sword techniques.

Power Combos

Power Edge

Level: 35 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: All previous attacks were Power
Power: 180 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Smash an enemy with a strong blow.

Power Slash

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: All previous attacks were Standard
Power: 182 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Slash an enemy with a very powerful stroke.

Slash Edge

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Previous attack was Standard
Power: 182 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: An attack focused on slicing the entirety of the enemy's body.

Blitz Saber

Level: 10 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Previous attack did not use Combo Trait
Power: 185 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Slices an enemy with a quick slash that severs even the wind.

Hot Edge

Level: 15 Note: -
Type: Elemental Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Haven't used Rush
Power: 185 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Fire (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Attack with a fire-infused weapon.

Ice Edge

Level: 20 Note: -
Type: Elemental Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: All previous attacks did not use Combo Trait
Power: 185 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Ice (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Attack with a ice-infused weapon.

Blast Edge

Level: 25 Note: -
Type: Elemental Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: None
Power: 185 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Wind (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Attack with a wind-infused weapon.

Thunder Edge

Level: 30 Note: -
Type: Elemental Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: None
Power: 185 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Lightning (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Attack with a lightning-infused weapon.

Gear D-Drive

Level: 42 Note: The typo Mega D-Dive is in the game.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Previous attack was Power
Power: 190 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A technique Nepgear created based off of Neptune's Mega D-Dive.

Standard Combos

Techno Slash

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: None
Power: 150 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A slash that slices right to left.

Magna Slash

Level: 9 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: Previous attack was Standard
Power: 152 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Two slashes that seem to flow out of the sword movement.

Tri Saber

Level: 17 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: None
Power: 155 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Slices through the opponent right after stabbing them.

Rustar The Saber

Level: 24 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: None
Power: 155 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A basic, faithful and careful three slash attack.

Gear Knuckle Neo

Level: 32 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: Previous attack was Rush
Power: 158 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A strike made to make Gear Knuckle easier to use.

Gear Slider

Level: 38 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: None
Power: 160 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A sword technique that starts with a thrust, then launches the enemy and slices them with a spin attack.

First Attacks

These combo skills are always the first attack used in a combo chain and comes from Nepgear's weapons. The range of the first attacks are the range shared for all other combos following the corresponding first attack.

L. Slash

Level: Default Note: The hit box is a quarter circle.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: None
Power: 135 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A side attack with your weapon. Attacks a wide area on the left.

R. Slash

Level: Default Note: The hit box is a quarter circle.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: None
Power: 180 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A horizontal slash with a weapon. Attacks a wide area on the right.


Level: Default Note: The hit box is a square.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: None
Power: 150 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 0.5m Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A vertical slash with a weapon.