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Command/Combo/Victory II/B-Sha

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This page lists the Combo Skills belonging to B-Sha in Megadimension Neptunia VII.

Rush Combos

Three Shot

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: None
Power: 135 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Three consecutive shots from a bazooka.

Five Shot

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: Previous attack was Standard
Power: 138 Hit: 5
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Five consecutive shots from a bazooka.

Eight Shot

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: All previous attacks were Standard
Power: 140 Hit: 8
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Eight consecutive shots from a bazooka.

Ten Shot

Level: 31 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: None
Power: 140 Hit: 10
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: 10 consecutive shots with warheads made for repeated firing.


Level: 36 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: All previous attacks were Power
Power: 145 Hit: 12
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: An exposure shot with a laser.

Power Combos

Power Warhead

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: None
Power: 180 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Fire (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: An attack with a warhead that contains high-density gunpowder.

Super Power Warhead

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Previous attack was Rush
Power: 185 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Fire (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: An attack with a warhead that contains super-high-density gunpowder.

Non-Standard Warhead

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Haven't used Rush
Power: 185 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Fire (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: An attack with a warhead that contains non-standard, super high-density gunpowder.

Burst Warhead

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Previous attack was Power
Power: 188 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Fire (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Fire two specialized high-powered warheads.

Megaton Warhead

Level: 42 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Haven't used Power
Power: 190 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Fire (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Attack with a warhead that's banned from production because of its megaton power.

Standard Combos

Up-Down Shot

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: All previous attacks did not use Combo Trait
Power: 150 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Attack the middle and the bottom of the enemy.

Round Shot

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: Previous attack was Rush
Power: 152 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Fire a shot to the upper, middle, and lower of an enemy.

Continual Shot

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: None
Power: 155 Hit: 4
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: After firing 3 consecutive shots, jump u and finish with a final blast.


Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: None
Power: 158 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Fire three armor-piercing shots.

High-Powered APHE

Level: 40 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: Haven't used Power
Power: 160 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Fire (5:5)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Fire two high-powered armor piercing shots.

First Attacks

These combo skills are always the first attack used in a combo chain and comes from B-Sha's weapons.

Wide Shot

Level: Default Note: The hit box is a wide circular sector.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: None
Power: 135 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 4.0m Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A low powered gunshot attack that scatters bullets in a fan shape.

Round Shot

Level: Default Note: The hit box is a circle.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: None
Power: 180 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 6.0m Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A blast that also affects a small range around the enemy.


Level: Default Note: The hit box is a small circle.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: None
Power: 150 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 4.0m Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A bazooka attack towards the enemy.