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Command/Combo/Victory II/S-Sha

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This page lists the Combo Skills belonging to S-Sha in Megadimension Neptunia VII.

Rush Combos


Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: None
Power: 135 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: After two consecutive thrusts, finish with one last slice.

Rapid Rush

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: Previous attack was Rush
Power: 138 Hit: 7
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: 7 high-speed consecutive attacks.

High Rush

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: Haven't used Rush
Power: 140 Hit: 12
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: After 10 high-speed consecutive attacks, finish with a diagonal slice.

Hard Rush

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: Haven't used Power
Power: 142 Hit: 5
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Attack with 5 consecutive jab attacks.

16 Sword Slice

Level: 41 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: None
Power: 145 Hit: 16
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Attack with 16 super-high-speed slashes.

Power Combos

Power Edge

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: All previous attacks did not use Combo Trait
Power: 180 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Release a slash with all of one's might.

Power Slash

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: None
Power: 182 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Release two consecutive slashes with all of one's might.


Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Previous attack was Standard
Power: 185 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: After giving two full power slashes, finish with a jump slash.

Spin Slash Neo

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: Haven't used Power
Power: 185 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Charge up power and release a full power spin slash.

Iron Slicer

Level: 38 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: All previous attacks were Power
Power: 190 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A sword with all the momentum and weight of a jump that can slice through anything.

Standard Combos

Spin Slash

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: None
Power: 150 Hit: 4
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Slice up the enemy with a beautiful spin slash.

Light Slash

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: All previous attacks were Power
Power: 152 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A sword dance starting with a jump slash, a slice upwards, and smashing the enemy to the ground.

Light Combo

Level: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: Previous attack was Power
Power: 152 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A standard multi-slice attack with a left diagonal, right diagonal, and vertical slices.

Triple Thrust

Level: 31 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: Haven't used Power
Power: 155 Hit: 3
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: Attack with 3 consecutive jabs attacks.

Lightning Combo

Level: 44 Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: All previous attacks were Power
Power: 160 Hit: 4
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: After stabbing, release a multi-slash attack with a right diagonal, left diagonal, and vertical slices.

First Attacks

These combo skills are always the first attack used in a combo chain and comes from S-Sha's weapons.


Level: Default Note: The hit box is a square.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Rush Combo Trait: None
Power: 135 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 0.5m Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A stab attack with a sword.

Round Slash

Level: Default Note: The hit box is a quarter circle.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Power Combo Trait: None
Power: 180 Hit: 2
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: An orthodox spin slash.


Level: Default Note: The hit box is a rectangle.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Combo Type Standard Combo Trait: None
Power: 150 Hit: 1
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 0.4m Wait: 9
Status: - Effect: -
Description: A very orthodox slice.