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Command/EXE Drive/Victory II/Nepgya

From Neptunia Wiki

This page lists all of Nepgya's EXE Drive Skills in Megadimension Neptunia VII.

EXE Drive Skill

Celestial Severance

Obtain: Lvl 30 Note: Has a knockback effect
Against boss enemies, Celestial Severance hit 9 times and does approximately 66% more damage with the extra hit.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Separate
EXE Needed: 1 Participants: Nepgya
Power: 4700 Hit: 8
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 1.0~6.0m Wait: 87
Status: Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: I was waiting for this moment! My special attack where I remove my beam sword's output limiter.

Bits Combination

Obtain: Lvl 50 Note: Against boss enemies, Bits Combination hits 11 times, and does approximately 70% more damage with those extra hits.
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Separate
EXE Needed: 2 Participants: Nepgya
Power: 5500 Hit: 9
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: 1.0~7.0m Wait: 109
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: A combination attack with the automated floating batteries that I created. In fact, the bits move automatically in time with my attacks!