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Dungeon/Victory II/Stealth Ark

From Neptunia Wiki

Stealth Ark is the eighth dungeon of the Heart Dimension Neptunia H: Trilogy Finale: Into Legend arc in Megadimension Neptunia VII. It costs no credits to create a route to it.


The following items can be found in the dungeon. Items in the treasure chest can only be obtained once. Numbers are marked on the map to denote those treasure chests.

Treasures Hidden Treasures Destructible Object Items From Scouts
1) Emotional Game Lv. 5 x1 1) Flower Hat (IF's Attachment) x1
Defeat all deployed enemies
Evonium Solid Fang
2) Approved Red (Vert's Attachment) x1 2) Smile Heart Pin (Nepgear's Attachment) x1
Defeat Spellandis as initial battle
Gold Ore Gold Ore
3) Dotted Fruits (B-Sha's Attachment) x2 - Horsebird Dung Magic Core - Hyper
4) 3569 credits - Healing Pod Dragon King Scale
5) 4307 credits - CPU Chips Dark Beast's Skin
6) Healing Rain x2 - P. SP Charger Green Gel Feeler
7) Folding Bazooka α x1 - - Silver Fragment
8) Animal Lv. 5 x1 - - -
9) Eject Button x1 - - -
10) SP Charger x2 - - -
11) 2913 credits - - -
12) Braid Ring (Blanc's Attachment) x1 - - -
13) Super USB x1 - - -


  • Enemies marked with * require a scout the "Change Enemies" ability is deployed.
  • Enemies marked with ** will always appear.
  • Enemies in bold are considered Boss Monsters.

Common Type


Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Trident Solid Fang Sharp Fang
Dinosauroid Silver Fragment Iron Fragment
Gungnier* Solid Fang -
High Dinosauroid* Silver Fragment -


Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Dinosauroid Silver Fragment Iron Fragment
Trident Solid Fang Sharp Fang
Dragon King Dragon King Scale Water Dragon Scale
High Dinosauroid* Silver Fragment -
Gungnier* Solid Fang -
High Heal Dogoo* Green Gel Feeler Gel Feeler
Death Sea Horse* Dragon King Scale -
Gandum]] Metal Plate -

1st Storage

Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Dragon King Dragon King Scale Water Dragon Scale
Dinosauroid Silver Fragment Iron Fragment
Death Sea Horse* Dragon King Scale -
High Heal Dogoo* Green Gel Feeler Gel Feeler
High Dinosauroid* Silver Fragment -
Gungnier* Solid Fang -

2nd Storage

Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Trident Solid Fang Sharp Fang
Dragon King Dragon King Scale Water Dragon Scale
Gungnier* Solid Fang -
High Heal Dogoo* Green Gel Feeler Gel Feeler
Death Sea Horse* Dragon King Scale -

3rd Storage

Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Trident Solid Fang Sharp Fang
Dinosauroid Silver Fragment Iron Fragment
Gungnier* Solid Fang -
High Dinosauroid* Silver Fragment -

4th Storage

Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Trident Solid Fang Sharp Fang
Dinosauroid Silver Fragment Iron Fragment
Gungnier* Solid Fang -
High Heal Dogoo* Green Gel Feeler Gel Feeler
High Dinosauroid* Silver Fragment -


Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Dragon King Dragon King Scale Water Dragon Scale
Dinosauroid Silver Fragment Iron Fragment
Trident Solid Fang Sharp Fang
Chaos Tyrano Dark Beast's Skin Land Beast's Skin
Spellandis Magic Core - Hyper Magic Core
Death Sea Horse* Dragon King Scale -
High Dinosauroid* Silver Fragment -
High Heal Dogoo* Green Gel Feeler Gel Feeler
Gungnier* Solid Fang -
Arc Tyrano* Dark Beast's Skin -
Arc Lang* Magic Core - Hyper -
Gandum Metal Plate -
Double Cross Box Metal Plate -

Scripted Type


Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Arc Wyrm Plan: Healing Drink -


Heart Dimension Neptunia H: Trilogy Finale: Into Legend

Neptune, Nepgear, Uzume, older Neptune, Steamax, Affimojas have made it to Affimojas' main ship stationed in the Zero Dimension. Neptune happily declares that one of Uzume's death flags have been broken. Umio is glad to see Uzume. Uzume is embarrassed at the fact that she is here despite what she said to Umio earlier. Umio does not care and he is happy to just see Uzume safe and sound. Uzume asks about the monsters in the Zero Dimension.

Umio explains that the evacuation of the monsters was easy as they all somehow heard Uzume's voice in their head so they all gathered up. Uzume asks where are they now? Umio said he did try to get through the gate to the Hyper Dimension but that took too long so he put them in this ship instead. Uzume is happy to hear that and collapses. Umio is concerned that she just collapsed but Steamax assures him that she is fine and only exhausted.

Nepgear wonders when Steamax returned. Affimojas says right now. It was easy to sneak through the horde by just shadowing Steamax. Affimojas was even able to gather a lot of materials to sell and laughs. Steamax reminds the group there is no time to celebrate as the horde is approaching. Affimojas orders Steamax to take helm and get to the dimensional hole. Steamax agrees.

Older Neptune comments that they have 2 problems left to deal with. There is the monster horde and dimensional fusion. Neptune notes that Kurome is gone neither dimensional fusion or Dark CPUs can be an issue. This leaves the monster horde. Histoire calls in to tell them that counter measures have already been put in place. Nepgear is surprised to see Histoire. Histoire reports that all of the military of each nation and volunteers are currently fighting a massive defensive battle.

Noire tells the girls to show her some respect. She never thought that she ever had to amass and deploy all of Lastation's soldiers. K-Sha adds that the Order's retirees were also asked to help and they were eager to oblige. Neptune is surprised that the Order had retirees. Blanc reports that Lowee's soldiers will be arriving at the fight soon. C-Sha adds that the guild hunters are also in this. Vert reports that all of Leanbox's soldiers are deployed. S-Sha adds that they number 1000000 and that she never thought they would be used for this. Dogoo Lady corrects S-Sha with the fact that they are all formerly soldiers, now they are ran-pigs all 1000000 of them. Dogoo Man adds that his clan is helping out. Dogoo Man has trained his muscles for this. Older Neptune asks if that means there are more Dogoo Man. B-Sha announces that Planeptune's preparations are ready and assures that they will push back the horde. IF tells Neptune to be thankful. All of Gamindustri is mobilized just for her desire to save Uzume. Compa ends it off with the fact that she, Warechu and Chuko will do their best. That means Neptune and Uzume better do their best.

Neptune is moved by their efforts. IF tells her to save Uzume. Neptune agrees and the ship starts shaking. Neptune wonders what is going on as the scene was perfect for helping the player connect with the game's story. Steamax reports that the rear shield is down and monsters are boarding. Affimojas is upset with the fact that a ship that he has not paid off the loan for is damaged. Neptune volunteers to clear the monsters as she will not be a bum and earn her stay. Affimojas praises her spirits and leaves it to her.

Deeper in the ship, Neptune runs into Uzume. She asks what is going on with the noise. She wonders if she could help. Neptune tells her that she almost died and that they will handle the rest. Uzume responds that the injuries are nothing and that she can spit on it to heal it. Besides all the Zero Dimension's monsters are on the ship. She needs to help out. Uzume joins the party.

At the end of the ship, Nepgear reports that most of the monsters have been defeated. Uzume remarks that they saved the best monster for last. The monster roars. Nepgear wonders how that monster could have snuck in. Uzume says it is the perfect warm up. The party defeats the monster and Nepgear reports that all monsters have been defeated. Older Neptune notes that all that is left is to evade the pursuer monsters and make it to the Hyper Dimension. Uzume notices Kurome Ankokuboshi in the distance. She wonders why she is still here. Nepgear asks what is wrong. Did Uzume forget some monsters in the Zero Dimension. Uzume tells them the bad news.

Both Neptunes do not believe as they saw her disappear earlier. Uzume assures them that she saw her and runs off. Neptune tells her to wait. The three girls report to Affimojas and Steamax and ask for permission to leave. Affimojas understands and asks them to be careful. Nepgear says that they will.