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Dungeon/Victory II/Sakura Tree Row

From Neptunia Wiki

Sakura Tree Row is the first dungeon of the Planeptune route in Hyper Dimension Neptunia G: The Golden Leaders, Reconstructors of Gamindustri arc in Megadimension Neptunia VII. It costs 1000 credits to build a route to it.


The following items can be found in the dungeon. Items in the treasure chest can only be obtained once. Numbers are marked on the map to denote those treasure chests.

Treasures Hidden Treasures Destructible Object Items From Scouts
1) 1145 Credits 1) EnergyMate x1
Defeat Horsebird 5 times.
Healing Grass Herb
2) Wing Accessory x2 (Neptune's Attachment) 2) Floppy Disk
Win 4 times without healing
Herb Healing Herb
3) Monster Lv.1 x2 - Healing Herb Round Rabbit Tail
4) 1463 Credits - Horsebird Dung Horsebird Feather
5) Exuberant Fragment x1 - - Strawberry Jelly
6) Healing Grass x2 - - Gel Feeler
7) Older Man Lv. 3 x3 - - -
8) Silhouette Lv. 3 x2 - - -


  • Enemies marked with * require a scout the "Change Enemies" ability is deployed.
  • Enemies marked with ** will always appear.
  • Enemies in bold are considered Boss Monsters.

Common Type


Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Red Dogoo Strawberry Jelly Dogoo Jelly
Heal Dogoo Gel Feeler -
Horsebird Horsebird Feather Horsebird Thigh
Rabiilim Round Bright Tail Bright Rabbit Tail
Hall of Fame King S. Amazing Crown -
Red Dogoo+* Strawberry Dogoo -
Healing Dogoo* Red Gel Feeler Gel Feeler
Trojan Horsebird* Horsebird Feather Horsebird Thigh
Rabiilim Rude* Round Rabbit Tail -
Evil Greenie Squeed Squeed -


Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Red Dogoo Strawberry Jelly Dogoo Jelly
Heal Dogoo Gel Feeler -
Horsebird Horsebird Feather Horsebird Thigh
Rabiilim Round Bright Tail Bright Rabbit Tail
Red Dogoo+* Strawberry Dogoo -
Healing Dogoo* Red Gel Feeler Gel Feeler
Trojan Horsebird* Horsebird Feather Horsebird Thigh
Rabiilim Rude* Round Rabbit Tail -
Ancient Dragon Dragon Claws -

Scripted Type

Name Drop 1 Drop 2
Arfoire Plan: Forbidden Twig -


Hyper Dimension Neptunia G: The Golden Leaders, Reconstructors of Gamindustri

Neptune has followed IF who is tracking down a suspicious old woman, who is part of Secret Organization AffimaX and also responsible for burglaries in Planeptune.

When IF arrives, she notes that the place is pretty and does not look like a hideout for AffimaX. She also hopes that Neptune is not following her. However Neptune is happily following her. Deeper into the dungeon, IF decides to call out Neptune because she feels that Neptune is most certainly following her.

Neptune comes out and asks how did she know? IF says she had a hunch and Neptune asks if she would have been embarrassed if no one was following her. IF's face turns red and she brings the conversation back. Neptune has to go back because this is dangerous and she may not be able to defend Neptune. Neptune agrees and IF is happy to continue on her job.

Neptune is proud of her stubbornness and still follows IF. She hears trouble and Arfoire has captured IF. She asks IF to submit to her or else she will die. IF refuses as she made a promise to that girl to make Planeptune more prosperous and abundant. That girl, Neptune shows up to stop Arfoire from killing IF.

Neptune notes how sad it is that IF's cute face was messed up. IF tells Nep to stop joking around and focus on Arfoire. With IF remembering Neptune's nickname, she transforms and promises to avenge Iffy as well as figure out how she survived the Zero Dimension. IF joins Neptune in the fight as she finds everything Neptune does is too risky. The two girls defeat Arfoire. They want answers about the burglaries and her survival.

However, Steamax shows up and helps Arfoire escape with a smokescreen. Arfoire leaves behind a monster as Neptune is still searching for her. The monster attacks but the wounded IF guards Neptune and defeats the monster but gets ever more injured. Neptune borrows IF's cellphone to call Compa who quickly remembers Neptune. Neptune brings IF back to the hospital for treatment.