Category:Megadimension Neptunia VII
This category contains pages closely related to the key features of Megadimension Neptunia VII.
This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
Pages in category "Megadimension Neptunia VII"
The following 99 pages are in this category, out of 99 total.
- Parameter/Victory II
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Base White
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Black
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Black Orange
- Processor Unit/Victory II/BLANK
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Blue Cast
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Brave
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Build-X
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Cardboard
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Cat
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Compile Heart
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Cradle
- Processor Unit/Victory II/D-Ace Lite
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Dee-Ess Light
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Delphinus
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Double Round
- Processor Unit/Victory II/DX Silver
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Electric
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Fairy
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Fire Dragon
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Flame
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Flower Spirit
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Freeze
- Processor Unit/Victory II/G-Cube
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Generation
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Green
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Judge
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Lastation
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Leanbox
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Lilac
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Lilac-Mk2
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Lilac-Mk3
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Lost Purple
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Lowee
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Magic
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Maid
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Mail
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Martial
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Measurements
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Measurements Ver.S
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Metal
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Neptune
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Night Blue
- Processor Unit/Victory II/NTD-64
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Orange
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Orbital
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Piano Black
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Planeptune
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Prototype Black
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Prototype Cradle
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Prototype D-Ace
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Prototype Green
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Prototype Lilac
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Prototype Purple
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Prototype White
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Purple
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Round Next
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Snow
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Snowman
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Spectral
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Spectral Ver.S
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Stone
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Stone Gray
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Super BW
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Sweet
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Sweet Ver.S
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Swimming Suit
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Swimming Suit Ver.S
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Trick
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Uranus
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Violet
- Processor Unit/Victory II/W11
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Wasteland
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Wasteland Ver.S
- Processor Unit/Victory II/White
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Wind
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Wind Dragon
- Processor Unit/Victory II/Wonderland
- Processor Unit/Victory II/X-Round
Media in category "Megadimension Neptunia VII"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 481 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
Bamboo Sword.png 413 × 449; 377 KB
Banchou.png 132 × 167; 31 KB
Bastard Sword V2.png 220 × 220; 127 KB
Beam Katana -V- VII.png 669 × 608; 347 KB
Beam Katana mk2 VII.png 669 × 608; 352 KB
Beam Saber V2.png 250 × 250; 155 KB
Beast Spear VII.png 656 × 678; 429 KB
Black Heart V2 Scan.jpg 1,280 × 1,816; 586 KB
Black Heart V2.png 655 × 1,549; 689 KB
Black Sister V2.png 464 × 1,382; 239 KB
Blanc to Tsuitachi Sugosu.ogg ; 7.99 MB
Blanc V2 Scan.jpg 1,280 × 1,816; 633 KB
Blanc V2.png 604 × 1,355; 723 KB
Blanc's Dream - HiRes.png 1,920 × 1,408; 1.6 MB
Blanc's Room (Night).png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.29 MB
Blanc's Room.png 3,840 × 2,160; 2.34 MB
Bloody Cross (Top Nep) VII.png 714 × 726; 482 KB
BMmWWDh.jpg 4,240 × 5,602; 4.61 MB
Breeze Time.ogg ; 7.65 MB
C-Sha Chirper Icon.png 101 × 191; 21 KB
C-Sha.png 500 × 1,240; 453 KB
Captain Wazuoka.png 119 × 198; 22 KB
CfpNa2sUAAAWx3C.jpg 542 × 500; 48 KB
CFWArfoire Portrait VII.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.98 MB
Channel-Space-VII-Entrance.png 559 × 711; 284 KB
Cheekama.png 1,046 × 992; 800 KB
Cheetah Mask.png 162 × 183; 38 KB
Chef Yamagoe.png 176 × 217; 25 KB
Child Mayor.png 182 × 213; 25 KB
Chuko Chirper.png 125 × 143; 22 KB
Chuko.png 573 × 701; 177 KB
Claymore V2.png 220 × 220; 127 KB
Cleaning Robot.png 146 × 98; 21 KB
Compa Chirper Transparent.png 89 × 165; 31 KB
Compa V2.png 511 × 862; 468 KB
Confusion Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 20 KB
Croire Chirper.png 152 × 151; 41 KB
Croire V2.png 850 × 1,015; 746 KB
Cure Apathy Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 21 KB
Cure Confusion Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 20 KB
Cure Paralysis Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 19 KB
Cure Poison Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 19 KB
Cure Shadow Bind Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 18 KB
Cure Stun Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 19 KB
Cure Virus Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 18 KB
Dark Black Cutscene.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.47 MB
Dark Black Portrait.png 1,599 × 899; 2.63 MB
Dark Green Cutscene.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.18 MB
Dark Green Portrait.png 1,599 × 899; 2.7 MB
Dark Orange Cutscene.png 1,920 × 1,080; 3.14 MB
Dark Orange Portrait Extended.png 1,599 × 899; 3.2 MB
Dark Purple Approaches!.gif 400 × 225; 4.1 MB
Dark Purple Cutscene.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.6 MB
Dark Purple Descends.gif 320 × 180; 4.08 MB
Dark Purple Ultimate.gif 360 × 203; 5.11 MB
Dark White Cutscene.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.32 MB
Dark White Portrait.png 1,599 × 899; 2.91 MB
Dengeki.png 97 × 192; 27 KB
Dogoo Lady.png 556 × 929; 326 KB
Dogoo Man.png 1,153 × 3,043; 1.1 MB
DOSArfoire Portrait VII.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.79 MB
Downtown Lastation 2.png 3,840 × 2,160; 3.31 MB
Downtown Lastation 3.png 3,840 × 2,160; 3.63 MB
Downtown Lastation.png 3,744 × 2,122; 9.91 MB
Downtown Leanbox (With Clouds).png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.31 MB
Downtown Leanbox 2.png 3,840 × 2,160; 3 MB
Downtown Leanbox 3.png 3,840 × 2,160; 3.07 MB
Downtown Lowee 2 (No Effects).png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.13 MB
Downtown Lowee 2.png 3,840 × 2,160; 3.12 MB
Downtown Lowee 3 (No Effects).png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.29 MB
Downtown Lowee 3.png 3,840 × 2,160; 3.33 MB
Downtown Planeptune.PNG 3,764 × 2,133; 6.96 MB
Dragonfly Spear VII.png 743 × 672; 472 KB
Dreadnought VII.png 845 × 676; 554 KB
Ebiluzeme.png 1,280 × 2,048; 1,011 KB
Elemental Attack Down Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 21 KB
Elemental Attack Up Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 19 KB
Elemental Defense Down Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 23 KB
Elemental Defense Up Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 22 KB
Elemental Resistance Up Icon V2.png 42 × 42; 20 KB
Emerald Spear VII.png 944 × 726; 657 KB
Evergreen (kek) VII.png 762 × 726; 510 KB
Excalibur VII.png 669 × 608; 389 KB
Executioner VII.png 669 × 608; 363 KB
Fc0c82d9cc.jpg 1,280 × 678; 120 KB
Fried Shrimp.png 627 × 551; 152 KB
Gae Bolg VII.png 755 × 678; 496 KB
Gamer Man.png 108 × 159; 20 KB
Gehaburn V2.png 400 × 400; 395 KB
Giant Battle Megadimension VII.jpg 600 × 540; 293 KB
God Eater Blood Rage.jpg 1,280 × 720; 102 KB
God Eater CG- HiRes.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.46 MB
God Eater Scout.png 129 × 190; 25 KB
God Eater Weapon Costume Accessory.png 538 × 588; 292 KB
God Eater.png 514 × 633; 1.26 MB
GodEaterDesc.jpg 800 × 600; 98 KB
Goobs.png 589 × 499; 149 KB
Grassy Field.PNG 1,920 × 1,127; 1.91 MB
Green Heart V2 Scan.jpg 1,280 × 1,816; 566 KB
Green Heart V2.png 809 × 1,638; 848 KB
Guild Woman.png 248 × 248; 114 KB
HDNU-Famitsu Chirper Icon.png 134 × 201; 45 KB
HDNV2.png 660 × 325; 142 KB
HDNVII Noire School Uniform CG - HiRes.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.77 MB
HDNVII Rom&Ram CG - HiRes.png 4,350 × 3,035; 6.41 MB
HDNVII-MA-EXE.png 750 × 650; 388 KB
HDNVII-NP-EXE.png 750 × 650; 499 KB
HDNVIIGroupRender - HiRes.png 2,880 × 3,024; 3.04 MB
Heart Dimension H Logo.png 1,114 × 527; 451 KB
Heart Dimension Map.png 2,048 × 2,048; 5.85 MB
Histoire Gamipic mk2.png 123 × 150; 32 KB
Histoire VII.png 853 × 1,004; 663 KB
HNVII Feb112015 07.jpg 940 × 529; 108 KB
Holy Duel Lance VII.png 653 × 674; 444 KB
Holy Sword (lmao) VII.png 691 × 726; 469 KB
HomeS.png 103 × 171; 21 KB
Horyuchu.png 700 × 1,331; 589 KB
Huntingsword.png 220 × 220; 126 KB
Hyper Dimension G Logo.png 1,114 × 527; 480 KB
Hyper Dimension GC 2015.png 1,024 × 1,024; 2.78 MB
Icon orange.png 400 × 400; 212 KB
Icon uzume.png 400 × 400; 204 KB
IF V2.png 628 × 1,008; 592 KB
ILLUMINATI.ogg ; 2.22 MB
Javelin VII.png 711 × 680; 464 KB
K-Sha Chirper Icon.png 103 × 177; 19 KB
K-Sha.png 513 × 1,405; 2.77 MB
Keppy alt.png 158 × 178; 15 KB
Kirio.png 152 × 189; 29 KB
Kiryu Sword VII.png 669 × 608; 351 KB
Knee Socks Sword VII.png 669 × 608; 345 KB
Laevateinn VII.png 669 × 608; 378 KB
Lastation mk2 (Day).png 3,708 × 2,101; 5.35 MB
Leanbox mk2 (Day).png 3,812 × 2,160; 6.69 MB
Lost Eden VII.png 842 × 726; 575 KB
Lowee City (No Effects).png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.62 MB
Lowee Dungeon BG VII.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.59 MB
Lowee mk2 (Day).png 3,812 × 2,160; 9.04 MB
Lowee Night.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.44 MB
Mousou Katharsis.jpg 500 × 500; 70 KB
Mutant Warechu.jpg 1,280 × 720; 177 KB
Negatune.png 197 × 222; 45 KB
Negear-orangeheart.jpg 960 × 540; 91 KB
Nep Stinger VII.png 669 × 608; 360 KB
Nepgear V2.png 512 × 1,443; 625 KB
Nepgear&Neptune Ascension - HiRes.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.77 MB
Nepgear's Theme.ogg ; 1.05 MB
Nepgya Full Body Render - Ripped HiRes.png 471 × 1,561; 675 KB
Nepgya Scout.png 113 × 177; 25 KB
Neplunker BG.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.13 MB
Neptuko.png 158 × 194; 25 KB
Neptune and Nepgear's room.png 3,812 × 2,160; 6.65 MB
Neptune to Tsuitachi Sugosu.ogg ; 8.17 MB
Neptune V2.png 575 × 1,296; 458 KB
Neptune's Dream - HiRes.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.41 MB
Neptune, Noire, Blanc, Vert Cosplaying - HiRes.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.95 MB
Neptuneandnepgearzero.jpg 960 × 540; 87 KB
Neptuniagirlstowels.jpg 960 × 269; 55 KB
NepV2-Dark CPU concept art 2.png 3,616 × 5,584; 7.8 MB
NepV2-Dark CPU concept art.png 3,730 × 5,590; 9.38 MB
NepVII-Adult Neptune Arrives.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.81 MB
NepVII-Assassin Motto.png 384 × 384; 94 KB
NepVII-Baby Bug Chirper.png 152 × 135; 14 KB
NepVII-Back-Man.png 384 × 384; 130 KB
NepVII-Black Heart Chirper.png 137 × 188; 36 KB
NepVII-Black Sister Chirper.png 138 × 176; 28 KB
NepVII-Blanc Chirper.png 102 × 188; 25 KB
NepVII-Car Race.png 384 × 384; 109 KB
NepVII-Cook Now Papa.png 384 × 384; 128 KB
NepVII-Dankey Ape.png 384 × 384; 136 KB
NepVII-FC Vice Chairwoman.png 124 × 196; 29 KB
NepVII-G To A.png 384 × 384; 141 KB
NepVII-Game Over (Neplunker).jpg 1,280 × 720; 19 KB
NepVII-Green Heart Chirper.png 151 × 198; 31 KB
NepVII-Hail S-Sha.jpg 4,877 × 6,950; 2.54 MB
NepVII-Here Comes Presto Mask.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.55 MB
NepVII-Hot-Blooded Merc.png 173 × 232; 22 KB
NepVII-IF Chirper New.png 114 × 187; 30 KB
NepVII-JP Cover (Standard).jpg 640 × 805; 112 KB
NepVII-LE Cover Art full.png 2,880 × 3,024; 3.22 MB
NepVII-Lint Amamiya.png 172 × 194; 30 KB
NepVII-Maryo.png 124 × 198; 29 KB
NepVII-Misuo.png 107 × 190; 28 KB
NepVII-Mono-Noke Clock.png 384 × 384; 159 KB
NepVII-Monster Chaser.png 384 × 384; 172 KB
NepVII-Monument.png 384 × 384; 91 KB
NepVII-Mr Akai.png 110 × 182; 21 KB
NepVII-Ms Manual.png 105 × 172; 26 KB
NepVII-N Blanc Card.png 252 × 348; 170 KB
NepVII-N Chika Card.png 252 × 348; 163 KB
NepVII-N Compa Card.png 252 × 348; 166 KB
NepVII-N Histoire Card.png 252 × 348; 170 KB
NepVII-N IF Card.png 252 × 348; 164 KB
NepVII-N Kei Card.png 252 × 348; 163 KB
NepVII-N Mina Card.png 252 × 348; 159 KB
NepVII-N Nepgear Card.png 252 × 348; 161 KB
NepVII-N Nepgeardam Card.png 252 × 348; 141 KB
NepVII-N Neptune Card.png 252 × 348; 160 KB
NepVII-N Noire Card.png 252 × 348; 177 KB
NepVII-N Peashy Card.png 252 × 348; 146 KB