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This page lists all the enemies that appears in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1. Enemies are divided into the type each one belongs to. Dungeons highlighted in blue means that the enemy only appears if the "Add Enemies" plan for that dungeon is on. Dungeons highlighted in red means that the enemy only appears if the "Add Super Enemies" plan for that dungeon is on. Note that some enemies are only added via DLC.


Name Drops Habitat
Acrux Colosseum [S] "Phantom of Time"
Bearded Surfer Colosseum [E] "Game Hell"
Boomerang Bloody Boomerang MS Mountain
Colosseum [E] "Game Hell"
Colosseum [S] "Super Brawling Characters"
Boxer Cat Cat Gloves Noma Cave
Buff Shampuru Shampuru Ear Zeca Ruins No.1
Cat Knight MO Lv.3 Noma Cave (Add Enemies)
Cat Squirrel Rider Metafiction Lv.4 Gheytz Forest (Add Enemies)
Cerberus Hell's Mane
Busted Headphones
Fantasy Zone
Colosseum [A] "Lone Fang"
[Viral] Child Wolf Wolf Fur
Wind W
Mechtro Factory
[Viral] Coyote Sharp Fang
Orange Shades
Harada Orange
Zeca Ruins No.2
Crazy Buff Shampuru Large Medal A Zeca Ruins No.1 (Add Enemies)
Dangerous Shampuru Random Encounters Lv.2 Zeca Ruins No.1
Colosseum [S] "Major Monster Mash"
Delinquent Cat Delinquent Mask Ortan Fields
Fenrir (DLC) Noire's Ring Ario Plateau
Fenrir (Regular) Magical Wolf Fang Ortan Fields (Add Enemies)
Fenrir Wolf Magical Wolf Claw
Wind W
Halo Mountain
Ganglord Panther Ganglord Mask Factory No.459
Grafchocolo Action Play Donkong Ruins (Add Enemies)
[Viral] Gray Wolf High-Grade Pelt Nights' Dimension
[Viral] Hyena Hyena Pelt Donkong Ruins
Ice Fenrir Ice Wolf Claw Gunbreak Underground Cavern
In-the-way Jelly Colosseum [S] "Super Brawling Characters"
Kupokitty Kupokitty Claw Halo Mountain Peak
Lili Dungeon
Lean Tuna Cat Whisker Mechtro Factory
Ario Plateau
Magical Shampuru Shampuru Ear Zeca Ruins No.1
Max Cat Paw Gheytz Forest
Meow Meow Claw
Bell Ribbon
Kinest Range
Normal Shampuru Shampuru Ear Zeca Ruins No.1
Orthros Hell's Mane
Mint Hat
Zeca Ruins No.2
Pollux Large Medal D MS Mountain (Add Enemies)
Polytan Colosseum [S] "Polytan DENGEKI Fest!"
Purr4 Mysterious Glowing Object West Wind Valley
Replicant Powered Replay Toh-Kiden Cave (Add Enemies)
Ruffian Cat Ruffian Mask Avenir Storage No.4
Scary Buff Shampuru Slot Lv.2 Zeca Ruins No.1 (Add Enemies)
Shampuru Colosseum [S] "Shampuru... Puru!"
Slash Dog Hell's Mane Thelad Sanctuary (Story Event)
Super Otaku Checkered Shirt Cloth Monster Cave
Giant Island
Colosseum [E] "Perfect Little Sister"
tPad Out-Of-Date Pen Lowee Snowfield
Trick Crown Plan: Japanese Costumes
Nice Memories...
Uwii Ruins (Add Enemies)
Undisputed God's Peon Large Medal S
Maid S
Soulsac Cave (Add Enemies)
Vanargandr Phantom Wolf Claw
Aeon System
Graphic Pass
[Viral] Wild Dog Sharp Fang Naasne Volcano
[Viral] Wolf Wolf Pelt Halo Mountain
XDog Green Castella MS Mountain


Name Drops Habitat
1000-Year Dolphin Yummy Dolphin Soup Noma Cave
1000-Year Turtle Ancient Shell
Elegant Crown
M-Frontier Cave
Blaze Whale Famous Artist Lv.5 Nights' Dimension (Add Enemies)
Blue Whale Baseball Lv.5 Uwii Ruins (Add Enemies)
Child Whale Holy Whale Ball Mechtro Factory (Add Enemies)
Clione (Dropless) Giant Island
Colosseum [S] "Mascot Returns"
Clione (Graphic Pass) Lowee Elementary
Rotten Pork Soup
Graphic Pass (Add Enemies)
Clione (Haneda Forest) Rune Encyclopedia Haneda Forest (Add Enemies)
Clione (Millenium Labryinth) Large Medal V
Plan: Null Back Attack
Amazing Jelly
Millenium Labryinth (Add Enemies)
Clione (Naasne Volcano) Staff of Truth
LL Ring
Naasne Volcano (Add Super Enemies)
Clione (Night's Dimension) Legendary Relic Nights' Dimension (Add Enemies)
Clione (Noma Cave) Chivalrous Metal Noma Cave (Add Enemies)
Clione (Rebeat Resort) Nep's Ring Rebeat Resort
Clione (Uwii Ruins) Plan: CPU Crusher
Plan: U-Ring
White Heart PVC
Uwii Ruins (Add Super Enemies)
Clione (Yukawa Ruins) Large Medal T
Electric Switch
Yukawa Ruins (Add Enemies)
Clione (Zeca Ruins No.2) Large Medal U
Generous Spirit
Planeptune University
Zeca Ruins No.2 (Add Enemies)
Cyber Dolphin Electric Fin Adjiten Forest Pass
Cyber Whale Death is The End Lv.5 Fantasy Zone (Add Enemies)
Dolichorhynchops Check Tail Gheytz Forest
Dolphin Dolphin Tail
Frost S
MS Mountain
Event of Madness Colosseum [S] "Event of Madness"
Forest Crab Crab Shell Gravidaze Ruins
Forest Turtle Colosseum [B] "Moving Mountain"
Forest Whale Forest Extract
Large Medal C
Marubaco Forest (Story Event)
Ice Whale Monster Lv.3 Lowee Snowfield (Add Enemies)
King Crab Large Pincer Hyrarule Snowfield
Stella Plains
Land Whale Journey Lv.4
Wind L
Marubaco Forest (Add Enemies)
Mega Turtle Iron Shell
Heart Glasses
Dees Snow Forest
Penguin (DLC) P. SP Charger Rebeat Resort
Giant Island
Penguin (Regular) Slippery Wing
Pyocola's Hat
Dees Snow Forest
Plaid Dolphin Dream Dolphin Tail Lowee Snowfield
Saint Whale Small Whale Ball M-Frontier Cave (Add Enemies)
Tortoise Near Future Lv.4 Naasne Volcano
Mini Island
Turtle Turtle Shell
Mystic Hat
Marubaco Forest
Colosseum [S] "Major Monster Mash"
Volcano Turtle Colosseum [S] "Burning Mountain"
Weathervane Crab Colosseum [S] "Steel Demon"
Whale Whale Ball Avenir Storage No.3 (Add Enemies)
Wind Whale Colosseum [S] "Floating in Air"


Name Drops Habitat
Bincho Nice Meat Neo-Geofront
Boxbird Boxbird Wing Marubaco Forest
Cardbird Golden Crown
Cardboard H
West Wind Valley
Flame Bird Colosseum [D] "Purgatory"
Garuda Phantom Bird Wing
White Flower
Soulsac Cave
Ghost Bird Colosseum [S] "Ghost Fighter"
Gyps [Viral Eerie Bird] Phantom Bird Wing Graphic Pass
Horsebird Horsebird Feather Halo Mountain
Horsebird CAW Horsebird Thigh Gheytz Forest
Hraesvelgr Phantom Bird Wing West Wind Valley (Story Event)
King Boxbird Cool Boxbird Wing Neo-Geofront
King Cardbird King Crown Adjiten Forest Pass
[Viral] Nue Magical Beak Zeca Ruins No.2
[Viral] Paradise Avian Rainbow Wing Kinest Range
Phoenix Phoenix Wing Thelad Sanctuary
Prince Boxbird Nice Boxbird Wing
Face Visor
Road to Celestia
Prince Cardbird Silver Crown
Martial W
Millenium Labryinth
Roc Phantom Bird Wing Donkong Ruins
Servant of Fuujin Colosseum [D] "The Wind, uh, Blows"
Servant of Raijin Colosseum [S] "Thunder and Lightning"
[Viral] Shoebill Large Beak West Wind Valley
Mini Island
Giant Island
Suzaku Flamin' Wing Nights' Dimension
Thunderbird Peace Badge Kinest Range


Name Drops Habitat
WD Head Bomb Fragment MS Mountain
Colosseum [E] "Game Heaven"


Name Drops Habitat
Black Heart Memory +128MB West Wind Valley (Story Event)
Colosseum [S] "The CPU of Lastation"
Fake Black Heart (Strong) Cool Girl
Large Medal Z
Factory No.459 (Story Event)
Fake Black Heart (Weak) Cool Lady Ribbon Factory No.459 (Story Event)
Avenir Storage No.3 (Quest [A] "Fake Goddess of Lastation")
Fake Green Heart (Strong) Halo Mountain (Story Event)
Fake Green Heart (Weak) Elite Dress
Strangled Lump
Gheytz Forest (Story Event)
Halo Mountain (Quest [A] "Fake Goddess of Leanbox")
Fake Purple Heart (Strong) Large Medal X Neo-Geofront (Story Event)
Fake Purple Heart (Weak) Smile Spiral
Memory +1024MB
Neo-Geofront (Story Event)
Virtua Forest (Quest [A] "Fake Goddess of Planeptune")
Fake White Heart (Strong) Black M-Frontier Cave (Story Event)
Lowee Snowfield (Quest [A] "Fake Goddess of Lowee")
Fake White Heart (Weak) Large Medal G
Shooting Star
Overclocked Memory
Stella Plains (Story Event)
Colosseum [E] "Lowee Sisters"
Green Heart Colosseum [S] "The CPU of Leanbox"
Purple Heart Colosseum [S] "The CPU of Planeptune"
White Heart Colosseum [S] "The CPU of Lowee"


Name Drops Habitat
Blushing Hot Guy Indulgence Yukawa Ruins
Colosseum [E] "Delusion Goddess"
Bundodo Old Man Hobby Soul Factory No.459
Christmas Colosseum [E] "Seeking Support"
Colosseum [D] "Our Enemy"
Colosseum [D] "Over Our Dead Bodies"
Crush's Big Brother Hook
Black Nurse Cap
Nights' Dimension
Deus Man Youth Heart Ortan Fields
Monday Colosseum [D] "Over Our Dead Bodies"
Colosseum [D] "Worker's Enemy"
Old Death Aging Romanticism
Orbital-S S
Graphic Pass
Colosseum [E] "The Goddess & Oracle: Leanbox"
Old Man Deus Old Man's Pathos Gravidaze Ruins
Strange Person Wicked Heart Avenir Storage No.4
Colosseum [E] "Ninja Magic Battle"
Colosseum [E] "Perfect Little Sister"
Tokimeki Sister Palpitation Thelad Sanctuary
Colosseum [E] "Seeking Support"
Colosseum [E] "Tsundere Sister"
Colosseum [E] "Delusion Goddess"
Valentine's Day Colosseum [E] "Seeking Support"
Colosseum [D] "Over Our Dead Bodies"
Colosseum [D] "It is Year 0..."
Violent Good Girl Black Box Set
Low-Grade Ribbon
Lowee Snowfield


Name Drops Habitat
Dogoo Dogoo Jelly Virtua Forest
Colosseum [E] "A Small Adventurer"
Colosseum [E] "Many Dogoos"
Colosseum [S] "Mascot Returns"
Colosseum [S] "Gamindustri's Mascot"
Dogoo-Man Dogoo-Man Jelly Virtua Forest
Dreadnaught Dogoo Pretty 3D CG Lv.5 Graphic Pass (Add Enemies)
Colosseum [E] "Adventure Story"
Exhausted Jelly Fancy Jelly Noma Cave
Giant Dogoo Dogoo Jelly Duty Space
Colosseum [E] "Friendly Trio"
Heal Dogoo Gel Feeler Mechtro Factory
Healing Dogoo Red Gel Feeler Avenir Storage No.3
High Heal Dogoo Black Gel Feeler Halo Mountain
Horsebird Rider Learn by Dying Lv.4 Duty Space (Add Enemies)
Huge Dogoo Premium Jelly
Maid H
West Wind Valley (Add Enemies)
Hyperdimension Dogoo Launch Lv.5 Road to Celestia (Add Enemies)
Hypernaught Dogoo Colosseum [C] "Barring Wall"
In-the-way Dogoo Colosseum [E] "Game Heaven"
Jellyfish Dogoo Gel Feeler Soulsac Cave
Magical Dogoo Magical Jelly
Genius Brain
Adjiten Forest Pass
Magic Dogoo Magical Jelly
Snow L
Duty Space
Maximus Dogoous Juvenile Game Lv.5 Yukawa Ruins (Add Enemies)
Metal Dogoo Metal Jelly
Frost L
Marubaco Forest
Colosseum [E] "The Goddess & Oracle: Lowee"
Numb Dogoo Numb Jelly Gunbreak Underground Cavern
Obese Dogoo Prime Cut Dogoo Halo Mountain (Add Enemies)
Red Dogoo Orange Jelly Gheytz Forest
Lili Dungeon
Special Dogoo Polygon Lv.3 Hyrarule Snowfield (Add Enemies)
Stella Plains (Add Enemies)
Ultradimension Dogoo Colosseum [S] "What Lies Ahead of the Dimension"
Unplanned Dogoo Fancy Jelly Soulsac Cave (Add Enemies)


Name Drops Habitat
Adleig Colosseum [C] "The Lineage of 'D' I"
Ancient Dragon (DLC) Mini Island
Ancient Dragon (Story) Old Dragon...Orb
Memory +1024MB
Lowee Snowfield (Story Event)
Ancient Dragon (West Wind Valley) Old Dragon...Orb West Wind Valley
Boss Lizard Male-oriented Lv.3 Thelad Sanctuary (Add Enemies) (Story Event)
Crescent Dragon Old Dragon...Huh? Uwii Ruins
[Viral] Death Stalker Jet-Black Scale Duty Space
Directionless Soldier MMO Lv.4 MS Mountain (Add Enemies)
[Viral] Dragonia Knighted Scale Haneda Forest
[Viral] Dragon Knight Knighted Scale Naasne Volcano
[Viral] Dragon Warrior Knighted Scale Gravidaze Ruins
Elemental Dragon Dragon Claw Toh-Kiden Cave
Fafnir Colosseum [S] "The Lineage of 'D' III"
Forest God Colosseum [S] "Beast who hunts kings"
Gargoyle All Nighter Lv.3 Millenium Labryinth (Add Enemies)
[Viral] Gold Lizard Frozen Scale Lowee Snowfield
Grand Dragon Plan: Casual Colorful Toh-Kiden Cave (Add Enemies)
Grendel Large Medal E
Wind H
Gunbreak Underground Cavern (Add Enemies)
[Viral] Heavy Dragoon Magical Fragment Mechtro Factory
[Viral] High Lizard Blacklight Scale Yukawa Ruins
[Viral] Ice Lizard Earth Scale
Martial B
Soulsac Cave
Landvaettir Colosseum [C] "The Lineage of 'D' II"
Lizard King Pretty Girl Game Lv.5 Kinest Range (Add Enemies)
Lizard Knight Magical Fragment Road to Celestia
Lost Dragon Ancient...Thing Road to Celestia
Master Dragon Dragon Soul Gravidaze Ruins (Add Enemies)
Nidhogg Old Dragon...Horn Mechtro Factory
Raijin Soldier Colosseum [S] "Thunder Stream"
Ruin Dragon Old Dragon...Ball Yukawa Ruins
Tiamat God Soul Neo-Geofront (Add Enemies)
True Arfoire (Normal Ending) Nepped Animal Road to Celestia (Story Event)
True Arfoire (True Ending) Celestia Bangle Road to Celestia (Story Event)
Viral Lizard Knight Blacklight Scale Road to Celestia


Name Drops Habitat
Bashful Colosseum [S] "Ghost Fighter"
Call Boy Frozen Cloth Hyrarule Snowfield
Stella Plains
Clyde Messy Cloth Monster Cave
Colosseum [S] "Ghost Fighter"
Cold Girl Pink Ribbon
Bell Ribbon
Hyrarule Snowfield
Stella Plains
Contracted Angel Mysterious Halo
Rabbit Ears
Monster Cave
Lili Dungeon
Cuberial (DLC) P. SP Charger Ario Plateau
Cuberial (Regular) Soul Contract
Demon Pendant
Duty Space
Death Boy Death Cloth Haneda Forest
Death Girl Yellow Ribbon
Nurse Cap
Haneda Forest
Flame Skeleton Flamin' Bone Neo-Geofront Depths
Frozen Hell Lord Colosseum [E] "North Pole Fun"
Frozen Skull Ice Skeleton
Snow S
Lowee Snowfield
Hachibei Magical Contract
Angelic Tome
Naasne Volcano
Ice Boy Frozen Cloth Toh-Kiden Cave
Ice Girl Pink Ribbon Toh-Kiden Cave
Lightbulb Angel Mysterious Red Ball MS Mountain
Lost Boy Lost Holy Cloth Uwii Ruins
Lost Girl Lost Ribbon Uwii Ruins
Magma Boy Blazing Cloth Neo-Geofront
Colosseum [S] "Ghost Fighter"
Magma Girl Black Ribbon Neo-Geofront
Ms. Clyde Blue Ribbon Monster Cave
Ms. Pinky Invisible Ribbon Kinest Range
Pinky Invisible Cloth Kinest Range
Promise Keeper Contracted Ball
Nayuta Ribbon
Uwii Ruins
Promise Ring Insane Contract Yukawa Ruins
Red Eye Colosseum [E] "Contract with Me!"
Skeleton Bone Fragment Donkong Ruins
Skull Golden Tooth
W11 H
Road to Celestia
Snow Boy Soluble Cloth
Double Round H
Dees Snow Forest
Rebeat Resort
Snow Girl Pink Ribbon Dees Snow Forest
Rebeat Resort
Wood Skeleton Strong Wood Naasne Volcano
Ario Plateau


Name Drops Habitat
ASIC Remnants Iron Fragment Haneda Forest
Lowee Defense Guard Iron Fragment Lowee Snowfield
Stella Plains
Hyrarule Snowfield (Story Event)
Lowee High Guard Iron Fragment Donkong Ruins
Lowee Magical Soldier Silver Fragment Uwii Ruins
Lowee Soldier Iron Fragment Lowee Snowfield
Mini Island


Name Drops Habitat
Boxer-X Boxer-X Soul Virtua Forest
Coin Man Colosseum [E] "Game Heaven"
Giant Island
[Viral] Crystal Golem Crystal Skull Gravidaze Ruins
Soulsac Cave (Story Event)
Dogoonie Hard Earth Pipe Noma Cave
[Viral] Earth Golem Earth Crystal Toh-Kiden Cave
Frozen Hermit Crab Double Round W Colosseum [D] "North Pole Fun"
Rebeat Resort
[Viral] Ice Golem Ice Crystal Hyrarule Snowfield
Stella Plains
Magic Stone Magical Stone
Shooting Star
Toh-Kiden Cave
[Viral] Missile Golem Mithril Ore Soulsac Cave
Lili Dungeon
Pal Shell Power Stone West Wind Valley
Plam-met Blue Earth Pipe Duty Space
Plom-met Red Earth Pipe Fantasy Zone
Plum-met Earth Pipe Thelad Sanctuary
Ario Plateau
Rebirth Hand Colosseum [E] "Game Hell"
Colosseum [S] "Super Brawling Characters"
Giant Island
[Viral] Ruin Guardian Magical Core M-Frontier Cave
[Viral] Snow Golem Water Crystal Dees Snow Forest
Terits Purple Block
Cardboard W
Thelad Sanctuary
Ario Plateau
Lili Dungeon
Testri Yellow Block Fantasy Zone
Tetrisi Strangled Lump Graphic Pass
Thunder Golem Colosseum [S] "Thunder Stream"
Volcano Crab Blazing Ore Neo-Geofront


Name Drops Habitat
Baby Bug Colosseum [E] "Eat it Fried"
[Viral] Cyberfly Electric Wing Fantasy Zone
Demon Spider Strong Thread Road to Celestia
[Viral] Fairyfly Phantom Wing Millenium Labryinth
Lili Dungeon
Guard Vermin (DLC Variant) Mini Island
Guard Vermin (Regular Variant 1) Memory +64MB Virtua Forest (Story Event)
Guard Vermin (Regular Variant 2) SP Charger Monster Cave (Story Event)
Hell's Comb Colosseum [E] "Hell's Comb"
Mega Spider Elastic Thread M-Frontier Cave
Moonlight Bug Beam Zapper
V Crystal Ring
Adjiten Forest Pass (Add Super Enemies)
[Viral] Speckle Tiny Outfit Gheytz Forest
Spider Spider Thread
Strawberry Ribbon
Thelad Sanctuary
Sunlight Bug Silkiest Silk Zeca Ruins No.2 (Add Super Enemies)
[Viral] Swallowtail Big Butterfly Wing
White Cat Ears
Halo Mountain
Tarantula Venomous Thread Gunbreak Underground Cavern


Name Drops Habitat
A2-i Illegal Circuit
Homura Headset
Yukawa Ruins
Achilles Large Medal B Gravidaze Ruins (Add Enemies)
Aldebaran Pyocola M-Frontier Cave (Add Enemies)
Alkaid Dancing Controller Avenir Storage No.3 (Add Enemies)
Alnair TPS Lv.5
Maid L
Hyrarule Snowfield (Add Enemies)
Antares Magical Reactor 3
Mr. Pleiades
Naasne Volcano (Add Enemies)
Belgarion Visual Memory 16X
Large Medal I
Gunbreak Underground Cavern (Add Enemies)
Bit Small Circuit Ortan Fields
Bit Custom Illegal Circuit Avenir Storage No.3
Canopus DL Only Lv.2 Donkong Ruins (Add Enemies)
CPU Breaker Hard Cover
Metal Dress
Lastation (Story Event)
CPU Killer Fantasy Zone (Story Event)
Deneb 1-Player Online Lv.3
Adjiten Forest Pass (Add Enemies)
Deus Ex Machina Magical Reactor 4 Factory No.459 (Add Enemies)
Dominance Machine Magical Shell Haneda Forest
DSONE-0 Colosseum [S] "Super Iron Knight"
DSTT Illegal Hardware
Mystic Hat
Avenir Storage No.4
EDGE Illegal RAM Millenium Labryinth
Epsilon Homura Dees Snow Forest (Add Enemies)
Fomalhaut Colosseum [C] "Twinkling Star"
Galakryzer Visual Memory 8X Thelad Sanctuary (Add Enemies)
Colosseum [E] "Chuunibyou"
Heavy Tank Unexploded Shell Avenir Storage No.4
Herobo AG System
Superalloy Figure
Mechtro Factory (Add Enemies)
Colosseum [S] "The Pedigree of Justice"
High Bit Illegal Gadget Donkong Ruins
High Bit Custom Illegal Device Avenir Storage No.4
Item Jammer mk2 Colosseum [S] "Thunder Stream"
Colosseum [S] "What Lies Ahead of the Dimension"
Colosseum [S] "Thunder and Lightning"
Colosseum [S] "Beast who hunts kings"
Item Jammer No.1 Colosseum [S] "Event of Madness"
Item Jammer No.2 Colosseum [S] "Event of Madness"
Item Jammer Pod Stone H Hyrarule Snowfield (Story Event)
Item Jammer Pod + Colosseum [C] "Fear Purple"
Judge's Disciple Guitar Controller
Maid W
Halo Mountain (Add Enemies)
Killachine (Colosseum) Colosseum [B] "Revenger"
Killachine (Dees Snow Forest) Pachimon Circuit Dees Snow Forest (Add Enemies)
Killachine (Story) Magical Reactor Avenir Storage No.3 (Story Event)
Killachine 1.01 Magical Reactor 2
Stone B
Avenir Storage No. 4 (Story Event)
Killachine Mk-2 Large Medal H Lowee (Story Event)
Colosseum [S] "Revenger II"
Killachine Mk-3 Magical Reactor 2 Avenir Storage No.4 (Story Event)
M-3 Crude Circuit Ortan Fields
M-3D Crude Circuit Nights' Dimension
Mekidrygar Large Medal P Lowee Snowfield (Add Enemies)
Nemesis Plan: Cosplay Anthology
Energy Pack
Kinest Range (Add Enemies)
Mini Island
Neo Wing Colosseum [C] "Brave Wings"
Next Dimension Bit Illegal Tech Factory No.459 Depths
Next-Gen Ricky Nayuta Road to Celestia (Add Enemies)
Colosseum [E] "The Goddess & Oracle: Lastation"
Panzer Big Boom Shell
Memory +256MB
Lastation (Story Event)
Peacock Large Medal N
Plan: Symbol Attack On
Naasne Volcano (Add Enemies)
Procyon Many Resets Lv.5 Haneda Forest (Add Enemies)
R-4 Illegal Memory Avenir Storage No.3
R-4 Custom Illegal SSD Factory No.459
R4i-SDHC Magic Stone Avenir Storage No.3
Regulus Alisa Gheytz Forest (Add Enemies)
Ricky RELEASE Colosseum [S] "New Beat"
Roborival Alloy Plate Duty Space (Add Enemies)
Colosseum [E] "Iron Fist Tournament"
SDHC Custom Hyrarule Snowfield (Story Event)
Self-Defense System Vintage
Stone L
Hyrarule Snowfield (Story Event)
Sirius Hunting Lv.5 Zeca Ruins No.2 (Add Enemies)
Skill Jammer mk2 Colosseum [S] "Thunder Stream"
Colosseum [S] "What Lies Ahead of the Dimension"
Colosseum [S] "Thunder and Lightning"
Colosseum [S] "Beast who hunts kings"
Colosseum [S] "Mascot Returns"
Skill Jammer No.1 Colosseum [S] "Event of Madness"
Skill Jammer Pod Stone W Hyrarule Snowfield (Story Event)
Skill Jammer Pod + Colosseum [C] "Fear Purple"
Surpression Prototype Megaton Shell
Factory No.459
Tank Type 99 Megaton Shell Millenium Labryinth
Walking Auto Cannon Colosseum [E] "Goddess from Another Dimension"
Colosseum [B] "Steel Spider"
Zeta Herobo Rare Plate Factory No.459 (Add Enemies)


Name Drops Habitat
Aimable Rainbow Petal Millenium Labryinth
Alfred Red Petal
Fuzzy Charm
Graphic Pass
[Viral] Alraune Mysterious Petal West Wind Valley
[Viral] Aluna Mysterious Petal Marubaco Forest
[Viral] Alune Mysterious Petal Adjiten Forest Pass
Lili Dungeon
Apeldoom Red Petal
Flower Ribbon Ver-2
MS Mountain
Blue Sun Blue Seed Soulsac Cave
Carroteer Carrot Leaf Gheytz Forest
Cass Trap Tulip Stamen Factory No.459
Cherry Colosseum [S] "Super Brawling Characters"
Crack Tail Yellow Petal
Whip Cream Cap
Gravidaze Ruins
Delphi Eggplant Colosseum [C] "Eggplant Panic"
Mini Island
Delphi Eggplant MK-2 (Millenium Labryinth) Plan: Durandal
Plan: Black Cat Ring
Black Heart PVC
Millenium Labryinth (Add Super Enemies)
Delphi Eggplant MK-2 (Noma Cave) Plan: Kiryu Sword
Plan: S Ring
Purple Heart PVC
Noma Cave (Add Super Enemies)
Eggplanter Colosseum [C] "Eggplant Panic"
Colosseum [S] "Gamindustri's Mascot"
Eggplant Knight Colosseum [C] "Eggplant Panic"
Eggplant Paladin Colosseum [C] "Fear Purple"
Eggplant Rider Mediamix Strategy Lv.3 Avenir Storage No.4 (Add Enemies)
Colosseum [E] "The Goddess & Oracle: Planeptune"
[Viral] Expressive Tree Negative Root
Frost H
Gunbreak Underground Cavern
Floristan Red Petal Donkong Ruins
[Viral] Flower Fairy Mysterious Petal Noma Cave
[Viral] Forest Spirit Mysterious Petal Zeca Ruins No.2
Frozen Flower Colosseum [E] "North Pole Fun"
[Viral] Insatiable Tree Negative Bark Adjiten Forest Pass
Matango Matango Spore Avenir Storage No.3
Moulin Rouge Red Seed Toh-Kiden Cave
Mushroom Bro Colosseum [E] "Game Heaven"
Nurse Binder Newbie Nurse Cap Ortan Fields (Add Enemies)
Colosseum [C] "Eggplant Panic"
Orange Flower Orange Petal Zeca Ruins No.2
Radisher Radish Leaf
White Cat Ears
Halo Mountain
[Viral] Rafflesia Poisonous Petal Neo-Geofront Depths
Shiny Cherry Colosseum [E] "Game Hell"
[Viral] Something Tree Shaking Leaf
Usada's Hat
M-Frontier Cave
Giant Island
Sunflowery Sunflower Seed
Gothic Ribbon
West Wind Valley
Tulip Yellow Petal Virtua Forest


Name Drops Habitat
Invader UFO Controller M-Frontier Cave
Malvader Nice Antenna Fantasy Zone
Nanovader Cell Antenna Gunbreak Underground Cavern
Lili Dungeon
Pixelvader Pixel Antenna
Monster Cave
Colosseum [S] "Mascot Returns"
Colosseum [S] "Gamindustri's Mascot"
Poxvader Mal Antenna Avenir Storage No.3


Name Drops Habitat
????? Monster Cave (Story Event)
Arfoire (Variant 1) Large Medal M Halo Mountain (Story Event)
Arfoire (Variant 2) Journey Lv.4
Stone S
Halo Mountain (Story Event)
Arfoire (Variant 3) Fantasy Zone (Story Event)
Arfoire (Variant 4) Neptune: Transformed Road to Celestia (Story Event)
Big Pirachu Large Medal J Marubaco Forest (Add Enemies)
Delphinus Colosseum [D] "God of War"
Gebachu Sexy Coordination Neo-Geofront (Add Enemies)
Hyper Gebachu Plan: Gungnir
Plan: Round Ring
Green Heart PVC
Nights' Dimension (Add Super Enemies)
Legacy Colosseum [S] "Ruler of the End"
Legacy Mk-2 Virtua Blaster
Vita Ring
Yukawa Ruins (Add Super Enemies)
Overlord Momus (Variant 1) Trapezohedron
Momus Stamp
Fantasy Zone (Story Event)
Overlord Momus (Variant 2) Histy's Bookmark
Planeptune (Story Event)
Overlord Momus (Variant 3) Sharicite Planeptune (Story Event)
Pirachu Colosseum [C] "Yay, Pirachu! *kiss*"
Super Gebachu Staff of Ideals
Pop-up Ring
Kinest Range (Add Super Enemies)
True Legacy Valiant Tama Haneda Forest (Add Super Enemies)
Vestiges of Momus Colosseum [D] "Lost Image"
Viral Mareshimono Large Medal O
Maid B
Fantasy Zone (Add Enemies)
Wild Pirachu Large Medal K Avenir Storage No.4 (Add Enemies)

  • A viral enemy has, almost always, the same drop table as its non-viral counterpart has.
  • Enemies in the Colosseum, Giant Island and Mini Island don't drop any items.