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This page contains information regarding Tekken's SP skills in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1.

SP Skills

Fujin Fist

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 600 Hit Count: 1
Power: 400 Guard Damage: 1000
Radius: Single Range: 5.0
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: The Fujin Fist is an elementary move using the Fujin Step technique.

Raijin Fist

Level: 59 Notes: None
SP Cost: 1250 Hit Count: 1
Power: 500 Guard Damage: 1250
Radius: Single Range: 5.0
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: The Raijin Fist is an advanced move using the Fujin Step technique.


Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 400 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 5.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect:
Description: I'll use my fighting spirit to raise an ally's STR and VIT.

Fujin Step

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 400 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 5.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect: LUK ↑
Description: The Fujin Step technique will raise an ally's AGI and LUK, so they dodge more swiftly.