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Command/EXE Drive/Re;Birth1/Blanc

From Neptunia Wiki

This page contains information regarding Blanc's EXE Drive skills in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1.

EXE Drive Skills

Hard Break

Level: Initial Notes: None
EXE Needed: 1 Hit Count: 3
Power: 910 Guard Damage: 833
Radius: Circular 6.0 Range: 6.0
Affinity: Type: EXE Drive
Category: Physical Attack Effect: ----
Description: Blanc's special attack. A single blow that rips even CPUs to shreds.

Third Break

Level: Event Notes: Unlock Rom and Ram
EXE Needed: 2 Hit Count: 8
Power: 561 Guard Damage: 1200
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Affinity: Type: Coupling Skill
Category: Physical Link Effect: ----
Description: Rom and Blanc's Coupling Skill.
  • To execute, both must be in either human or in CPU form.

Hex Ravine

Level: Event Notes: Unlock Rom and Ram
EXE Needed: 2 Hit Count: 8
Power: 561 Guard Damage: 1100
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Affinity: Type: Coupling Skill
Category: Physical Link Effect: ----
Description: Ram and Blanc's Coupling Skill.
  • To execute, both must either human or in CPU form.


Level: Chapter 4 scenario Notes: None
EXE Needed: 2 Hit Count: 8
Power: 694 Guard Damage: 1000
Radius: Circular 3.0 Range: 4.0
Affinity: Type: Coupling Skill
Category: Physical Link Effect: ----
Description: Neptune and Blanc's Coupling Skill.
  • To execute, both must be either human or in CPU form.

Dry Ravine

Level: Event Notes: Unlock Rom and Ram
EXE Needed: 3 Hit Count: 6
Power: 1054 Guard Damage: 2741
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Affinity: Type: Formation Skill
Category: Physical Link Effect:
Description: Rom, Ram, and Blanc's Formation Skill.
  • To execute, all must be either human or in CPU form.