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This page contains information regarding Ram's SP skills in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1.

SP Skills

Ice Coffin

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 256 Hit Count: 2
Power: 242 Guard Damage: 295
Radius: Circular 5.0 Range: 7.0
Category: Magical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect:
Description: This magic breaks an enemy within a coffin of ice. It's the same magic as Rom!

E-Force Blizzard

Level: 70 Notes: None
SP Cost: 720 Hit Count: 2
Power: 333 Guard Damage: 495
Radius: Circular 6.0 Range: 8.0
Category: Magical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect:
Description: This is one I learned directly from my big sister! By the way, what's the deal with middle schoolers?

I'll Tickle You!

Level: 69 Notes: None
SP Cost: 320 Hit Count: 1
Power: 20 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: 5.0 Range: Single
Category: Heal Type: Heal Skill
Affinity: Effect:
Description: Okay, where are you most ticklish? (Removes all negative status ailments for one ally)

Go For it

Level: 16 Notes: None
SP Cost: 320 Hit Count: 1
Power: 25 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Category: Heal Type: Heal Skill
Affinity: Effect:
Description: I'm supporting you, so do your best! (Restores 25% of an ally's HP and increases the INT and MEN of an ally)