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This page contains information regarding Plutia's SP skills in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1.

SP Skills

Fancy Rain!

Level: 10 Notes: Becomes "Fighting Viper" in HDD
SP Cost: 540 Hit Count: 1
Power: 300 Guard Damage: 800
Radius: Circular 4.0 Range: 5.0
Category: Magical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: I'll drop a stuffed animal on you...


Level: 60 Notes: Becomes "Drive Stab" in HDD
SP Cost: 600 Hit Count: 2
Power: 333 Guard Damage: 492
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Category: Magical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect:
Description: I'll hit you using my stuffed animal like a boomerang...

Fancy Rain?

Level: 26 Notes: Becomes "Verbal Abuse" in HDD
SP Cost: 540 Hit Count: 2
Power: 248 Guard Damage: 392
Radius: Circular 4.0 Range: 5.0
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect:
Description: Um, something weird happened...


Level: Default Notes: Doesn't change in HDD
SP Cost: 100 Hit Count: 1
Power: 30 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Category: Heal Type: Heal Skill
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: I'll heal 30% of your HP.

Hyper Heal!

Level: 24 Notes: Doesn't change in HDD
SP Cost: 300 Hit Count: 1
Power: 75 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Category: Heal Type: Heal Skill
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: I'll heal 75% of your HP.


Level: 13 Notes: None
SP Cost: 200 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect:
Description: I'll make you smarter. (Raises INT of one ally)

In HDD: I'll make that stupid brain of yours a little smarter. (Raises INT of one ally)


Level: 42 Notes: None
SP Cost: 400 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect:
Description: I'll make you sooooo smart! (Raises INT and MEN of one ally)

In HDD: I'll train that stupid brain of yours. (Raises INT and MEN of one ally)


Fighting Viper

Level: 10 Notes: "Fancy Rain!" turns into this skill in HDD
SP Cost: 432 Hit Count: 3
Power: 299 Guard Damage: 256
Radius: Circular 4.0 Range: 5.0
Category: Magical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: I'll slice you in two with my thunder blade.

Drive Stab

Level: 60 Notes: "Boomerang!" turns into this skill in HDD
SP Cost: 480 Hit Count: 6
Power: 323 Guard Damage: 154
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Category: Magic Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: Sometimes you need to seal your opponent's skills. After that, you can have whatever fun you'd like with their bound body.

Verbal Abuse

Level: 26 Notes: "Fancy Rain?" turns into this in HDD
SP Cost: 432 Hit Count: 6
Power: 233 Guard Damage: 133
Radius: Circular 4.0 Range: 5.0
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect:
Description: I'll grind my heel into you and scold you real good...