Affimojas is located in a huge aerial battleship and calls himself a General. He is the leader of Secret Organization AffimaX. He personally manages the biggest information site in Gamindustri, @GeneralSummarySite, and thanks to the affiliates, he manages to obtain huge quantities of money.
Affimojas' mech suit is large, elaborate and intimidating.
He has an extreme obsession towards money, and for the sake of money he's willing to plunge Gamindustri into chaos. Affimojas can be deceptive, as when initially fighting the CPUs, he feigned defeat to attack them while their guard was down.
Much like Steamax, Affimojas is somewhat perverted, as while initially against the CPUs, he only switched sides when he was given lewd photos of Vert. He is fond of busty blondes, even having a "Busty Blond" school of sorts for it.
Main Article: Affimojas/Relationships
Megadimension Neptunia VII
Hyper Dimension Neptunia G: The Golden Leaders, Reconstructors of Gamindustri
He talks to a voice saying that he is happy with the way the world has been rewritten. Now he can profit as much as he wants. The voices tells him, he must uphold his end of the bargain. Affimojas agrees and tells the voice, he already sent Steamax to acquire some item required to uphold the deal.
The voice wonders if he can introduce Steamax to her. Affimojas refuses.
Affimojas is summarizing for his blog site. He notes there is quite a lot to do as news keeps coming out. Steamax returns from his secret mission. He has procured the doujinshi that the general has ordered. He gives his thanks to Steamax and the two then drop the formalities. Affimojas admits he was very worried about this since his pre-order failed and he was glad to have given the job to Steamax. They then read the doujinshi and enjoy the "busty blondes" in it.
Steamax then reports he saw Neptune. The general is amazed he saw her and the fact that Neptune is still around. He asks if he saw her in her HDD form. Steamax says he did and Affimojas gets jealous. Neptune has such an amazing body, with the only problem is that she is not blonde. Affimojas asks if Steamax talked to her. He admits he did not and Affimojas berates him, he should be able to talk to girls by now. He asks Steamax to do another mission and is sorry to burden him with another mission after he just returned from one. Steamax agrees but tells him to go outside, but Affimojas would love to cannot because he must work on his blog site since his ad-revenue is close to doubling for this month.
A voice then shows up after Steamax left. She asks Affimojas, if he is pursuing her item. He says that he since he indebted to her thanks to what she did to the world. The voice asks for his opinion of the current Gamindustri. Affimojas calls a golden tree, monsters are multiplying, people are fighting and in despair, there is so much profit to be had from information. She wants to take it up an notch as people's suffering is like honey to her. It would be more profitable for the general and asks for his opinion. He stays silent.
Affimojas is glad to hear that his ninja has found the Swirl Console. He asks him to retrieve much to Arfoire's displeasure. She asks why, Affimojas wants reliability in retrieving the console and only Steamax can deliver. Arfoire has failed in Planeptune and Leanbox as well.
Steamax returns with the Swirl Console and Affimojas thanks him. Steamax asks him why Affimojas is so intent to taking this console. Affimojas tells him it is not his business. Steamax attempts to bribe him with rare adult magazines. Affimojas gets angry at him and refuses and demands the console. Steamax gives him the console and leaves sad.
Heart Dimension Neptunia H: Trilogy Finale: Into Legend
True Ending
In the True Ending of the game, Affimojas is seen with Steamax, where he shows him a new Lady Vert figurine. The two discuss it with great detail, and Affimojas prepares to put it as an advertisement alongside an article about Noire given to him by K-Sha. Noire comes in and yells at the two for publishing embarrassing details; Affimojas defends himself by stating that he has not "twisted" anything and that he simply copy and pasted it word by word. It is shown that after his defeat, he was placed on probation due to helping the CPUs later on.
Main Article: Affimojas/Quotes