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Blossom Aisen

From Neptunia Wiki



Blossom Aisen has short blonde hair and purple eyes while her general appearance in terms of clothing is that of a fencer (which also fits with her weapon of choice). Her attire consists of a white shirt with an elegantly designed jacket over it consisting of a purple base color with gold lining and black stripes on the sleeves and cuffs.



Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart





  • Enemy Slash Resist Down Lv2
  • Credits Gained Up Lv2

Leader Effect

Cute, Valiant Girls

  • Null Anxious
  • Drop Rate Up Lv3

Normal Skills

LV Name SP Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Musical Sword Dance 40 None Physical Single 175 Straight 1-4 ± 1 None
A beautiful, graceful sword attack.
Initial Standby! 50 None Support Self 100 0 ± 99 STR, TEC 50% ↑
Prepare for you next turn.
Initial Stage storm 60 None Physical Cross 2 215 0 ± 1 Anxious
A striking, beautiful slash.
27 Blossa of Operetta 70 None Support Single 200 1-3 ± 99 STR, INT, VIT, MEN, LUK 25% ↑
Blossom's performance.
40 Grand finale! 125 None Physical Cross 1 310 0-4 ± 1 50% Dizzy
This grand finale will end the battle.

Special Moves

LV Name Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Last Curtain Call None Physical Cross 1 200 + 4 * Level 0-4 ± 1 50% Love
This is the enemy's curtain call.


  • The Sakura Wars franchise is a popular Strategy RPG series created by Sega. It is lesser known outside of Japan due to the fact that it had has only one game released on the PS2 and Wii in North America and only the Wii in Europe. Years later, it got a soft-reboot entry for the PS4 in which, got released worldwide.