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Lady Wac

From Neptunia Wiki
I will eat everything in the universe!
—Lady Wac



Lady Wac has medium-long, pale blonde hair worn in puffy pigtails and held with a dark purple frilly headband with a bow attached to it that has a big orange center and small purple and blue diamond. Her eye color is red behind her long bangs. Her outfit consists of a mauve tank top with a mauve neck and lower arm sleeves, all of white have dark blue-black ruffles and a few gold buttons. Between her chest and collar is sheer material.

Her skirt is purple with pale pink and white accenting, pale mauve-pink ruffles underneath, and a very pale pink ribbon around her waist with a decor cherry on the side. In the pocket of her skirt is a blue, rounded creature. Her shoes simply consists of pale yellow and red with brown on top, giving them a chocolate covered appearance, with clasps of strawberries, worn with white pantyhose.


Lady Wac is an elusive girl. She often teases other people and makes them angry. Her age is a secret, but compared to the others, it is certain that she is a generation ahead of them. She loves retro games and delicious things. In addition, she hates youth and her specialty is eating anything.


Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart





  • Magical Defense Lv2
  • Ignore Height

Leader Effect


  • JMP +1
  • LUK 50% ↑

Normal Skills

LV Name SP Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Din-Din Time 40 None Magical Single 200 1-6 ± 99 Absorb 25% HP
Gobble up the enemy's HP!
Initial Warp 80 None Support Single 200 Unlimited ± 99 Swap position with ally
Lady Wac's warp magic.
Initial One Of Each, Please! 120 None Magical Cross 1 225 0-4 ± 99 100 % Anxious, Absorb 15% HP
Consume foes in range.
Initial Mystery Fruit Power 80 None Support Cross 1 100 0-4 ± 99 MOV, JMP +1
Eat a mysterious fruit.
40 Red Devil 150 None Magical Area 2 270 0-4 ± 99 50% Dizzy

Absorb 25% HP

Eat the enemy's HP.

Special Moves

LV Name Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Pac and Eat None Magical Area 3 155 + 3.1 * Level 0-4 ± 99 Absorb 30% HP
todo Special move power formula