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Generia G.

From Neptunia Wiki
Using military might to oppress the masses is unavoidable.
—Generia G.

Generia G. is one of the generals appearing in Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart. She is a super mechanic that can always do something if it's related to machines.



Generia has bright gold eyes and pale, short hair worn with a white and black cap with gold accenting and a ruby in the center. Over her eyes are a pair of red frame glasses. She wears a white and gray body piece with black underneath, and accenting of gold, dull bronze-brown, red, and blue. Around her waist is a black belt with a detailed white and gold piece with a big G on the center. On top of her arms are big white sleeves with dull bronze on top and red on bottom, worn with white gloves. Her boots give her a robotic look, being white plated material with black and silver on top, and red footing with big white cuffs around the ankle. 


Generia is greatly interested in mechanical constructions, often creating various robots during her spare time. She can fix any issues that machines may have due to her experience.


Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart





  • VS Machine Resist Lv2
  • SP Use Down Lv2

Leader Effect

No More Zeroes!

  • Null Freeze Bug
  • Lightning Defense Lv4

Normal Skills

LV Name SP Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Generia Awakened 25 None Physical Single 125 1-4 ± 1 30% Dizzy
The awakened Generia warps and attacks.
Initial Maintenance 35 None Recovery Single 200 0-1 ± 99 HP 30% recovery Status change recovery
Give your allies a little tune-up.
Initial Overhaul 70 None Physical Single 200 1 ± 1 Critical

STR, VIT 5% ↓

Critical damage to an adjacent enemy.
Initial Come, Giant Mech! 100 Fire 4 Magic Cross 1 225 0-4 ± 99 50% Anxious
A vulcan cannon hits enemies in range.
40 Come, Giant Mech mk2! 150 None Magic Straight line 5x3 260 One ± 99 30% Dizzy
A beam attack hits enemies in range.

Special Moves

LV Name Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Generia, Deploying! None Magic Range 3 155 + 3.1 * Level 0-5 ± 99 Freeze Bug 30%
A super beam attack hits foes in range.


  • In the Japanese version, She uses a characteristic "de arimasu" at the end of each sentence.