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Ein Al

From Neptunia Wiki



Ein Al is a girl with short, pale blonde spiked hair with part of it being in a long flowing, thin ponytail. She has highlights of orange surrounding her face, and sea foam colored eyes, one of which has a tattoo resembling two swords. She wears a revealing top of dull red and silver lining that resembles a bikini with a pink bunny resting between her breasts, holding a cyan diamond that matches her earrings.

Her skirt matches this, with spiked ruffles lining the bottom and zippers every few inches. On one arm are multiple straps, while the other is entirely covered with a piece of armor on the upper portion. Around each hand is a loose gray glove lined in white. She also wears a black and silver collar piece, two belts on her left leg, and dull red boots with armor pieces on top. On the right side of her body are curled, crescent moon and tiny diamond shapes.


Ein Al is a mysterious sword girl. At first glance, she has a serious cool atmosphere around her but she's intentionally showing her stylishness, the so-called chuunibyou. She loves using difficult words, but she also occasionally shows her true colors.




They seem to have a small competitive rivalry mostly seeing who is a better hero. This may stem from the fact that both characters are based on long running JRPGs created by Square-Enix, Dragon Quest (Estelle) and Final Fantasy (Ein Al).

It should be noted that, before the merger, Squaresoft had created FF and Enix had created Dragon Quest and in Japan, both series were highly competitive.


Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart





  • Magical Defense Lv2
  • Exp Up Lv1

Leader Effect

Last Delusion! Don't Die.

  • Null Reaper
  • VIT 15% ↑

Normal Skills

LV Name SP Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Blind Blade 25 None Physical Single 135 1 ± 1 TEC, LUK 10% ↓
Attack with a dark blade.
Initial Silent blade 40 None Physical Line 3 150 1 ± 1 50% Skillseal
Attack foes in range with the gunblade.
16 Encouragement 60 None Support Cross 1 185 0-3 ± 99 STR, INT 25% ↑
Ein voice her support (we think).
27 Bloody Assault 90 None Physical Around 1 225 0 ± 1 VIT 10% ↓
Lowers enemy defenses.
40 Meteor Blade 130 Fire 5 Magic Cross 1 285 0-4 ± 1 None
Tiny meteors fall from the sky.

Special Moves

LV Name Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Bahamut G Summon Fire 5 Magic Cross 2 165 + 3.3 * Level 0-4 ± 99 Freeze Bug 50%
Suffer the flames of Gigabyte Flare!


Ein Al's name is derived from the 'Ain' and 'Aru (Al)' in 'Fainaru Fantajī (Final Fantasy).'


  1. Credits — Xanthe Huynh. Retrieved on August 5, 2022.