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Ohohoho! Grovel, minions, for I am the chosen one!



Sango has long light brown hair that is tied into a four, looped piece on the back of her head, resembling a butterfly shape from the front. It's worn with a purple and gold butterfly piece. Her eyes are purple. Sango wears a kimono consisting mainly of red and dark purple, with accenting of ivy-green or gold all over it. Around her waist is a gold piece with a lavender gem in the center, with a huge, gold pearl chain attached to it. Her shoes are simple dark colored flats. 


Sango thinks she possesses absolute authority, so she ends up acting bossy in front of everyone. She likes to tease and harass people like a sadistic girl, but it appears she doesn't hate to be punished as well.


Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart





  • Physical Resist Lv2
  • Magic Defense Lv2

Leader Effect

Skill Musou!

  • SP x1.5
  • Enemy Pierce Resist Down Lv5

Normal Skills

LV Name SP Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Jasen 75 None Physical Straight 2 200 Straight 1-2 ± 1 50% Poison
Pierce the enemy with poison!
Initial Awakened Spirit 100 None Support Perimeter 100 0 ± 99

STR, INT 20% ↑, Critical rate +15% ↑

Awaken, warrior!
Initial Hiten 100 None Physical Straight 10 245 1 ± 1 50% Anxious
Damage enemies way off in the distance.
Initial Taunt 75 None Support Cross 1 100 0-4 ± 99 50% Berserk
Sango's attitude is infuriating!
40 Musou Seiryu 180 None Physical Area 2 305 0-4 ± 1 30% Dizzy
Damage all enemies in range.

Special Moves

LV Name Attribute Type Target Power Firing Range Vertical Range Special Effect
Initial Super Musou Rage! Lightning 5 Physical Area 3 185 + 3.9 * Level 0-4 ± 1 30% Freeze Bug
Deals lightning damage to foes in range.


Sango's name is derived from the 'Sango' in 'Shin Sangokumusō' which is the Japanese name for the Dynasty Warriors franchise.

  • The name Sango means "coral" (サンゴ) in Katakana.
    • Coral is actually listed as one of the Seven Precious Things. Among other mystical properties, coral was believed to protect people from evil spirits.
