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Parameter/Game Maker R:Evolution

From Neptunia Wiki

This page lists the raw stat parameters (meaning without equipment) at the max level cap (Lv.99) for Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution.


  • HP (Hit Points): Determines the amount of damage a character can take. When HP reaches 0 the character will become knocked out. It is possible to revive them if you possess the necessary revival items or skills.
  • STR (Strength): Determines the physical power of a character.
  • VIT (Vitality): Determines the physical defense of a character.
  • INT (Intelligence): Determines the magical power of a character.
  • MEN (Mentality): Determines the magical defense of a character.
  • AGI (Agility): Determines how often a character's turn comes up in battle. It also affects escape success rate.
  • TEC (Technique): Determines attack accuracy.
  • SPD (Speed): Determines the how fast a character can move during their turn.
  • LUK (Luck): Determines critical hit ratio and attack avoidance.
  • Elemental Attribute Defense: This is determined by the equipment a character has on. Elemental defense ranges from Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, and Darkness and is specified with percentages.

Character Parameters

Older Neptune 12360 519 334 238 390 100 100 100 100
Pippih 10600 436 501 396 361 100 102 100 98
Jagaa 12400 341 426 406 411 102 100 98 100
Reedio 9100 326 376 546 531 97 96 100 98
Neptune 12100 506 331 226 371 100 100 100 100
Noire 9300 560 537 407 499 105 100 100 95
Blanc 13700 516 556 151 196 100 98 100 102
Vert 10200 406 331 296 506 98 102 100 100
Nepgear 10800 401 391 351 421 100 100 100 100
Uni 9900 371 366 426 401 95 105 100 100
Rom 8000 191 271 546 676 98 102 100 100
Ram 8500 236 386 501 531 100 98 100 102