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Cultural references/Game Maker R:Evolution

From Neptunia Wiki

This page contains cultural references that can be found in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution.


Video Game Parodies

  • Atari Jaguar: Jagaa's catchphrase "Do the math!" references the slogan used to promote the console.
  • Trip Hawkins: Reedio says "It's a new experience!" when she wins a battle, referencing Trip Hawkins' quote from the first 3DO commercial in Japan starring him.




  • AT Boomerang: The design resembles the Pippin's AppleJack controller.



  • Fresh Squid: References the Inkling from the Splatoon series.
  • Hyu: References Ryu from Street Fighter.
  • Impawstor: References the Crewmate/Impostor from Among Us.
  • Mr. Sneek: References Solid Snake from the Metal Gear series.
  • Pyo: References the puyos from Puyo Puyo.
  • Rapapa: References Parappa the Rapper.
  • ShiRHa: References YoRHa No.2 Type B from NieR:Automata.
  • Stephan: References Steve from Minecraft.
  • Western Witch: References Marisa Kirisame from the Touhou Project series.


  • Kirio: References Kirito from Sword Art Online.
  • Nicholas Sixx: References Nikki Sixx from the American rock band Mötley Crüe.
  • Saturn Shiro: References Segata Sanshiro.



  • Chain Stab: References Scorpion's Spear special from Mortal Kombat.


  • Mission Possible: References Mission: Impossible.


The ending credits reference various video games:

  • 3DO: The "Welcome to our DIMENSION World" screen references the 3DO's screensaver when a game is not inserted.
  • Excitebike: When Older Neptune races on a course similar to the one in the game.
  • Cybermorph: Jagaa's head pops up to talk to the player piloting a spaceship.