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Command/Combo/Game Maker R:Evolution/Nepgear

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This page lists Nepgear's Combo Skills in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution.

Power Combos

Sphere Beats

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Power Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 5
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Step forward and slash the surrounding area.

Rising Beats

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: Wind
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 12
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: A jumping slash that calls down a lightning strike. Power increases when performed after a rush combo skill.

Assault Beats

Icon: Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Power Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 25
Hit count: 1 Status Ailment: -
Description: Dropkick the enemy using the sword as a launching point. Power increases when performed after a break combo skill.

Aurora Beats

Icon: Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: Light
Combo Type: Power Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 20
Hit count: 4 Status Ailment: -
Description: Unleash a shockwave that travels across the ground. Power increases when performed after a power combo skill.

Icicle Beats

Icon: Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 12
Hit count: 3 Status Ailment: -
Description: Summon a group of ice spikes before you. Power increases when performed after a power combo skill.

Rush Combos

Slide Sonic

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Rush Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 5
Hit count: 1 Status Ailment: -
Description: An attack that draws close to the enemy and sets up the next attack.

Sonic Tornado

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Rush Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 2
Hit count: 7 Status Ailment: -
Description: Strike the enemy twice, then create a tornado to mow them down. Power increases when performed after a power combo skill.


Icon: Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Rush Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 5
Hit count: 3 Status Ailment: -
Description: Corner the enemy and deal three consecutive strikes. Power increases when performed after a break combo skill.

Sonic Boom

Icon: Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Rush Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 2
Hit count: 5 Status Ailment: -
Description: A long-range attack that sends a series of slashes flying at the enemy. Power increases when performed after a break combo skill.

Sonic Barrage

Icon: Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: Earth
Combo Type: Rush Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 3
Hit count: 5 Status Ailment: -
Description: Summon stones and hurl them toward the enemy.

Break Combos

Double Blade

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Break Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 25
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Step forward and perform a double strike to break the enemy's stance.

Heavy Blaze

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: Fire
Combo Type: Break Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 38
Hit count: 6 Status Ailment: -
Description: A slashing attack that explodes on impact. breaking the enemy's guard.

Heavy Stamp

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Break Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 25
Hit count: 4 Status Ailment: -
Description: A rapid attack that slashes wildly at the enemy, finishing with a kick that pushes them backward.

Heavy Slash

Icon: Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Break Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 19
Hit count: 4 Status Ailment: -
Description: A slash attack designed to break the enemy's guard.

Heavy Missile

Icon: Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Break Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 38
Hit count: 3 Status Ailment: -
Description: Launch six missiles at the enemy. Power increases when performed after a rush combo skill.

Finish Combos

Volcano Blitz

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Finish Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 38
Hit count: 5 Status Ailment: -
Description: Burn the enemy to ashes by summoning a series of flaming pillars.

Blooming Chaos

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Finish Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 38
Hit count: 3 Status Ailment: -
Description: Quickly close the distance before blowing the enemy away with a wide slash.

Gear Slash

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Finish Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 38
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Fire a powerful plasma slash at a distant enemy.