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Command/Combo/Game Maker R:Evolution/Ram

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This page lists Ram's Combo Skills in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution.

Power Combos

Knock Blow

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: Wind
Combo Type: Power Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 5
Hit count: 1 Status Ailment: -
Description: Launch a blade of wind from underneath a nearby enemy.

Icicle Knock

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 25
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Summon ice spikes from underneath an enemy. Power increases when performed after a break combo skill.

Knock Snowman

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 35
Hit count: 1 Status Ailment: -
Description: Create a snowman above your head and throw it at the enemy. Power increases when performed after a break combo skill.

Hanger Knock

Icon: Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 45
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Leap forward and strike the enemy with your staff, summoning ice spikes at the point of impact.

Knock Sphere

Icon: Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: Light
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 25
Hit count: 3 Status Ailment: -
Description: Fire a high-powered magic bullet directly ahead of you.

Rush Combos

Dagger Spikes

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Rush Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 5
Hit count: 1 Status Ailment: -
Description: Quickly jump forward and slash with your ice blade.

Spike Tackle

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: Light
Combo Type: Rush Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 8
Hit count: 16 Status Ailment: -
Description: Summon a series of magic bullets to encircle you as you attack the enemy.

Freeze Spike

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Rush Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 15
Hit count: 6 Status Ailment: -
Description: Set a trap on the ground that creates an ice vortex to catch the pursuing enemy. Power increases when performed after a rush combo skill.

Homing Spike

Icon: Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: -
Combo Type: Rush Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 10
Hit count: 5 Status Ailment: -
Description: Create a magic bullet above you that fires a series of shots at the enemy. Power increases when performed after a power combo skill.

Spike Laser

Icon: Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: Wind
Combo Type: Rush Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 20
Hit count: 3 Status Ailment: -
Description: Fire a penetrating electric laser at the enemy. Power increases when performed after a rush combo skill.

Break Combos

Shock Stab

Icon: - Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Break Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 50
Hit count: 1 Status Ailment: -
Description: Quickly step forward and summon a spike from underground.

Elect Shock

Icon: Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: Wind
Combo Type: Break Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 108
Hit count: 6 Status Ailment: -
Description: Stab the enemy and send an electric shock through them, breaking their guard. Power increases when performed after a break combo skill.

Shadow Shock

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: Darkness
Combo Type: Break Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 90
Hit count: 6 Status Ailment: -
Description: Summon dark spikes from the ground to pierce the enemy. Power increases when performed after a power combo skill.

Cross Shock

Icon: Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Break Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 150
Hit count: 6 Status Ailment: -
Description: Summon an ice saw above an enemy and drop it on top of them.

Back Shock

Icon: Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: Earth
Combo Type: Break Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 135
Hit count: 5 Status Ailment: -
Description: Slam your weapon into the ground and send gravel flying toward the enemy. Power increases when performed after a power combo skill.

Finish Combos

Multi-Flare Blast

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: Fire
Combo Type: Finish Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 60
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Create two spiraling fireballs around you which explode on impact.

Sword of Zero

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Finish Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 5
Hit count: 8 Status Ailment: -
Description: Create a domain of absolute zero temperatures that drains the enemy's life away.

Cold Orbit

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Finish Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 40
Hit count: 1 Status Ailment: -
Description: Summon a spinning blade of ice that spirals out from your position.