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Command/Tactical/Game Maker R:Evolution/Neptune

From Neptunia Wiki

This page contains information regarding Neptune's Tactical skills in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution.

Cross Combination

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Power: Range: Mid-Range
Hit count: 4 Break Value: 35
Status Ailment: -
Description: Rapidly close in on the enemy and unleash a series of powerful blows. The final strike pushes the enemy back.

32-bit Mega Blade

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: -
Power: Range: Long-Range
Hit count: 7 Break Value: 20
Status Ailment: -
Description: Summon a huge sword of light that slams down above the enemy, resulting in a massive explosion.

Victory Slash

Icon: Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Power: Range: Close-Range
Hit count: 7 Break Value: 60
Status Ailment: -
Description: Slash the enemy in a V-shape and unleash a terrifying explosion.

Hero's Might

Icon: Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: -
Power: Range: Close-Range
Hit count: 1 Break Value: 0
Status Ailment: Critical Rate +
Physical Defense +
Magical Defense +
Description: Increase your physical and magical defense, along with your critical rate.

Attack Support

Icon: Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: -
Power: Range: Long-Range
Hit count: 1 Break Value: 0
Status Ailment: Physical Attack Power +
Magical Attack Power +
Description: Increase the physical and magical attack power of your allies.