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Command/Combo/Game Maker R:Evolution/Pippih

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This page lists Pippih's Combo Skills in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution.

Power Combos

Punishment Shot

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 50
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Wind up, then toss a boomerang at high speed.

Double Punishment

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 45
Hit count: 4 Status Ailment: -
Description: Attack by throwing two consecutive boomerangs.

Rising Punishment

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 50
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Throw a boomerang that glides across the ground before launching the enemy. Power increases when performed after a power combo skill.

Punishing Blade

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Power Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 60
Hit count: 1 Status Ailment: -
Description: Step forward and unleash a slash with your boomerang. Power increases when performed after a power combo skill.

Punishing Blast

Icon: - Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: Water
Combo Type: Power Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 55
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Fire a donut-shaped blast.

Rush Combos

Forward Circular

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Rush Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 20
Hit count: 3 Status Ailment: -
Description: Throw a boomerang in a circle, stunning enemies with a spot of air pressure.

Circular Strike

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Rush Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 25
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Flick your wrist to fire out a quick boomerang attack.

Circular Step

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Rush Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 16
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Toss a quick boomerang while taking a step back. Power increases when performed after a power combo skill.

Rush Circular

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Rush Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 27
Hit count: 4 Status Ailment: -
Description: Throw multiple boomerangs left and right in a circle. Power increases when performed after a break combo skill.

Wind Circular

Icon: - Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: Wind
Combo Type: Rush Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 23
Hit count: 7 Status Ailment: -
Description: Create an explosive tornado to blast a circular area.

Break Combos

Twin Crescents

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Break Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 80
Hit count: 2 Status Ailment: -
Description: Throw two simultaneous boomerangs, circling in opposite directions. Power increases when performed after a rush combo skill.

Crescent Blast

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Break Range: Close-Range
Power: Break Value: 85
Hit count: 4 Status Ailment: -
Description: Create a giant wind boomerang in front of you.

Crescent Circle

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Break Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 75
Hit count: 3 Status Ailment: -
Description: Throw a boomerang in a wide circle around yourself. Power increases when performed after a break combo skill.

Thunder Crescent

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: Wind
Combo Type: Break Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 73
Hit count: 4 Status Ailment: -
Description: Throw an electrified boomerang which zaps enemies it touches.

Affection Beam

Icon: - Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: -
Combo Type: Break Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 82
Hit count: 3 Status Ailment: -
Description: Fire a high-powered beam that breaks enemies' balance. Power increases when performed after a rush combo skill.

Finish Combos

Moon Buster

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Finish Range: Mid-Range
Power: Break Value: 100
Hit count: 5 Status Ailment: -
Description: Toss a giant boomerang made of wind at the enemy.

Aerial Strike

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Finish Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 110
Hit count: 6 Status Ailment: -
Description: Summon six boomerangs of wind, firing them one after the other.

Fist Shooter

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Combo Type: Finish Range: Long-Range
Power: Break Value: 105
Hit count: 1 Status Ailment: -
Description: Attack by tossing a boomerang at high speed.