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Command/Tactical/Game Maker R:Evolution/Older Neptune

From Neptunia Wiki

This page contains information regarding Older Neptune's Tactical skills in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution.

Trigger Boost

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Power: Range: Mid-Range
Hit count: 6 Break Value: 90
Status Ailment: -
Description: Strike with three consecutive slashes, then pull out the pistol for a follow up strike.

Rapid Raketen

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Power: Range: Mid-Range
Hit count: 9 Break Value: 40
Status Ailment: -
Description: Fire your pistol haphazardly, then knock down the enemy with a flying kick.

Magic Trick

Icon: - Level:
Type: Physical Attribute: -
Power: Range: Long-Range
Hit count: 2 Break Value: 120
Status Ailment: -
Description: Send a flying slash toward your enemy, then teleport upon impact and slice the enemy in two.

Heat Up!

Icon: - Level: Default
Type: Magic Attribute: -
Power: Range: Long-Range
Hit count: 1 Break Value: 0
Status Ailment: Physical Attack Power +
Magical Attack Power +
Description: Increase an ally's physical and magical attack.

Cool Down!

Icon: - Level:
Type: Magic Attribute: -
Power: Range: Long-Range
Hit count: 1 Break Value: 0
Status Ailment: Physical Defense -
Magical Defense -
Description: Lower an enemy's physical and magical defense.