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Dungeon/Game Maker R:Evolution/Selwel Wasteland

From Neptunia Wiki

Selwel Wasteland is a dungeon in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution that is unlocked in Chapter 1.


The following items can be found in this dungeon. Items in the treasure chest can only be obtained once. Numbers are marked on the map to denote those treasure chests.

Treasures Destructible Object Items
1) Nep Bull x2
Life Fragment x1
1,500 Credits
Paralaxin x1
2) Healing Grass x2
Healing Circle x1
500 Credits
Healing Grass x1
3) Twin Blades x1 (Older Neptune's weapon)
1,250 Credits
Donation Box - Brown x1
4) Leather Armlet x1
1,000 Credits
Wooden Backpack - Red x1 (Accessory)
- Death Storing - Black x1
- Clever Candy x1
- Unwithering Sakura Tree x1
- Devil Guy Wings - Purple x1 (Accessory)


Common Type

Selwel Wasteland

Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
Dogoo Healing Grass Healing Grass -
Baby Bug Nep Bull Healing Candy -
Rabii Healing Grass Clever Candy -

Selwel Wasteland Depths

Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
Dogoo Healing Grass Healing Grass -
Baby Bug Nep Bull Healing Candy -
Rabii Healing Grass Clever Candy -
Enigmatic Bird All Heal Life Fragment Paralyze Candy


Time Attack

Target Time Reward
00:12:00 Disc Sales Permit - Green x1
00:20:00 Magic Crystal x1
01:00:00 Fakeout Plan x20

Travel Points

  • Selwel Wasteland Entry
  • Depths
  • Rest Area Before the Depths
