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Bestiary/Game Maker R:Evolution

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This page contains information regarding enemies that can be encountered in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution along with their respective drops.


Name Drops Habitat
Purple Heart (Fake) Healing Drink
Cross Bracelet
Leanbox Offices (Story event)
Black Heart (Fake) Nep Bull
Royal Bracelet
Zennore Temple (Story event)
White Heart (Fake) Nep Bull
Rune Bangle
Green Heart (Fake) Nep Bull C
Royal Armlet
Leanbox Offices (Story event)
Purple Sister Healing Grass
Leather Bracelet
Ramim Wetlands (Story event)
Black Sister Healing Grass
Steel Bracelet
Lastanita Building (Story event)
White Sister (Rom) Nep Bull C
Rune Armlet
Frontie Plains (Story event)
White Sister (Ram) Healing Pod
Cord Bracelet


Name Drops Habitat
B-Sha (Gold Mode) none C-Sha Offices (Story event)
B-Sha (Fake) Machine Part WayFarer's Great Desert (Story event)
C-Sha none Sayles Mountains (Story event)
C-Sha (Gold Mode) C-Sha Offices (Story event)
C-Sha (Fake) Machine Part WayFarer's Great Desert (Story event)
K-Sha (Gold Mode) none C-Sha Offices (Story event)
K-Sha (Fake) Machine Part WayFarer's Great Desert (Story event)
S-Sha (Gold Mode) none C-Sha Offices (Story event)
S-Sha (Fake) Machine Part WayFarer's Great Desert (Story event)
F-Sha none Tutorial
Lostaria (Story event)
Ultimate Neptral Tower (10F)


Name Drops Habitat
Arfoire none Twin Volcano Island (Story event)
Waycool Tunnel (Story event)
Ultimate Neptral Tower (90F)
Copy the Art Ebit Cave (Story event)
WayFarer's Great Desert (Story event)
Copy the Code C-Sha Offices (Story event)
S-Sha Corporation (Story event)
WayFarer's Great Desert (Story event)
Copy the Hard Mt. Meditation (Story event)
WayFarer's Great Desert (Story event)
Psychostock The Place It All Began (Story event)
Psyfoire Ultimate Arfoire Company (Story event)


Name Drops Habitat
Dogoo Healing Grass Selwel Wasteland
Sayles Mountains
Twin Volcano Island
Molas Cave
Waile Forest
Dark Forest
Neptral Tower (1F-2F)
Red Dogoo Healing Pod
Healing Grass
B-Sha Studios
S-Sha Corporation
Dark Forest
Wundae Forest
Neptral Tower (1F-5F, 11F)
Heretical Dogoo Healing Drink
Healing Pod
WayFarer's Great Desert
Dark Forest
Abandoned Land
Neptral Tower (21F-23F, 27F-32F)
Heal Dogoo Healing Pod
Healing Circle
Neptral Tower (2F-9F, 14F-17F)
Care Dogoo B-Sha Studios
S-Sha Corporation
Wundae Forest
Neptral Tower (1F, 14F, 21F)
Cure Dogoo Healing Bottle
Healing Field
Great Ones' Dwelling
Neptral Tower (74F, 82F-83F)
Grandogoo Healing Grass
Healing Pod
Twin Volcano Island
Neptral Tower (1F-5F)
Red Grandogoo Healing Pod
Healing Drink
B-Sha Studios
S-Sha Corporation
Crystal Cave
Neptral Tower (13F-17F)
Heretical Grandogoo Healing Drink WayFarer's Great Desert
Abandoned Land
Neptral Tower (21F-26F)
Horned Dogoo Nep Bull EX Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-33F, 41F)
Horned Red Dogoo Nep Bull EX II Peaceful Hills
Neptral Tower (41F-44F, 51F)
Horned Heretical Dogoo Nep Bull S B-Sha Studios
C-Sha Offices
S-Sha Corporation
K-Sha Group
Crystal Cave
Untold Cave
Neptral Tower (5F, 11F)
Magician Dogoo Jelly Nep Bull S
Healing Rain
Walf Forest
Neptral Tower (1F-5F. 11F-14F)
Showman Dogoo Jelly Nep Bull S
Healing Rain
Neptral Tower (61F-66F)
Mentalist Dogoo Jelly Nep Bull EX II
Healing Light
Neptral Tower (78F, 82F-87F)
Mecha Grandogoo Healing Grass Sayles Mountains
Neptral Tower (1F-5F)
True Neptral Tower (6F)
Mecha Red Grandogoo Energy Fragment
Healing Pod
Energy Fragment
B-Sha Studios
Wundae Forest
Untold Cave
Neptral Tower (22F-23F, 26F-28F)
Mecha Heretical Grandogoo Energy Lump
Nep Bull EX II
Healing Light
The Place It All Began
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F)
Devil Dogoo Nep Bull S B-Sha Studios
S-Sha Corporation
Wundae Forest
Neptral Tower (1F-4F)
Red Devil Dogoo Nep Bull EX II Core Cave
Inherite Cavern
Secret Place
Neptral Tower (41F-48F)
Devil Heretical Dogoo False Plains
Neptral Tower (83F-86F)
Gentle Heal Dogoo Nep Bull EX
Nep Bull EX II
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-32F, 37F)
Gentle Care Dogoo Core Cave
Inherite Cavern
Secret Place
Neptral Tower (64F, 77F-78F)
Gentle Cure Dogoo False Plains
Neptral Tower (83F-85F)
Gear Grandogoo Nep Bull C
Healing Pod
Frontie Plains
Ramim Wetlands
Neptral Tower (1F-2F, 5F)
Gear Red Grandogoo Nep Bull S
Healing Drink
Mt. Meditation
B-Sha Studios
S-Sha Corporation
Neptral Tower (11F-13F)
Gear Heretical Grandogoo Energy Lump
Nep Bull EX II
Healing Light
False Plains
Neptral Tower (81F-83F)


Name Drops Habitat
Pixelvader Healing Pod
Healing Candy
C-Sha Offices
K-Sha Group
WayFarer's Great Desert
Neptral Tower (1F, 18F-19F, 23F)
Babyvader WayFarer's Great Desert
Neptral Tower (22F-27F)
Nanovader Healing Drink
Healing Candy
WayFarer's Great Desert
Indie Plains
Neptral Tower (23F-27F)
Poxvader Neptral Tower (21F-26F)
Heavenly Pixelvader Nep Bull S
Healing Candy
C-Sha Offices
K-Sha Group
WayFarer's Great Desert
Crystal Cave
Untold Cave
Neptral Tower (3F, 14F, 22F)
Heavenly Babyvader Nep Bull EX
Healing Candy
WayFarer's Great Desert
Neptral Tower (21F-24F)
Reincarnated Nanovader WayFarer's Great Desert
Abandoned Land
Neptral Tower (22F-27F)
Fallen Poxvader Core Cave
Inherite Cavern
Neptral Tower (41F-42F, 47F)


Name Drops Habitat
Squeed Healing Grass
Healing Candy
Frontie Plains
Neptral Tower (1F-2F, 5F)
First Greenie Squeed Healing Pod
Healing Candy
Neptral Tower (4F-5F, 9F, 19F)
Sea King Squeed Healing Drink
Healing Candy
Waycool Tunnel
Indie Plains
Thatime Plains
Neptral Tower (22F-29F)
Moustache Squeed Healing Bottle
Paralyze Candy
Peaceful Hills
Neptral Tower (41F-48F)
Grand Turtle Healing Pod
Tough Booster
Frontie Plains
Ramim Wetlands
Neptral Tower (2F-7F)
True Neptral Tower (1F)
Big Shell Healing Drink
Tough Booster
Neptral Tower (2F-9F)
Mutant Carapace Healing Bottle
Tough Booster
Indie Plains
Thatime Plains
Neptral Tower (21F-25F)
VIP Squeed Healing Pod
Life Fragment
Zennore Temple
Leanbox Offices
Mining Cave
Neptral Tower (1F-5F, 9F)
VIP First Greenie Squeed Nep Bull EX
Energy Lump
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-35F)
VIP Sea King Squeed Neptral Tower (41F-43F, 51F)
VIP Moustache Squeed Nep Bull EX II
Energy Lump
Secret Place
Neptral Tower (64F-66F, 74F)
Summer Tortoise Healing Pod
Tough Booster
Ebit Cave
Zennore Temple
Leanbox Offices
Barren Cave
Neptral Tower (1F, 13F)
Resort Shell Nep Bull EX II
Tough Booster
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-34F)
Vacation Carapace Energy Lump
Nep Bull EX II
Healing Light
False Plains
Great Ones' Dwelling
Neptral Tower (71F-77F, 82F)


Name Drops Habitat
Plum-met Healing Candy
All Heal
C-Sha Offices
K-Sha Group
Waycool Tunnel
Wundae Forest
Neptral Tower (1F-5F, 11F-19F)
Dogone Paralyze Candy
Life Fragment
C-Sha Offices
K-Sha Group
Waycool Tunnel
Crystal Cave
Untold Cave
Neptral Tower (1F-4F, 12F)
Plumindigo Paralyze Candy
Energy Fragment
Waycool Tunnel
Neptral Tower (21F-25F)
Spotted Plum-met Healing Candy
Energy Fragment
Waycool Tunnel
Abandoned Land
Neptral Tower (21F-25F)
Plom-met Healing Candy
Paralyze Candy
Waycool Tunnel
Indie Plains
Neptral Tower (21F-27F)


Name Drops Habitat
Chocopi Chick Healing Grass
Healing Candy
Twin Volcano Island
Waile Forest
Neptral Tower (2F-5F)
Chocopi Healing Bottle
Healing Candy
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-36F)
Blue Chocopi Neptral Tower (41F-47F, 53F-54F)
Red Chocopi Core Cave
False Plains
Great Ones' Dwelling
Inherite Cavern
Neptral Tower (41F-44F, 51F)
Enigmatic Bird All Heal
Life Fragment
Paralyze Candy
Selwel Wasteland
Neptral Tower (2F-4F)
Strange Bird Energy Fragment
Paralyze Candy
The Place It All Began
Great Ones' Dwelling
Neptral Tower (31F-34F)
Mysterious Bird Energy Lump
Paralyze Candy
Neptral Tower (74F-77F, 82F)
Wicked Chocopi Chick Nep Bull C
Clever Candy
Zenorre Temple
Leanbox Offices
Mining Cave
Neptral Tower (1F-2F, 11F)
Wicked Chocopi Nep Bull EX II
Clever Candy
Neptral Tower (23F, 31F-33F)
Wicked Blue Chocopi Neptral Tower (31F-36F)
Wicked Red Chocopi Peaceful Hills
Neptral Tower (41F-47F, 52F)
Phantom Thief Chocopi Chick Lostaria
Walf Forest
Neptral Tower (21F-24F)
Gentleman Thief Chocopi Neptral Tower (61F, 74F, 83F-85F)
Phantom Thief Blue Chocopi Inherite Cavern
Neptral Tower (61F-66F)
Phantom Thief Red Chocopi Secret Place
Neptral Tower (61F-66F)


Name Drops Habitat
Tokimeki Sister Healing Bottle
Energy Lump
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-35F)
Super Pretty Boy Healing Pod
Life Fragment
C-Sha Offices
K-Sha Group
Crystal Cave
Neptral Tower (1F-3F)
Christmas Lostaria
Wundae Forest
Untold Cave
Neptral Tower (1F, 14F, 21F-23F)
Valentine's Day Healing Drink
Life Fragment
WayFarer's Great Desert
Walf Forest
Indie Plains
Neptral Tower (4F, 11F-14F)
Monday Healing Bottle
Energy Lump
Core Cave
False Plains
Great Ones' Dwelling
Inherite Cavern
Secret Place
Neptral Tower (31F-36F)


Name Drops Habitat
Bit Healing Grass Sayles Mountains
Ebit Cave
Molas Cave
Waile Forest
Important Place
Barren Cave
Abandoned Land
Neptral Tower (1F-5F)
Yellow Bit Neptral Tower (5F-9F)
Ultimate Neptral Tower (2F-3F)
Red Bit Mt. Meditation
B-Sha Studios
S-Sha Corporation
Mining Cave
Crystal Cave
Untold Cave
Neptral Tower (4F-5F)
Mini-Guarder Sayles Mountains
Ebit Cave
Molas Cave
Waile Forest
Important Place
Barren Cave
Abandoned Land
Neptral Tower (2F-3F)
Gold Mini-Guarder Healing Pod Zenorre Temple
Mt. Meditation
Barren Cave
Neptral Tower (1F-2F)
Survival Mini-Guarder Healing Bottle Peaceful Hills
Neptral Tower (41F-44F, 52F-53F)
Arc Mini-Guarder Healing Drink WayFarer's Great Desert
Neptral Tower (22F-25F, 35F)
Metal Guarder Life Fragment
Crit Booster
Sayles Mountains
Neptral Tower (2F)
True Neptral Tower (9F)
Ultimate Neptral Tower (3F)
Gold Guarder Healing Drink Mt. Meditation
Neptral Tower (1F-9F)
Survival Machine Energy Fragment
Crit Booster
Frontie Plains
Ramim Wetlands
Lastanita Building
Mining Cave
Neptral Tower (4F-8F)
Dream Crusher C-Sha Offices
K-Sha Group
The Place It All Began
Crystal Cave
Dark Forest
Wundae Forest
Untold Cave
Neptral Tower (22F-24F, 31F)
Last Guarder Energy Lump
Crit Booster
Neptral Tower (30F-35F)
Machine Soldier Healing Grass
Healing Candy
Sayles Mountains
Neptral Tower (1F-4F)
Earth Soldier Neptral Tower (1F-9F)
Green Soldier Healing Pod
Healing Candy
Frontie Plains
Lastanita Building
Mining Cave
Neptral Tower (1F-4F)
Night Soldier All Heal
Angel Wings
Paralyze Candy
The Place It All Began
Thatime Plains
Neptral Tower (31F-33F)
Chaos Soldier Healing Drink
Healing Candy
Mt. Meditation
Neptral Tower (14F-16F)
0-1 Quadrupedal Tank - Bull Healing Pod
Focus Booster
Sayles Mountains
Neptral Tower (1F-3F)
0-2 Quadrupedal Tank - Rosso Lastanita Building
Neptral Tower (1F-7F)
Guard Saber Healing Drink
Life Fragment
Ramim Wetlands
Neptral Tower (1F-5F, 11F)
Guardroid Protector Healing Pod
Life Fragment
Ramim Wetlands
Lastanita Building
Neptral Tower (2F-5F)
Guard-Guardian Healing Drink
Energy Fragment
Waycool Tunnel
The Place It All Began
Indie Plains
Neptral Tower (31F-35F, 38F)
Lastanita Guardroid Healing Pod
Life Fragment
Lastanita Building
Patrol Bit Healing Drink
Healing Pod
Walf Forest
Neptral Tower (22F-26F, 31F)
Signal Bit Healing Bottle Neptral Tower (31F-36F, 51F)
Hazard Bit Neptral Tower (61F-66F, 75F)
Mini Police Guarder False Plains
Neptral Tower (82F-84F)
Metal Police Guarder All Heal
Crit Booster
Zenorre Temple
Mt. Meditation
Mining Cave
Neptral Tower (14F, 22F-26F)
Golden Police Guarder Energy Lump
Crit Booster
Core Cave
Inherite Cavern
Neptral Tower (81F-85F)
Spirit Soldier All Heal
Angel Wings
Power Booster
Mt. Meditation
S-Sha Corporation
Neptral Tower (1F-6F)
Planetary Soldier All Heal
Archangel Wings
Power Booster
Neptral Tower (82F-85F, 91F)
Cross Catapult ZM-X1 Energy Fragment
Focus Booster
Mt. Meditation
B-Sha Studios
S-Sha Corporation
Barren Cave
Untold Cave
Neptral Tower (9F, 17F)
Zombie Catapult ZM-X0 All Heal
Energy Fragment
Focus Booster
The Place It All Began
WayFarer's Great Desert
Walf Forest
Neptral Tower (20F, 31F-32F)
Guardian Angel Life Fragment
Healing Field
All Heal
Important Place
Neptral Tower (1F-6F, 12F)
Ogreoid Energy Fragment
Healing Field
Quick Booster
Mt. Meditation
Barren Cave
Neptral Tower (2F-4F, 11F)
Kaiser Guardian Energy Lump
Healing Light
Quick Booster
Neptral Tower (31F-39F)


Name Drops Habitat
Quetzalcoatl Healing Pod
Frontie Plains
Ramim Wetlands
Neptral Tower (2F-7F)
Wyvern Healing Drink
Neptral Tower (10F, 21F-28F)
Fafnir Healing Pod
Neptral Tower (83F-88F)
Lizardman Healing Pod
All Heal
Power Booster
Frontie Plains
Neptral Tower (1F-2F, 12F-13F)
Lizard Knight Healing Drink
All Heal
Power Booster
Neptral Tower (1F, 13F-14F, 21F)
Dinosauroid Energy Lump
All Heal
Power Booster
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-37F)
High Lizard Arena
Neptral Tower (74F-78F, 82F)
Ancient Dragon Archangel Wings
Healing Light
Energy Lump
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (44F-48F)
Healing Bottle
Energy Lump
Ultimate Arfoire Company (Story event)
Devil Lizardman Energy Fragment
Nep Bull S
Focus Booster
Leanbox Offices
Mining Cave
Neptral Tower (1F-4F, 24F)
Sky Lizard Healing Bottle
Energy Fragment
Focus Booster
Waycool Tunnel
The Place It All Began
Abandoned Land
Thatime Plains
Neptral Tower (21F-28F)
Winged Dino Energy Lump
Nep Bull EX II
Focus Booster
Great Ones' Dwelling
Neptral Tower (85F-87F)
Demonic Lizard Energy Lump
Healing Bottle
Focus Booster
Secret Place
Neptral Tower (71F-78F, 80F)
King Ancient Dragon Archangel Wings
Healing Light
Energy Lump
Neptral Tower (81F, 83F-85F)


Name Drops Habitat
Dark Unicorn Healing Pod
Paralyze Candy
Sayles Mountains
Zenorre Temple
Leanbox Offices
Barren Cave
Neptral Tower (2F-5F)
La Ignis Healing Pod
Clever Candy
Twin Volcano Island
Waile Forest
Neptral Tower (1F, 3F-4F)
Kelpie Healing Drink
Paralyze Candy
Neptral Tower (1F-4F, 11F-19F)
Bucephalus Healing Bottle
Clever Candy
The Place It All Began
Thatime Plains
Neptral Tower (31F-32F, 36F-38F)
Dark Pegasus Healing Bottle
Paralyze Candy
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-33F)
Rabii Healing Grass
Clever Candy
Selwel Wasteland
Sayles Mountains
Twin Volcano Island
Waile Forest
Neptral Tower (3F)
Rabiilim Healing Pod
Clever Candy
Leanbox Offices
Barren Cave
Neptral Tower (2F-5F)
Blue Rabii Healing Bottle
Clever Candy
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-35F)
Dark Rabii Neptral Tower (64F-66F)
Ultimate Neptral Tower (65F-66F)
Dream Rabii Neptral Tower (82F-87F)
Delinquent Cat Healing Pod
Forbidden Twig
Twin Volcano Island
Molas Cave
Important Place
Neptral Tower (2F-9F)
Ruffian Cat Healing Bottle
Forbidden Twig
Peaceful Hills
Neptral Tower (61F, 78F)
True Neptral Tower (65F)
Ultimate Neptral Tower (64F)
Squirrel Cat Healing Grass
Forbidden Twig
Twin Volcano Island
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Waile Forest
Neptral Tower (1F-8F)
Lean Tuna Healing Bottle
Forbidden Twig
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (41F-48F, 52F)
Meral Cat Healing Pod
Forbidden Twig
Mt. Meditation
Mining Cave
Neptral Tower (1F-3F)
Sento Unicorn Energy Fragment
Healing Pod
Crit Booster
Frontie Plains
Neptral Tower (1F-5F, 6F)
Crimson Stallion Energy Lump
Healing Bottle
Crit Booster
Peaceful Hills
Neptral Tower (78F, 84F-85F)
Holy Beast Amaterasu Neptral Tower (71F-75F)
Cursed Beast Murakumo Neptral Tower (31F-34F)
Fallen Dark Pegasus False Plains
Great Ones' Dwelling
Neptral Tower (82F-85F)
Enchanted Rabii Nep Bull S
Quick Booster
Walf Forest
Neptral Tower (2F, 13F-17F, 21F)
Enchanted Rabiilim Nep Bull EX II
Quick Booster
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-33F)
Sapphire Rabii Peaceful Hills
Neptral Tower (41F-44F, 52F)
Nightmare Rabii Nep Bull EX
Quick Booster
Waycool Tunnel
Indie Plains
Thatime Plains
Neptral Tower (22F-28F)
Fierce Rabii Nep Bull EX II
Quick Booster
Neptral Tower (61F-62F, 74F-77F)
Masked Delinquent Cat Healing Bottle
Forbidden Twig
Secret Place
Neptral Tower (61F-64F)
Masked Ruffian Cat Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (41F-48F)


Name Drops Habitat
Baby Bug Nep Bull
Healing Candy
Selwel Wasteland
Sayles Mountains
Molas Cave
Waile Forest
Dark Forest
Neptral Tower (1F-3F)
Chiki Bug Nep Bull C
Healing Candy
Ebit Cave
Dark Forest
Neptral Tower (2F-8F)
True Neptral Tower (5F)
Blank Face Bug Nep Bull EX
Healing Candy
Ultimate Arfoire Company
Neptral Tower (31F-32F, 34F-36F)
Bonbon Baby Bug Nep Bull EX II
Healing Candy
Neptral Tower (78F, 82F-83F)
Bonbon Chiki Bug Nep Bull C
Healing Candy
Ebit Cave
Important Place
Neptral Tower (3F-9F)
Bonbon Blank Face Bug Nep Bull EX II
Healing Candy
Core Cave
Inherite Cavern
Neptral Tower (61F-65F, 71F)
Dandy Baby Bug Nep Bull C
Healing Candy
Ebit Cave
Neptral Tower (1F-4F)
Dandy Chiki Bug Ebit Cave
Important Place
Neptral Tower (4F-5F, 18F)
Dandy Blank Face Bug Nep Bull EX II
Healing Candy
Secret Place
Neptral Tower (61F, 71F, 82F)