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Neptune's Summer Vacation

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"Neptune's Summer Vacation" (守護女神ねぷのなつやすみ Shugo MegamiNepu no Natsu Yasumi, lit. Summer Vacation of the Guardian GoddessNep)) is the second OVA of Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation and the first OVA as part of a trilogy. It first premiered on PlayStation Video for a limited time from July 8, 2019 to July 21, 2019.[1]


Neptune is shown lying on the sofa with Nepgear beside her, thinking that she's about to die and makes her final wishes, when suddenly, Compa and IF arrive with trays of shaved ice. As they, alongside Histoire have their treats, Histoire tells Neptune that she has a lot of work to do before the end of the Summer. Neptune refuses and later calls Noire, Blanc and Vert to have a Summer vacation together.

Neptune and co. arrive at Summer Mountain to record her adventures with the goddesses, starting with Noire and Uni, with the latter claiming that this is Lastation's famous tourist spot, and is known for being able to experience a nostalgic Summer vacation. Meanwhile, Blanc and Vert are at the set with Blanc mentioning about a new smartphone that Leanbox was developing and Vert mentioning a crown that turns people into princesses was causing trouble at Lowee, with Blanc stating she's not worried about it after being popular. Uni later asks Rom and Ram if they want to see the sunflowers after they eat.

Later on, the Lastation sisters prepare food at the barbecue while Nepgear, Blanc and Vert set up the table with Neptune playing with the twins. While Nepgear witnesses Noire and Uni working together, she fantasizes herself and Neptune as businesswomen, but can't imagine that happening. The CPUs make their prayers and start eating with Nepgear thinking to herself that Neptune should act like an adult for once not just in her Goddess form, but a more mature version of her normal self.

As the CPU Candidates try to find the sunflower field, Uni points to the location of where it's at. They enter through a series of shrine gates when suddenly, they get transported to a different dimension. Nepgear and Uni hear the screams of the twins and run straight to the scene. They encounter a giant beetle in front of them. Nepgear and Uni attempt to activate HDD to fight off the monster, but the transformation fails. Out of nowhere, a girl, who happens to look like an older version of Neptune, appears to kick the beetle and absorbs it in her booklet, saving the Candidates. She then introduces her self as Neptune, a dimension-traveling bug hunter.

As the CPU Candidates discuss about their vacation, Uni mentions the way the other Neptune treats Rom and Ram is similar to their Neptune with Nepgear claiming she's her sister from another dimension who never became a goddess. Neptune later asks about the vacation house they're staying at with Nepgear leading to the location of the house, but it's not there.

Neptune asks the CPU Candidates if they're from another dimension and if they happen to walk through a big torii gate. Nepgear answers that they did, and Neptune explains to them that it's a place that connects to another dimension for a short while and calls it a "Stray Gate", with the big gate happening to be one. She then introduces her friend Croire to the Candidates and mentions that she can detect fluctuations of the dimension gate and travel between dimensions, but used up her powers for a while, and doesn't have enough energy. When being asked by Uni about going back, Neptune tells them the gate opens once every half-day, and her and Croire will help navigate them to their world.

Cut to nighttime, Where Neptune has set up the "NEPCAMP" with the help of Nepgear and thanks Neptune for teaching her a lot of things. Neptune then "loosens" Nepgear up by tickling her with Nepgear calling her "sister" by accident. She apologizes but Neptune accepts being called "sister". Meanwhile the other CPU Candidates prepare a curry meal with Neptune proud of her self finding all the ingredients for it.

In a cutaway, Arfoire is seen wheeling baskets of eggplants with Warechu when she suddenly encounters Neptune and Nepgear. Neptune asks for beef, onions, carrots, and potatoes, but Arfoire tells her that she only sells eggplants. Neptune persists, and Arfoire finally gives her the ingredients with Warechu calling her an idiot.

Later on, Neptune shows Nepgear how to start a fire using wood, but then Nepgear imagines her Neptune starting a fire, and wonders what she's doing.

Meanwhile in the Hyper Dimension, Neptune decides to do a 4-player versus game with the other goddesses. Blanc asks what game are they going to play, with Vert answering that they will play a fighting game version of 4 Goddesses Online, and that the game is supposed to go on sale tomorrow, but received it early. Noire tells them they can play games whenever they want, and asks them to appreciate the nature around them more, with Vert telling her that she can appreciate nature whenever she wants and Blanc telling her way of enjoying it. After Neptune asks Noire if she's afraid of losing to her, Noire then decides to play the game with them.

Back at the other dimension, Croire tells about how this dimension's time flows faster than the others, and says that if one spends a night over here, Neptune finishes by mentioning time in their own dimension would had hardly passed.

Cut to daytime, Croire wakes up Neptune and tells her the Stray Gate is about to open. Meanwhile, the four goddesses are at the location of the sunflower field where they're doing a search for the CPU Candidates. As Neptune and the Candidates arrive at the Stray Gate, Neptune asks about the status of the gate to Croire, with her telling Neptune to wait a little longer until it opens. She then mentions that Stray Gates are unstable and no one knows when it will close, and tells her to move quickly. Nepgear later asks Neptune if she would like to visit their dimension, and states that her sister will be delighted to meet her. Neptune answers that she would probably visit, but Croire reminds her the gate is about to open. Suddenly, monsters appear out of the gate, capturing Rom and Ram, and Neptune, Nepgear and Uni begin to fight the monsters.

In the Hyper Dimension, the CPUs are still searching for the Candidates, when suddenly, more monsters appear on the other side of the gate. The goddesses engage in combat with Noire, Blanc and Vert activating HDD to fight the monsters, with Neptune immediately hearing Nepgear scream from the other side of the gate.

Cut to the other dimension, Neptune saves Rom, with Croire warning her that the gate's going to close soon. Nepgear then hears the voice of her sister from the other side, with the two grasping at different sides of the gate, transforming to their Goddess forms with new processor units. While Uni claims that Nepgear shouldn't be able to transform here, Neptune then saves Ram, With Purple Heart and Purple Sister giving the monsters the finishing blow using M.P.B.L.

With the CPU Candidates reunited with their older sisters once again, with the latter knowing about them traveling to another dimension, Nepgear tells Neptune she had some help along the way back, and introduces the other Neptune, but wasn't able to due to the gate closing. The other Neptune states that she wanted to meet her other self in the Hyper Dimension, but maybe another time.

As a way to end the vacation, Nepgear decides to light some fireworks with her sister.

Key events

  • The CPUs took a vacation at Summer Mountain.
  • The CPU Candidates met the older Neptune in another dimension.
  • Neptune and Nepgear received new Goddess forms to defeat all the monsters.


The CPUs take a camping trip to Summer Mountain. The CPU Candidates pass through a series of shrine gates that lead to another dimension where they meet the older Neptune.


Characters are shown in order of appearance. An asterisk (*) near the name means the character has debuted in this episode.

These characters are shown but only made a cameo appearance:





  1. 1.0 1.1 【PS Video】OVA『超次元ゲイム ネプテューヌ』独占先行配信を本日7月8日より開始!(Japanese). PlayStation.Blog. Sony Interactive Entertainment(July 8, 2019). Archived from the original on July 8, 2024.Retrieved on August 30, 2022.