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Rei Ryghts/The Animation

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Rei Ryghts is the main antagonist in Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation.


Human Form


In her human form, Rei has long heather blue hair and blue-green eyes that are accompanied by thin framed glasses. She wears a single hair accessory on the left side of her head which has a triangular shape at the base that is black with white and blue in the center and has second part on top which is white accompanied with blue lining. Her attire consists of a primarily black business-woman-like suit with a skull right between where her torso ends and her legs start. On her arms she wear's what appears to be two white gauntlets with blue lining and black skulls on the end. Her leg wear contains black tights and white knee high boots with black shoe laces and black bottoms with blue lining and skulls on the side.


Rei, in a word, is an absolute "pushover". She is very frail and has extreme confidence issues, not being able to make anyone listen to her and ends up being stepped all over as a result. She can be indecisive and even easily scared when it seems like someone is upset with her.

Goddess Form


Rei's goddess form is reminiscent of her human form, having the same long heather blue hair but becomes slightly more sky-blue as it goes down. Her eyes are a bright diamond blue and the hair accessory that she wears on her head in human form becomes doubled, now appearing on both sides. Her glasses are gone and the general look of her outfit remains but in a bodysuit form, exposing her greatly enlarged chest, and the top some of her thighs, starting a little over where the torso begins and little over the middle of her thigh. The outfit itself is still primarily black and with white sections much like her previous form.


When she transforms, the only word needed to describe her is "psycho." Rei becomes extremely irrational, unreasonable, and overbearing. She's the literal complete opposite of her human self.


Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation

The Goddess (Neptune) of Planeptune
Rei is first seen handing out flyers containing a protest against the CPUs.

The Paradise (Island) Forbidden
Rei appears in the Planeptower as a guest, waiting on a couch, drinking tea, until Histoire arrives with Peashy, the girl she asked for and claims to be her mother. They then arrive at an apartment owned by Anonydeath, who then stops Rei from asking more questions and states that she should only asks questions when there's a point in hearing the answers.

The Challenge (Rebellion) of Eden

The Battlefront (Conflict) of Oblivion

The Emissary (Aggressor) of Old

The Ties (Bifrosts) of Tomorrow


  1. Hyperdimension Neptunia Cast and Release Date. Funimation. Sony Pictures(March 6, 2015). Archived from the original on August 19, 2022.Retrieved on July 30, 2022.