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Ram/The Animation

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< Ram
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Ram, also known as one of the White Sisters, is one of the protagonists in Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation. She acts as one of the CPU Candidates of the nation Lowee and is also Blanc's younger twin sister along with Rom.

Ram is rarely ever separated from Rom and does just about everything with her. She seems to represent Blanc's loud side.




She wears a pink overcoat with white puffballs, a blue handbag and a ribbon, and a white and pink hat to match with a pink rectangle in the center. Her leg-wear consists of white tights and shoes that match her dress in design. She has long brown hair and steel blue eyes, much like her Blanc.


Ram is the one most like Blanc in terms of personality. She is usually seen smiling or smirking and likes to touch or 'get playful' with Rom and could be considered the dominant of the two twins. She may also have an attitude or a short fuse.

White Sister


Ram's appearance is similar to that of White Heart's. However, instead of blue hair and red eyes, she has pink hair and blue eyes. She wears a one piece bodysuit that is white in color with a secondary color of pink on the arms, legs, and torso.


When she activates Hard Drive Divinity (HDD) and becomes White Sister, Ram's personality is generally the same aside from her becoming more serious about fighting. However, her childish and bratty personality is still present even in this form.


Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation


  1. 1.0 1.1 Hyperdimension Neptunia Cast and Release Date. Funimation. Sony Pictures(March 6, 2015). Archived from the original on August 19, 2022.Retrieved on July 30, 2022.