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< Command | SP | mk2

This page lists all of Vert's SP Skills in Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2.

Note: numbers in parentheses are values in goddess form.

Sylhet Spear

Level: Initial Notes: None
AP Cost: 50 SP Cost: 40 (45)
Power: 288 (312) Breaking Power: 750 (740)
Range: Straight Line 5.0 Distance: 6.0
Type: Physical Attack Hits: 1
Category: Attack Skill Element:
Knock Back: ----
Inflicted Ailment
0% 0%
50 (75)% 0%
Affected Stats
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Description: Summons a giant spear in the sky that gets hurled at the foe.

Brain Steep

Level: Initial Notes: None
AP Cost: 50 SP Cost: 35
Power: 0 Breaking Power: 0
Range: Simple Distance: 6.0
Type: Healing Hits: ----
Category: Defense Skill Element:
Knock Back: ----
Inflicted Ailment
0% 0%
0% 0%
Affected Stats
0 0
25% ↑ 0
0 0
0 0
Description: Increases one ally's INT.

Assam Link

Level: 42 Notes: None
AP Cost: 60 SP Cost: 35
Power: 0 Breaking Power: 0
Range: Simple Distance: 6.0
Type: Healing Hits: ----
Category: Defense Skill Element:
Knock Back: ----
Inflicted Ailment
0% 0%
0% 0%
Affected Stats
0 0
0 0
0 20% ↑
0 0
40% (50%) ↑
Description: Increases one ally's TEC and MOV.

Terai Division

Level: Initial Notes: None
AP Cost: 60 SP Cost: 40
Power: 0 Breaking Power: 0
Range: Simple Distance: 6.0
Type: Healing Hits: ----
Category: Defense Skills Element:
Knock Back: ----
Inflicted Ailment
0% 0%
0% 0%
Affected Stats
0 0
0 0
0 0
20% ↓ 0
25% ↓
Description: Decreases one foe's AVD and MOV.

Rainy Ratnapura

Level: DLC Notes: Requires "Skill Pack" DLC
AP Cost: 55 (60) SP Cost: 45
Power: 278 (300) Breaking Power: 116
Range: Simple Distance: 5.0
Type: Physical Attack Hits: 7
Category: Attack Skill Element:
Knock Back: ----
Inflicted Ailment
0% 0%
0% 0%
Affected Stats
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Description: Take swift steps to enter striking range and sweep the foe with your spear.


Level: DLC Notes: Requires "Skill Pack" DLC
AP Cost: 87 SP Cost: 65 (73)
Power: 413 (441) Breaking Power: 402
Range: Simple Distance: 5.0
Type: Physical Attack Hits: 3
Category: Attack Skill Element:
Knock Back: yes
Inflicted Ailment
0% 0%
0% 0%
Affected Stats
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Description: Annihilate the foe with a high speed thrust.

Spiral Break

Level: DLC Notes: During event bosses, this attack has +18 hits
Requires "Skill Pack" DLC
AP Cost: 83 SP Cost: 150 (125)
Power: 1032 (1270) Breaking Power: 251 (297)
Range: Straight Line 6.0 Distance: 8.0
Type: Magical Attack Hits: 11
Category: Special Skill Element:
Knock Back: ----
Inflicted Ailment
0% 0%
0% 0%
Affected Stats
0 0
0 0
Description: Vert's supermove that is as beautiful as it is brutal.

Annihilate the enemies with a mesmerizing spearmanship.

Broken Fannings

Level: DLC Notes: None
AP Cost: 92 SP Cost: 100 (113)
Power: 760 (799) Breaking Power: 162
Range: simple Distance: 7.0
Type: Physical Attack Hits: 15
Category: Combination Skill Element:
Knock Back: ----
Inflicted Ailment
0% 0%
0% 0%
Affected Stats
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Description: This description will soon be replaced with a better description.

Guardian Force

Level: DLC Notes: To execute, they all must be either in their human or HDD forms.
Requires "Skill Pack" DLC
AP Cost: 100 SP Cost: 115 (135)
Power: 4525 (4640) Breaking Power: 1140
Range: Simple Distance: 5.0
Type: Physical Combo Hits: 15
Category: Combination Skill Element:
Knock Back: ----
Inflicted Ailment
0% 0%
0% 0%
Affected Stats
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Description: A Combo Skill involving all four CPUs.