Dungeon/Re;Birth3/Metroid Shelter
Metroid Shelter is a dungeon in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation unlocked in Chapter 6. It has two parts Metroid Shelter and Metroid Shelter Depths.
The following items can be found in the dungeon. Items in the treasure chest can only be obtained once. Numbers are marked on the map to denote those treasure chests.
Note 1: Hidden Items are now replaced with hidden item blocks. All hidden item blocks are present in the dungeon at all times. However, only one of the hidden item block drops item(s) at any given run through the dungeon. They will however give credits if you jump to them.
Metroid Shelter
Treasure | Hidden Treasure | Gathering Points (Change Dungeon and Big Dungeon Change OFF) |
Gathering Points (Change Dungeon ON) |
Gathering Points (Big Dungeon Change ON) |
1) Plan: Superior Spear (Vert's weapon) | Healing Drink x1-2 | Red Pigment x2-3 | Red Pigment x2-3 | Red Pigment x2-3 |
1) Plan: Wonderful Veils (Accessory set) | Orange Pigment x1-2 | Crimson Stone x1-3 | Crimson Stone x2-3 | Crimson Stone x2-3 |
2) Plan: Beam Buster Neo (Nepgear's weapon) | P. SP Charger x1-2 | Storm Stone x1-2 | Blaze Claws x1-2 | Special Peripheral Lv. 3 |
3) Killer Aim Lv. 3 x3 | - | Silver Ore x1-2 | Plom-met Piece x1-2 | Jargon Lv. 2 |
4) Industry First! Lv. 3 x4 | - | Plom-met Piece x1-2 | Molten Stone x1-2 | Drill Lv. 3 |
- | - | Molten Stone x1-2 | Heat Cloth x1-2 | Action RPG Lv. 3 |
- | - | Heat Cloth x1-2 | - | Open-ended Lv. 2 |
- | - | - | - | Bearded Italian Lv. 3 |
- | - | - | - | Pinch Revival Lv. 2 |
- | - | - | - | Infrared Comm. Lv. 3 |
Metroid Shelter Depths
Treasure | Hidden Treasure | Gathering Points (Change Dungeon and Big Dungeon Change OFF) |
Gathering Points (Change Dungeon ON) |
Gathering Points (Big Dungeon Change ON) |
1) Healing Pod x2 | Orange Pigment x1-2 | Silver Ore x2-3 | Silver Ore x2-3 | Silver Ore x2-3 |
2) P. SP Charger | Healing Drink x1-2 | Storm Stone x2-3 | Storm Stone x2-3 | Storm Stone x2-3 |
3) Eject Button | Nature Lv. 3 x3-5 | Crimson Stone x1-3 | Crimson Stone x2-3 | Crimson Stone x2-3 |
4) Life Fragment | Elysdeon (Noire's weapon) | Red Pigment x1-2 | Blaze Claws x1-2 | Racing Lv. 3 |
- | Gloomy Doll | Black Ribbon x1-2 | Black Ribbon x1-2 | Child-oreinted Lv. 2 |
- | - | Blazing Ore x1-2 | Blazing Ore x1-2 | Investigative Lv. 3 |
- | - | - | - | Photorealistic Lv. 2 |
- | - | - | - | Killer Aim Lv. 3 |
- | - | - | - | DL Only Lv. 2 |
- | - | - | - | LAN Party Lv. 3 |
- Enemies marked with * require the "Change Dungeon" plan active.
- Enemies marked with ** require the "Big Dungeon Change" plan active.
- Enemies in bold are considered Dangerous Monsters.
- Cat Squirrel Rider spawns in groups of six
Metroid Shelter
Common Type
Name | Drop 1 | Drop 2 | Drop 3 |
Blinky | Heat Cloth | - | - |
Ms. Blinky | Black Ribbon | - | - |
Magma Stone | Molten Stone | - | - |
Plom-met | Plom-met Piece | - | - |
Flame Fenrir | Blaze Claws | Sister (Vert's accessory) | - |
Tortoise* | Near Future Lv. 4 | - | - |
Next-Gen Ricky** | Large Medal M | - | - |
Metroid Shelter Depths
Common Type
Name | Drop 1 | Drop 2 | Drop 3 |
Magma Stone | Molten Stone | - | - |
Blinky | Heat Cloth | - | - |
Ms. Blinky | Black Ribbon | - | - |
Volcano Crab | Blazing Ore | - | - |
Viral Volcano Crab | Blazing Ore | - | - |
Flame Fenrir | Blaze Claws | Sister (Vert's accessory) | - |
Cat Squirrel Rider* | Metafiction Lv. 4 | - | - |
Next-gen Ricky** | Large Medal M | - | - |
Scripted Type
Name | Drop 1 | Drop 2 | Drop 3 |
Mister Badd | Old Man's Pathos | - | - |
Creature | File Crystal | - | - |
Yellow Heart | Blaze Claws | - | - |
Rank S
I Want To Go Public! | Credits: 1500 | Type: Hunt |
Shares | Reward | Key Content |
Share Gain: Lastation +4% Share Loss: Planeptune -4% |
Plan: Power Hammer | Next-gen Ricky x3 |
Rank B
Training Regimen 1 | Credits: 5000 | Type: Hunt |
Shares | Reward | Key Content |
Share Gain: Leanbox +5% Share Loss: Lastation -5% |
INT Booster x1 | Cat Squirrel Rider x3 |
Rank C
[Fierce] Flame Wolf | Credits: 5000 | Type: Hunt |
Shares | Reward | Key Content |
Share Gain: Leanbox +4% Share Loss: Planeptune -4% |
STR Booster x1 | Flame Fenrir x1 |
Rank D
I Wanna Beat Her | Credits: 5000 | Type: Find |
Shares | Reward | Key Content |
Share Gain: Planeptune +4% Share Loss: Leanbox -4% |
STR Booster x1 | Black Ribbon x3 |
Ultimate Cooking Items | Credits: 5000 | Type: Find |
Shares | Reward | Key Content |
Share Gain: Leanbox +3% Share Loss: Lowee -3% |
Crimson Stone x6 | Molten Stone x3 |
I'll Mess Stuff Up! | Credits: 5000 | Type: Find |
Shares | Reward | Key Content |
Share Gain: Leanbox +3% Share Loss: Lowee -3% |
Jet-Black Scale x3 | Blazing Ore x3 |
Rank E
What's in Clay Pipes? | Credits: 5000 | Type: Hunt |
Shares | Reward | Key Content |
Share Gain: Leanbox +3% Share Loss: Planeptune -3% |
Tuffmil x5 | Plom-met x5 |
Chapter 6
Following Abnes's request, Neptune and her friends head to Metroid Shelter to save the kidnapped girls. Once they enter, the find the creatures, Mister Badd calls his "daughters". Disgusted Neptune screams, Noire scolds her for making a scene and potentially alerting the Seven Sages. At the end of the dungeon, without any trace of the children, Noire assumes they were duped. Mister Badd then appears and the Goddesses decide to beat the location of the children out of Mister Badd. After making quick work of him, they demand the location of the children. He admits that his "daughters" fighting with him are the children after they have been forced to take a CPU Memory. Enraged, Blanc decides to take his life for his crimes against the children. However the creatures defend Mister Badd. Blanc cannot attack the children even if they are monsters, but Plutia does not care wanting to punish Mister Badd. However, the Goddesses drag Plutia and retreat to a nearby forest.
Plutia transforms and decides to take out her rage on Noire. Luckily for Noire, there was a sneak attack the two of them had to dodge. The attacker was another Goddess, who makes her appearance crash landing on Noire. She introduces herself as Yellow Heart and the Goddess notice her large chest size and rather small intelligence. Due to her large chest size, both Vert and Blanc become enraged. Yellow Heart challenges them. The Goddesses go all out and are wondering how she can keep taking direct hits from them. Yellow Heart then decides to get serious and releases a burst of energy which knocks all the Goddesses out. They return to Planeptune in shame.