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Dungeon/Re;Birth3/Kuzarat Facility

From Neptunia Wiki

Kuzurat Facility is a dungeon in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation. It has two parts, Kuzurat Facility 1 and Kuzurat Facility 2.


The following items can be found in the dungeon. Items in the treasure chest can only be obtained once. Numbers are marked on the map to denote those treasure chests.

Note 1: Hidden Items are now replaced with hidden item blocks. All hidden item blocks are present in the dungeon at all times. However, only one of the hidden item block drops item(s) at any given run through the dungeon. They will however give credits if you jump to them.

Kuzurat Facility 1

Treasure Hidden Treasure Gathering Points
(Change Dungeon and Big Dungeon Change OFF)
Gathering Points
(Change Dungeon ON)
Gathering Points
Big Dungeon Change ON
1) Tuffmil Healing Pod x1-2 Iron Ore x1-3 Iron Ore x2-3 Iron Ore x1-3
2) Plan: Bronze Sword (Noire's weapon) Healing Herb x2 Model 4 Base x1-3 Model 4 Base x1-3 Model 4 Base x1-3
3) SP Charger Wind Ring Yellow Pigment x2-3 Yellow Pigment x2-3 Yellow Pigment x2-3
4) Casual-oriented Lv. 1 x3 Parameter Tweak Lv. 1 x4-5 Black Pigment x1-2 Black Pigment x1-2 Black Pigment x1-2
5) Life Fragment - Round Antenna x1-2 Round Antenna x1-2 RPG Lv. 1
- - Illegal Conductor x1-2 Illegal Conductor x1-2 Voice Actor Lv. 1
- - Illegal Memory x1-2 Illegal Memory x1-2 Sports Lv. 1
- - - Magic Stone x2-3 -

Kuzurat Facility 2

Treasure Hidden Treasure Gathering Points
(Change Dungeon and Big Dungeon Change OFF)
Gathering Points
(Change Dungeon ON)
Gathering Points
Big Dungeon Change ON
1) SP Charger P. SP Charger x1-2 Iron Ore x1-2 Iron Ore x1-2 Iron Ore x1-2
1) Plan: Cute Ribbon (Accessory set) Healing Pod x1-2 Model 4 Base x1-3 Model 4 Base x2-3 Model 4 Base x1-3
2) Plan: Tuffmil Fight Lv. 1 x3-5 Yellow Pigment x1-2 Yellow Pigment x1-2 Yellow Pigment x1-2
3) Famous Voice Lv. 1 x4 Niche Lv. 1 x3-5 Black Pigment x1-2 Black Pigment x1-2 Black Pigment x1-2
4) P. SP Charger x2 - - Red Gel Feeler x1-2 Wahahahaha! Lv. 1
5) Kinda Pervy Lv. 1 x4 - - Iron Fragment x1-2 Famous Voice Lv. 1
6) STR Booster x3 - - Matango's Spores x1-2 -
- - - Magic Stone x2-3 -


  • Enemies marked with * require the "Change Dungeon" plan active.
  • Enemies marked with ** require the "Big Dungeon Change" plan active.
  • Enemies in bold are considered Dangerous Monsters.

Kuzurat Facility 1

Common Type

Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
Poxvader Round Antenna - -
Custom Bit Illegal Conductor - -
Healing Dogoo Red Gel Feeler - -
R-4 Illegal Memory - -
R41-SHDC Magic Stone - -
Killachine* Magic Dampener - -
Alkaid** Dancing Controller Large Medal C -

Kuzurat Facility 2

Common Type

Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
R-4 Illegal Memory - -
Matango Matango's Spores - -
Healing Dogoo Red Gel Feeler - -
Created Soldier Iron Fragment - -
R4-SHDC Magic Stone - -
Killachine* Magic Dampener - -
Alkaid** Dancing Controller Large Medal C -

Scripted Type

Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
Copypaste Plan: Cosplay Anthology - -


Rank C

[Machine] Robo Machine Credits: 500 Type: Hunt
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Planeptune +5%
Share Loss: Lowee -5%
Healing Pod x3 R4i-SHDC x1

Rank E

Underground Credits: 2000 Type: Find
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Lastation +3%
Share Loss: Lowee -3%
Herb x3
Healing Herb x3
Glowgrass x3
Illegal Conductor x3
Mushrooms vs. Bamboo Credits: 2000 Type: Find
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Lastation +3%
Share Loss: Lowee -3%
Life Fragment x1 Matango's Spores x3


Chapter 2: Lastation's Rise to Fame

Noire rushes to this factory and sees it in ruins. She angrily decides to find who is responsible as Neptune and Plutia catch up to her. Eventually they run into Copypaste and Warechu who are part of the Seven Sages. Warechu tries to make Copypaste read his script which would incriminate White Heart for the factory's destruction.

Copypaste denies working with a CPU but Noire is nevertheless suspicious of White Heart anyways. They fight and destroy Copypaste. Noire then complains about cleaning up after the factory while Neptune and Plutia flees from work.