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Dungeon/Re;Birth3/Graphic Pass

From Neptunia Wiki

Graphic Pass is an optional dungeon in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation whose plan is given to the player at the start of chapter 9 in Eden by a Captain Thunder chirper. It has two parts: Graphic Pass and Graphic Pass Peak. This dungeon is one of the dungeons that contains Rei Ryghts's memories.


The following items can be found in the dungeon. Items in the treasure chest can only be obtained once. Numbers are marked on the map to denote those treasure chests.

Note 1: Hidden Items are now replaced with hidden item blocks. All hidden item blocks are present in the dungeon at all times. However, only one of the hidden item block drops item(s) at any given run through the dungeon. They will however give credits if you jump to them.

Graphic Pass

Treasure Hidden Treasure Gathering Points
(Change Dungeon and Big Dungeon Change OFF)
Gathering Points
(Change Dungeon ON)
Gathering Points
(Big Dungeon Change ON)
1) Plan: Mr. Cat Puppet (Peashy's weapon) Mega Beam Saber (Nepgear's weapon) Herb x1-3 Herb x2-3 Herb x1-3
2) Plan: Netherworld Ring Famous Person Lv. 5 x3-5 Healing Herb x1-2 Healing Herb x1-2 Healing Herb x1-2
3) Plan: SP Buster III Healing Bottle x1-2 Glowgrass x1-2 Glowgrass x1-2 Glowgrass x1-2
4) Plan: Schwertgewehr (Nepgear's weapon) Smile Heart Pin (Neptune's accessory) Iron Ore x1-2 Hell's Mane x1-2 Robot Lv. 4
- Smile Spiral (Neptune's costume) Strangled Lump x1-2 Strangled Lump x1-2 DLC Lv. 5
- - Magical Beak x1-2 Magical Beak x1-2 Launch Lv. 5

Graphic Pass Peak

Treasure Hidden Treasure Gathering Points
(Change Dungeon and Big Dungeon Change OFF)
Gathering Points
(Change Dungeon ON)
Gathering Points
(Big Dungeon Change ON)
1) Healing Drink x1 Pretty Girl Game Lv. 5 x3-5 Herb x2-3 Herb x1-3 Herb x1-3
2) Healing Drink x1 Black Pigment x1-2 Horsebird Feather x1-2 Horsebird Feather x1-2 Horsebird Feather x1-2
3) P. SP Charger x1 Healing Pod x1-2 Healing Herb x1-2 Aging Romanticism x1-2 Glowgrass x1-2
Life Fragment x1 Plan: Big Dungeon Change: Graphic Pass Peak Glowgrass x1-2 Tulip Stamen x1-2 Life Game Lv. 4
5) Eject Button x1 Orichalcum x1 Aging Romanticism x1-2 - -
- AGI Booster Z x1-2 Tulip Stamen x1-2 - -
- Cool Lady Ribbon (Noire's accessory) Yellow Petal - -
- Cool Girl (Noire's costume) - - -


  • Enemies marked with * require the "Change Dungeon" plan active.
  • Enemies marked with ** require the "Big Dungeon Change" plan active.
  • Enemies in bold are considered Dangerous Monsters.

Graphic Pass

Common Type

Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
Tetrisi Strangled Lump - -
Cass Trap Tulip Stamen - -
Old Death Aging Romanticism - -
Nue Magical Beak - -
Viral Nue Magical Beak - -
Orthros Hell's Mane - -
Hypernaught Dogoo* Amazing Jelly - -
Vestiges of Momus** Large Medal W - -

Graphic Pass Peak

Common Type

Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
Tetrisi Strangled Lump - -
Cass Trap Tulip Stamen - -
Old Death Aging Romanticism - -
Nue Magical Beak - -
Viral Nue Magical Beak - -
Orthros Hell's Mane - -
Hypernaught Dogoo* Amazing Jelly - -
Vestiges of Momus** Large Medal W - -


Rank S

Stairway to Heaven Credits: 50000 Type: Hunt
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Leanbox +6%
Share Loss: Planeptune -6%
MMO Lv. 4 Vestige of Momus x1

Rank A

Peerless Ingreidients 2 Credits: 6500 Type: Find
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Leanbox +3%
Share Loss: Lowee -3%
Exuberant Lump x2 Amazing Jelly x5

Rank C

Unfortunate Monster Credits: 6500 Type: Hunt
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Lowee +4%
Share Loss: Leanbox -4%
Can't Grind Lv. 4 Orthros x4

Rank D

Rare Flute Maker Credits: 1800 Type: Find
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Leanbox +3%
Share Loss: Lastation -3%
Plan: Lord Lance (Vert's weapon) Magical Beak x5
Aging Romanticism Credits: 6500 Type: Find
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Leanbox +3%
Share Loss: Lowee -3%
Horsebird Feather x5 Aging Romanticism x5

Rank E

Stress Relief Credits: 6500 Type: Hunt
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Lowee +3%
Share Loss: Planeptune -3%
AGI Booster Z x2 Tetrisi x8
A Gas Trap Credits: 6500 Type: Hunt
Shares Reward Key Content
Share Gain: Lowee +3%
Share Loss: Lastation -3%
INT Booster Z x2 Cass Trap x8