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Revision as of 02:21, 11 March 2025

Akoop Ancient Archive is the fourth dungeon the player goes. In this dungeon, the player will lose Noire as a party member for a decent portion of the story after passing the unmarked door but will get Puddingo to jump higher.

Magic Stone

In this dungeon, 15 magic stones can be obtained. 11 on one magic switch and 4 on another.


  • Items can only be obtained once
  • Quest items only appear if the corresponding quest is taken
Treasure Quest Story
1) Granite [x2] No Life Book of Restoration
2) Fulminis Crystal [x2], 500C Desu's Note Histoire's Tome I
3) Purple Earrings (Accessory) - Puddingo
4) Magical Armlet (Armor) - -


  • Enemies in bold are considered Boss Monsters.
  • Book of Sin is a boss that is fought when Hunt 3: Cursed Tome is taken
  • For more information, please see Bestiary/Super Neptunia RPG

General Stats

Name HP Weak Resist Absorb Drop EXP Credits S.EXP FP
Magician 411 Dark, Physical - Light Royal Chain, Berry, Omni Berry, Life Fragment, Life Stone, Granite, Granite Block, Noctis Ore, INT Nut 8 43 1 30
Magic Book 348 Lightning - - Granite, Fulminis Crystal, Fulminis Ore, Berry, Life Fragment, Potion, STR Nut 7 38 1 30
Mud Jelly 374 Wind - Earth, Physical Aero Ore, Aero Crystal, Terra Ore, Terra Crystal, Elixir, Life Fragment, STR Nut 7 42 1 30
Evil Libel 585 Fire - - Ominous Paper, Potion, Reflex, Eye Drop, Granite, HP Nut 93 798 1 30
Book of Sin 5750 Water - Earth - 219 300 7 50

Monster Formation

  • Magic Book [x1]
  • Magic Book [x2]
  • Magician [x1]
  • Magic Book [x3]
  • Mud Jelly [x1]
  • Mud Jelly [x2]
  • Evil Libel [x1]
  • Book of Sin [x1]


Head to Akoop Archive
A Bombyx Mori guard tells his fellow guardsman that their orders are not to let anyone in and to keep a sharp eye out. His partner agrees and both keep a sharp eye out. As time passes, the first guard comments on how that loli, Filyn is such a great leader. His partner agrees.

Neptune's party sees the guards, and Noire wonders what they are up to. Blanc observes that Bombyx Mori is guarding the Archive for some reason. Neptune concludes that if the bad guys are guarding something, then important stuff is in there. Blanc wonders why Neptune calls them bad. Noire is surprised Neptune would consider them bad and asks how she knows. Neptune explains that as a Hero, she knows.

Noire doesn't really see Neptune as a Hero as a few scenes ago, she was almost monster snack. Blanc ignores this and walks up to Bombyx Mori guards stating that she wants to enter the Archives. The guards refuse her entrance. Blanc understands and leaves. Blanc returns to Neptune and Noire and reports they cannot enter that way.

Neptune is disappointed. Noire wonders if there is a backdoor. Blanc has a second plan she wants to try. Noire is surprised by this and before she can protest Blanc, she tries her second plan. Neptune notes that Blanc is quite the go-getter.

Blanc tells the guard that there is a suspicious person in a direction away from the Archives and thinks they are up to something. The guards quickly leave their post to investigate this, opening up the way to the Archive for the heroes. Blanc reports that it is all clear. Neptune praises Blanc.

Inside the Archive, Neptune announces they are in. Noire tries to hush Neptune as they don't want to be discovered. Neptune realizes her mistake and quiets up. Blanc is in awe of the volume of books found in the Archive. Blanc skims through them and finds only history books or strategy guides for old games. She wonders where the novels are. Noire skims around and agrees that the books here are not books Blanc would like. Blanc wonders how this could be. Neptune wonders if Blanc will be okay.

Noire thinks an Archive like this would have important books in the basement. Blanc hurries the party to look around. Neptune agrees but asks what they are looking for, a basement or books. Blanc tells her they are looking for both.

Investigate Akoop Archive
The group investigates the archive but are not having any luck. Neptune admits that she is getting hungry. Noire admits she is not seeing any stairs to a hidden basement. Blanc can't believe this, that there is nothing. Her disbelief starts turning into frustration of not being able to find any books, novels, manga anything that she has not already read.

Neptune calls out to Blanc. Blanc's frustrations takes over. Noire tells Blanc that she needs to calm down. Blanc snaps at Noire to shut up. She angrily denounces this archive and kicks a shelf down. Neptune is stunned. Noire explains to Neptune that when Blanc gets too stressed out, she just snaps. Neptune thinks Blanc's transformation is terrifying.

Neptune notices the shelf Blanc kicked down. Behind the shelf was a hidden stairway. As Blanc begins to calm down, she reports that the way is now open. Noire can see that there is a hidden staircase. Neptune praises Blanc for finding the enemy hideout. Noire does not want to go in without a plan but Blanc rushes ahead. Neptune quickly follows Blanc down the hidden stairs. Seeing that the two girls are leaving Noire, she follows them telling them not to leave her behind.

In the basement, Blanc looks and smells around. She reports that there aren't any books nearby. Neptune agrees with Blanc's observations. She was joking earlier about the fact that this is the enemy's hideout but perhaps it is. Noire cannot believe Neptune hasn't caught on that given the fact that there were guards to this archive. This must be a Bombyx Mori base.

Blanc finds the act of gutting an archive and turning it into a base unforgivable. She calls Bombyx Mori truly evil. Neptune is glad Blanc now sees that Neptune was right about her accusations of Bombyx Mori. Noire is surprised that Blanc now believes Bombyx Mori is evil.

A couple of Bombyx Mori soldiers are heard in the distance. They are discussing someone important coming over and how they need to look busy for her. Neptune is worried that they are coming this way. Noire tells the group they need to hide. The party quickly hides. The soldiers begin to complain about having to sort out all these dangerous books. This is a waste of their time. A soldier suggests that they just burn all the books.

Noire wonders what they mean by dangerous books and what makes them dangerous. The soldiers leave so the party leaves their hiding spots. Neptune thinks that was close. Noire asks the party if they caught on Bombyx Mori's book burning. She finds it disturbing. Blanc finds the thought of that unforgivable. Noire tells Blanc to calm down.

Blanc assures Noire that she is calm. She also believes that they should split up as they would get caught if they are grouped up like this. Neptune finds this a good idea. Blanc decides to head to one direction, she instructs the group to look for clues and when they are done, they should regroup outside. Neptune decides to hide to another direction and says her goodbyes to Noire. Noire protests the fact that splitting up would be more dangerous but Neptune and Blanc already left. She complains that the two just do whatever they want.

Investigate Akoop Archive once more
Neptune notices a door that looks a little on the nose. She opens the door and finds a room that looks like a regular archive to her. As she explores the archive, Histoire starts glowing. Neptune asks Histoire what's up and wonders if Noire fell in a well. As Neptune continues to explore the archive, Neptune notices Histoire glowing even more. Neptune wonders if she upset Histoire.

Neptune eventually finds a book that she feels is nostalgic. Histoire starts glowing and Neptune wonders if Histoire is finding this book interesting. Neptune thinks Histoire is nodding to her question. Neptune takes the book and concludes that they are all done here then. Histoire reacts negatively to that. Neptune wonders what else is in this archive. Neptune notes that she is starting to understand Histoire but wishes she could just read her.

Later Neptune finds a dictionary. Being so heavy, Neptune thinks it would be a great idea to give it to Blanc. Neptune notices that Histoire has stopped glowing. She concludes that she must have found everything here. Neptune now wants to check out other rooms in the archive. As Neptune continues, she finds a Puddingo looking her as if it wants to join Neptune's party. This is the second offer Neptune has got from a monster. Neptune wonders if she is that charismatic, well since she is the hero, that is to be expected.

Neptune is willing to take Puddingo in but she tells Puddingo that she does not want useless party members. She asks Puddingo if it can be of use. Neptune continues to stare at Puddingo and she thinks it is inviting her to step on it. Neptune agrees to but reminds Puddingo to tell her if it hurts. After trying out Puddingo, Neptune discovers that Puddingo can her jump much higher. With this Neptune declares she can reach paths she couldn't before. This means that treasure is guaranteed.

With that, Neptune thinks Puddingo is a useful ally so welcomes it to the party. Neptune begins to leave when she hears Noire's cries. She wonders if that really is Noire. Noire pleads with her captors saying that she is no spy, she was just lost. Neptune hears that it is coming from the other side of the wall. Noire begs to be let go. Bombyx Mori tells her to shut up as she will not be able to talk her way out of this one. They tell her the Resistance scum that her luck has run out. They have been waiting a long time to catch her. Noire tells Bombyx Mori she has no idea what they are talking about.

Neptune can't believe Noire is being mistaken for a spy. She needs to find Blanc. Neptune then cracks a joke about Noire being caught and how that looks bad for her type of character. Blanc whispers to Neptune to go back to the entrance so she won't get caught. Neptune does not want to as she needs to save Noire. Blanc points out that if she wanted to get caught too, she could try to rescue Noire. Neptune gets upset at this. Blanc reminds Neptune that their priority is regrouping. She assures Neptune afterwards that they will not leave Noire behind.

With that Neptune makes a break for the entrance. She promises to Noire that she will save her.

In Noire's point of view, a Bombyx Mori commander is cackling at her prey. She notes that when that music snob told her to watch the Archive, she thought it would be boring. However, she found a rat that put up such a good fight. The commander admits she is now in a great mood. She asks her soldiers if this is great. They agree. Noire asks the commander who is she?

Since Noire is going to be taken away, she decides to tell her. She introduces herself as Artura and welcomes Noire to the Mad King's Trial Grounds. She hopes Noire likes to fight. Noire does not and screams out in fear.

Escape Akoop Archive
Neptune catches her breath after her quick getaway. She regroups with Blanc who is relieved to see her. Neptune recipocates Blanc's feelings but quickly remembers about Noire and the fact Bombyx Mori is accusing her of being a spy. Blanc reports that she overheard a conversation about that. In addition, just as she left, a suspicious person bolted out of the Archives.

Neptune asks Blanc if this is true. Blanc remembers them dropping a book as they ran out. She is sure it is from the Archive. Neptune believes that is the real spy. She wants to tell Bombyx Mori so they can let Noire go. Blanc agrees that Noire can get her charges dropped if they figure out that she is not a spy. Neptune realizes that if there is a spy working against Bombyx Mori, that they should be friendly and help them. Blanc tells Neptune that the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend. Neptune is saddened by this. She wonders what they can do then.

Blanc notes that they must have intel on the Archive. As a result, they must beat it out of them if they have to. Blanc notes that she last saw the spy running towards Lowee City so they should start there. Neptune remembers that is the first place they visited so with that the two rush over to Lowee.