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Vert/Super Neptunia RPG

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In fact, because I have no memories, it means I can enjoy the games I've already played.

An innkeeper took Vert in after she was found collapsed on a road. Vert, without her memories, has been freeloading in the inn since. The only thing she remembers about the past is her name. For a while now, Vert brought supplies to the Resistance base in exchange with being able to play games there. She is satisfied with her current lifestyle, and it seems she has little interest in getting her memories back.



Vert is the human form of the CPU Green Heart. Vert is generally calm, mature and charming. However, she enjoys games to the same degree that Blanc likes books.


Vert bears the appearance of an adult woman, with a slender figure, sizable bust, and dark blue eyes. Vert's hair is blonde, and goes down to her waist in length. It is kept free, and is rather wavy. Her fringe is kept just above her eyes, and she has three sets of bangs; first going down to her upper-jaw, second, upper-neck, third, chest-length. Vert's attire is a green and peach-colored dress, with the top being a dark green that has gold lining on it, and being sleeveless, as well as revealing a considerable portion of her cleavage, covered through a veil of sorts. She has a ribbon on her neck, which is red in color, and has detached upper-arm portions of her dress's sleeves and has frilled gloves on her hands.

Green Heart

Green Heart is the goddess form of Vert. She retains her mature aura with extra confidence to her words.


As Green Heart, she now has purple eyes and her hair remains long and is of different shades of green. It is kept in a ponytail, her fringe is normally seen above her eyes and her bangs are thick and caress her face. Her attire is a white bodysuit that is open in the middle, exposing her stomach and underside of her breasts. Her sleeves are detached and are white and black in the entirety. Her gauntlets are longer than the other CPUs with it covering the majority of her forearms with ease.


Green Heart appears with Black and White Heart to aid Purple Heart against a shadow. Green Heart believes with the four of them, they can defeat the shadow. Purple Heart is convinced and the four attack the shadow defeating it. Afterwards, Green Heart disappears with Black and White Heart.

Search for the Resistance Base
Vert is collapsed on the road in Yasnaya Forest when luckily a pair of girls walk by her. Vert glances at them. An energetic girl wonders if she is looking at them Vert to turn away. She guesses it was just her imagination. Vert continues to stare them down. This seems to freak out the girls who begin to leave.

However a book starts glowing. The energetic girl believes Vert to be an ally and calls out to her. Vert stays quiet and the girl loses interest thinking Vert was a corpse. Vert is offended and claims that she is most certainly alive. The other quiet girl is surprised and asks if she is okay. The quiet girl walks up and heals her. Vert stands up which causes the quiet to freeze up.

Vert apologizes for startling them and explains that she has collapsed by the side of the road. Vert asks them to escort her to the inn as she would rather not travel alone. The energetic girl thinks that is fine. Vert catches the quiet girl staring at her chest and asks if everything is okay. Does she have something on her chest? The quiet girl stumbles a bit but assures Vert that it is fine. Since it is fine, Vert smiles and introduces herself. Vert thinks it is a pleasure to meet them. The energetic girl introduces herself as Neptune while the quiet girl introduces herself as Blanc.

Head to Leanbox's inn
In Leanbox City, Vert points out the inn is just up ahead. She suggests that they rest up a bit as she already has a room. Vert offers them tea and snacks as it is the least they can do for their help so far. Neptune is happy with that. Neptune and Blanc explain their situation regarding their lost memories and friend, Noire captured by Bombyx Mori. Vert points out that it is strange that they lost their memories as she has as well. Vert explains that she was found unconscious outside the city and rescued by someone in the inn. Vert admits she does not have any luck regaining her memories though.

Blanc thinks that must have been hard as she was able to team up with Noire at least but Vert was all alone. Neptune understands and thinks they all just want their memories back. Vert points out that she does not need her memories back right now as she has games to occupy her time. Due to her lack of memories, she can enjoy games she has already played. This seems to stun the two girls but Neptune says that she understands.

Neptune then asks Vert if she knows the whereabouts of the Resistance Base. Neptune explains that the two of them have asked around but no one seems to have any idea. Vert wants to explain how Leanbox citizens protect the Resistance but stops herself. Neptune adds that Histoire was glowing so Vert has to be their last ally and hope. Vert is confused by this Histoire. Blanc explains that Histoire is the book Neptune was holding. Neptune tells Vert that Histoire says that she is their ally so they should team up.

Vert is afraid she cannot join them. There is something she must do. She apologizes. Neptune is saddened by this. Vert will however guide them to the Resistance Base. That is all she can do. Neptune pouts and Blanc is satisfied with this. She wants to get moving. Vert agrees and is ready to go. Neptune says that she is hero, people should join her party because she is so cool! Perhaps she has to give them the pudding in her waist. Vert is confused as she does not see any pudding on her waist.

Blanc tells Vert not to pay any attention to Neptune and just show them the way.

Head to the Resistance Base
In Yasnaya Forest, close to the Resistance Base, Vert tells Blanc and Neptune that almost all of Leanbox's citizens are anti-Bombyx Mori. Neptune thinks that is cool and she wants to be anti-something as that will give her an edge. Blanc suggests Neptune should be anti-Neptune. Neptune wonders why she would anti-herself, and asks Blanc if she is crazy. Vert suggests being anti-pudding to improve her health. Neptune declares she will never abandon pudding. That would be hearsay... heresy.

Vert chuckles and explains that as a result of being anti-Bombyx Mori, the citizens support and protect the Resistance. They do so by keeping its location a secret from travelers such as Neptune and Blanc. Neptune can't believe this and wonders if she does not look like a Hero enough. Vert tells them not to take it personally. She has found the two of them worthy and will show them the way. Neptune asks if Vert is part of the Resistance.

Vert explains that all she does is visit the base to play. Seeing Neptune and Blanc's disappointing reaction, Vert clarifies that the Resistance develops new games all the time and she trades them food for a sneak peak at those games. Neptune is surprised by the fact new games are made. Vert says they have been working on something big, something no one has seen before. That is of course, just what Vert has heard.

The party make it to the Resistance Base. Vert tells them to wait as she talks to the Resistance members. Neptune is happy to leave it to her. Blanc thanks Vert. Vert walks up to a Resistance member and explains Neptune and Blanc's situation and asks them if they can help. The member explains that she is thankful for all that Vert does but they do not allow outsiders and there are no exceptions to that rule.

Vert says that she can vouch for them and asks her to reconsider as they can trust Neptune and Blanc. The member understands but this is something she is not responsible for. Neptune thinks Vert is having trouble convincing the Resistance members. Blanc thinks that makes sense as security must be pretty strict around here. Vert suggests that they battle over this with a game of Petris.

The member stands her ground saying she will not be falling for that again. Neptune wonders what kind of game Petris is. Blanc explains that they make rows out of pets which disappear and they get points for that. Neptune lies saying that it is cool when she does not think so. Blanc remarks that she never thought a song with auto-tuned meowing could be so addictive.

Artisan walks up to see some strangers at the base. Neptune turns around and thinks she has seen this lady before. Artisan remembers Neptune as that newbie from Lastation. The resistance member then worries that the two of them are with Bombyx Mori. Neptune now completely remembers the lady from before. Blanc asks Neptune what is going on. Neptune begins to explain herself and assures Artisan that she has it wrong.

Vert asks Artisan what is the meaning of this. Artisan remarks that Bombyx Mori is smarter than she thought if they could find their base. She draws her brush and notes while they may have found their way in. They won't find their way out. Artisan tells them they will regret this, the Resistance will be threatened by those Bombyx Morons. Neptune continues to explain that she has it all wrong. Artisan tells the party to prepare themselves.

Vert is able to stop the fight and tries to explain to Artisan what is going on. Artisan asks Vert if they are with her. Vert confirms this and explains that Bombyx Mori has captured their friend and they are here to ask for help. Neptune further adds that Noire was captured when they were looking for something in the Archive. Blanc adds that she was mistaken for a spy that snuck in at the same time they did. Artisan understands and agrees to talk about this inside.

Inside the base, Artisan collects what she has heard and notes that it worries her. Neptune wonders why. Artisan explains that she was the spy they were looking for as she snuck in the same they did. Neptune can't believe this. Artisan explains that she feels partially responsible for Noire's capture. Blanc asks if she is sure because she saw a spy that looked nothing like her.

Artisan guesses she saw her handiwork and says with a stroke of her brush... she transforms into her Bombyx Mori disguise. Artisan then swipes her brush again and turns back. Neptune is impressed with what she is seeing. Artisan notes that it is her fault that their friend was taken. She will help the two of them. However, Artisan notes that she is responsible for the base as well. Neptune is glad that Artisan will help them. Neptune invites Vert to help out as well.

Vert wants to help but she is busy. Blanc notes that the amusement park is selling limited edition of new games tomorrow. Vert asks if this is true. Neptune thinks that is cool and asks Blanc how she knows this. Blanc reminds Neptune it was on the flyer. Vert gulps and notes that she wants to thank them for helping her so she has decided to join them. Neptune is glad that she now has the last party member. Neptune declares that this party will now head to Lowee. Blanc agrees. Vert also agrees. Artisan also agrees but she notes that she can't help in battle as her brush has been acting up. Neptune wants these tropes to stop as she has heard that one too many times.

Head to FC Land (2)
The party makes it to Twin Mountains on their way to FC Land when they come before a man who is concerned with something. Neptune asks the man what is wrong. He explains that his friend, an engineer was taken. He asks them to rescue her. The engineer was working at the park and they were supposed to make a game together. The fact that it was an engineer catches Vert and Artisan's interest. Neptune wonders what she should do.

Neptune decides to help the man as she is a hero after all. Blanc tells the man she is no hero but since he needs the help, she will give it. Artisan agrees. The man thanks them and explains his friend was taken to the Harbor. Neptune understands and the party decides to check it out.

Head to Lowee Harbor
In the harbor, they see Bombyx Mori soldiers with a lady. Neptune wonders if that lady is the man's friend. The man takes a look and says that she is. The lady is being loaded onto a boat so he calls out to her. Neptune declares that the Hero has appeared. She demands they release that citizen. A Bombyx Mori captain tells his soldiers to get them. Neptune tells them to behold the mighty Hero's sword.

After defeating Bombyx Mori, Neptune declares it was an easy victory. The engineer thanks them for saving her. The man is relieved that his friend was saved. Vert is sorry that the engineer had to go through that. The engineer explains that Bombyx Mori tried to take her because she wouldn't stop developing games. Artisan confirms her suspicions about Bombyx Mori.

Blanc is confused, Bombyx Mori takes games as payment yet they would take someone away for developing new games. Vert suggests that they may have had a falling out. Neptune thinks it would be simple if it were that simple. For now, Blanc suggests that they head to FC Land first and worry about this later. The man thanks them for all their help. The engineer does not know what is going on but tells them to take care of themselves.

Neptune assures the engineer that they will and is glad that she is safe as well. They say their goodbyes.

Head to FC Land (3)
Near FC Land, the party runs into a lady. Neptune apologizes for making the lady, Chrome wait. Chrome is surprised to see Vert and guesses that they are now all here. Vert is confused and asks if she knows her. Chrome says that Vert might know her. Neptune asks Chrome to stop with the mysterious one-liners. Blanc asks about Noire. Chrome says that she is safe but they don't have much time.

Artisan seems to recognize Chrome. Chrome understands that seeing Artisan that Neptune was able to enlist the help of the Resistance. Neptune wonders if the two of them know each other. Artisan chuckles and says that Neptune can see that. While Neptune would love details, she wants to focus on saving Noire. Vert agrees. Chrome explains that they are holding Noire in Yanderella Castle. Blanc says they need to save her and urges the party to go. Neptune likes it when Blanc is all fired up. Neptune leads the way. Chrome joins the party.

Charge into Yanderella Castle
Inside Yanderella Castle, Neptune can't believe something so pretty outside can be so creepy on the inside. Artisan notes that based on intel, Noire is held in an underground cell. Blanc tells Noire to hold on a little more.

Search for Noire in the basement of Yanderella Castle
Eventually the party was able to find Noire. Noire is surprised that Neptune actually came for her. Blanc says she is here too. Noire thanks Blanc. Noire notes that the door is locked. Artisan tells her to leave it to her and unlocks the door. Noire is finally freed. She asks Chrome who these two new faces are. Vert walks up and is introduces herself as Vert. Neptune explains that Vert is the last piece of the puzzle according to Histoire and the other person is...

Artisan notes that Noire has been through a lot. Neptune continues that she is with the Resistance and the spy they were accusing Noire of being. Noire then says that means this would be her fault. Artisan apologizes for that. Noire is about to say her mind but holds back. First they need to get out of here. Neptune agrees. Seeing how dirty Neptune's face is, Noire is about get her handkerchief but she notices she already used it. Neptune is confused. Noire remembers she used it as a bandage for that kitty.

Vert thinks they must bring that injured kitty with them. Noire does not know where the cat is. As soon as she took her eyes of the kitty, it was gone. Chrome notes that they don't have time for this and must go.

Escape Yanderella Castle
The party are almost out of Yanderella Castle and Neptune can see the exit. Someone tells them not so fast. Chrome recognizes this voice. It is Filyn, and she tells them they cannot just break out of her castle on her watch. Chrome notes that it really is Filyn. Noire warns everyone that this is the leader of Bombyx Mori. Filyn confirms Noire's warning.

Neptune can't believe that it is the loli... Filyn. Neptune can't believe she let that slip but looking at Filyn, there is no other way to describe her. Filyn asks if Neptune just called her a loli. Neptune quickly explains that she was just coughing, and notes that she is just Filyn. Blanc notes that she is such a little girl. Vert thinks she is adorable. Filyn can't believe what she is hearing.

Chrome warns the party that there is a reason why she is the leader of Bombyx Mori. They cannot fight her right now. Filyn is glad that Chrome is always the voice of reason. Filyn demands that they surrthender... surrender quickly. Neptune wonders if Filyn just bit her tongue. Noire, Blanc, Vert, Artisan and Chrome confirms that she did bite her tongue.

Filyn tells them she did not bite tongue. Filyn tells them not to make fun of her and she won't forgive them. She is going to blow them all up. Neptune is surprised. Chrome tells the party to leave this to her. Blanc can't believe Chrome is going to handle this. Chrome tells the party to make a run for this. She will handle this alone. The party is in shock. Even Filyn can't believe this.

Filyn wonders if she will have a date with Chrome. Filyn wants to go on a Ferris Wheel first. Chrome refuses to go on any rides with her. Filyn then suggests they go on one of those spinning cups first then. She is cool with that and wants to go. Chrome tells her she is not going. Filyn is shocked by her refusal. Filyn thinks Chrome wants to go the funhouse then.

Vert believes no battle will be happening so they should just leave. Blanc and Noire agree. Besides, Noire does have something amazing that she saw when she was brought here that she wants to tell the party about. Noire also wants to properly get acquainted with Vert. Vert agrees. Neptune remarks that Filyn seems to be obsessed with Chrome. Neptune agrees with running away while Filyn is distracted. Artisan agrees.

Back in Lowee, Artisan thinks they should be safe now. Artisan wants to know the amazing thing Noire saw earlier. Noire says it was an image projected to an area that seemed three dimensional. Noire remembers it was so lifelike and she could hardly tell that it wasn't real. Noire concludes that it was very pretty. Artisan thinks that was a super pretty 3D movie.

Noire has never heard of the term "3D". Noire notes that Bombyx Mori was trying to hide that image or the device that displays it. Noire asks if they saw the scaffolding and covers. She notes that those were not there before. Blanc notes that they only heard that they bought the park and began repairs. She guesses all they worked on was the castle. Neptune wonders if that means they bought it only to hide these three-dimensional pictures. Artisan thinks it is likely they plan on destroying them.

Neptune wonders why they would do that. Vert is also confused as to why they would destroy such a beautiful image. Noire admits she does not know why but what she does know is that when she first saw it, it did not feel new. For some reason, Noire seems to know about it already. Neptune remembers about that engineer they saved earlier. She was working on the park. Vert confirms that this is true. They were making some new game and Bombyx Mori wanted them to stop. Artisan thinks they were making a new kind of game, not a 2D one but one with three dimensional imaging.

Neptune is impressed as she can't even imagine what it would look like. She thinks it is unfair that Noire is the only one who can see it and she wants to see it as well. Noire notes that there isn't much she can do about that. Blanc notes that this 3D game has her curious. Vert thinks this sounds fun. Artisan agrees with Vert and she adds that it might be possible for them to make one. This surprises the party. Artisan invites them to Resistance HQ. She wants to show them something. Noire is okay with that. Vert says she was planning on heading that way anyways. Neptune thinks they have unlocked a super cool part of the story.

Neptune suggests that they use a Return Spell to zoom in on Resistance HQ. Noire tells Neptune that does not exist. Neptune is sad that does not exist. Neptune wonders if anyone has any Chimaera Wings around. Noire reminds Neptune that does not exist. Vert thinks the two of them must have some lovely conversations. Noire notes that it is not like... Noire brushes that aside and introduces herself to Vert. Vert, likewise introduces herself to Noire.

Noire asks if Vert also lacks her memories. Vert confirms this but thanks to that, she can enjoy games new and fresh again. Noire can't believe what she is hearing from Vert. Blanc blankly stares away. Neptune notices that Blanc has been very quiet. She is thinking about Leanbox. Neptune notes that they are headed to Leanbox. Blanc is also thinking of Lowee. Noire notes they are currently in Lowee and wonders about it.

Blanc notes there is an event happening Lowee tomorrow. Neptune asks what kind of event it is. Blanc notes that it is a special comic market, a Lowee tradition that happens 3 times a year. Blanc wants to attend this event. Neptune notes that she can hear the passion from Blanc's quiet voice. Blanc asks the party what they think of this. Artisan has no issue with it. Vert also has no objections. Neptune is in on this as well. Noire is okay as long as they keep an eye of Bombyx Mori. Blanc thinks it is settled then. Neptune suggests that they find an inn and get some rest for the night.

Blanc doubts she will be able to sleep. She has a lot of research to do and notes that the battle has just begun. Neptune can't believe how serious Blanc is about this. Artisan notes that she has to meet with some Resistance members so they should meet up at the inn tomorrow.

The next day, at the special comic market, the party arrives. Neptune notes that it isn't even noon yet the place is packed. She thinks the food stands look so good. Blanc suggests that everyone ignore food stands for drink stands. Noire wonders why. Blanc notes that they will work up a sweat walking around in the event. As a result, everyone will fight over cold drinks as time goes on. The last thing Blanc wants is to be stuck with lukewarm coffee.

Neptune and Noire guesses they understand. Vert notes that the event goes on late into the evening so why don't they will until then to visit. Blanc tells Vert there is no freaking way that will happen. Vert is taken aback but how angry Blanc can get. Blanc explains that if they did that then they won't get their hands on anything good. Blanc reminds Vert that those limited edition games would sell out way before then. Vert gets fired up hearing that.

Seeing how tense this is, Noire suggests that all they do is take a stroll. Neptune agrees. Blanc tells the two of them there is no time for that and this event is a battlefield. They need to follow her lead. Blanc gives out out maps to the party. Neptune and Noire wonder what this is. Blanc explains that those are maps and she circled all the booths they need to visit. Once they visit it, they need to ask for their latest book. Neptune realizes that all Blanc did is force the work upon them. Blanc asks if they will do it. Neptune realizes she can't refuse.

Blanc tells Vert to hurry to those company booths as the lines are getting longer as they speak. Vert says she will be going then. Vert says she will see them later. At the end of the event, Vert meets up with Blanc. The two of them wait for Neptune and Noire. Vert notes that the two of them have returned.

Neptune tiredly announces that they are back. Noire complains that she is so tired. Vert thanks them for their good work. Blanc asks if they were able to get everything in that list. Neptune says they did and it is all good. Vert asks if it is just her but it looks like Neptune has wilted. Neptune tells Vert all she needs is pudding and that will perk up right up. Noire asks how it went for them. Blanc declares a complete victory. Vert reports that she purchased all the games she wanted.

Noire thinks that is good news. She asks if they can rest somewhere. All Neptune wants to do is eat pudding and nap at the inn. Blanc tells them that sounds good and they have earned it. She thanks Neptune, Noire and Vert.

Bombyx Mori arrives and declares it is inspection time. They will be inspecting everything on display. He warns that anything that doesn't follow Bombyx Mori's guidelines will confiscated. Blanc is unhappy to hear them. To make matters worse, Artura arrives. Neptune is unhappy with seeing the Second Musketeer, the Mad King. Noire wonders what she is doing here. Vert has no idea why she is here but her instincts tell her they must hide.

Artura's mood sours, as she is sure she smelled Neptune around here. Since she cannot find her, she is unhappy. Artura begins looking for her. Neptune cannot believe that Artura is looking for her specifically. The Bombyx Mori inspector meekly says that they cannot find her but they still have to do their inspections. Artura tells the inspector to do whatever he wants. Meanwhile, Artura says she will hunt down that mouse to give her some TLC. Neptune is scared by Artura's declaration. Noire thinks Artura likes Neptune.

Artura notes that distance only makes the heart grow fonder. She laughs as she will get her soon enough. She asks the inspector if he agrees. The inspector quickly agrees with Artura. Neptune wants to get out of here while they have the chance. Artura breaks out into a maniacal laugh. The party leaves and run into Artisan.

Artisan welcomes them back and asks them how was the event. Neptune asks why Artisan has to bring it up. Blanc says she will never forgive them. Artisan asks what happened and if they ran into trouble. Vert wonders how she should explain this. Noire explains that there was a scary lady hellbent on finding Neptune. Artisan is surprised. Neptune wonders why the crazy lady is after her. Blanc says that does not matter compared to the inspection. Neptune asks Blanc what she means by that does not matter. Neptune wonders if Blanc has no heart.

Artisan wonders what Blanc means by inspection. Blanc notes that if they don't defeat Bombyx Mori, they will take all the spoils of war. Vert admits she is worried about her games. Artisan laughs and thinks there is something they can agree on. She suggests they rest for today and tomorrow they head for Leanbox. Noire that sounds good to her as she is tired. Vert thinks rest is an adequate way to pass the time as she does not have her console. Blanc declares she will unwind with a good book. Noire warns her not to stay up too late. Neptune thinks she won't be able to get any sleep.

Head to Leanbox from Lowee Harbor (2)
At Lowee Harbor, Vert notes they were able to leave the harbor undetected by Bombyx Mori and praises everyone. Neptune breathes a sigh of relief. Blanc has just finished reading a book and is on to the next one. Noire warns Blanc that she will strain her eyes if she reads too much. Blanc ignores her and continues reading. Neptune finally remembers she has a book that she wants Blanc to read.

This surprises Noire. Neptune notes that it is Histoire's dictionary from Lowee's Archive. Neptune calls out to Blanc. Blanc ignores Neptune. Neptune calls out Blanc again. Blanc continues to ignore everyone around her. Noire tells Neptune she won't be able to get through to her right now while she is reading. Neptune whines as this is actually important.

Neptune has an idea and just takes away Blanc's book. Blanc snaps and asks Neptune if she has a death wish. Neptune cries in fear. Blanc calms down a little and asks Neptune what she wants. Neptune gives Blanc, Histoire's dictionary and explains that she wants her to take a look at it. Blanc wonders why Neptune did not tell her something so important earlier. Neptune guesses she was too busy saving Noire earlier and forgot to tell her.

Neptune notes that she found another book for Blanc. Everyone comes in to take a look at the book. Noire wonders what is that. Blanc reads the title "The Book of Restoration" and it seems to be a novel. Neptune notes that it wasn't interesting to her but she thought Blanc might like it. Blanc thanks Neptune. Vert tells Blanc that she knows she is excited but she asks her to wait before starting the second book.

Blanc knows but she says a little peek won't hurt. Noire tells her not to. Blanc sighs and says she will look at the dictionary first. Neptune hopes that they can figure out what Histoire is saying with this. Blanc is not sure about this but she tells Neptune to bring Histoire out. Neptune brings Histoire out. Blanc asks Neptune to ask her something. Noire suggests asking her something about their memories.

Noire asks Histoire why they lost their memories. Histoire replies in cryptic symbols and emoticons. Neptune says this is a job for the dictionary. Blanc notes that some of these symbols are not listed so she can't read it. Neptune is disappointed. Blanc notes that the tome was spread across 7 books so she assumes they need them all. However a few words are here though, hard...save...time...memories.

Vert notes that while helpful she wishes they knew exactly what she was saying. Neptune understands and she says she will solve the puzzle. Neptune thinks Histoire said "It was hard, but to save ourselves from doing work, we erased our memories!". Histoire has an angry reply. Noire thinks Neptune completely missed the mark. Neptune responds with the fact that she is trying.

Noire thinks this is disappointing. She thought they would figure out something. Neptune notes that did find something, now they know they need to find the other dictionaries. Noire admits Neptune is correct.

At Leanbox, Artisan announces they are here. Vert then announces that she will be... Neptune understands and thanks Vert for helping them save Noire. Vert accepts Neptune's thanks and notes that she is relieved that Noire is safe. Neptune asks Vert if with that, does she want to join their party for real? Vert hesitates but apologizes to Neptune. Neptune sadly asks if that is no.

Neptune remembers that there was something important that Vert had to do. Vert confirms that is correct, as she must shut herself in and play through all her games. Neptune can't believe that was the important thing that Vert has to do. Vert clarifies that she has to provide supplies to the Resistance so of course, she must stay behind.

Blanc reminds Vert that she does that so she can play their games. Noire calls out to Neptune. Neptune asks Noire what's up. Noire notes that Bombyx Mori is after them so Vert will be in danger if she joined them. Vert is touched by Noire's concern. Neptune remembers that is true. Neptune tells Vert that the offer is always open for her to join their party. Neptune decides to leave it at that.

Vert asks if Neptune is really okay with her staying behind. Neptune says that she is. Vert is guesses with that, if she ever gets the desire to join Neptune, she will seek Neptune out to join the party. Artisan asks if Vert is going to head back to the Resistance base now. Vert confirms that she is.

Head to the Resistance Base
As the party returns to the Resistance base, a member of the Resistance happily welcomes the big kahuna's return. Artisan told the member she doesn't like being called that. Regardless she welcomes everyone inside. Neptune happily accepts and wonders where's the food. Noire and Blanc politely excuse themselves inside. Inside, Vert greets all the resistance members.

Artisan tells Neptune she has something to show her before their meal. She hands them something. Blanc notes that was in the Archives. Artisan confirms Blanc's observation and explains it was a magazine from the Archives. Noire says that if features 3D and VR games. Neptune notes they just heard of 3D games but she has no idea what VR is.

Blanc asks if she can take a look. Artisan allows her to. Blanc reads "A G***tsu special report1 A new game using brand-new technology! Don't Worry!" Blanc has no idea why the magazine tells people not to worry. Neptune has a feeling that this isn't new. Noire agrees with Neptune's hunch. Neptune adds that she feels she has seen these games before. Blanc and Vert agrees.

Noire notes that she felt the same way when she saw those 3D images at the castle. Artisan explains that the Resistance got wind of these games when they were investigating Bombyx Mori. For some reason, their organization believes these games don't exist. Based on what they have gathered, 3D and VR games once existed in this world. However, the games and the console that run them have been lost.

Vert ponders about what Artisan says. Artisan explains that the Resistance's goal is to get those games and consoles back to the people. Neptune wonders if that is what the Resistance is about. Artisan confirms this. Neptune is surprised that the Resistance was doing proper work. Artisan snickers and wonders what Neptune thinks Artisan and the Resistance were up to.

Seeing Artisan's mood change, Neptune realizes her mistake. Cornered, Neptune shyly admits she thought the Resistance just played a lot of games like Vert does. Vert reminds Neptune that she was not a member of the Resistance. Artisan tells Neptune that their work is serious. 3D and VR games exist and Bombyx Mori is hiding it.

Blanc ponders on why. Artisan declares that they need new games for the sake of the world, for the sake of Gamindustri. Otherwise, Gamindustri's growth will halt and the tax regulations will get ridiculous. Neptune wonders what she means by ridiculous. Artisan explains that the demands will be too much for the people and the evaluations will be unfair.

Neptune remembers that in Lastation, they're already being forced to make the same kinds of games. She retells the story of the old couple who got low ratings then had their store trashed with their only consolation that they did not get punished. Artisan laments that Bombyx Mori rejects new ideas and that any creative will lose motivation working like that. Blanc agrees with Artisan's sentiment. Vert was surprised that people in Lastation get punished. Artisan confirms that this is true.

Artisan notes that Vert spent a lot of time gaming so she probably did not hear too much about it. Vert can't believe this and is saddened by such injustice. Artisan notes that while Leanbox is under the control of Bombyx Mori, they know that the citizens of Leanbox do not support them and that the Resistance base is here. Despite how much pressure they put on other nations, they aren't strict in Leanbox.

Noire notes that this attitude is strategic, if they push Leanbox too hard, they will birth a rebellion. Artisan agrees with Noire observation and concludes for those reasons are Leanbox's tax regulations and overall treatment of citizens are much better. However, Artisan is also aware that Bombyx Mori is plotting against the Resistance and keeping tabs on them.

Neptune thinks that is scary and doesn't want to know about that. Vert thinks that is horrible and for them to deny the development of new games. Artisan thinks this is unforgivable and asks Vert if she feels the same way. Vert wholeheartedly agrees.

After all that, the party have a meal. Neptune praises the pudding. Blanc quietly continues to read her book. Neptune sees that Blanc is still reading the Book of Restoration and asks how is it? Blanc thinks it's really fun. Neptune is surprised books can be fun. Blanc notes that she would have perferred reading the magazine but Vert took it. Vert continues to read the magazine. Noire notes that Artisan's story must have been a shock to Vert since she didn't know anything.

Vert asks for everyone's attention. Neptune wonder what is up. Vert tells everyone to look at this page. It shows a purple console which was manufactured in Planeptune. She thinks that some information is held in Planeptune and that they should investigate. Neptune is upset that she has to travel again and thinks this is such a pain. Suddenly Histoire starts glowing as brightly as possible. She angrily says something in emoticons.

Neptune tries to tell Histoire she can't read that. Vert observes that Histoire is very upset. Neptune agrees that they will be going to Planeptune. Histoire gets super excited. Neptune finishes her pudding so she is ready to go. Vert declares that if Bombyx Mori is oppressing innovation in gaming, she will obliterate them. Blanc reads until something surprises her.

Noticing Blanc is not paying attention, Neptune asks Blanc if she is listening to her and explains that they are going to Planeptune. Noire tells Neptune to have fun. Neptune starts to realize something is wrong. Noire explains to Neptune that her priority is her memories not lost games. Since there is probably nothing in Planeptune, she thinks it is best that they split up.

Neptune gets angry at that. Noire wonders what's wrong. Neptune asks Histoire how Noire can get her memories back. Histoire explains in unintelligible emoticons. Neptune can't read that. Regardless, Neptune tells Noire that Histoire knows something and that Histoire's tome can be in Planeptune. Noire should come with them to find it. Noire realizes that Neptune is not going to let her leave the party.

Blanc then voices her complaints. They just saved Noire and she does not feel up for another adventure. Neptune can't believe Blanc is like this too, but in her case, Neptune struggles to find something to convince her. That being said, Neptune would like Blanc to return the Book of Restoration to her. Blanc notes that she has not finished reading it yet. Since that is the case, Blanc agrees to travel with Neptune.

With that Neptune is ready to head to Planeptune. However, Neptune then remembers Vert. She wonders if Vert is coming with them. Vert is happy to come along with Neptune. Neptune is worried she is taking Vert away from her life. Vert gulps and declares that she will be the one to ask this. Vert asks Neptune if she can join her party. Neptune's eyes sparkle and declares that Vert has joined the party.

Neptune declares that the Hero Party is complete! Neptune thinks that having a party of four people feels great! Artisan is happy for Neptune. She then has a proposal for Neptune. Neptune wonders what is up. Artisan notes that both her party and Artisan's Resistance is against Bombyx Mori so why don't they team up. Neptune wonders if Artisan means... Artisan formerly requests to form an alliance with Neptune's party of Heroes.

Noire is not sure about this Hero title, however she was hoping the Resistance would help them. Blanc says that she is grateful for the Resistance's help. Neptune accepts Artisan's request. Artisan is glad she accepted but notes that this wasn't just a request to be buddies though. She requests that Neptune gets intel on Bombyx Mori and the Resistance will assist them whenever they run into trouble. Artisan asks Neptune how it sounds to her, she will help take down Bombyx Mori and save the world.

Neptune thinks that is perfect and that they'll save the world in no time. Vert laughs and thinks Neptune says it like it'll be so easy. Noire observes that Neptune really is into this Hero thing, and hopes they'll be okay. Artisan thinks this is promising. Neptune declares they are now offwards to Planeptune. Blanc tells Neptune the word is "onwards". Neptune tells Blanc this was on purpose. Noire really hopes they will be okay.

Head to Planeptune from Leanbox Harbor
Neptune is happily leading the way to Leanbox's Harbor to get to Planeptune as she sings a song about her heroicness and willingness to buy pudding just like everyone else. Neptune suddenly remembers that as the Hero's party everyone needs to travel in a single-file line and so she reminds her party of this. Noire is having none of this, Neptune is just too noisy today. Suddenly they are ambushed by monsters.

However, Neptune has never seen these monsters before. Blanc agrees, she has no idea what these monsters are. The monsters begin to chant boke, boke. Vert tells them to be careful as they are now coming. Noire tells Neptune not to just stand there. Neptune wonders who let all the monsters come into the harbor. A frantic girl rushes in pleading as the monsters attack the party.

The party fends off the monsters but Neptune admits she is exhausted after all that. Noire wonders what that all was about, it was different than the usual monster. Blanc thinks it could be a new type of monster but... Vert, regardless is glad they came out of all that in one piece. The party then notices the frantic girl from earlier.

She wants to say something but stop herself. Neptune asks if she is not part of Bombyx Mori. The girl tells Neptune she is correct, and she stutters as she tries to explain who she is. Finally she gets her words straight and tells them they attacked her Bokemon. This shocks the party who now realizes what they just fought. Neptune then asks what is a Bokemon. Blanc notes that she has never heard of this before.

The Bokemon trainer girl hopes her Bokemon are okay. She apologizes for her Bokemon attacking them. Blanc finds it odd that one could be worried about monsters getting hurt. Noire tells the girl to calm down as it is alright. The Bokemon trainer girl continues to profusely apologize. Vert tells the dear girl that they are friends and asks her to just tell them what is going on.

The Bokemon Trainer Girl, Maisy agrees and begins to explain. Bombyx Mori built their HQ on the island, she used to live in and chased all the inhabitants out. Maisy and her older sister made a promise to take back their hometown and that is all she wants. That is why she came to Leanbox to find the Resistance and ask for their help.

Before that, one a random day, she was in a tavern and she saw some Bombyx Mori and their cronies. Neptune asks what they were doing. Maisy explains that they were talking and looking at some sort of field guide for some device. A Bombyx Mori asks his subordinate how the project is going and if they are getting stronger. The subordinate gives a glowing report on the project, explaining that it is insane how much stronger they grown even the small monsters. The Bombyx Mori captain declares that with the help of this machine, they wipe out the remaining people.

The subordinate can't wait to catch more monsters. She praises her field guide, the Bokedex and toasts a glass with her captain. The captain laughs as well, but tells his subordinate to keep it down as the Resistance might be listening but toast his glass as well. When Maisy heard about wiping out the remaining people, she was thinking about the people on her home island so she waited for the Bombyx Mori to get drunk and knocked out.

She then stole their device and field guide. Neptune then realizes that she is holding a field guide with the word "Bokedex" written in big letters in the front. Vert thinks if that was supposed to be a secret, then they got really careless. Noire asks if she can see it. Maisy hands Noire the Bokedex. She notes that while there are a lot of monsters here, they are different from the ones she has seen.

She then reads "Command" and wonder that does. Blanc suggests that it is a way to control these monsters. Blanc reads that if you set the device on the monster and use the command, they evolve. Noire continues to read that they have to rapidly hit the "Confirm Button" 23 times for it to work. Noire thinks that is a strange command.

Vert thinks this is a hidden trick to getting the device to work. Neptune wonders if it is a cheat code of sorts. Maisy thought if she made the monsters stronger, she could save the island on her own however the monsters became violent and she couldn't control them. Then they attacked the party. She wanted them to stop but all she could do was watch. Maisy profusely apologizes.

Neptune tells Maisy not to worry about it as they are perfectly fine. Vert adds that they are Heroes, after all. Neptune agrees. Maisy is glad to hear that. That being said, Noire thinks what Bombyx Mori is doing is horrible, driving people out of the homes and all. Blanc continues to read the field guide and comes across Bokemon such as Seaqueen and Ratattack. She concludes that there are a lot of strange monsters in this guide and it is fascinating.

Maisy explains that she is going to Lowee, as that is where the Bombyx Mori people said they are going. Neptune warns her about the danger of all that. Maisy explains that she has no other options, she has no idea how to get a hold of the Resistance, so... Neptune tells Maisy to tell the Resistance that Neptune's party sent her. She tells Maisy to tell the Resistance that she is friends with Neptune the Brave and they'll help.

Maisy is surprised it could be that easy and praises Neptune for being a real Hero. Neptune happily agrees that she definitely is a hero. Noire warns her not to be caught by Bombyx Mori. Maisy assures Noire that she will be fine as Bombyx Mori is pretty stupid. Blanc agrees with her assessment of Bombyx Mori but regardless she should be careful.

Maisy assures them that she will be careful and thanks the party as she leaves to the Lowee. Vert hopes that Maisy can manage to stay out of trouble. Noire has the same feeling of concern as Vert. Neptune thinks it is nice to do a good deed and declares it is time to go "Onward! To Planeptune!". Neptune asks Blanc if she said it right this time. Neptune adds that she has to like how heroic, she just sounded, and thinks it was cool! Blanc asks if Neptune is trying to annoy her because it is working.

On the boat, Neptune is pondering over Planeptune. She thinks it sounds like Neptune with a plan. Vert agrees with Neptune there must be a connection between her and Planeptune. Blanc reads her book paying no attention to the party and says Click. Noire wonders what Blanc was doing. Blanc explains that this was a spell in the Book of Restoration that opens a secret door.

Neptune is surprised that Blanc is still reading that book. Blanc remarks there are other spell such as the all purpose spell, Nep Team Epic. Neptune thinks that is nice, but asks Blanc to tell her if there is a pudding spell as she is hungry. Noire wants Neptune to tell her something she doesn't know.

The party finally make landfall in Planeptune. Vert looks at the run-down city and notes that it does feel a bit dreary. Noire takes a look at the mermaid statue and thinks it looks cute. Blanc notices that it is wearing seashell swimsuit and asks if Noire wants an outfit like that. Neptune thinks Noire is very foxy to do that and blows a whistle.

Noire flustered, remarks she would never wear something like that. Vert then notes that there are no residences in Planeptune. Neptune thinks that is strange but wants to keep moving for now.

Explore Sakura Road
After exploring Sakura Road, Blanc notices another area underwater. Vert adds that the roads are now inaccessible from here on. Neptune wonders if they can swim to the other side. Noire stares across the sea but can't see across the other side and notes that the other side is very far away from where they are at. Neptune is annoyed by this and asks what is their plan then? Vert rules a detour as that is just unrealistic. Neptune guesses that they must swim.

Blanc asks if everyone can swim. Everyone including Blanc sudden realizes they forgot how to swim. Neptune guesses they are stuck and thinks it would be nice if someone gave them a hint. Neptune calls out to Histoire. Histoire does not respond. Noire reports that she is sleeping. A helpful girl walks up and tells them the area ahead is submerged. She asks if they want to go to the underwater city.

Neptune did not know there was an underwater city. She asks the girl what happened and why it is underwater. The helpful girl explains that a long time ago, a Goddess ruled this nation... The citizens lost faith in her and so she sunk the city in her wrath. The helpful girl notes that is the story according to old folktales, but she doesn't know if this true herself.

Blanc thinks about what the helpful girl says. Neptune wonders if it is the Goddess, that Chrome mentioned and asks the helpful girl if it isn't supposed to be a Hero that ruled the nation. The helpful girl is confused by Neptune's question and what she means by Hero. Neptune finds her response really cold. Vert returns to the topic of a sunken city.

The reliable girl tells them that the land may be underwater but the buildings are still intact. She adds that this city was once the capital of the nation. Neptune believes this must be an important plot point later. The helpful girl adds that if they do want to visit the underwater city, that there is an item for that. The reliable girl explains that an alchemist that used to live nearby left it behind. It lets them breathe underwater. Noire thinks that is interesting and asks the helpful girl where the item can find it.

The helpful girl gets out a note. Neptune reports that this is a hint and thinks that was easy. The helpful girl does not know if easy is the right word but it does have the item's location. Neptune wants to see the hint. Neptune reads note and wants to say something but doesn't. Blanc calls out to Neptune. Noire wants to see the hint as well. Neptune gives Noire the note and she is in awe of the note. Vert asks what is the matter. Vert reads the note and makes a pitying face in response to the note. Blanc wants the note as well. Vert gives it to her and Blanc understands why the party is having such reactions to the note.

Noire summarizes the note as dense and that she feels embarrassed reading it. The word choice is also... Neptune agrees with Noire and says there is no denying it. The party concludes that this helpful girl is a chunnibyou in their heads. The helpful girl is concerned and asks if her handwriting is hard to read. Neptune tries to ease her concerns, saying her writing is fine and they can read it just fine. Vert says this is hard to point out to someone who is not self-aware.

Blanc asks the helpful girl if she has got to the underwater with the item. The helpful girl reports that she has but she didn't find anything there. Neptune asks if she is sure there is nothing at all. The helpful girl says she found garbage but there was a rusted door that would not open. The helpful girl concludes that it was a boring trip and she would not recommend it. Neptune is curious about that door. The helpful girl says she is leaving now. Neptune then remembers she has no idea of her name. She calls out to the girl who already left. Neptune reports that she is gone. Vert wonders what her name is.

Later, Noire declares that she should check the note again. She reads "Adorn blue shells, alight upon the coral field. Form the bond with the lost scale." Neptune thinks this is something an old villager lady would say. Vert adds that the old villager lady would likely also have a little girl who knows nothing at her side. Neptune confirms to Vert that this is exactly the image she had in mind.

Noire is tired of them fooling around. She declares that she can't make heads or tails of this note. Blanc tells the party to leave it to her. Neptune is happy Blanc is taking charge. Blanc pridefully declares that she has the greatest abundance of vocabulary knowledge here. She looks at the first part, "Adorn the blue shells..." Blanc remembers that the mermaid statue, at the harbor was wearing a blue shell swimsuit, if she recalls. Vert knows what Blanc is talking about. Blanc also notes that Coral field refers to ocean floor so this must be about the statue.

Neptune is awe of Blanc's deduction. Blanc is very sure of her theory. Blanc then notices the strange face the party is making at her. Neptune wonders if Blanc also has it. Noire agrees that Blanc must be the same as the girl from earlier. Vert adds that just like that girl, she also lacks self-awareness. Blanc annoyed, asks them what they are talking about.

Neptune, worried, tells Blanc that they are talking about nothing and that she is doing great. Noire agrees and thinks they should head to the mermaid statue now. Vert agrees that it is time to leave. Blanc thinks they are quite weird.

Investigate the Mermaid Statue at Planeptune Harbor
The party reaches the mermaid statue. Noire observes that the mermaid statue has a blue sea-shell bra. Blanc declares that the lost scale around here. Vert approaches the statue and thinks it must be this scale. She tries to pull the scale from the statue but it will not come off. Neptune tells Vert that she is off mark and she is actually pulling the sea shell bra not scale. Vert then wonders where the scale is then. Neptune takes a look around and thinks she sees it. Vert does not know what Neptune is referring to.

Neptune explains that it is in the middle of two white radishes behind the statue's shoulders. Vert gets confused by Neptune's instructions. Neptune says it is under the big shell, past the mackerel, above the small shell, around the flounder-. Vert is completely lost. Vert frustrated, declares she cannot keep up. Noire sees a glittery scale on the mermaid's tail fin and asks if that is it. Blanc thinks it is, as it stands out so much. Neptune explains that this was what she was trying to refer to for Vert.

Vert defeated, begs Neptune to... Noire picks up the scale. Neptune wants to see the scale. Neptune thinks it is pretty and sparkly. Noire asks Neptune to be careful with that. The scale slips from Neptune's hands. Noire scolds Neptune for not listening to her. The scale is used and bubble helmets appear around on the party.

Neptune notices this and reads the scale as "Underwater Respiration Materio"! She declares that they have obtained a legendary item. Neptune thought this item was just a rumor. Vert wonders what Neptune is referring to. Regardless, Vert is happy that they can now proceed to the underwater city. Blanc hopes that it is the case if the item does what the girl said it could do. Noire is happy it worked out in the end, but asks everyone to be careful. Neptune thinks they might be able to meet mermaids in the underwater city.

Noire wonders where Neptune got any idea of mermaids from. Vert laughs and asks if they should go then. The party leaves.

Head to Planeptune Sea
In Planeptune Sea, Noire is in awe of the beauty scenery. She praises the water for being clear and likens the situation to a dream. Blanc remarks that if the item's effect wore off then they'd... Blanc tells the party to forget that she said that. Neptune notes that when little kids wet the bed, they dream about being underwater. Noire cannot believe that Blanc and Neptune killed the mood.

Explore Planeptune Sea
Deeper into Planeptune Sea, Neptune notices the underwater city. Noire is impressed how pristine and intact it is. Neptune then feels funny. Vert wonders what is wrong. Neptune assures Vert it is nothing, just that her heart feels funny looking at the city. Neptune wonders what that was all about. Regardless, Neptune pushes the party onward to exploring the sea and underwater city.

Walking up a bit, Vert notices that something has sunken to the floor. Neptune tells Vert she is right about that, and wonders what they are. Neptune looks at the sunken object and realizes it is the 3D game software that was on the magazine. It is 4 Goddesses Online. Noire is surprised that those 3D games were real. Blanc looks around and notices there are more games lying about. In fact, there are a lot of games lying about.

Vert remembers that Artisan asked them to gather intel so they should collect as many games for her as possible. Blanc asks Vert if all she wants to do is play them. Vert laughs and tries to hide her obvious interest in playing the games. Neptune does not really care either way and decides to collect the games regardless.

Gather game software
While gathering games, a submarine approaches surprising Noire. Blanc looks at the mark on the hull and sees that it belongs to Bombyx Mori. Vert guesses they are collecting games as well. A crew member inside the submarine wonders what these girls are doing. Neptune tells the crew that this is her question. Why would Bombyx Mori collect these games.

A second crew member explains that if these 3D games are left behind for people to collect, the wonderful 2D games will fade away. The first crew member adds that Filyn ordered them to destroy all relics from the past. The second crew member claims that Filyn said that playing 3D or VR games would corrupt the people. The first crew member says that all this is top secret and since they know, Bombyx Mori will have to destroy them.

Neptune retorts that they didn't ask for all that information. Vert will not forgive them for causing such destruction to games and draws her spear. Neptune is surprised how fired up Vert is. Vert says her wrath has no end, they will crush Bombyx Mori then recover every game they have. Noire cannot believe that this petty drive for games is Vert's objective. Blanc figured as much but that doesn't matter. Neptune draws her sword and calls out "Orichalcum".

The party defeat the Bombyx Mori submarine. The first crew member orders a retreat as they need to report this to Filyn. Vert tells the crew to leave those games behind while they are retreating. Blanc notes that Bombyx Mori was keeping tabs on them but now they definitely know that they are a threat. Neptune gets upset. She declares that she Nep'em all up. Neptune also tells Noire that she should Nowa them all too. Noire is annoyed with the Nowa gibberish that Neptune just spewed out. Vert agrees and she will Ver up anyone who commits crimes against games. Blanc guesses she'll Bla them, but thinks that sounds weird. Noire can't believe they are still on this topic and rushes them ahead.

Further explore Planeptune Sea
Inside the Submerged Tower, Blanc notes they can breathe normally here. Neptune sniffs around causing Vert to ask what Neptune what is going on. Neptune says the smell is familiar. Noire also tries sniffing around causing Neptune to snicker. Noire wonders why Neptune is snickering. Neptune thinks Noire is like a dog. Noire gets annoyed with Neptune. Neptune tries to brush it off but Noire stays annoyed. Neptune decides to flee. Noire chases Neptune down.

Explore inside the tower
Further inside the tower, Neptune's party reaches a big door. Neptune realizes this must be the door the IF was talking about. Noire remarks on how big it is. Vert remembers that the girl mentioned the door could not budge but this door is fully open right now. Blanc believes it was forced open by some kind of explosion. Neptune thinks this is lucky for them, so they can go inside as she runs through the door. Noire tries to warn Neptune about how dangerous it can be up ahead but seeing as Neptune already left, Noire and the rest of the party follow her.

Neptune's party runs into Ester Zira and Bombyx Mori. Neptune and Zira are the first to notice each other. This surprises the two of them. Ester Zira struggles to remember Neptune. Blanc notes that Zira is one of Bombyx Mori's Three Musketeers. Zira happily confirms that she is number three of that group. Zira then remembers Neptune the newbie. Neptune wishes Zira does not remember that about her.

Zira reports to Neptune that Arty has been looking for her. She was in the tower earlier looking for Neptune and when she couldn't find her, she left. Neptune notes that was a close call. Zira wonders if Arty would be happy if she captured Neptune for her. Vert agrees that Artura would thrilled if Neptune was captured and given to her. Neptune wonders why Vert would say that. Vert apologizes as she got caught in the moment.

Zira thanks Vert for her participation and declares she will be capturing Neptune now. She prepares her Chocoman No. 1 to attack. Neptune refuses to be caught and draws her sword. Noire tells Neptune not to worry as no one will be getting captured. Neptune declares that Noire is her truest and dearest friend. Noire blushes and tells Neptune to shut up and get ready to fight.

After the party destroys Chocoman No. 1, Zira mourns her destroyed mech. She remarks that she can rebuild it, as they have the technology... Zira brightens up and declares she will be taking her leave now. Neptune tells her not to come back. Zira says that she will capture her later. Bombyx Mori and Ester Zira leaves. Neptune tells her to go away. Neptune catches her breath noting that was close. Noire thinks they should keep going as they are on a mission. Seeing Neptune still, Noire scolds her for just standing there. Neptune whines and appeals to her dearest friend to let her rest a little.

Noire tells Neptune not to call her that and continues to push her to pick up the pace. Vert notes that Neptune and Noire get along so well. Blanc agrees. Noire wonders how those two see that, and tells them to stop it.

The party eventually makes it to the computer room. Noire wonders what is this strange place. Neptune again notes that this place is nostalgic. Blanc sees an information board and reads "Data Storage". Vert sees that most of it is already destroyed. Noire believes that Bombyx Mori is to blame for this. Blanc thinks there could have been information on the lost games in some of these. Neptune remembers back in the archives, that Bombyx Mori declared they were destroying dangerous books.

Blanc begins to get enraged as they destroyed those books because it was just a pain to them. Vert notes that they are destroying all intel related to 3D or VR gaming and that their actions are not forgivable. Noire thinks if they got here earlier, they may have been able to stop them. Blanc declares them unforgivable and Vert agrees. Noire blames Neptune for wanting pudding so much and slowing them down. Blanc and Vert find Neptune unforgivable. Neptune meekly tries to defend herself.

Neptune thinks there is something they missed and tells her party they just half to look. Neptune suggests that there might be a door in the ceiling that is hard to see... Neptune spots that very door. Noire is impressed with Neptune's find and notices that the door is not broken. Neptune suggests that they try opening it and see if they find any info on games. Neptune, however cannot reach the door.

Blanc tells Neptune to leave it to her. Noire wonders what Blanc is doing. Blanc reads a long spell from her book causing the door to open and a ladder to come down. The party is impressed but Neptune notices that the part of the spell that mattered was the "Click" at the end so what was the other party about. Blanc explains to Neptune that the rest was essential. It is ancient spell stuff and Neptune wouldn't understand. Vert recognizes the spell from the novel Blanc was reading.

Blanc tells Vert she is right and it is from the Book of Restoration. The spell just "clicked" with her. Neptune is glad the book came in handy. Since Neptune was the one who found it, she reasons that she in a way was the one who opened the door. Noire agrees to stop Neptune from going on a tangent and the party enters climbs the ladder to the hidden room.

In the hidden room, they see a computer that Noire reads is "to be handled with caution". Neptune thinks it is important so they should grab it. Blanc sees that the cable is severed so they can't turn it on like this. Vert suggests that if they bring it to the Resistance it might be able to be fixed. Neptune declares that they have acquired some treasure. Noire tells Neptune they don't even know if it is treasure yet.

Later, Neptune sees an album. Noire wonders why in album would be in a hidden room like this. Vert wonders whose photos, they are. Blanc thinks they might find out if they look at them. She asks Neptune to open the album. Neptune agrees and opens the album. .

We must meet that girl again
Looking at the album, Blanc has no idea who they could be. Noire also has no idea. Vert sees that it is just a group of friends playing games together and that they seem very close. Blanc notices that there are 4 game consoles in the pictures. Vert remembers the consoles in that magazine. Neptune notes that if these consoles are in those magazine and Vert does not know them then what sort of consoles are there. Blanc thinks they were the latest tech consoles that were lost. Noire agrees with Blanc's guess.

Neptune points out a photo with Chrome in it. Noire thinks if that is true then Chrome... Blanc says that Chrome knows these people. Neptune thinks part of the mystery is revealed. Vert thinks that the girl next to Chrome in that photo looks like the one that gave them the note to the Mermaid Statue. Neptune agrees with Vert's observation. Blanc thinks the girl looks younger though, having a kid's backpack and everything. Noire says they have to talk to the girl again.

Neptune has one final thing to say. She asks the party if that is okay to say it. Blanc wonders why Neptune is asking that. Neptune says she has noticed something bigger. Noire wonders what Neptune has noticed. She thinks that beautiful purple-haired girl looks like her. Noire, Blanc and Vert bluntly deny Neptune's observation. Noire says that Neptune lacks her nice style. Blanc says Neptune is not as pretty as her. Vert believes that the girl in the picture is smarter than Neptune. Neptune says she did not ask for their opinion. Blanc thinks they should take the album with them for now. Noire agrees, as while it does not unlock any memories for her, it still is a clue. Vert thinks they have to get this to Chrome. Neptune swears that this girl looks like her.

Neptune later finds pudding in the hidden room. Noire tells Neptune not to eat stuff off the ground. Blanc bets that pudding has expired as well. Neptune just wants to try a little taste. Vert tells Neptune she mustn't eat that pudding and that they will eat pudding once they return. Neptune agrees to be patient then. Noire thinks that should be it and they should leave now. Neptune thinks there might be something else here and wonders if they should keep looking.

Search a little longer: Neptune thinks they should look around a little more. Vert agrees as it is common knowledge to search every corner of a game. 
Leave: Neptune thinks they have seen enough. Noire says they are going now. Neptune agrees.

Neptune declares that they have returned to land. Noire thinks Neptune is always too dramatic. Vert thinks they were able to obtain quite a bit of information. Blanc agrees and thinks there could be even more intel in Planeptune. Noire wants to find that girl from earlier, and suggests they ask some locals. Neptune agrees and that they shoukd get some food while they are at it. Noire ignores Neptune and suggests that they look for houses with lights on. If Neptune chose to search a little longer, she obtains Histoire's Tome VII.

Search for houses in Sakura Road
The party is looking around for the girl. Noire is thinking about the Book of Restoration and how there was a spell specifically made for opening a secret door in the tower. Vert agrees. Blanc explains that the idea just came to her to use the book at the moment. Neptune tries to claim credit by saying she found the book. The idea of collecting the book just hit her when she was in the archives. Noire reminds Neptune she thought the book was useless before giving it to Blanc.

Vert asks Blanc if there is any spell in the book that could produce interesting game software. Blanc says there is not, but there is a spell that will make one sleepy. It was called "Snooze". Neptune says that any book with too many words will put her to sleep. Blanc remarks that Neptune does not need a spell to sleep. Blanc notes that she is finished reading the novel. She asks if the party wants to hear the intro.

Noire takes a look at the book and admits she does not really understand the book. Vert tries to read the intro. After a glimpse, Vert tells Noire she definitely understands the intro however... Neptune guesses that Noire hates the intro. Blanc tries to defend the book saying it is good. Blanc notes that there is a Purple Hawk who is crazy about pudding and almost drowns herself in it. Blanc declares this book a work of art and a masterpiece. Neptune thinks that sounds hilarious and that the Purple Hawk is a dummy.

Noire quips that this sort of stupidity is the kind Neptune would get into. Blanc also notes that this a Green Hawk that is quite chesty then gets too inflated and explodes. This shocks Vert. Blanc notes that after Green Hawk exploded, she dies and Blanc laughed. Vert wonders why she feels disturbed by that part of the story.

Noire asks who the author is. Blanc notes that there are 4 people's names but the names are worn down and she can't read them. Neptune thinks that is too bad and that it would be nice to meet them one day.

Later the party was able to find a house with the lights on. Neptune declares that is ready to challenge whoever lives there. Noire asks Neptune what she is doing? She scolds Neptune telling her to be more careful. Neptune tells Noire not to worry as a Hero can smash pots and loot the place and no one gets mad. A voice from the house tells the party to hold on as she is coming.

Neptune tells Noire that it was fine after all. Noire is annoyed regardless. Vert laughs. Blanc notes that the voice belonged to... The voice came from the girl from before. She says that she doesn't want any... before seeing the party. She is surprised to see them again. Neptune remembers the girl as she gave them the memo from before. Neptune guesses that this is her house and is happy about the perfect timing.

Vert explains that they have returned from the underwater city. The girl is happy that her memo could help the party as that means they could understand what it meant. Blanc says that she perfectly understood what she was trying to say. The girl notes that she is told that a lot. Even in school, her notes were known for its readability. Neptune thinks everyone was just nice to that girl. Noire agrees. Vert hopes that her school notes were written normally. The girl asks how it went. She was there a bunch of times but found nothing interesting.

The fact always bothered her as she feels there's something down there so she keeps going. Blanc asks if that was why she was nearby the sea when they found her. The girl confirms this and explains that this is why we live near the sea to investigate the underwater city. Noire wonder who is the we? Another voice from inside the home calls out to Iffy and asks her what is taking so long. A third voice tells the second voice, Compa that it might be Bombyx Mori.

Compa and Chrome leave the house. Neptune recognizes Chrome. Chrome is surprised to see the party again. IF asks Chrome if she knows the party. Chrome asks the party why they are here. Chrome guesses what they have been up to. Neptune gets excited from the mysterious words coming from the mysterious lady. Chrome asks Neptune to stop calling her that.

Compa suggests to IF that since the party is friends with Chrome, that they should let them in. IF agrees, and she wants to hear more about their adventures in the underwater city. Neptune is happy to be let in.

Inside Compa's House, Neptune says it is tradition for a Hero to introduce herself. Neptune introduces herself. Compa and IF wonder what Neptune means by Hero. Noire tells them not to worry about it. Noire then introduces herself politely. Blanc introduces herself. Vert also politely introduces herself. IF then introduces herself and notes that they have been living here for... Compa introduces herself as IF's roommate. Compa notes that now there is three of them living here now. Chrome chuckles and clarifies that she is not planning on staying long but Chrome introduces herself anyways. She notes that the party already knows her.

Blanc points out that while they know Chrome's name, that is all they know. They know nothing else about her. Noire agrees, and questions why Chrome is here of all places. They are very far from Lowee after all. Chrome explains how she was chased by Filyn and she was able to escape to Planeptune. Chrome catches her breathe noting that Filyn should take a while to catch up. However, Filyn is still hot on her heels. Chrome is annoyed by how persistent Filyn is. Chrome looks for a place to hide and is helped by IF. IF tells Chrome to follow her.

Chrome enters Compa's House with IF. IF assures Chrome she can hide here as long as she needs. Chrome asks IF why she saved her. IF admits that she does not know and just felt like she had to. Compa is beaming about having a guest over as they have not had one in a long time. IF and Compa introduce themselves to Chrome. Chrome then introduces herself and thanks the two. Chrome says she will not be staying long.

Chrome finishes explaining her story and admits she was only planning a short stay but... Vert and Neptune understands what Chrome is trying to get at. Neptune adds that she has something to say to Chrome. Chrome can only guess what that is. Neptune declares that she is hungry and wants her to buy her something to eat. Chrome scolds Neptune to spend her money wisely.

Compa laughs and suggests they all have tea. They can all rest and talk a bit. Compa asks if that is okay with IF. IF notes that Compa is happy to have company. Compa is glad IF noticed. IF agrees to allowing their guest to rest and eat. However, IF notes that they only have tea and sweets. Compa wonders if she should make some pudding as she has the ingredients. Neptune wants Compa to do it. She tells her to put all the ingredients in an alchemy pot so that it'll be done quickly.

Compa does not think that is actually a thing. IF tells the party that everyone has to help. Those who do not help, do not eat. Neptune says that hearing that makes her heart melt. Vert thinks it is like salt on a slug. Blanc corrects Vert as slugs don't melt, they shrink. Vert is surprised that is the case, but wonders who cares. Noire agrees that they will help and tells Neptune to get up. Neptune says she will do anything for pudding and gets up eager to help out.

Help Compa

Neptune asks Compa to let her help. Compa thanks Neptune and lets her take care of the eggs. They finish the pudding and Neptune announces to her party that it is all ready. Neptune tries the pudding and finds it delicious. She praises Compa for being a good cook. Neptune thinks Compa's skills are why Chrome is still living with them. Chrome retorts that her stomach does not guide her every action unlike Neptune.

Neptune recounts her adventures and concludes that this is why she wants to know about these old games from Chrome. She knows that Chrome knows a lot about them. Chrome agrees, so she explains that 3D games once existed in Gamindustri. However Bombyx Mori and Filyn hid them so that no traces of them exist. Vert thinks that is so terrible. Noire is surprised Vert is so hurt by this. Vert declares that every games deserves to be played... by herself. Now Noire feels dumb for feeling concerned about Vert. Blanc is upset that Bombyx Mori is also involved in censoring books. She won't forgive them.

Chrome acknowledges that resources go into graphical tech in 3D games, making actual content sparse. However that does not seem like enough reason for Filyn to hate them that much. Blanc observes that Bombyx Mori idolizes 2D games which do not use as much resources on graphical content. Noire notes that this lines up with what Artisan said. Vert believes they will get more answers when they pursue Bombyx Mori. Neptune agrees.

Neptune still remembers that Bombyx Mori kidnaps engineers and burns books so... Noire thinks that entire issue has nothing to do with her. Noire tries to leave Neptune's party. Chrome cuts Noire off and explains that Filyn is the reason why the 4 of them don't have their memories. Noire quickly changes her attitude and wants to hunt Filyn down. Blanc wants to confirm with Chrome that Filyn is ordering all those book burnings. Chrome assures that Filyn founded Bombyx Mori and the one leading everything. Blanc agrees that Filyn must be stopped. Neptune doesn't really understand what is going on but the loli - Filyn must be stopped. Vert agrees.

Chrome appreciates the party's enthusiasm but normal humans don't stand a chance against her. Neptune disagrees as she is the Hero. They can win if they just- Filyn is heard outside calling Chromey out to play. Chrome and the party are surprised. Neptune can't believe she is already here. Filyn knocks on the door for Chrome. Chrome responds that she is busy and Filyn is noisy. She tells Filyn to go home.

Filyn wonders who is inside with Chrome. She warns, whoever it is, better not be interfering with her play time with Chrome. She demands Chrome come out. Neptune wonders if they should throw down now. She is worried because she does not have all her Hero equipment yet. Noire is annoyed with Neptune as there is no Hero equipment. Vert worries that they have to think of something as Filyn will barge in at any moment. Blanc thinks she is about to break down the door.

Chrome tells everyone to hide. She will deal with Filyn. Neptune agrees to leave this to Chrome. IF worriedly asks if Chrome can handle this. Chrome assures IF that she is used to dealing with Filyn. She can handle it. Compa tells IF to hurry and hide. Everyone hides. Shortly later, Filyn calls out to Chromey asking if she can hear her. Hearing now response, Filyn loses patience and says if she is going to be like that then...

Chrome tells Filyn to wait. She is going to get the door. Filyn enters and very happy to see Chrome. She remarks that she really wanted to see Chrome and suggests that they play together. Chrome tells Filyn to calm down and she will play with her. Filyn is happy to have her date with Chrome. Filyn wonders what they should do first and something catches her eye. Chrome wonders what is up as no one else is here.

Filyn wonders then why are so many cups out. Chrome explains that she made too many sweets so she had to make a lot of tea to go with them. Chrome tries to explain herself. She quickly explains that she wanted to make something nice for Filyn so she learned.

Neptune laughs causing Noire to shut her up. Filyn hears something and asks who is there. Neptune apologizes as she couldn't help it. Neptune thinks they are in trouble now as she sees Filyn looking around. Neptune makes some weird animal sounds. Blanc wonders what kind of noise was that. Filyn brushes out that sound of that of a fish. It makes sense since they are by the water.

Both Chrome and Neptune breathe a sigh of relief. Vert wonders if fishes actually make noise like that. Filyn remarks that sound was stupidest she ever heard. She wonders if fishes sound like that. Fishes are dumb and listening to them made her dumber. Neptune gets upset at her remarks. Noire tells Neptune to keep it together. Filyn does not care about anything else anymore as she is happy to see Chrome and wants to confirm if all this is for her.

She asks if she can have some now. Chrome tells her she can and suggests that as it is late, she should go home when she is done. Filyn thinks the food looks delicious and starts eating. Neptune is upset as she was not done eating yet.

Filyn starts eating the sweets the party helped Compa make. She thinks the food is both very sweet and yummy. Chrome warns Filyn not to eat so fast as she might choke. Filyn thanks Chrome for her concern. She continues to eat. Vert notes that Filyn eats rather ferciously. Neptune worries that Filyn will eat everything. Chrome continues to observe Filyn.

Filyn is able to eat everything. She notes that she is stuffed. Chrome is glad that Filyn liked it and thinks it is time to- Filyn notes that when she is full, she gets sleepy... Filyn starts to fall asleep. Chrome calls out to Filyn. Filyn is fast asleep and notes that she likes Chrome so much. Chrome guesses Filyn hasn't changed after all. Filyn wants them to play together again. Chrome continues to observe Filyn before escorting her out.

Chrome tells everyone it is okay now and they can come out now. Neptune wonders where Filyn went as she was just sleeping. Chrome explains that she threw Filyn out. Vert thinks that is a bit cruel. Regardless, Chrome notes that she does it all the time. Filyn does not remember it whens she wakes up anyway. Blanc thinks that is strange. Noire worries about IF and Compa as they are still in the closet. She takes a look and notices that they are sleeping. Neptune notes that she feels bad about waking them up.

Chrome tells them to leave them be because this is pretty convenient. They can continue their conversation from before. Blanc agrees with Chrome. Neptune recounts they found an album with her, IF and Compa in it. Vert wonders if they were already acquainted. She got the idea they had all just met. Chrome tries to explain with Histoire pops out. Neptune is surprised that Histy is awake. Histoire seems very happy with the company that has assembled.

Neptune notices that Histoire is talking like crazy. Noire does not think that Histoire has ever said this much to them. Chrome understands what Histoire wants. Chrome revises her previous statement and thinks that it is possible for them to defeat Filyn. Neptune is happy with Chrome's changed opinion as she is a Hero after all. Neptune notes she is no run-of-the-mill human. Chrome agrees as Neptune is more a Goddess.

Neptune does not understand what Chrome means by Goddess. Blanc asks if it is the Goddess that IF mentioned in the folk tale. Vert remembers the one that was supposed to protect Planeptune. Chrome confirms that this is what she means by Neptune is that Goddess. And it is not just Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox all have Goddesses. However it is more accurate to say, they "had" Goddesses as they are all now gone.

In order for someone to become a Goddess, Histoire must acknowledge them. Noire is surprised that Histoire had such an ability. Neptune pieces it together, four nations, four Goddesses, and they are a party of four. Chrome again confirms that Neptune is on the right track. Neptune is happy at such a coincidence. Chrome stops being cryptic and bluntly states that the four of them are the Goddesses.

Neptune tells Chrome not to get worked up as she was just making a joke. Chrome admits that Neptune is exhausting. Noire guesses that means they were the four Goddesses protecting the nations. Chrome confirms this and notes that when they were turned human, they likely lost their memories. With Histoire, however they have a chance to become Goddesses again. If they are able to do that, then they can get their memories back. Noire gets excited, and wants to make sure Chrome is not lying when they can actually regain their memories. Vert is taken aback by the realization that they were all Goddesses. Blanc is excited that as a Goddess, that she should be able to read all the books in the world.

Neptune wonders if she be a Goddess or a Hero. Neptune asks if the Hero class or the Goddess class is better. Hero sounds coo- The group stop Neptune before she gets off track.

Steel your resolve and speak to Chrome
Chrome guesses it is time she told them everything. Neptune is getting tired with this exposition. She asks the teacher if it is cool if she could skip this scene. Chrome tells Neptune she can but she might be in trouble if she does. Neptune guesses that was the case. If they have anything important to do, they should do it now.

Steel your resolve and speak to Chrome
Chrome guesses it is time she told them everything. Neptune is getting tired with this exposition. She asks the teacher if it is cool if she could skip this scene. Chrome tells Neptune she can but she might be in trouble if she does. Neptune guesses that was the case. If they have anything important to do, they should do it now.

Wait a moment: Chrome says she will be wating for Neptune in Compa's House until she is ready.

I'm good!: Chrome says she will begin. She explains that as before she mentioned that this world had four Goddesses who ruled over four nations. Vert adds that would be themselves. Chrome confirms this. Chrome adds that Histoire is an AI that exists to support the Goddesses and record history. Neptune is surprised that this book has artificial intelligence. Now she has seen everything. Blanc does not think it is strange considering the book could communicate.

Chrome adds that Histoire was human, but lose the battle for the last world and was trapped in the book as a result. Noire questions what Chrome means "The battle for the last world". Chrome avoids answering and tries to move on. Noire snaps at Chrome reminding her she asked a question. Chrome asks Noire to let her continue and they will understand soon enough.

Chrome continues and explains they all lost that battle and all memories of them disappeared from the citizens. That is why Compa and IF don't remember them. They were allies with them before. Neptune is surprised they used to know the two of them. Chrome confirms this. Chrome refers to the album where they met IF and Compa before they became human. Blanc asks if Chrome knows those two too since there was a picture of the three of them there.

Chrome confirms she knows them but adds that Neptune knew them way more and that IF and Compa believed in Neptune. That belief in a Goddess gives them strength and without it, the Goddess cannot exist. Neptune digests this fact for a bit. She asks why despite the fact they have no memories, they are still alive and still exist.

Chrome explains that Histoire should have been helpful in gathering the Goddesses. Neptune complains that Chrome is ignoring her question. Chrome continues that once the Goddesses are gathered, Histoire will awaken and lend her power. Chrome refers to that book Blanc keeps and asks them to read it to make Histoire's physical form appear. Neptune does not want to read that huge wall of text and asks Chrome to do it.

Chrome tells Neptune that a defender of a nation shouldn't rely on people like that. She asks Neptune to use the tomes. Neptune guesses she should try. She asks Histoire to play it again. Histoire begins to communicate. Blanc notes that the tome is right here. Neptune looks at it. Blanc thinks it reads "team". Neptune reads out the spell "Nep Team Epic!". Vert reads out "Let's Nep Nep". Noire sees that Histoire is troubled.

Neptune believes they have to say it at the same time. They will do it on three! She counts and the party chants "Nep Team Epic!" Histoire finally appears.

The reveal!

Histoire is glad and thought this would have taken 300 years. Neptune is excited to see their cute book. Noire guesses all that text boiled down to a little phrase. Histoire explains that the four Goddesses had to unify their thoughts and call out. Histoire notes that when they were separated, she had no idea what would happen. She feels reassured now. Chrome tells the party to direct all their questions to Histoire as she knows more than her.

Chrome explains that she knows a lot about lost history and also- Histoire cuts Chrome off and tells the party she guide them through the process of reclaiming their Goddess powers. Neptune then wonders about that spell Nep Team Epic. They all thought it up. Vert confirms that they did and she has a vague memory of that. Histoire explains that since she is a recorder of history, their memories should be returning soon and laughs.

Neptune asks Histoire that she said they can use their Goddess powers to their full pudding. Histoire explains that she said they could use it to their full potential. She asks Purple Hea... Neptune not to joke around. Neptune gets excited to be scoled by Histy. Histoire explains that to regain their Goddess status, they must return to the land they ruled. There, they will open her book, chant the spell and face a challenge. Neptune is impressed that this spell can do so much.

Neptune then realizes that her land is Planeptune. Histoire confirms this and takes it as a sign that Neptune is regaining her memory. Neptune then decides to take this challenge thingy right away. Since the book is open. Neptune chants Nep Team... Histoire cuts Neptune off warning her the challenge is very difficult. Neptune finishes with Epic. Neptune gets worried about this challenge. Noire sees that Neptune disappeared. Blanc observes that Neptune has been sucked into the book. Vert asks Histoire what state Neptune is in.

Histoire explains that Neptune is looking around and now she is walking. Histoire narrates that Neptune then tripped and starts crying. She mumbles that "this isn't Hero work." Noire can't believe Neptune is talking about that after they found that they are Goddesses. Histoire announces it is a beautiful day for a challenger, and the first contestant is Neptune. She has found something in front of her and is on the approach. Histoire wonders what will happen next and tells the audience not to touch the dial. Neptune is on the move.

A beautiful purple goddess, Purple Heart returns to the real world and apologizes for keeping the party waiting. Vert, Blanc and Noire can't believe what they are seeing. Purple Heart asks what is wrong. She wonders if it is something on her face. Noire asks if that is Neptune. Purple Heart confirms this, that in this form, she is Purple Heart but she is definitely Neptune. Purple Heart declares that she has been able to regain her power. She is back.

Histoire is glad that she is safe. Noire can't wrap her mind that Purple Heart is Neptune. As Noire and Blanc are in shock of the contrast between Purple Heart and Neptune, Vert notes the amount of discomfort in this room is incredible. Purple Heart remembers that in that album, none of them thought that the Purple one was her. However, it turns out she was right, she was the beautiful purple one.

Purple Heart explains that a good amount of her memory has returned. She thinks it is strange they got along considering they fought a lot in the past. Vert wonders if that is true. Vert then asks what it was like inside the book. Purple Heart explains that it was strange. A console transforms into a Goddess, you must battle. Chrome smirks. Purple Heart returns to Neptune.

Neptune happily adds that there is something she remembers now that she is a Goddess. Chrome wonders what that is. She wonders why Chrome didn't tell them who she actually is, that she actually is a- Blanc guesses that Chrome was a Goddess. Neptune complains that she wanted to say that. Neptune wonders how Blanc knew. Blanc suspected it from the beginning. Noire wonders how. Blanc says that Chrome had Histoire which can only be read by the Goddesses, and she also has the tomes. Vert remembers Chrome explains that before. Neptune does not remember that at all. Since Chrome was at one point able to read Histoire, it was an easy conclusion to make.

Neptune is impressed by Blanc. Chrome thinks that she dropped hints everywhere making this a basic mystery. Blanc adds that Chrome is possibly a Goddess from a generation prior to theirs. Chrome is impressed with Blanc. Blanc thinks she is right and owes it all to the time she educated herself in books. Vert says Blanc is quite boastful. Since she knows so much, Chrome says there is nothing else for her to add.

Blanc asks that Chrome explain the battle for the last world. Who exactly did they lose to and what caused memories of them to disappear. Chrome thinks they know the answer to that as well. Blanc thinks that would be Filyn. Neptune says that would be her guess as well and adds she always knew that. Vert sighs with Neptune's boast. Chrome says they are correct. Noire remembers that she told them they can't wait back in Yanderella Castle. Blanc is glad they solved some of the mysteries. She summarizes it as Filyn defeated them, their people forgot who they were and then they became human. Noire still wonders how could that be the case. Chrome says nothing. Blanc admits there are still some things she does not understand. Chrome tells them that IF and Compa's memories are gone even if the Goddesses remember. She asks them not to confuse them. Neptune agrees but suggests they stop talking all this. Her brain needs a break. Histoire praises Neptune for doing well and not skipping this part of the story. Neptune loves being praised by Histoire and wants to be given pudding as well. After she eats that pudding, she will also go to sleep like Compa. Noire guesses Neptune will be out for a bit. Noire just remembered they found a lot of expired pudding in the underwater city.

If the player talks to Compa before leaving Compa's House: Compa calls for Nep Nep. Neptune asks Compa what is wrong. Compa explains that she spoke to Iffy and want to have a little party before they leave. Neptune thinks that is great and wants to do it. Noire calls out to Neptune telling them they can't. Compa asks Noire what is wrong. Noire does not mind the party but... IF thinks that if that is the case, they are a good and they should start making preparations. Compa cheers. Chrome says she will be taking a nap and tells the party to wake her up when they are ready to leave.

Neptune enjoys some fresh pudding and says it is the best. Noire is glad Neptune did not eat that expired pudding. Vert enjoys a game of "Met a Roid" and calls it a masterpiece. Blanc asks what sort of game is it. Vert explains that the object is to meet Roid, who is shy and rolls into a ball when they meet. Compa apologizes to Blanc and Vert and asks them to move as she vacuums the place. Vert warns Compa that this a flag for unplugging a console. A monster dragon flies on by observing the group. Neptune wonders what is that. Blanc says it is a dragon larva. She notices it is hurt. Compa decides to heal it. After that it flies off. Neptune hopes it is okay. Compa is worried about the dragon larva. Noire notices it that it was search for something. IF returns with more pudding. Neptune cheers. Since the party is about leave, IF checks the weather on her phone. Neptune asks IF if she has lost that phone before. IF gets confused. IF thinks that Neptune is right but she should not know that. She lost her phone way before she met Neptune. IF thinks this is creepy. IF confides to Vert that she thinks Neptune stalks her. Vert asks IF if she is sure this is not some misunderstanding. Vert does recall IF suffering from chunni syndrome. IF wonders how Vert knows that. Vert notices that Roid has once again curled into a ball. IF wonders if Vert stalks her too.

Take the Goddess Challenge in Lastation
As the party is about leave, Neptune wants to get everyone up to speed. She asks her party if they are ready for their Goddess challenges? Blanc knows they have to go to all the nations. Noire in Lastation, Blanc in Lowee, Vert in Leanbox. Blanc wants to go in that order. Vert thinks it would be nice to visit the Resistance. Neptune thinks that is a plan and declare is offwards. Blanc says the line is "Onwards". Compa points them to a road that connects to Lastation. Neptune thanks Compa.

Vert's Acquaintance
The party walks around in Leanbox. Neptune wonders what they should do now? Vert begins fidgeting. She asks for the party's attention. Neptune asks Vert what's wrong. Vert tells them there is a Resistance soldier of whom she is acquainted with. She asks for permission to greet her. Noire is okay with this but since they are from the Resistance, she suggests that they go together. Vert tells them it is alright, and they should go ahead to the inn.

Vert tells them she will meet them later and says her farewells. Vert buys some snacks and heads to a house, which she leaves unlocked, to then game. She loses track of time and gets very imersed into her games.

Just one more dungeon...
Over the next few days, Vert's clothes get dirty, she gets bags in her eyes and her house becomes messy with empty food and drink containers everywhere. Vert notes she is sleepy but a little more and she can clear the dungeon. Vert realizes that she is getting hungry and looks around for snacks but she is all out. She thinks the Resistance is useless. Returning to her game, Vert believes she should level her skills in the previous area but then...

Vert thinks about what decision she should make. Vert notices that she can't return to the earlier dungeon. She observes that this is by design and a terrible one at that. Vert guesses she will have to restart from her previous save. A snappy girl calls out to her. Vert looks around to see three girls and wonders who they are. She apologizes as she is a bit preoccupied at the moment.

One of the concerned girls begs Vert to pull herself together and snap back to reality. Vert is confused by what the strange notion of reality.

Later at the inn, Vert declares she feels refreshed after her bath. Vert apologizes for taking so long with the Resistance as she had a few games she has to play. Blanc wonders if really was just a few. Vert confirms this and says thanks to that, she was able to relieve some stress. Vert apologizes for the trouble. Neptune wonders what would have happened if they never looked around for Vert. Blanc thinks it would not be strange if Vert just played games forever.

Vert thinks she could never do that as her limit is an hour a day. Noire wonders what this hour is for, a break? It seems like that hour is just for a break from games. Vert laughs at Noire's joke. Noire thinks Vert needs help.

Gathering Maximum Eggplants

Neptune and her party are about to leave Compa's House when Artisan calls Neptune asking how they are all doing. Neptune tells her that they are doing well. She asks Artisan how's it is going. Artisan says it is good and wants to tell them all about a rumor that might interest them. There are delicious eggplants near Lowee. Artisan wants to get her hands on some but can't. She asks if the party can help her.

Neptune is taken aback by eggplants and wonders why Artisan would ever call her about eggplants. She tells Artisan that she does not like this and asks if Artisan is new here. Chrome is interested in eggplants and agrees that they can help. Noire thinks Chrome is too eager to help and asks if she likes eggplants. Chrome says that they are here favorite food in the world and perhaps the universe. Neptune sees how eager Chrome is and decides to help her find some. She wonders if eggplants are possibly good. If they are then...

Artisan is happy that they will help her. She says that she will be at the base so asks them to call her when they arrive. Chrome wants to head to the base now. Vert notes that she has never seen Chrome this eager to complete a task. Blanc adds that Chrome would have her respect if she was always like this. Chrome asks Blanc and Vert what they mean. Vert and Blanc say it is nothing.

Artisan is happy that the party has actually arrived. Chrome excitedly assures that the party would arrive as she likes eggplants. Neptune says that Chrome only speaks for herself because... Artisan wonders if that means Neptune is no longer up to the task. Chrome gives Neptune the stink eye. Cornered, Neptune says that was just a joke. She actually likes eggplants.

Artisan says that is great and begins to fill the party on the details. Artisan says that these eggplants aren't regular eggplants, they are Maximum Eggplants. They are becoming hard to find in Lowee so once they find them, they should bring them to the Resistance base. She wants them to gather 3 Maximum Eggplants. Noire asks how they are supposed to tell the difference between those eggplants and regular ones.

Blanc believe she has heard of something like that before. Artisan thinks that since Blanc is aware of what they look like, they should be able to find them quickly. Blanc corrects Artisan as she was not referring to eggplants but tomoat-. Chrome silences Blanc as they don't have the budget to win this legal battle. Blanc apologizes for that mishap. Chrome says they have all the info they need and should go. Artisan tells them to be careful out there.

In the Twin Mountains, the party runs into a strange eggplant. Neptune wonders if this is the Maximum Eggplant. Vert observes that there is an M written on it. Chrome takes a look at this rumored Maximum Eggplant. Based on its color, sheen and decent size, Chrome declares this the perfect eggplant. Noire observes that Chrome is completely engrossed in the eggplant. Neptune is about to throw up, and wonders how Chrome could like eggplants. She warns Chrome that she will call her the old eggplant lady.

Chrome takes offense to that. She is not an old lady; she is as young and alluring as the eggplant. Blanc asks Chrome how old she is anyways. Chrome thinks she is over a thousand but can't recall the exact number. Neptune says that makes Chrome an old eggplant grandma. Chrome pinches Neptune. Blanc read in a book that a human's lifespan is 80 but perhaps the book was wrong. Chrome tries to think of a response of Blanc's observation. She decides to awkward brush her statement of as a joke and calls Blanc too stiff for not getting it. She urges the party to continue the search for the next eggplant. Chrome walks on ahead.

Noire thinks Chrome is weird but wonders if it is just her. Blanc believes she is hiding something.

Vert declares they have found their second Maximum Eggplant. Chrome excitedly declares they only need one more and tries to pump up the party by telling them to look alive. Neptune lets out a weak cheer.

Blanc spots the last eggplant and declares that is all three. Chrome wants to take them to Artisan immediately.

The party return to Resistance HQ and Chrome happily reports that they have the three Maximum Eggplants. Artisan says that was quick and is happy to eat them right away. Blanc asks Artisan if she is going to eat them raw. Artisan explains that apparently, they are best served raw. She takes one of the eggplants and tries it. It is delicious and Artisan is sure being as juicy as it is, it would be a great summer snack. Chrome asks if she can have one as well. Artisan happily hands some to Chrome as her party brought them over anyways. Chrome thanks Artisan and tries the eggplant. Chrome enjoys the eggplant praising it as the best eggplant she ever had.

Neptune covers her face and groans. She does not see the appeal of the eggplants at all. Vert asks Neptune how she knows she won't like eggplants. Artisan gives Neptune an eggplant for her to try. Neptune asks if she must try it. Artisan tells Neptune she will not force her to but vouches that the eggplant is delicious. Neptune says she will think about it.

Noire notes that she did not know that Chrome likes eggplants that much. Vert agrees and thought Chrome was a standard meat lover. Blanc says they are done now and should get going. Before they leave, Artisan wants the party to take this as a token of her appreciation. She'll contact them if something else comes up. Neptune tells Artisan that it better not be eggplant-related and says her goodbyes.

In Sakura Road, Neptune is wondering about something. Noire asks Neptune what is wrong. Neptune says she is wondering whether she should eat that eggplant that Artisan gave her. Noire urges her to try it. Neptune might like it. She'll never know if she does not try. Neptune agrees with Noire. Neptune tries the eggplant. Noire asks how it is. Neptune freezes.

Noire calls out concerned for Neptune. Noire asks if Neptune is okay. Neptune calls the eggplants gross and confirms that eggplants were indeed terrible. Noire thought Neptune was choking but it was a waste for her to get worried. Neptune gets upset at Noire as she was the one who suggested that Neptune eat it. Noire defends herself as Neptune ultimately made the decision to eat it, not her. The two girls are bitter at each other.

Vert breaks up the two girls fighting. She notes they must be very close to each other to fight over something so trivial. Neptune declares she will never eat another eggplant again, so Noire better not ask her to. Noire tells Neptune to give her the eggplant then. Neptune is not sure that she should given that she already bit it. Noire blushes and says it is fine as they are both girls and that doesn't bother her.

Neptune thinks this is lucky for her as she did ultimately feel bad about throwing the eggplant away. Neptune tells Noire she can eat the whole thing if she wants. Noire thanks Neptune. With that Neptune is ready to head on with her adventures. Vert asks if Noire will eat the eggplant. Noire says she will and tells Vert not to worry about it. Noire tries it and feels it delicious. Seeing that, Vert wants to try the eggplant. Noire refuses as this is her eggplant. Vert calls Noire cruel for not giving her just a single bite. Noire compromises with Vert promising to help her find her own Maximum Eggplant next time. Vert says she always knew that Noire was a kind person.

Noire finds her backhanded insult infuriating and says that if she talks like that, Noire will leave her behind. Vert tells Noire to wait.








