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Dungeon/Super Neptunia RPG/Twin Mountains

From Neptunia Wiki

Twin Mountains is the third dungeon the player goes to.

Magic Stone

As seen on the map, there are a total of 20 magic stones in this dungeon, 10 from one magic switches, 10 scattered about, of which 7 you need Puddingo to get.


  • Items can only be obtained once
  • Quest items only appear if the corresponding quest is taken
Treasure Quest Story
1) Linen Gloves (Armor) Rock Salt Mysterious Grass
2) Cool Bracelet (Armor) Conductor -
3) Omni Potion [x2], 300C Alumi Beans -
4) Steel Necklace (Accessory) Robata Beans -
5) Life Fragment [x2], 750C, Panacea [x1] Orichalcum -


  • Enemies in bold are considered Boss Monsters.
  • Enemies with * only show up if everyone in your party is under level 35
  • Enemies with ** only show up if anyone in your party is at least level 35
  • For more information, please see Bestiary/Super Neptunia RPG
  • Metal Dogoo can first spawn in this dungeon, its stats vary based on the level of your strongest party member

General Stats

Name HP Weak Resist Absorb Drop EXP Credits S.EXP FP
Bluefish 388 Fire Ice, Physical - Fish Guts, Blue Fish's White Meat, Mixture, Life Fragment, Ignis Ore, Ignis Crystal, Glacis Ore, Panacea, INT Nut 10 135 1 30
Whirlman 400 Lightning Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, Light, Dark Water Fulminis Ore, Fulminis Crystal, Granite Block, Granite, Berry, Omni Potion, VIT Nut 5 55 1 30
Water Jelly 300 Fire - Ice, Physical Ignis Crystal, Ignis Ore, Granite, Clock, Berry, Life Fragment, HP Nut 5 30 1 30
Ratasnow** 2300 Fire Water Ice Ignis Crystal, Reflex, Omni Panacea, Focus Powder, Angel Kiss, STR Nut 244 650 2 35
Pirate** 1700 - Fire, Water - Potion, Ignis Crystal, Hydro Crystal, Elixir, Angel Kiss, Omni Panacea, STR Nut 225 1287 2 45
Ice Golem** 1995 Fire Water Ice Ignis Crystal, Glacis Crystal, Elixir, Potion, Angel Kiss, INT Nut 267 975 2 45
Metal Dogoo 30 - Physical Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Light, Dark Elixir, Omni Elixir, Angel Wings, VIT Nut, Metal Dogoo Wrist, Metal Dogoo Skin 2500 1000 20 200
Ice Golem 1495 Fire Water Ice Berry, Ignis Ore, Glacis Ore, Clock, Elixir 198 320 1 30

Monster Formation

  • Water Jelly [x1]*
  • Water Jelly [x2]*
  • Water Jelly [x3]*
  • Water Jelly [x2], Bluefish [x1]*
  • Water Jelly [x4]
  • Whirlman [x1]*
  • Whirlman [x2]
  • Bluefish [x4]
  • Bluefish [x2], Whirlman [x1]
  • Metal Dogoo [x1]
  • Metal Dogoo [x2]
  • Ice Golem [x1]**
  • Pirate [x1], Ice Golem [x1]**
  • Pirate [x2]**
  • Pirate [x1], Ratasnow [x1]
  • Ratasnow [x1], Ice Golem [x1]
  • Ratasnow [x2]
  • Ratasnow [x3]
  • Ice Golem [x1], Water Jelly [x3]


Head to Akoop Archive
In Twin Mountains, just outside the Akoop Archive, a Bombyx Mori guard tells his fellow guardsman that their orders are not to let anyone in and to keep a sharp eye out. His partner agrees and both keep a sharp eye out. As time passes, the first guard comments on how that loli, Filyn is such a great leader. His partner agrees.

Neptune's party sees the guards, and Noire wonders what they are up to. Blanc observes that Bombyx Mori is guarding the Archive for some reason. Neptune concludes that if the bad guys are guarding something, then important stuff is in there. Blanc wonders why Neptune calls them bad. Noire is surprised Neptune would consider them bad and asks how she knows. Neptune explains that as a Hero, she knows.

Noire doesn't really see Neptune as a Hero as a few scenes ago, she was almost monster snack. Blanc ignores this and walks up to Bombyx Mori guards stating that she wants to enter the Archives. The guards refuse her entrance. Blanc understands and leaves. Blanc returns to Neptune and Noire and reports they cannot enter that way.

Neptune is disappointed. Noire wonders if there is a backdoor. Blanc has a second plan she wants to try. Noire is surprised by this and before she can protest Blanc, she tries her second plan. Neptune notes that Blanc is quite the go-getter.

Blanc tells the guard that there is a suspicious person in a direction away from the Archives and thinks they are up to something. The guards quickly leave their post to investigate this, opening up the way to the Archive for the heroes. Blanc reports that it is all clear. Neptune praises Blanc and the party enters the archives.

Head to FC Land
Neptune and Blanc heading to the amusement park, FC Land. At the entrance, they see more Bombyx Mori guards. Neptune figured they would run into them. She asks Blanc what they should do. Blanc tells Neptune to leave it to her as she has done this before. Neptune does not think they will fall for it again, as they aren't that stupid.

Blanc walks up to the guards and tells asks them if they saw that suspicious person over there. She thinks they are up to something. The guards eagerly set off to investigate the suspicious person and leave their guard positions. Neptune can't believe the copypasta worked. Neptune thinks the guards should look for a new job. Unfortunately Neptune and Blanc were unable to rescue Noire but they were able to escape.

Head to FC Land (2)
Neptune and Blanc were able to get the help of Vert and Resistance leader, Artisan to help rescue Noire. The party makes it to Twin Mountains on their way to FC Land when they come before a man who is concerned with something. Neptune asks the man what is wrong. He explains that his friend, an engineer was taken. He asks them to rescue her. The engineer was working at the park and they were supposed to make a game together. The fact that it was an engineer catches Vert and Artisan's interest. Neptune wonders what she should do.

Neptune decides to help the man as she is a hero after all. Blanc tells the man she is no hero but since he needs the help, she will give it. Artisan agrees. The man thanks them and explains his friend was taken to the Harbor. Neptune understands and the party decides to check it out. The party is able to rescue the engineer at Lowee Harbor.

Head to FC Land (3)
Near FC Land, the party runs into Chrome. Neptune apologizes for making Chrome wait. Chrome is surprised to see Vert and guesses that they are now all here. Vert is confused and asks if she knows her. Chrome says that Vert might know her. Neptune asks Chrome to stop with the mysterious one-liners. Blanc asks about Noire. Chrome says that she is safe but they don't have much time.

Artisan seems to recognize Chrome. Chrome understands that seeing Artisan that Neptune was able to enlist the help of the Resistance. Neptune wonders if the two of them know each other. Artisan chuckles and says that Neptune can see that. While Neptune would love details, she wants to focus on saving Noire. Vert agrees. Chrome explains that they are holding Noire in Yanderella Castle. Blanc says they need to save her and urges the party to go. Neptune likes it when Blanc is all fired up. Neptune leads the way. Chrome joins the party.