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Dungeon/Super Neptunia RPG/Yasnaya Forest

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Yasnaya Forest is the fifth dungeon the player goes. In this dungeon, Vert will be recruited in the party.

Magic Stone

In this dungeon, 20 magic stones can be obtained from a magic switch.


  • Items can only be obtained once
  • Quest items only appear if the corresponding quest is taken
Treasure Quest
1) Purple Gloves [x1] (Armor) Suspicious Vegetable [x1]
2) Mixture [x2], 350C Herb [x1]
3) Silk Pin [x1] (Accessory) Yadie (NPC)
4) Antidote [x5], 200C -
5) Protective Gauntlet [x1] (Armor) -
6) Phoenix Crown [x1] (Accessory) -


  • Enemies in bold are considered Boss Monsters.
  • Enemies with * only show up if everyone in your party is under level 40
  • Enemies with ** only show up if anyone in your party is at least level 40
  • For more information, please see Bestiary/Super Neptunia RPG

General Stats

Name HP Weak Resist Absorb Drop EXP Credits S.EXP FP
Forest Soldier 950 Fire, Earth - Wind Antidote, Life Stone, Refresh Herb, Angel Kiss, Tulip Stamen, Yellow Petal, World Tree Leaf, Mud Stone, Smelly Flower, Omni Berry, Ignis Crystal, HP Nut 20 219 1 30
Rataspell 488 Ice Dark Fire Antidote, Suspicious Vegetable, Glacis Ore, Glacis Crystal, Strange Spice, Life Fragment, Panacea, Omni Panacea, Mega Panacea, VIT Nut 14 86 1 30
Umigo 426 Physical - Light Umigo's Fin, Fish Guts, Berry, Antidote, Granite, Granite Block, Potion, Life Fragment, HP Nut, Angel Kiss 13 67 1 30
Airoro** 2000 Physical Wind Water, Earth Potion, Focus Powder, Granite Block, Aero Ore, Noctis Crystal, Angel Kiss, Panacea, INT Nut 250 1245 2 45
Pirate** 2000 - Fire, Water - Mixture, Potion, Omni Potion, Mega Panacea, Hydro Crystal, Glacis Crystal, Refresh Herb, Yellow Petal, World Tree Leaf 322 1325 2 45
Evil Libel** 2289 Fire - - Ominous Paper, Red Petal, Reflex, Ignis Crystal, Granite Block, Eye Drop, Elixir, HP Nut 300 1100 2 45
Forest Guardian** 2850 Fire, Earth Water Wind Life Stone, Ignis Crystal, Terra Crystal, Omni Potion, Elixir, Angel Kiss, Suspicious Vegetable, Tulip Stamen, Rainbow Petal, Mud Stone, Strange Spice, Smelly Flower, Four-Leaf Clover, Fairy Armlet, MEN Nut 322 1345 2 45
Whirlman** 2455 Lightning Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, Light, Dark Water Potion, Omni Potion, Fulminis Crystal, Granite Block, VIT Nut 311 1140 2 45
Forest Guardian 3946 Fire, Earth Water Wind Potion, Omni Potion, Ignis Ore, Terra Crystal, Life Fragment, Angel Kiss, Fairy Armlet 1436 1485 1 30

Monster Formation

  • Forest Soldier [x4] is a static encounter that only spawns after talking to Toobee during the True Friendship quest.
  • Forest Soldier [x2]
  • Rataspell [x2]
  • Umigo [x2]
  • Umigo [x1], Rataspell [x1]*
  • Forest Guardian [x1]
  • Forest Guardian [x1]**
  • Evil Libel [x1], Forest Guardian [x1]**
  • Evil Libel [x1]**
  • Whirlman [x2]**
  • Pirate [x2]**
  • Pirate [x1], Evil Libel [x1]**
  • Airoro [x2]**
  • Pirate [x1], Forest Guardian [x1]**
  • Pirate [x3]**
  • Forest Soldier [x4]


Search for the Resistance Base
Neptune and Blanc search for the Resistance base and enter Yasnaya Forest. During which, Neptune finds someone lying on the road. Blanc confirms that Neptune is right. The lady glances at them. Neptune wonders if she is looking at them causing the lady to turn away. Neptune guesses it was just her imagination. The lady glances at them again. Neptune finds this situation very awkward as she knows this lady is shooting glances at them.

Neptune is about to ignore this spooky person when Histoire starts glowing. Neptune quickly decides this lady must be an ally. Neptune calls out to the lady. The lady stays quiet and Neptune thinks it is no use. The lady was just a corpse. The lady gets offended and claims that she is most certainly alive. Blanc is surprised and asks if she is okay. Blanc walks up and heals her. As the lady stands up, Blanc is in awe of her chest.

The lady apologizes for startling them and explains that she has collapsed by the side of the road. She asks them to escort her to the inn as she would rather not travel alone. Neptune thinks that is fine. Blanc is still in awe of her chest. The lady catches Blanc's stares and asks if everything is okay. Does she have something on her chest? Blanc tries to explain that she wasn't staring but just clarifies that it was nothing. If that is the case, the lady smiles and introduces herself as Vert. She thinks it is a pleasure to meet them. Neptune and Blanc introduces themselves to Vert.

Head to the Resistance Base
In Yasnaya Forest, close to the Resistance Base, Vert tells Blanc and Neptune that almost all of Leanbox's citizens are anti-Bombyx Mori. Neptune thinks that is cool and she wants to be anti-something as that will give her an edge. Blanc suggests Neptune should be anti-Neptune. Neptune wonders why she would anti-herself, and asks Blanc if she is crazy. Vert suggests being anti-pudding to improve her health. Neptune declares she will never abandon pudding. That would be hearsay... heresy.

Vert chuckles and explains that as a result of being anti-Bombyx Mori, the citizens support and protect the Resistance. They do so by keeping its location a secret from travelers such as Neptune and Blanc. Neptune can't believe this and wonders if she does not look like a Hero enough. Vert tells them not to take it personally. She has found the two of them worthy and will show them the way. Neptune asks if Vert is part of the Resistance.

Vert explains that all she does is visit the base to play. Neptune and Blanc do not have good ideas with what that means. Vert clarifies that the Resistance develops new games all the time and she trades them food for a sneak peak at those games. Neptune is surprised by the fact new games are made. Vert says they have been working on something big, something no one has seen before. That is of course, just what Vert has heard.