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This page contains information regarding Vert's SP skills in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 SISTERS GENERATION.

SP Skills

Sylhet Spear

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 540 Hit Count: 1
Power: 255 Guard Damage: 800
Radius: Straight Line 5.0 Range: 6.0
Category: Magical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect:
Description: Pierce the enemy with a summoned magic spear.

Rainy Ratnapura

Level: 55 Notes: None
SP Cost: 600 Hit Count: 7
Power: 352 Guard Damage: 134
Radius: Single Range: 5.0
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: Mow down the enemy by rushing up to them and then piercing them with a beautiful spear technique.

Purpurascens Burst

Level: 60 Notes: None
SP Cost: 900 Hit Count: 3
Power: 435 Guard Damage: 493
Radius: Single Range: 5.0
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: I will thrust through the enemy's heart in an instant with a lovely and precise spear technique.

Kinestra Slash

Level: 64 Notes: None
SP Cost: 1250 Hit Count: 8
Power: 377 Guard Damage: 147
Radius: Circular 4.0 Range: 7.0
Category: Magical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect:
Description: Hmhmhmm. My charming smile and unrivaled breasts are certain to grab the enemy's attention.

Brain Steep

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 500 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Circular 4.0 Range: 6.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect:
Description: I'm actually rather adept at support magic.
(Raises INT of all allies in range)

Assam Link

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 600 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Circular 4.0 Range: 6.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect:
Description: This is support magic to increase accuracy and movement.
(Increase AGI, TEC, and MOV of all allies in range)

Terai Division

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 600 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Circular 4.0 Range: 6.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect:
Description: My beauty draws the enemy's gaze to lower their evasion and movement.
(Lowers AGI, TEC and MOV of all enemies in range)