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This page contains information regarding Uni's SP skills in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 SISTERS GENERATION.

SP Skills

Venom Shot

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 200 Hit Count: 1
Power: 212 Guard Damage: 600
Radius: Single Range: 10.0
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect:
Description: This bullet has high-concentrate poison in it. Problem?

Paralysis Shot

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 200 Hit Count: 1
Power: 212 Guard Damage: 600
Radius: Single Range: 10.0
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect:
Description: This bullet contains a serum made to paralyze the nerves.

EX Multi Buster

Level: 20 Notes: None
SP Cost: 540 Hit Count: 3
Power: 255 Guard Damage: 313
Radius: Straight Line 6.0 Range: ----
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: I'll open a path with my EX Multi Buster!

XMB: Empress

Level: 71 Notes: None
SP Cost: 900 Hit Count: 5
Power: 368 Guard Damage: 192
Radius: Straight Line 7.0 Range: ----
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: I'll burn you all with my XMB when I remove its limiter!

Brave Cannon

Level: After Defeating CFW Brave in Chapter 7 scenario Notes: None
SP Cost: 1250 Hit Count: 5
Power: 468 Guard Damage: 242
Radius: Circular 4.0 Range: 6.0
Category: Physical Attack Type: SP Attack
Affinity: Effect: none
Description: Here's a new firing mode for my EX Multi Buster.
I guess it uses the power of justice to attack or something.

Tech Support

Level: Default Notes: None
SP Cost: 200 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect:
Description: It can't be helped. Here, I'll support you.
(Raises an ally's TEC)

Avoid Support

Level: 19 Notes: None
SP Cost: 200 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 6.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect:
Description: Now you can avoid the enemy's attacks, right?
(Raises an ally's AGI)

Charley Horse!

Level: 35 Notes: None
SP Cost: 250 Hit Count: 1
Power: 0 Guard Damage: 0
Radius: Single Range: 5.0
Category: Assist Type: Support
Affinity: Effect:
Description: H-Hey! Where are you looking!?
(Lowers an enemy's AGI)