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Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos/Story

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Revision as of 01:20, 25 February 2025 by Sammyrms1 (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported: Imported from Neptunia Wiki on Fandom)

This page lists all summaries of each area in Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos.


Dogoo Pandemic

Uzume is being chased after by a mob of Dogoos. Prior to escaping, she is seen cuddling with a Dogoo, when suddenly, she reverts back to normal and throws the Dogoo onto the ground. She then asks herself what was that, where she is and then sees a motorcycle personalized for her. She notices the Dogoo army with the Gigodtic Dogoo and attempts to escape with her bike. Now she finds herself on a quest to find her friends and rid all the Dogoos to get out of the Dogoo world.

An Uncanny Reunion

As Uzume arrives in the Lobby, she sees Neptune in love with a bunch of Dogoos surrounding her. She attempts to snap her out by pulling them away from her, but is then stopped by the latter. Neptune threatens to "Nep" her, with Uzume planning to snatch her Dogoos in a Dogoo collecting challenge.

Returning to Sanity!

As Neptune is brought back to normal, Uzume reminds her that she likes pudding more than Dogoos, and tells her the ingredients that make it delightful. The latter's memory is restored, and mentions that she loves it more than three meals a day and as long as she has it, she can live. She then asks Uzume where they are, and where her Big self and Noire went. As Uzume was about to ask the same question, Neptune then asks about what was happening. Uzume mentions that she was in a Dogoo-lovin' state just like her, and managed to regain her senses. The latter thanks her, and Uzume follows it up by asking where did she learn how to ride a motorcycle. Neptune answers by stating that maybe she's been playing motorcycle games at the arcade before, and asks Uzume if her bike skills were taught by the older Neptune. Uzume doesn't remember how she rode a bike either, and Neptune couldn't remember prior to becoming in love with the Dogoos. Uzume implies that the older Neptune might be feeling off, and the two team up to start searching for the rest of the crew.

Area 1

The Green Dogoo Hero Appears!

Uzume and Neptune arrive at Deep Forest where they first encounter a group of Dogoos, who then begin to swarm. They then encounter Green Man, who is asked by Uzume if he has seen Older Neptune or Noire around. As this is seen as a ritual disruption, he tells the two to stand down, and will uphold Noire's will and protect the Dogoos with his life. Seeing this as a challenge, the duo decide to capture every last one of them.

Noire's Whereabouts

Uzume and Neptune defeat Green Man. The former attempts to get him to tell them about Noire and the ritual. As he has failed as Noire's subordinate, he then tells them if they could complete the ritual, Dogoos would be eternal. The duo find out that Noire is commanding the Dogoos for the ritual and decide to follow the road that leads deep into the forest, with their main plan of capturing the Dogoos that brainwashed her.

Noire's Desire

Uzume and Neptune arrive at Brera Cemetery, where they encounter Noire with the same group of Dogoos the duo saw, praying for the Gigodtic Dogoo. They then get close to her, but are told to leave her alone. The latter then tells them that divine protection is needed for the Dogoos to live without any threats, and if she can sacrifice herself for them, there's no greater happiness. As Noire is still brainwashed, the duo plan to snatch the Dogoos away from her, but the latter summons Chaser Dogoo to protect the Dogoos, which leads to a challenge by Uzume.

The Escaped Sacrifice

Uzume successfully captures the Dogoos, and demands Chaser Dogoo to surrender. Chaser Dogoo kneels down in defeat, with Noire in disbelief that her ally lost. After being asked by Uzume if her senses are coming back to her, Noire responds by stating that it's like they're saying she's not normal right now. Neptune counteracts by telling her that she is not normal, and that saying she wants to be a sacrifice for Dogoos is a total turn-off. She then follows it up by telling her that she loves cosplay more than Dogoos. As she is reminded about her hobby, Noire implies that she is "perfectly normal", and doesn't want to waste any more time on this absurd conversation, and begins to leave. The duo then start chasing after her.

The Bishoujo Masked Joker in the Grassland

Uzume and Neptune start looking at the tire marks from Noire's motorcycle on the ground, leading to her hiding in the bush. Neptune then calls out Noire, who is seen wearing a mask. As the duo think that this must be one of her cosplays, Noire tells them that this isn't a cosplay, and calls herself the "Bishoujo Masked Joker", and that the mask is part of the costume. She then tells them her plan of sacrificing herself for the Dogoos once again, and if she defeats them and offer their souls to Gigodtic Dogoo, she can go to paradise with her beloved Dogoos. In order to do that, she needs to turn them in to Dogoo fanatics first. As this is seen as a challenge, Uzume accepts and they all begin.

A Mysterious Voice

Uzume and Neptune finally defeat "Bishoujo Masked Joker". With her mask split in two, Noire is back to normal and faints. She then get gets back up, and apologizes to the two for causing trouble. She also explains that she also fell into an intense attachment to Dogoos, as if she wasn't herself. Uzume asks her if she remembers how they got here. Noire answers by stating that doesn't recall much, and when she tries to remember, her memories just slip away. She then continues by recalling a voice she heard resonating in her head, thinking if it was just her imagination. Neptune also remembers hearing the same voice, but tries to remember what it was. As neither of them remember hearing what the voice said, Neptune reminds Uzume on how she managed to get back to her normal self, with the latter understanding what was different for her than the others. Noire mentions that she has never ridden a bike before, but manages to handle it. As this is seen as a mystery, the three decide to head to the next area to look for the others.

Meanwhile, a mysterious voice is heard saying that they must report this.

Area 2

The Dogoo Divider's Turf War

Uzume, Neptune and Noire arrive in the Cave of Treasure to search for Blanc and the others. They then encounter Treasuremimic Dogoo with a group of Dogoos building a gold statue. Neptune thinks that this could possibly lead to where Blanc and the others are.

Uzume then comes close to the leader to ask where Blanc the others are, only for Treasuremimic Dogoo to notice "The Dogoo Divider" and tells his group to retreat. Uzume then challenges him to a Dogoo collecting game.

The One Who is Boss of This Turf

Treasuremimic Dogoo and his group are defeated by the trio. Uzume then repeats the same question before she got interrupted about the whereabouts of Blanc, Vert, Older Neptune, or Umio. Treasuremimic Dogoo then tells them that this lava cave is the most sacred place around and that Miss Blanc would be at the very back. Knowing that he serves his leader, and how the Dogoos are protecting her, the trio decide to head towards her.

Blanc's Calculations

As the trio arrive at Pegasus Slot, they then get stopped by a familiar voice, who is later revealed as Blanc. Blanc tells them that she's been distressed hearing about the many atrocities of Uzume the Dogoo Divider, and that her friends are interfering with the founding of the Golden Dogoo Empire, and offers to repent their sins and cooperate with them. Uzume and Neptune then remind her that she already has her own nation. Blanc doesn't believe in their nonsense, and implies that they're trying to confuse her so they can poach Dogoos, but in reality, they just want the old Blanc back. The trio then plan to get her away from the Dogoos, but Blanc summons Gambler Bird to subdue them, starting with the Dogoo Divider. As the former leaves, Gambler Bird tells the trio that if they want to open the door Blanc went through, they'll need to find the key, and that key could be with any one of the Dogoos. Seeing this as another challenge, the trio hop on to their bikes, and find the key that one of the Dogoos are holding.

Uzume and Others Move Forward

Uzume has found the key. Seeing that the trio has completed the challenge, Gambler Bird ends up fainting in defeat. The trio then start going after Blanc.

Persuading Blanc

The trio finally catch up to Blanc. They then notice that her nation is developing and promoting merchandise to make their citizens feel closer to the Dogoos. Seeing this as a bit off-track, Neptune reminds her that she used to focus on facilities and services to make her citizens' lives enjoyable. Blanc still doesn't believe in that nonsense, and Neptune tells her to remember Lowee. As persuading her feels complicated, the trio plan to get her away from the Dogoos, but Blanc won't let her harm her "citizens", and tells them that she will build a thousand-year empire for the Dogoos with her own two hands.

Unable to Transform into a Goddess?!

The trio finally defeat Blanc, and attempt to get her back to her regular self by reminding her that she's the Goddess of Lowee. Her memories come back to her, and asks herself what has she been doing. The trio are happy that Blanc is back to her regular self. Noire then explains how they got on bikes and how they got into the Dogoo world after being asked by Blanc, telling her that it was all because of all the Dogoos. As the latter seeks retribution, she then attempts to transform into her Goddess form, only for it to fail. Noire is also reminded about how she can't transform when they got into the Dogoo world. Neptune suggests that they should all transform, but nothing happens. Noire theorizes that this world isn't connected to where they're from, and it's a different dimension that's isolating them from their shares. Uzume feels herself more confident that they can make it to the end in their human forms. With Blanc joining the group, they head to the next area to find Vert, Older Neptune and Umio.

Meanwhile, a mysterious group is notified about the Dogoo Divider capturing many Dogoos, and that she's getting help with the other goddesses. The group then decide to watch from a distance, and if it's a rampage, they'll have to stop her.

Area 3

The Person Beyond the Sandstorm

The Goddesses arrive at Windy Desert, where they first see a silhouette that resembles Vert. The silhouette is then revealed as Dogoo Lil' Sister wearing Vert's outfit, who claims to be her little sister. As the four don't believe in her, Uzume asks her if she knows where Vert is. Dogoo Lil' Sister then notices the Dogoo Divider and starts to evacuate her sisters.

The Escaping Sister (Dogoo)

Uzume successfully captures Dogoo Lil' Sister's sisters, and demands information on Vert. The Dogoo runs away from Uzume, with the latter chasing after her alongside Neptune, Noire and Blanc.

The Sister, the Elder, and the Something

The Goddesses see Dogoo Lil' Sister crying to Vert. As they finally catch up to her, Vert tells her "sister" to watch as she personally deals with the situation. Uzume notices that she is making the Dogoos part of her family, with the group attempting to save her from the Dogoos. As Vert refuses to be saved, Roller Dogoo arrives to tell her that he will easily roll over Uzume and her friends. As this is seen as a challenge, the Goddesses fight against the Roller Dogoo in order to get Vert back.

The Abaondoned Sister

Roller Dogoo is defeated by the Goddesses. Neptune asks Vert if she is back to her senses. Vert doesn't believe that she's insane, and tells the four that creating a paradise for her "sisters" in the desert is her life's mission. As Blanc is not surprised about her plan, she congratulates Neptune for her little sister Nepgear not being targeted by Vert. Neptune then suggests if they should let her keep dreaming, but Noire tells her not to say stupid things, and plans to wake her up out of this blissful fantasy. Vert's memories almost come back to her, but tells the group not to confuse her anymore, and they need to regroup. Neptune tells Vert to wait, but the latter leaves with her "sister" trying to catch up with her.

Slamming Reality into Vert

The Goddesses lose sight of Vert due to the sandstorm. They then look for tire tracks that lead to where she is, but have disappeared from the storm. Vert is then seen on top of the Dogoo Sphinx and calls out the group. She then tells them her ultimate plan: create a kingdom where she can live with her Dogoo "sisters" with the sphinx at the center. She makes a heroic landing, and tells them that if they surrender, they will be her sisters, too. Neptune then tells her to come back to her senses, and if she locks herself in the sphinx, something bad might happen to her favorite MMOs. As the initials arouse her body, Blanc then follows it up by asking her if she wants to read the new doujinshi, making her even more excited. Noire finally asks her what does she truly love, but the latter refuses to answer that question, and tells them that she adores all of her "sisters" from the bottom of her heart. Uzume mentions about if the citizens of Leanbox heard that claim, they'd cry. The words of her nation come back to Vert, and the group has a chance to separate her from the Dogoos.

Vert Awakens from the Sister Dream

Vert is in disbelief that she was defeated by the Goddesses and her "sisters" have become prisoners. Uzume tells her to look closely, and asks if those really are her sisters. Her memories finally come back, and implies that her "little sister" is Nepgear, in which Neptune claims it's a lie.

Later on, the group then asks Vert about the whole situation about being in the Dogoo world, falling in love with them, and being unable to transform to their Goddess form. Vert also claims that she heard a mysterious voice the other Goddesses heard, except Uzume. As the latter sulks in disappointment, Vert comforts her, and tells her that she managed to recover on her own and helped them out of their delusions. Neptune also feels proud of her and states that it feels like a new character's been selected as the protagonist. Noire asks if there's a difference between Uzume and them. Blanc answers with it becoming a mystery, with Uzume thinking it could mean the older Neptune might be back to normal already. The five Goddesses proceed to the next area to find where Older Neptune is.

Meanwhile, Gigodtic Dogoo arrives at the scene for a brief moment to see the Goddesses proceed.

Area 4

Neptune Arena

The Goddesses arrive at the Game Arena, where they first see Older Neptune with a bunch of Dogoos. After attacking the first one for experience points, she is encountered by the Goddesses, with Uzume asking where she was. Older Neptune responds by stating that she's been here the whole time, and is told by Uzume that they've been separated and all but her were unhinged by the Dogoos. Neptune notices that her older self doesn't seem delusional, and attempts to ask her if she remembers anything, but is interrupted by the latter, and challenges them. She then summons the Duobear of Despair to play with them.

The Death Game is Over

The Duobear of Despair is defeated by the Goddesses. With Older Neptune upset that her ally lost, she implies that she hasn't lost yet, and that this the first round of a three-round match. While being confident on the second round, she hops on her motorcycle and takes a head start. Vert then suggests they should hurry after her, and that she knows something. Neptune is in shock that her big self could possibly be the mastermind behind all this, but is told by Noire that it's just a speculation. Neptune then states if she's the brains of the operation, there might be a reason for it, and they should hear her out. The Goddesses begin chasing after her for information.

The Dark Hunter

Older Neptune is surrounded by the Goddesses once again. Uzume tells her to stop fooling around, with Neptune telling her to spill out some information. Older Neptune then summons Dogoo Man Shadow to another challenge.

Failed Hunt

Dogoo Man Shadow is defeated in the second round. Uzume is happy that her team has won the second round, but Older Neptune reminds them this is a three-round match, and the final winner takes it all. Blanc questions about the whole point of the previous rounds, and is told by Older Neptune that those were just to spice things up before the final round, and leaves.

The Third Challenge

The Goddesses lose sight of the older Neptune again. They then hear the latter's voice, with Neptune asking where she is, and Vert demanding her to show herself. Noire sees her standing nearby, and Uzume comes up to her. As Older Neptune is about to begin the final round, Uzume decides to raise the stakes and make it a serious match.

Known Facts

Older Neptune is finally defeated, making the Goddesses the true winners. She is first asked by Uzume why she wasn't in a Dogoo-loving state when she first arrived. She doesn't understand the term, but answers with her not changing when she came to the Dogoo world. She is then asked by Vert if this is a separate dimension, or somewhere within their original dimension. Confused about her question, she then lets Uzume answer for her, but doesn't know either. Older Neptune reminds her that this is part of a dive-type game she has developed, with everyone in shock. She continues by stating that Uzume got everyone to play in the beta test, and that Umio never participated, with Uzume's memories all coming back to her. Uzume mentions that she doesn't remember setting up the game to have so many Dogoos appear, with Older Neptune claiming that she didn't mess with the game, and only defeated some Dogoos to make them her underlings. As they attempt to log out, Older Neptune tells Uzume to wrap it up with her admin privileges, but doesn't remember how to do any of those. The latter asks her if she as any authority, and is told that she was just helping out, making it a hard way to get out of the game. Neptune later mentions about a feature Uzume doesn't remember programming into the game, such as making everyone's memory reset upon entering the game world, leaving no admins and making everyone love Dogoos. As the latter doesn't believe this whole claim, she then becomes in shock that she was the true mastermind behind all this mess, and suggests to the group they should focus on getting back to the real world. Uzume also mentions the game having five areas and if they conquer the last one, they should be able to clear it, and return to the real world. The group then proceeds to the final area.

Meanwhile, the mysterious group is seen once again and are notified about Older Neptune joining Uzume's party. They also notice it wasn't that their love for Dogoos went rogue, but that it was erased. The leader tells them to not panic yet, and they should still check it out. One of the Dogoos decide to go ahead and make contact, and if their love is truly been forgotten, he'll take everyone and run.

Area 5

The Scheme

The Goddesses and Older Neptune arrive at Happy Dogoo Kingdom. Neptune then notices the whole fairy tale aesthetic is strong here. Uzume explains that she's been enchanted by the world of fairy tales when creating this place, and when they conquer it, the game is officially cleared. Noire asks if there's some guarding it based on the pattern. Uzume answers yes, and mentions that someone must've altered the data from what she set it to, and who knows what'll come out. Blanc and the others see Dogoo Lady arrive at the scene, with the latter noticing Uzume the Dogoo Divider. As Vert recognizes her familiar face, Blanc reminds her that every Dogoo has the same face, which insults Dogoo Lady. She then claims that she has the most beautiful faces amongst the Dogoo clan. Uzume asks her if this is to test their strength to see whether they have the right to move on or not. The latter summons a Dogoo to show how cute it is. As they are unaffected, Uzume then reminds her that they've been through a lot of trouble because of the Dogoos. Dogoo Lady doesn't believe that their love for Dogoos is forgotten, and that Uzume the Dogoo Divider is on a rampage, but realizes those claims are true. Uzume finally finds out that Dogoo Lady was the one who tinkered around with her game, and demands her to explain herself. Dogoo Lady refuses, and gathers everyone out of there.

The Feelings of Dogoo Lady

The Goddesses and Older Neptune defeat Dogoo Lady. Uzume then asks her what she did to the game they made, but the latter has no obligation to answer. Uzume still demands an answer from her, but is told that she doesn't follow her rules and performs a sexy pose, but it doesn't work on them. The Goddesses persistently try to tell her everything, and the latter notices their memories have returned, and the admin powers might be stronger than she thought. Blanc finds out that Dogoo Lady did mess with their memories, while the latter still refuses to tell them everything and leaves.

Stranded with No Way Out

As the Goddesses and Older Neptune chase after Dogoo Lady, they come across Dogoo Man Yin and Yang with a plan to make the group love Dogoos once again. Yin tells the leader to prepare for other things, while him and Yang try to hold the group off. As the group notice their plot, the duo then tells the group the Dogoos will remind them of their love, and they will secure a paradise for all Dogoos. Seeing this as a challenge, Uzume states she will catch them all.

Fusion Preparation

Dogoo Man Yin and Yang are defeated. The duo then hurry to their leader's location for her ultimate plan. Feeling confident about capturing Dogoo Lady, the Goddesses and Older Neptune suddenly see a cloud of dust getting closer to them.

Meanwhile, Yin and Yang tell their leader that they only managed to delay them. Dogoo Lady thanks the both of them and tells them their valiant efforts have lead to the Dogoo clan's victory, and it's finally their turn. Overhearing the plan, Uzume arrives to interrupt the reunion. She then tells the clan leader bringing all these weaklings don't scare her, and is reminded by the latter that the Hero of the Sky once said the same thing, and was flattened into a pancake.

Encounter with a God

Dogoo Lady commands Dogoo Man Yin and Yang and her fellow Dogoos to harness the great divine spirit within them, and strike down the enemies of the Dogoo clan. Dogoo Man Yin, Yang and the Dogoos first start off by performing a chant, combining themselves as the Gigodtic Dogoo. With the Goddesses and Older Neptune witnessing the titan, Dogoo Lady reminds them that they see themselves in the same position as the Hero of the Sky, smushed for underestimating the Dogoos. Neptune thinks that story is irrelevant, and the situation they're in is 100% original. She then continues by stating they don't have anything in common with that hero, unless Dogoo Lady has deets that suggest otherwise. Dogoo Lady claims that the Gigodtic Dogoo is strong, with no way for them to win. Neptune asks the leader if the Gigodtic Dogoo has actually fought anyone. The leader admits that the latter has fought nobody, and tells them it's obvious what would happen if it did. Neptune claims that turning god-sized at the end is a flag for losing, and they have a high chance of winning. The leader counteracts by telling them it doesn't matter what she says, and the divine power of the Gigodtic Dogoo will not waver. She then commands the latter to reawaken the love for Dogoos to the group. With the Goddesses and Older Neptune ready to defeat the Gigodtic Dogoo, the final battle begins.


The Gigodtic Dogoo is finally defeated by the Goddesses and Older Neptune. As the group still demand an answer to happened to the game Uzume created, Dogoo Lady explains she overheard about the development of the game and thought if all the goddesses came to love Dogoos, each nation would take steps to protect them. Uzume now knows that the leader prepared everything just in time for the playtest. Dogoo Lady then follows it up by stating she recruited engineers with black market tech to seal memories and to write a program that would make the average player love Dogoos, then after hacking into the development environment, she rigged it to activate when the playtest began. Blanc responds by stating as soon as they started the game, they forgot about the real world and fell madly in love with Dogoos. Dogoo Lady then states if the goddesses fell in love with Dogoos, the love would spread throughout every nations, and it would be a paradise for all Dogoos. Uzume sees this as a ridiculous notion, while Vert mentions if the plan succeeded, a sister kingdom vastly different from her ideals would have emerged in Leanbox. Noire then follows it up by stating she was about to sacrifice herself, with a chance of her not waking up. Blanc mentions about Uzume easily escaping the Dogoo-loving by herself must have been because of her admin rights, but she couldn't completely block the program's influence and still forgot about the admin rights.

With Uzume relieved that she wasn't the mastermind behind messing everyone up, and not knowing that she's the admin, Noire and Neptune apologize for doubting her. the former then explains the reason they could revert from their brainwashed state is because Uzume called them back. Vert then follows it up by explaining that Older Neptune was unaffected by the malicious program, as it only targets goddesses. With Dogoo Lady being able to analyze her own defeat, Uzume reminds her that she plotted something dumb. The latter denies this claim, stating it was a grand plan that risked the survival of the Dogoo clan, and relegated to the bottom of the hierarchy. Neptune and Vert suggest to her if she wants to improve the Dogoos' status, she has to do it in a legitimate way, like commanding them to bring her pudding or a doujin.

As Dogoo Lady considers to their suggestions in the future, Uzume suggests that they should return to reality and tie her up, but Older Neptune mentions she must have logged on from somewhere else, and it would be tough to arrest her in their reality. Uzume lets her go, with the latter thanking her and giving love to her from the Dogoos. Uzume reminds her that she can come for revenge all she wants, but as long as she doesn't use any dirty tricks again. The logout restriction is lifted, and the group finally wraps it up, starting with Dogoo Lady. Uzume mentions once they get back, she will fix the program and make a ton of adjustments. They all agree to help out, and say their goodbyes to the place.


The Goddesses and Older Neptune finally log out of the game, and come back to the real world. After feeling so exhausted, they decide to take a rest and work hard tomorrow. With the Goddesses, except Uzume gone to enjoy their regular lives, the latter decides to get something to eat with Older Neptune.
