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Command/EXE Drive/Re;Birth3/Chika Hakozaki

From Neptunia Wiki

This page contains information regarding Chika Hakozaki's EXE Drive skills in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation.

Just like the other Makers and Oracles in this title, Chika only has one EXE Drive skill.

Spiral Break

Level: Default Notes: "Acquire Skill" plan must be active
EXE Needed: 3 Hit Count: 11
Power: 851 Guard Damage: 227
Radius: Single Range: 8.0
Affinity: Neutral Type: EXE Drive
Category: Magical Attack Effect: ----
Description: This is my special move. I can defeat any enemy with the move taught to me by my most beloved sister. Watch me!