This category contains pages related to enemies of the Aquatic type.
Pages in category "Aquatic"
The following 81 pages are in this category, out of 81 total.
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/1000-Year Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/1000-Year Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Blaze Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Blue Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Child Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Clione
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Cyber Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Cyber Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Dolichorhynchops
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Event of Madness
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Forest Crab
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Forest Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Forest Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Ice Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/King Crab
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Land Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Mega Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Penguin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Plaid Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Saint Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Tortoise
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Volcano Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Weathervane Crab
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Wind Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/1000-Year Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/1000-Year Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Beluga
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blaze Crab
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blaze Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blue Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Child Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Clione
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Coelacanth
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cyber Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cyber Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dagon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dead Fish
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dolichorhynchops
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fish Zombie
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Forest Crab
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Forest Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Forest Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Frog-in-the-box
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Grand Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Ice Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Killer Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/King Crab
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Latimeria
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Mega Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Met Froggy
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Ocean Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Orc
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Penguin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Plaid Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Saint Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Sea Hunter
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Sergeant Froggy
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Skeleton Fish
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Tortoise
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Volcano Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Whale
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Big Shell
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/First Greenie Squeed
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Grand Turtle
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Mustache Squeed
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Mutant Carapace
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Resort Shell
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Sea King Squeed
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Squeed
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Summer Tortoise
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Vacation Carapace
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/VIP First Greenie Squeed
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/VIP Mustache Squeed
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/VIP Sea King Squeed
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/VIP Squeed
Media in category "Aquatic"
The following 60 files are in this category, out of 60 total.
Big Shell Enemy SvS.png 239 × 257; 92 KB
Black Clione.png 353 × 339; 46 KB
Clione.png 910 × 858; 222 KB
ClioneBack.png 636 × 620; 185 KB
ClioneFront.png 620 × 611; 168 KB
ClioneSide.png 595 × 622; 174 KB
ClioneSpecial.png 807 × 632; 170 KB
Coelacanth.png 890 × 547; 386 KB
Cyber Whale.png 1,084 × 678; 320 KB
Cyber WhaleBack.png 932 × 454; 178 KB
Cyber WhaleFront.png 1,019 × 504; 216 KB
Cyber WhaleSide.png 802 × 454; 230 KB
Dolichorhynchops.png 977 × 679; 427 KB
DolichorhynchopsBack.png 656 × 468; 191 KB
DolichorhynchopsFront.png 665 × 457; 179 KB
DolichorhynchopsSide.png 754 × 346; 129 KB
Dolphin.png 840 × 576; 406 KB
DolphinBack.png 722 × 526; 222 KB
DolphinFront.png 742 × 569; 254 KB
DolphinSide.png 755 × 353; 129 KB
First Greenie Squeed Enemy SvS.png 310 × 293; 87 KB
Fish Zombie.png 871 × 619; 328 KB
Fish ZombieViral.png 847 × 606; 357 KB
Forest Crab.png 1,047 × 666; 546 KB
Forest CrabBack.png 791 × 481; 319 KB
Forest CrabSide.png 757 × 588; 342 KB
Frog-in-the-box.png 355 × 354; 53 KB
Giant Clione.png 725 × 738; 224 KB
Giant Penguin.png 390 × 401; 128 KB
Grand Turtle Enemy SvS.png 239 × 257; 91 KB
Ice Whale.png 1,084 × 678; 305 KB
Ice WhaleBack.png 923 × 478; 162 KB
Ice WhaleFront.png 918 × 392; 165 KB
Ice WhaleSide.png 793 × 436; 205 KB
Mustache Squeed Enemy SvS.png 310 × 293; 89 KB
Mutant Carapace Enemy SvS.png 239 × 257; 91 KB
Penguin.png 446 × 454; 133 KB
Plaid Dolphin.png 1,026 × 710; 533 KB
Plaid DolphinBack.png 778 × 529; 264 KB
Plaid DolphinFront.png 716 × 548; 264 KB
Plaid DolphinSide.png 721 × 353; 144 KB
Resort Shell Enemy SvS.png 242 × 257; 91 KB
Sea King Squeed Enemy SvS.png 310 × 293; 86 KB
Sergeant Froggy.png 276 × 276; 53 KB
Squeed Enemy SvS.png 310 × 293; 66 KB
Summer Tortoise Enemy SvS.png 242 × 257; 90 KB
Turtle.png 1,051 × 648; 487 KB
TurtleBack.png 824 × 506; 243 KB
TurtleFront.png 859 × 575; 237 KB
TurtleSide.png 854 × 572; 285 KB
Vacation Carapace Enemy SvS.png 242 × 257; 89 KB
VIP First Greenie Squeed Enemy SvS.png 257 × 307; 91 KB
VIP Mustache Squeed Enemy SvS.png 257 × 307; 86 KB
VIP Sea King Squeed Enemy SvS.png 257 × 307; 89 KB
VIP Squeed Enemy SvS.png 428 × 549; 153 KB
Weathervane Crab.png 1,108 × 716; 632 KB
Whale.png 1,084 × 678; 322 KB
WhaleBack.png 905 × 422; 165 KB
WhaleFront.png 866 × 431; 167 KB
WhaleSide.png 794 × 434; 212 KB