Dungeon/4 Goddesses Online/Yiear Sea of Trees
Yiear Sea of Trees is the dungeon where CPU acquires their final Sacred Treasure. The first time, it is entered, there seems to be no treasures but only gathering points. In addition, after meeting Ulgadeus, half the dungeon is locked out. Finishing that dungeon after taking the Sacred Treasure quest for the first time causes the dungeon to be locked for some time.
The following items can be found in the dungeon. Items in the treasure chest can only be obtained once.
Note 1: The number beside the treasure items on the table indicate the point on the map where they can be obtained.
Note 2: The green number beside the treasure chest are locked treasures. They can be unlocked with the use of a Mysterious Keyring. However it will use the Keyring.
Treasure | Locked Treasure | Gathering Points |
- | - | Sprout Grass |
- | - | Decayed Tree Bark |
- | - | Elder Tree Branch |
- | - | Sturdy Stalk |
- Enemies in bold are considered Boss Monsters.
- Enemies marked with * are available as a story boss
Name | Drop |
Watermelon | Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Pumpkin Seed |
Hell Cat | Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Fruit of Respite, Beast Whiskers |
Mellow Cat | Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Beast Whiskers |
Blue Sun | Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Large Bud |
Elder Matango | Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Poison Spore |
Hob Goblin | Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Fruit of Respite, Sharp Stone Blade |
Poison Fungus | Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Poison Spore |
Shrotamon | Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Fruit of Light, Pumpkin Seed |
Gremlin | Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Fruit of Light, Sharp Stone Blade |
Metal Dogoo | Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Crystalline Water, Squishy Membrane |
Parasite Worm | Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Slimy Scale |
Big Red Dogoo | Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Raw Monster Fluid, Magical Elixir, Spongey Membrane |
Ulgadeus* | Monster Hide, Raw Monster Fluid, Cursed Shell |
In Yiear Sea of Trees, Neptune notices that they are in the base of the World Tree and that it is huge. She knows she can see the place from the city but seeing up close is incredible. Blanc reads from the game description that Leanverde was the first thing the Goddesses created in this world. Vert adds that in this world, the story has it so that magical energy radiates from this place. This is where the final Sacred Treasure is and Noire is excited to meet the Goddesses.Vert notes according to the Guild member, there are powerful monsters here and tells everyone not to let their guard down. Neptune understands.
Somewhere in Yiear Sea of Trees. †Black Cat Princess† thinks they should try out that item. Kiria knows there is no point in asking but is she referring to *that* item. †Black Cat Princess† says that she is and wonders why she has to spell everything out for Kiria. Would she die if the princess didn't do that. Kiria wonders if it just her but the princess' language has gotten coarse.
†Black Cat Princess† feigns ignorance and coughs. She explains that her heart is constantly wavering and she is just lonely. She can't help it but rely on Kiria. Because she trusts Kiria, she can show her the real Princess. †Black Cat Princess† urges Kiria to stay by her side. Kiria would never leave the princess and hearing those words is an honor. There is no need to hide her true self, as Kiria promises to always accept her.
†Black Cat Princess† is glad and asks her to bring out that item. Kiria does so and a group of monsters appears. Kiria warns the princess to watch out. She will handle it. †Black Cat Princess† is glad a group of test subjects showed up and orders Kiria to show them how effective the item is.
Kiria uses the item to attack and is amazed by her hit count and damage. She describes the feeling as strong rapids, surging waves, destiny and power is flowing. †Black Cat Princess† thinks that is not bad. More monsters arrive. Kiria thinks they are moths attracted to a flame. †Black Cat Princess† wants her turn to use the item. She attacks using the item. Kiria is amazed as the princess performed a triple jump, quadruple jump and triangle jump.
†Black Cat Princess† wonders if she really did that. Kiria tells her she undoubtedly did. †Black Cat Princess† is impressed with the unity of her controls and her characters' movements. A tailwind is beginning to blow in their direction. †Black Cat Princess†'s ambition of being worshiped by all is near.
Deeper in the dungeon, Neptune has found the boss and urges CPU to take down the boss and get the Sacred Treasure. She encourages everyone to Nep'Em up. Noire's spirits are motivated and she will Nowa them all. Neptune is glad Noire is getting into this. She orders everyone in the front to rush the boss. However, their attacks aren't working. Neptune is confused. Rom begins to panic as her attacks are pushed back. Noire is upset that their attacks aren't landing at all.
Nepgear takes a clean hit. Uni wonders if Nepgear is okay. She is surprised that the attacks can reach this far back and its firepower is strong. Blanc thinks they should group up and heal but if they do, they will be open to a ranged attack. Ram alerts CPU that someone is coming from the distance.
A NPC Elmia arrives. She warns them that they are not going to make it out at this rate. She urges them to hurry and get out while they still can. Neptune thinks they may have missed an event that makes this boss beatable. Vert thinks that is plausible and notes that it has been quite some time that something has given her such a scare. Elmia tells them they can talk after, for now she will use this. The boss backs off. Neptune does not know what is going on but she urges everyone to retreat.
After getting away, Nepgear breathes a sigh of relief as they were able to get away. Elmia is glad she made it in time. Ever since the Sacred Treasure was taken, the monsters in the area have become really strong especially that boss holding the Sacred Treasure. If it starts rampaging for real then no one can stop it. Blanc wonders what was the thing she used while they were escaping.
Elmia explains that it is a smoke bomb mixed with things that repels monsters. If they had a high-grade Purification Arrow, they might be able to weaken it. She is sure the Chosen One can defeat it after that. Elmia notes that it would be good to post that to the guild but she had to keep weird mercenaries from getting close. Noire understands where the story is going.
Elmia decides to head to the guild and warns everyone that this place is dangerous and urges everyone to be careful. Neptune understands and asks Miss Guard Lady to be careful as well. Vert notes that they need to return to the city to accept the quest and once they have regrouped- The boss has caught up to CPU. Neptune wonders when did that happen and calls for Miss Guard Lady. Since they do not have the flags raised to fight this boss, Blanc urges them to run away. Since that is the plan, Noire tells everyone to hurry and get out of here.
Kiria and †Black Cat Princess† arrives. Kiria notes that they meet again. †Black Cat Princess† laughs and remarks that they are in a pickle. Neptune recognizes Kiria and †Black Cat Princess†. Vert tells the couple to be careful that the boss does not wipe them out. It is a quite a difficult event. Kiria laughs and cannot believe that she will be wiped out. †Black Cat Princess† also laughs. Noire gets upset as they are genuinely concerned with their safety. Kiria apologizes for being rude and tells them to sit back and watch this round. †Black Cat Princess† tells them those that stand in their way will end up like this. The two make short work of the boss.
Neptune is surprised they defeat it as she thought that boss fight was unwinnable. Was all they had to do to knock that thing out was raise their level? Kiria reports that this should do it and they have obtained the Sacred Treasure. The two of them will be going on ahead. †Black Cat Princess† laughs and leaves them with a parting gift. Another boss appears.
Neptune wonders what is going on with all the bosses. Ram gets upset as all she wants to do is go back to the city. Rom tells her sister not to worry and she is determined to put an end to the boss. Neptune is glad to have the opportunity to recover our disgrace. Nepgear notices that her sister is waiting for someone to comment but Nepgear guesses she will correct her sister. It's "recover our honor".
Vert wonders what is with that boss, and makes sure no one broke a branch. Neptune wonders why Vert would mention breaking branches, unless she meant summoning that boss, in which case such an item doesn't exist yet, at least she never saw it. Blanc points out that those items are not found in the shop. Nepgear adds that if it isn't from an item, it must have come somewhere else, which is suspicious. Uni wonders if it could that boss, the people in the guild were mentioning. Noire notes it can't be the Grim Reaper, besides they aren't dead yet. Neptune thinks they are just too strong. Vert thinks they should just focus on the boss for now. CPU defeats the boss.
Neptune is glad it is finally over. She would appreciate it if the game let up on its surprises already. Bouquet appears and notes that something abnormal is going on with this floor's data. She asks if everything is okay. She realizes that its CPU and greets them kindly. Vert is glad to see her and guesses Bouquet is here as AI must check for bugs in the beta. Blanc understands all that happened was all an error. Uni thinks it has be an error with that random monster.
Bouquet thinks this might be the case and decides to analyze the data immediately to find the cause. After the analysis, Bouquet has no results. She does not know of the cause. Neptune does not like that of all the times Bouquet can break down, it has to be now. Vert tells Neptune that is not the case, patrolling around is not Bouquet's job. Bouquet confirms this, her job does include compiling a report as soon as she encounters an error. This is all very strange and Bouquet urges them to return to the city at once.
As they venture deeper into the dungeon, they see the same boss as multiple monsters. Neptune thinks that can't be right as they are heading back. Vert thinks it may the anomaly that Bouquet reported. They could fight them off. Blanc thinks that would be a useless battle. Vert leaves the decision up to Neptune.
Near the end of the dungeon, Bouquet reports that while traveling with CPU back to the city, she checked the library with the error but it was too large to load. She wants to report this to the GM so they check this out. She asks if that is okay. Vert is glad that she would as that would be much more reliable than just submitting an error report and thanks Bouquet. Bouquet asks them to wait for a moment and in place of Bouquet, the GM appears. Uni notices that Bouquet's aura has changed.
The GM introduces herself as the 4 Goddesses Online Admin, and they may refer to her as Game Master or GM. Neptune thinks GM sounds fine and realizes how strange it is for the GM to make a personal appearance. The GM thanks CPU for their help in the beta test and she explains that she has determined by the report that this error is urgent. She decided to see it for herself.
The GM thinks it is excessive to bring in a GM dedicated avatar so she's borrowing Bouquet for a moment. Nepgear understands and simply found it surprising. The GM did not how much shock this would have caused and apologizes.
Vert is pleased at the opportunity to meet an admin. She tells her she is a huge fan of 4 Goddesses Online and is looking forward to the implementation of the new version. Vert asks her to do her best. The GM is thankful for her words and she begins to perform an analysis.
She announces to those logged in that in approximately 10 minutes, she will perform an emergency maintenance in the Yiear Sea of Trees area. She asks the players to avoid entering Yiear Sea of Trees for the duration of the maintenance. She apologizes for the inconvenience and thanks everyone for their cooperation.
The GM then personally apologizes to CPU that it would take some time until the end of the maintenance. Noire says it is okay as they were going to head back to the city anyways to continue the quest to weaken the boss from before. Vert says she will continue to support the GM. The GM thanks everyone.
Bouquet returns and explains that the story quest is now available. It takes place in another area so they should have no trouble progressing. To create the item to weaken the boss requires 3 ingredients. They should first head to the guild and accept the quest. Neptune understands and thanks Bouquet. She urges the rest of the CPU to head to the guild.