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Rom/4 Goddesses Online

From Neptunia Wiki
< Rom
No, I'm supposed to be on the front lines! Even if I'm scared...

A Goddess Candidate of Lowee, and Blanc's younger sister. She is Ram's older twin sister. Since she has trouble reading more difficult words, she encountered a little bit of trouble when creating her 4 Goddesses Online account.

She has chosen the Samurai class. Her attacks are very quick. In terms of close range combat, her skills are superior but also more difficult to handle.[1]



Rom's child-like figure remains the same. Her muffin has been replaced with a large dark purple ribbon. Her outfit is that of a white and purple kimino that transitions into a skirt. Her kimino is protected with a black breastplate and ornate shoulder guards. She wears blue dark blue guards on her arms. Her skirt held up by a purple sash decorated with a pink flower. She wears thigh high suneate protected with black knee guards. Underneath which are white socks. In general her armor and outfit is decorated with flowers.


Her personality is timid and rather shy. Unlike Ram, she has difficulty being direct with her feelings, so she has a habit of vocalizing her emotions as onomatopoeias.


Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online

In Logi Mountain, all the CPU Candidates have made it to the small shrine with the monument. Bouquet asks them to enter a password into the monument. Rom is worried that the password would be difficult. Uni thinks it can't be too complicated but wonders if they missed it somewhere as they did not see anything that can be a password on the way here. Bouquet explains that the game is in beta so no password has been implemented. They can enter whatever they want.

Nepgear is indecisive with what she wants as a password as there is too much freedom. Since words are not necessary, Ram decides draw Rom's face as a password. Rom says she will draw Ram's face as well and it will be cute. Rom and Ram receive the Amethyst Glass. Rom and Ram are happy to get a sparkly cup as an item. Since it does not even have to be a word, Nepgear wants something personal as her password.

Nepgear uses her signature as a password. Uni wants her password to be a prayer to improve her accuracy and goes with "AIM". Bouquet congratulates them and now they have the power of the Awakening. The twins' avatar have frozen as Blanc entered their room and explains that they are in Wishuel waiting for the candidates. It is a shame for the twins as they wanted to surprise her in the game.

Nepgear remembers that their older sisters are playing together and they must have heard that they were playing together as well. Rom tells the candidates that Blanc and the others are in the plaza in Wishuel. She urges them to go there.

The candidates arrive in Wishuel. Rom and Ram see that Blanc is able to lash out at Vert and stop her. Rom and Ram ensure that Blanc is calm. Blanc assures them that she was always calm and notices that Ram is a Ninja while Rom is a Samurai. Since Blanc was always protecting them in real life, Rom and Ram decided to protect her in this game. Blanc is glad and wants to their best together. Neptune encourages Rom and Ram to make a ruckus with her in the front lines. Vert is glad that their party has doubled. Nepgear thinks they will have twice the fun.

Now that the party has expanded thanks to the candidates Vert wants to name the party. Nepgear wonders what it should be and suggests everyone spout whatever comes to mind. Ram thinks since they are all Goddesses, they should go with "The Goddesses". Rom agrees and also suggests going for "The Guardian Goddesses". Neptune thinks its cute but might be too long. She wonders if there is another way to word it. Vert remembers that in Gamindustri, they are called Console Patron Unit, so suggests "CPU". Ram and Rom are happy that it is easy to remember. The other Goddesses also like the name. Neptune declares that their party will now be known as "CPU". Vert thought they would argue more about this but is glad they settled it.

After finishing a Certification quest, CPU returns to Wishuel. Now that their strength has gone up Vert advises them to think about party reorganization before searching for other Sacred Treasures. Nepgear is glad to have Vert in CPU. They can all learn something about gaming from her. Vert is happy to help and tells Nepgear to not be afraid to ask for help in this game. Nepgear accepts her offer as she has never tried a Mage class and she will take any advice on using it. Vert knows Bouquet is lovely but Nepgear is just too adorable.

Uni notes that Vert has been clingy with Nepgear ever since they got here. Rom and Ram wonder if Uni is jealous. Uni blushes and denies that. Neptune believes a love triangle has formed with Vert and Uni pursuing Nepgear. She then realizes that she is also pursuing Nepgear so that would make it a love rhombus. Uni tells them all it is not like that. Noire tells them not to forget about her as she won't let Uni be taken away by Vert. Uni cannot believe her sister is getting involved. Neptune notes they have a love pentagon and it may become an octagon but even she would stop there. After the party reorganization, Neptune thinks they should look for the next Sacred Treasure.

Phiaros runs into CPU. He is happy to see them. He explains that he guards the holy Yiear Forest. He needs to request something of them, the Sacred Treasure, Black Diamond Sword has been taken by the forces of the Demon King. Phiaros asks them to retrieve all the Sacred Treasures and revive the Goddesses. He already put the request at the guild.

Since it is official, Neptune is happy to accept the quest. Ram urges Rom to beat up the bad guys. Rom is determined to get the Sacred Treasures and show them to Bouquet. Phiaros is glad to see such reassuring confidence.

In the guild, they accept the request. The Goddesses begin to argue on who will be the most useful for this quest. Uni thinks the day their sisters stop competing over games is the day it snows in the summer but she remembers that Lowee has an eternal winter. Rom notes that it is snowing outside right now and she would like to make a snowman in this world. Even if there is no snow in this world Ram does want to try to make a snowman. It should be possible with magic and ninjutsu.

In Yiear Forest, Blanc notes that according to the quest, Volcerios took the Sacred Treasure and it sounds strong. Rom thinks this place is scary and wonders if it is nearby. Nepgear reassures Rom that everyone is here to support each other. Rom agrees and carries on.

I think they're a prince and princess

Later in the forest, Uni stops and alerts her sister to something. It is a couple of players. Nepgear greets them but they quickly leave after having a moment together. Vert thinks they were rather cheesy and expresses her displeasure for using that word to describe them, though it would be the most accurate. Blanc notes that the couple were in their own little world. They might as well have ignored them completely.

Even so, Vert thought they were making the most progress in this game. Ram thinks they cannot be faster than a ninja and runs after them telling them to wait. Rom pitter patters ahead telling them to wait.

Near the end of the forest, the princess notes that CPU took their sweet time. Kiria brags that they didn't just get here first, the two of them defeated the boss and they have the Sacred Treasure as proof. The two have another moment before heading back to town.

CPU enters the end of the dungeon and finds the boss. Blanc tells Rom and Ram not to get too ahead of themselves. Rom wants to be in the front lines even if she is afraid. Ram tells her sister not to worry she is here. They have to protect Blanc together. Rom is determined to do that. CPU defeats Volcerios.

Black Diamond Sword

CPU gets the Sacred Treasure, Black Diamond Sword. Blanc thanks everyone for their good work and notes they don't need a password for this treasure. Ram is disappointed she does not get to draw again. Rom is glad regardless to get the treasure. Bouquet appears and congratulates them on their successful retrieval of the Sacred Treasure. Bouquet thanks them all for their hard work and she has something to tell them but... Bouquet apologizes as even if this is a holy forest, the monsters' impurities are affecting her. Bouquet has teleportation magic so she will return to the Cathedral herself. Maybe the Goddesses' protection will remove her impurities and she will feel better. Bouquet promises to talk to them there and she teleports away. CPU returns to Wishuel.

In the Cathedral, CPU finds Bouquet okay but she needs rest. The party decides to go find things to help Bouquet while she is resting.

Bouquet for Bouquet :)

Later, the remaining party arrives to see Bouquet with Neptune and Vert in the city. Ram is happy to see that she is awake. Bouquet apologizes for worrying them all. Rom asks if Bouquet is feeling better. She worries that she isn't. Rom then tells Bouquet that she and Ram has picked up some flowers for her. She gives Bouquet a bouquet. Bouquet happily accepts and thanks the twins. The other members also have gifts for Bouquet. Bouquet is grateful for everything CPU has done for her.

Bouquet then asks if having a younger sister is all that important. Vert says it is as she is the only one without a sibling of her own. In addition, in Gamindustri, moe is still heavily trending so everyone wants a younger sister by their side.

Rom does not think everyone wants a younger sister. She does love Ram but Blanc is her number one hero. Ram agrees and praises Blanc for being super cool. Blanc thanks them. The Planeptune sisters also contribute to this topic. Bouquet finishes her learning on that topic and records that segment in her archives. Bouquet explains the legend surrounding the Sacred Treasures.

A rendition of the Paramount Pair

The Demon King commands a duo of unrivaled leaders known as the Paramount Pair. They both lead the king's army of monsters known as the Wicked Believers. The king and his army went on a rampage that brought Alsgard to the brink of destruction. The four Goddesses fought against them but the battles were a constant struggle. The Goddesses created the Sacred Treasures and amplified their power in order to seal the king, which depleted all their power making them unable to descend to this world.

Noire asks if their plan is for the Paramount Pair to gather their forces to revive the Demon King while the Goddesses are still away. Bouquet confirms Noire's assumption. Bouquet warns that if the Demon King is revived with his full power, defeating him will be difficult. She urges them to gather the Sacred Treasure before all that can happen. CPU is eager to not let Bouquet down. Bouquet believes they will succeed.

CPU visits the guild. Luke, the person who runs the guild praises CPU for their timing as an important quest to find another Sacred Treasure was just posted. Luke explains the quest came from a report from an archaeological team when they returned from the ruins. While they were excavating in Oneiro Corridor, they stumbled into the boss monster who took the Sacred Treasure. The monsters nearby are also obstructing the excavation so they thought of asking adventurers to defeat the monsters and boss in one go. The researchers promise to not claim the Sacred Treasure. Their desire is for the Chosen Ones to wield it.

Rom asks Blanc what is archeology. Blanc explains that it is a science where people search for ancient objects in order to understand how people used to live their lives. For example, Lowee has old castles and pipes. Ram understands as archaeologists search for old coins and fossilized mushrooms in those. Rom's eyes sparkle as she wonders if there are old coins in these ruins.

In the dungeon, Neptune notices the couple and decides to greet them. She remembers that they haven't introduced themselves yet. Neptune introduces herself but she realizes that it doesn't matter as players can see each other screens. Neptune reads Kiria and †Black Cat Princess†'s name. Kiria apologizes but asks CPU to let the two of them to go. They are a bit busy. Vert stops them and suggests they work together to clear the game.

Kiria thinks this is a foolish question as she has no intention of wielding this sword for anyone but the princess. †Black Cat Princess† finds this a wonderful suggestion. Kiria is shocked. †Black Cat Princess† explains that she is a sickly girl at birth who can't do anything without other's help. In addition, CPU does look strong especially Vert the Enchanter. †Black Cat Princess† wants to be her younger sister. Vert is shocked. †Black Cat Princess† tells her she will be admiring her from the shadows so if she could look out for her... Vert tells †Black Cat Princess† this is a little too sudden. †Black Cat Princess† implores Vert.

Vert protests as being an older sister is different from being just sisters. †Black Cat Princess† pleads with Vert not to say such terrible things. She wants Vert to spoil her like a real younger sister. Kiria voices her firm disapproval against this and brings up the fact that she promised to protect her.

†Black Cat Princess† thinks its fine as in the previous game, they were in a guild that held a lot of members surrounding her. †Black Cat Princess† admits it was dissolved in the end but still Kiria was a member of that guild so what is Kiria really saying. Kiria tries to saying something but †Black Cat Princess† deduces that Kiria is jealous and finds her adorable. Kiria tells †Black Cat Princess† that she acts like an angel but agitates her heart like a devil. Kiria admits that she wants to monopolize the princess for herself, she will go through fire and to the limits for her affection. †Black Cat Princess† understands the problem of being so loved. It caused their previous guild to come crashing and now it makes Kiria burn with jealousy. †Black Cat Princess† admits that she is a sinful woman.

Rom is excited and notes that they are like a dramatic puppet show with the princess and prince. Blanc thinks the two of them are bad influence to Rom and Ram and asks them not to watch. Ram is upset as she wanted to see the princess more.

†Black Cat Princess† admits it can't be helped and understands how Kiria feels so for today, she agrees to her request. Kiria is glad that she won't be giving up her role as the princess' herald. †Black Cat Princess† apologizes to Vert for today and asks for attention the next time they meet. Vert understands. Kiria notices that the two of them have stayed for too long and they must hurry to the boss as soon as possible. †Black Cat Princess† says her goodbyes to everyone and the two leave.

At the end of the dungeon, Neptune hears footsteps up and wonders if anyone else can here it. Rom and Ram notices the boss. The boss is chasing Kiria and †Black Cat Princess†. Neptune suggests that they let CPU take over so they can all get the Sacred Treasure. They reluctantly allow CPU to take over.


CPU defeats the boss and everyone acquires the Moonstone Hairpin. Rom reads that the Sacred Treasure is called the Moonstone... but she is too tired to read. †Black Cat Princess† is upset that she was unable to secure the final blow and leaves. Kiria follows.

Bouquet appears and praises everyone for the work and reminds them that there is only one Sacred Treasure left. Bouquet reports it is in the oldest and most sacred place in the world, the foot of the World Tree, Leanverde.

CPU enters the guild to accept a quest in Yiear Sea of Trees for the final Sacred Treasure. Neptune notices that the guild is pretty busy today. She wonders if something is going on. Ram tells Neptune she is behind the times, everyone is talking about the Grim Reaper. Rom shivers at the thought of ghosts. Neptune is confused about this Grim Reaper, ghosts.

CPU overhears in the corner, three players, Naoya, Maron and Wildcat are discussing the Grim Reaper. Naoya reports that it has happened again, someone walking alone in a dungeon was insta-killed by the boss. Maron thinks it was just a newbie going into a high level dungeon. Naoya explains that it took place in the first mountain dungeon. No one knows where the Grim Reaper will strike.

Maron wonders if some newbie killing raid boss was implemented recently. She wonders what it looks like. Wildcat explains that the Grim Reaper is draped in black and has eyes, red eyes. Looking into it is looking into death itself. The Grim Reaper creeps up on you without making a sound and by the time you notice him, you're already dead. Maron was planning to gather materials but now she is too scared.

As a fan of the occult, Neptune would like to see the Grim Reaper. Rom shivers as she clings to Blanc. She does not want to be anywhere near the Grim Reaper. Blanc tells Rom there is no need to cling to her. Likely the Grim Reaper would run away at the sight of them. Ram assures her sister that if the Grim Reaper runs away, she will chase him and beat him up. Rom calms down. For now, Neptune decides to accept the quest and head out.

In Yiear Sea of Trees, Neptune has found the boss and urges CPU to take down the boss and get the Sacred Treasure. She encourages everyone to Nep'Em up. She orders everyone in the front to rush the boss. However, their attacks aren't working. Rom begins to panic as her attacks are pushed back.

A NPC Elmia arrives. She warns them that they are not going to make it out at this rate. She urges them to hurry and get out while they still can. Neptune and Vert think they may have missed an event to make the boss beatable. Elmia tells them they can talk after, for now she will use this. The boss backs off and CPU escapes.

After getting away, Elmia is glad she made it in time. Ever since the Sacred Treasure was taken, the monsters in the area have become really strong especially that boss holding the Sacred Treasure. If it starts rampaging for real then no one can stop it. However, if they had a high-grade Purification Arrow, they might be able to weaken it. She is sure the Chosen One can defeat it after that. Elmia notes that it would be good to post that to the guild but she had to keep weird mercenaries from getting close.

Elmia decides to head to the guild and warns everyone that this place is dangerous and urges everyone to be careful. The boss has caught up to CPU. Since they do not have the flags raised to fight this boss, Blanc urges them to run away.

Kiria and †Black Cat Princess† arrives. Kiria notes that they meet again. †Black Cat Princess† laughs and remarks that they are in a pickle. Kiria tells them to sit back and watch this round. †Black Cat Princess† tells them those that stand in their way will end up like this. The two make short work of the boss. Kiria reports that they have obtained the Sacred Treasure. The two of them will be going on ahead. †Black Cat Princess† laughs and leaves them with a parting gift.

Another boss appears. Ram gets upset as all she wants to do is go back to the city. Rom tells her sister not to worry and she is determined to put an end to the boss. CPU defeats the boss.

Bouquet appears and notes that something abnormal is going on with this floor's data. She asks if everything is okay. She realizes that its CPU and greets them kindly. Bouquet analyzes the data immediately to find the cause. After the analysis, Bouquet has no results. She does not know of the cause. This is all very strange and Bouquet urges them to return to the city at once.

Near the end of the dungeon, Bouquet reports that while traveling with CPU back to the city, she checked the library with the error but it was too large to load. She wants to report this to the GM so they check this out. She asks if that is okay. Vert is glad that she would as that would be much more reliable than just submitting an error report. Bouquet asks them for to wait a moment and in place of Bouquet, the GM appears.

GM introduces herself as the 4 Goddesses Online Admin, and they may refer to her as Game Master or GM. GM thanks CPU for their help in the beta test and she explains that she has determined by the report that this error is urgent. She decided to see it for herself. GM begins to perform an analysis.

She announces to those logged in that in approximately 10 minutes, she will perform an emergency maintenance in the Yiear Sea of Trees area. She asks the players to avoid entering Yiear Sea of Trees for the duration of the maintenance. She apologizes for the inconvenience and thanks everyone for their cooperation. GM then personally apologizes to CPU that it would take some time until the end of the maintenance and leaves to her work.

Bouquet returns and explains that the story quest is now available. It takes place in another area so they should have no trouble progressing. To create the item to weaken the boss requires 3 ingredients. They should first head to the guild and accept the quest. Neptune understands and thanks Bouquet. CPU does just that.

After going to the guild, CPU accepts the quest to get the first of the three ingredients required to weaken the final Sacred Treasure boss. It takes place in Arodie Cavern.

In the dungeon, Blanc notes in order to get the ingredient, they need to clear this quest first. Rom worries that this is hard. Blanc assures her that all they need to do is get the items and report to the guild. It shouldn't take much time. Ram thinks that is easy and says she will find them all. Blanc warns her that there are strong monsters in this dungeon so they shouldn't let their guard down.

Later in the dungeon, Rom wonders where the item is. Ram wants her sister to compete with her to get the items as a game. Blanc warns the two that it is dangerous and asks that they don't run too far ahead. Rom and Ram agree. Ram hears a weird noise. Rom worries as she hears the noise and her screen is weird. Blanc does not hear anything on her end. Perhaps it has something to do with the connection. She asks Neptune if anything is wrong on her end. Neptune has no problems and thinks the two are imagining it.

After collecting all the items for the quest, they return to the guild. Back at the guild, CPU overhears Minor Players A and B discuss the Grim Reaper. Minor Player A got killed by the Grim Reaper. There was corrupted text so he couldn't read anything. Minor Player B thinks it is a shame as the two were starting to do well, they were sent back to the city. They have to fight the boss again and when they were defeated, their display went all weird for a moment. It was pretty spooky.

Ram can't believe that the Grim Reaper is actually real and begins to worry. Rom shivers at the thought of such a scary thing being real. Blanc tells them not to worry as she is right with them.

CPU takes the next quest for the ingredients. They are to hunt a Volcerios in Fiyar Mines for the ingredient, Shining Dragon Stone. A newbie player warns Neptune and Noire about to stay away from dungeons for a while. The rumor about the Grim Reaper is real. Neptune is interested and wants to know if he saw it. The newbie player has not seen it and since his level is low, he is just trying to level up in areas where it is less likely to appear.

Shining Dragon Stone

In Fiyar Mines, Uni notices the target monster. CPU defeats the target monster and acquires the Shining Dragon Stone.

CPU takes the final quest to get the ingredient to create the Purification Arrow. They need to defeat a target monster in Hestie Crater. CPU finds the target monster for the quest. CPU beats the target monster. Rom happily declares victory. Ram is glad and wants to head back to report to the guild immediately.

Back in Wishuel, CPU reports their quest acquiring the Branch of Leanverde. Neptune takes the ingredients to Chaos Factory to create the Purification Arrow. The GM then announces "This is a notice to all logged in players. The maintenance that was being conducted in Yiear Sea of Trees has safely concluded. Thank you for your co-operation." CPU decides to visit Bouquet in the Cathedral before going to Yiear Sea of Trees.

In the Cathedral, CPU finds Bouquet. Noire reports the rumors of the Grim Reaper instantly killing players and asks if Bouquet knows about that. Bouquet does and the GM has already received reports on it. Her investigations has not caught up to the Grim Reaper yet and she apologizes for continued inconvenience. On behalf of the administration Bouquet also apologizes.

CPU offers their help to Bouquet for anything. All she has to do is ask. Bouquet thanks them for their concern and returning to the story, the last treasure is the Emerald Mirror. Should they acquire it, the Goddesses will soon return. The monsters are sure to guard it desperately. Something unexpected might happen. Rom is determined as they all came here together so they will be okay.

In Yiear Sea of Trees, Ram asks Rom what is wrong. Is there something there? Rom tells her sister it is the opposite. She can't hear the sounds of birds anymore. Vert points out that it seems like it has arrived. This time, they will defeat it. Neptune notes that as usual it looks super strong but they won't run. Neptune decides to use the Purification Arrow and the boss screams in pain. Neptune thinks it is working and believes they can defeat it now. She thanks the guard person for her help.

Emerald Mirror

CPU defeats the boss and acquires the Emerald Mirror. Rom cheers as they have all the Sacred Treasures. †Black Cat Princess† already knew they could do it. Kiria has a pained expression. Neptune is happy to see the couple and notes they have not seen each other in a while but she was thinking about them here and there. Neptune asks if they have been doing alright.

†Black Cat Princess† assures Neptune that they are. In fact there isn't a fragment of a possibility of them losing to someone else so her worry is needless. In fact it isn't her damn business. Neptune notices the grim expression and asks †Black Cat Princess† if she is feeling okay. Blanc is sure they are just going to gloat in their face again.

†Black Cat Princess† agrees with Blanc, as they need to learn that she is much greater than them all. In fact she is going to beat this knowledge into their bones. Rom panics as she wonders if that means they are going to fight. Vert thinks it is best for fellow gamers to enjoy the game by helping each other out and competing on occasionally. †Black Cat Princess† laughs at the idea that they are fellow gamers that will help each other. She declares that she is supreme in this world and there is no one who can compete on her level. She asks if they don't understand that there is a wall between a princess and a common player. They cannot overcome it.

†Black Cat Princess† tells Kiria that to try out the new function of the tool now. Kiria does not feel right using it on actual players. †Black Cat Princess† tells her to stop grumbling and do it already. Kiria understands and will do everything for her sake. The two use the tool to fuse and transform.

Vert remembers that monster from the main 4 Goddesses Online. It sparked a lot of controversy with the players which is why it was removed in patch 1.02. It is known as Cheetah. It was meant as a joke that uses a cheetah as a motif. It was a play on the word "cheater". Back when admins were working on countermeasures for cheaters, they used Cheetah as a sandbag monster in events. At the end of the festival, the GM would fire the Cheetah and explode it as fireworks. That was their cheat eradication campaign.

Neptune gets worried as from the gist of that, it means the couple are... Vert praises Neptune for being perceptive, she did catch on one word in their conversation she won't let go. Blanc is sure she heard them use the word "tool". She wonders if they have access to a cheat tool. Rom is angry knows what that is. Blanc told them that it a bad thing and they shouldn't use it.

†Black Cat Princess† in Cheetah tells them that they should really watch their mouths. The two of them aren't going to be so kind like before. Kiria in Cheetah tries to reason with the princess as she does not think this is a good idea. †Black Cat Princess† in Cheetah tells Kiria to shut up and just control the thing. †Black Cat Princess† in Cheetah declares that they are truly unparalleled in 4 Goddesses Online and releases a burst of electricity.

Rom and Ram tell Cheetah to stay back. Neptune tells them to look alive. They should stop staring and start fighting. Neptune assures that it will work out, asks that it will work out and hopes it will work out. Neptune leads the charge against Cheetah.

CPU defeats Cheetah and their body begins crumble. Vert thinks it would be good if they can discuss this peacefully.

The Grim Reaper shows up breathing. Blanc notices the red eyes and blood lust and deduces that it is the Grim Reaper. Vert cannot be certain that this is the fabled Grim Reaper and thinks they should see how he moves. Rom is scared and asks if they have to fight. The Grim Reaper picks up Cheetah and leaves. Blanc thinks it is best to report this to the GM.

CPU returns to Wishuel and decides to visit the Cathedral. Bouquet arrives and is glad to see everyone. Firstly she congratulates them on collecting all 4 Sacred Treasures. Now the time has come, they must hold the ceremony to revive the Goddesses and soon as there may have been enemy movements. The Paramount Pair have finally awoken and they are working towards the destruction of the world. Bouquet shows CPU a personal description of them and warns that if the Demon King's forces catches wind of the Goddesses' revival, they will surely interfere. Before the enemy organizes themselves, Bouquet asks them to hurry to the Altar of Goddesses in Tetyu Temple.

Vert tells Bouquet that they have progressed the story safely so far but they encountered a fair amount of errors in their previous quest. Bouquet worries and asks if that means another abnormality has occurred again. Blanc tells her it was not an abnormality but it was illegal behavior carried out by other players. Bouquet can't believe it, the defenses against such an activity should be impenetrable. She wants to know more details. Neptune tells her that players by the name of Kiria and †Black Cat Princess† turned out the be a conniving couple of Cheetah cheaters. Bouquet does not understand what Neptune is trying to say.

Noire admits it is hard to explain but essentially the players used a cheat tool to transform themselves into a Cheetah. Neptune says that was what she was trying to say. They were Cheetah cheaters! After that happened, they attacked CPU. Blanc reports that they fought them off but they were taken away by a monster that looks like the Grim Reaper from the rumors. Could it be that they were working together? Bouquet notes that the administration is investigating the Grim Reaper but... for now she will check everyone's logs. She asks them to wait a moment. Bouquet notices that the data is flowing in a strange direction.

Bouquet's voice turns robotic and she alerts that an unexpected error has occurred. She will terminate NPC control system. Vert gets worried and asks Bouquet what is wrong. The GM appears and apologizes for barging in on them like this. However, an error greater than what the AI's auto repair can handle has occurred. It might take some time to repair so she apologizes for the inconvenience. She has also verified the reports of unauthorized tool usage and thanks them for their cooperation before teleporting away.

Neptune is shocked by how quickly she came and left. She wonders if everything is alright. Noire thinks at the very least that their reports were verified. Blanc thinks they should leave this to the GM. They should keep progressing the story. The next destination is appearing now. Rom really wants to see the Goddesses and Ram agrees. Neptune reports that it is settled, they will leave the heavy lifting to the GM.

CPU accepts the quest to deliver the 4 Sacred Treasures to Tetyu Temple. Rom is also eager to meet the Goddesses too. She tells Ram that they should talk to their in-game sister. Ram agrees with her sister and shares her eagerness to see the Goddesses.

CPU makes it to the Altar of Goddesses in Tetyu Temple and Bouquet welcomes them. Bouquet admits that she does not remember what happened last time. She asks what happened. Nepgear explains that they reported a problem and and error occurred during her analysis. Perhaps her memory around the time was reset. Bouquet understand that they are referring to the case, the GM is currently investigating. Bouquet asks them to place the 4 Sacred Treasures in the altar. Blanc thinks they should set it down in order. Neptune prefers putting it all down at once. Vert agrees with Neptune but wants them to do as pairs of sisters.

Rom is excited and tells her sister to be in the middle. Ram feels squished as there are three of them and asks when they are going to place the Sacred Treasure. Blanc tells her to be patient and wait for Neptune's signal. Neptune tells everyone on two, they will offer the Sacred Treasures.

On two, everyone offers the Sacred Treasure. Bouquet reports that the door to the Divine Realm has opened. The earth and Divine Realm are connected by a rainbow bridge. CPU crosses the bridge into the Divine Realm.

The 4 Goddesses

In the Divine Realm. Purple Heart tells the Chosen Ones have done well to come this far. They have been waiting a very long time for the day they would meet. The in-game Goddesses converse with the Goddesses. White Heart asks the Chosen Ones again if they can entrust the fate of this world to the Chosen Ones. Blanc assures White Heart they can. Rom's eyes sparkle as she comments on how pretty Blanc is. Ram tells her sister that they should make some wings and pretend that they are Goddesses. Blanc tells the twins that they are already Goddesses.

Black Heart notes that the Demon King's power is great but if everyone is united in battle, they have a chance in victory. White Heart urges everyone to gather their strength and defeat the Demon King. Green Heart tells them the time for the final battle is soon. It is time for the Goddesses to descend to Alsgard. CPU's firepower has increased and Neptune thinks the Demon King is nothing compared to them. Purple Heart laughs and she promises on behalf of the Goddesses that she will show them the power of the Goddesses.

The Goddesses all return to the altar. Bouquet welcomes everyone back and notes that it is such a honor to behold the countenances of the Goddesses. She asks them to please put an end to the evils in this world. Purple Heart thinks Bouquet has done well to guide this world as the Royal Geist. She wants her to continue her good work. Bouquet promises that she always will. The in-game Goddesses join CPU and they return to Wishuel.

Back in Wishuel, White Heart comments on how frickin long it has been since they were last here. She can't even remember the last time she was here. Blanc is concerned with White Heart's language. White Heart asks Blanc if she has a problem with her language. It is how she talks and Blanc just has to deal with it. Ram notes that White Heart sounds like Blanc when she transforms. Rom is happy that she has the same feel as Blanc.

Bouquet arrives and is glad that they have safely returned from the ruins. She introduces the 4 Goddesses to Wishuel, a hub for adventurers. The 4 Goddesses are eager to protect the city that still has faith in them to this day. Bouquet knows that the Goddesses have just returned but they are approaching the ultimate battle with Demon King. They have overcome many different trials until now and with all their strength Bouquet truly believes they can save this world.

Green Heart reports that the Demon King's captains have built a gate to the Demon Realm at Atlio City Ruins. It is possible they are trying to revive him as well. White thinks they should get there immediately before he revives. Purple Heart tells White Heart that is difficult as there is a barrier up that prevents outsiders from entering.

Bouquet tells them that it is the Demon King's captains, the Paramount Pair, who are maintaining the barrier. Uni is glad the Paramount Pair are finally here. Rom remembers Bouquet showing them pictures of the Paramount Pair. She is determined to fight the armor guy and the cow guy. Neptune tells Rom not to assume that they are dealing with an armor guy. It could be a pretty girl inside that suit of armor.

Bouquet tells them to be careful. They did receive reports that the Paramount Pair are hiding in a different dimension. Green Heart thinks that is a job for the Goddesses. They will triangulate their location based on the waves of evil they radiate. Vert is happy to leave the navigation to the Goddesses and they will prepare for the quest. Bouquet tells them once they are ready, they should stop by the Cathedral.

In Wishuel, Rom and Ram are laughing as they run around. White Heart quickly follows the twins. Ram is glad their other sister is following them. Rom remembers that they always follow Blanc so it is weird to have it reversed. Ram decides to walk past this narrow gap and increases her pace. Rom tells Ram to wait as she speeds up her pace. White Heart continues to follow flawlessly.

After a while, Ram is impressed as even if they ran around in zigzags, White Heart is following perfectly. A player shows up and notices White Heart. He wonders if that NPC... Ram confirms the player's assumption, it is the Goddess. Rom takes pride in saying that it is Lady White Heart. The player is impressed as if they have the Goddesses unlocked, then they are at the end of the story. The player tells them he's stuck in the middle stage of the story. Ram brags about how this is nothing for them.

Blanc arrives and asks Rom and Ram what they are doing, taking the Goddess out like this. Rom is surprised to see her sister. Ram is worried but she tells her sister that they are bragging about how great their sister is. Blanc cannot believe that they would do something so embarrassing. Blanc tells her sister that they have to get out of here. Blanc quickly leaves with the twins followed by White Heart. The player watches the scene and notes that this feels like a video game he played. It is quite surreal.

In Wishuel, Vert leads CPU to the Cathedral as Bouquet is waiting for them. They are ready to defeat the Paramount Pair but Vert notices Kiria and †Black Cat Princess†. Rom notices they look hurt and wonder if they are okay. Neptune notices that Kiria is at 1 HP and †Black Cat Princess† is actually dead but shouldn't be in Wishuel. Nepgear sees that Kiria and †Black Cat Princess†'s names and statuses have corrupted text meaning that the rumors about the Grim Reaper's attack causing malfunctions is true.

Neptune tries to get †Black Cat Princess† to respond but fails. Blanc wants to interrogate them immediately but is bothered by their low HP. She tries to heal them but it has no effect. Kiria suspects that when she was attacked, her data was... Vert understands that Kiria is asking for their help but she requests Kiria to give them the full details. Kiria resolves to tell them everything and apologizes to the princess for acting on her own.

She explains that some time ago, a suspicious person appeared before the pair and offered a trade. The suspicious person will supply them with a tool that could restructure 4 Goddesses Online's data in return for in-game currency. The truth objective of the tool was... A sound was heard.

Minor Player C announces that monsters have appeared. Neptune wonders if the Paramount Pair found out about their plan to defeat them. Vert does not think so as she has never heard of a real time event occurring in the main story and other players are also being attacked.

GM makes an announcement. Unauthorized access has been detected and maintenance will begin immediately. She asks for the player's cooperation to log out as soon as possible. Nepgear then alerts the party to a bunch of Bouquets gathering at the front of the Cathedral. Vert feels like she is in Eden. Blanc notices the monsters approaching the Bouquets. Uni wonders if all the GMs are meeting to fight off the monsters.

Bouquet A wants the other Bouquets to leave it to her as she has the highest skill. Bouquet B cheers her senior on. Bouquet A attacks a monster but it is ineffective. Bouquet appears and warns CPU that it is too dangerous. They should log out immediately. Vert recognizes this Bouquet is their Bouquet. Bouquet confirms Lady Vert's assumption. She is the AI in charge of recording the journey of the players and they are free to think of her as the Bouquet they always meet.

The GM arrives and tells Bouquet to assist her and the other GMs. She then apologizes to CPU for the trouble and will resolve this immediately. Bouquet B complains that her attacks aren't hitting at all. Bouquet C flees noting that she can't dodge long range attacks. She asks the monsters to stop. Noire asks if some of the Bouquets are AI or GMs. GM apologizes as the ones who are unskilled are the GMs. Vert can't stand and watch any more. If they are going to fight monsters, then she will help. To trouble Bouquet is unforgivable.

GM can't possibly request the help of players. She knows this may take some time but she will contain this. Bouquet knows this might be bold but she tells the GM that members of CPU are the top ranked players in this world. They should borrow their help. GM can't believe Bouquet. Vert thanks Bouquet for relying on them. She tells the GM if there is anything they can do, they should not hesitate to ask them. Bouquet D is excited that someone will fight in their place. Bouquet E runs away asking for help from a medic. GM is reluctant but she asks for CPU's help.

GM explains that someone has unauthorized access to this world. The monsters in this city are controlled externally. At the moment, they are able to intercept direct attacks to their servers on the back end but the monsters here have serious errors too. If this isn't resolved here in the city, there is a danger that this game's entire world will be destroyed. Rom does not want the city to be destroyed and shivers.

GM needs a little bit more time before her team can stop the cracking and asks CPU to take care of the monsters. Nepgear understands and asks the GM to leave to fighting to them. GM says she will create a quarantine battlefield and transfer the monsters over there. She requests that CPU head over there.

Blanc tells the twins that they are in the middle of the story but they have to save the game world before they can continue. She asks the twins if they will come with them. Ram agrees and thinks all they have to do is fight as usual which will be easy. Rom wants to help the GM. The GM plans to resolve the problem on their end as soon as possible and thanks CPU. Bouquet says the Royal Geists will do their best to support the GMs. She wishes CPU to have a favorable battle.

Neptune is ready to go. She encourages the party to protect 4 Goddesses Online together. She tells Kiria that her story will have to wait. Neptune assures her they will wrap this up in no time so she should just wait here. Kiria says she will and thanks them. She is sorry she can't be of help. She will be praying for their success here.

In Unreal World, CPU defeats all the monsters with errors and finds the Grim Reaper at the end. They are able to defeat him as well. Neptune cheers as they defeated him. Vert tells Neptune to be careful as the next monster has appeared behind her. Neptune turns around to find the monster defeated. Nepgear sees that other parties fighting and helping out. Eve is glad the monster is down and apologizes for being late. Blood asks if they are members of "CPU". They already defeated most of the strong bosses as expected. Eve notes that with the help of everyone fighting, it will be over soon and thanks CPU for their hard work. Rom and Ram are glad and high five each other. Neptune calls out to the GM and reports the good news. GM reports that she is done on her side and asks them to return through the portal. Uni is glad and leads CPU back to Wishuel.

CPU returns to Wishuel and the GM is glad to see them all safe. Neptune apologizes to for the wait but they nepped all the monsters that attacked the city. Kiria thinks that is expected of them all. Blanc notices that Kiria still has 1HP and †Black Cat Princess† is still out. GM tells CPU that she has tried to restore her to her original state but a complex lock has been placed on her. Kiria does not care what happens to her and worries about †Black Cat Princess†. GM explains that †Black Cat Princess† has not been in control of her character in a long time. Noire notes that she is still logged in. She wonders why †Black Cat Princess† hasn't logged off if she wanted to run away.

Kiria explains that she heard from the GM that both their characters continue to reside in the server even if they log out. GM adds that she has seen access from a different location. She has tried to block it but even if †Black Cat Princess† is logged out, her character is still being controlled. Neptune guesses that they can now assume that †Black Cat Princess† has logged out.

GM wants to asks Kiria about the situation. She was offered a deal and bought a cheat tool from someone. Kiria confirms this and begins to explain everything. Some time ago, †Black Cat Princess† is impressed with all the functions of the cheat tool. She knows she can become number 1. Mysterious Person tells them they can use the tools to make a boss in any location they want. They can then control the boss itself or control their AI. They can make the boss attack any player they hate. In a world where there is no PKing, they can MPK instead. Mysterious Person thinks they will be enjoying the game a lot more.

†Black Cat Princess† is glad that she will have her own servants. Kiria wants †Black Cat Princess† to wait as using monsters to kill other players is illegal. †Black Cat Princess† tells Kiria not to be a worrywart as there are functions that would hide any trace of the tool. They will be fine. Mysterious Person explains that this tool simply manipulates what is already possible in the game and its functions will allow them to deceive the GMs. Mysterious Person will be updating the tool from now on so its got her full support.

†Black Cat Princess† is glad that she made a good purchase. Vert understands that the Grim Reaper, Cheetah and those monsters earlier came from their tool. Kiria confirms what Vert said and for a while they used the tool like but Cheetah, which was thought to be under †Black Cat Princess†'s control attacked the two of them before running off. The mysterious person then showed up laughing. The AI had become independent thanks to them.

The mysterious person then left with Cheetah following. Nepgear hypothesizes the culprit's motive was to create an AI unlike Bouquet who is a communication AI but one specialized for battle. Uni adds that it must have been necessary to gather data on players behavior patterns and other aspects of the game. Uni does not understand why someone would go through all the trouble just to create an AI and wonders if there is something they are missing. Blanc thinks the missing link is that the person who is cracking the game and the person who created the tool are the same person. Kiria adds that the person who gave them the tool specifically wanted to "break this world". Kiria thinks that is still her motive.

Neptune wants to remind Kiria that cheating is bad and she should never do it again. Kiria agrees and admits it was fun to wield power like that but also unfulfilling. Kiria declares that cheating at an online game is a legitimate crime. She will not negotiate any terms or run away, she will face her judgement. The GM believes in Kiria's integrity and is grateful for her honesty.

Blanc is glad Kiria is honest but †Black Cat Princess† is still running away. Kiria is sure †Black Cat Princess† feels the same and troubled with guilt. Kiria will wait for her return. Noire notes that is really all Kiria can do given her condition right now. The GM tells Kiria after the administration decides how to deal with the two of them, she will contact her. Kiria thanks her and tells the GM she will log out now.

GM then reports to CPU that Cheetah and the monsters created by the cheat tool are trying to destroy this world. As a result, the second half of the story is currently unable to be progressed. GM admits it is unfortunate and asks for their patience as this will take some time.

Vert asks the GM if she would allow them to continue to help her. Neptune wants to help too as they are already deep in this and there is no turning back now. The GM could not ask for anymore of their help. Vert tells the GM she cannot stand by and wait. She'll become dejected if the game is delayed. Since Vert predicted something like this would occur, she offers her official help as the CPU of Leanbox to resolve the problem of unauthorized access to 4 Goddesses Online.

Vert is going through the proper channels, so there should be no issue in her helping. The GM remembers a letter delivered by motorbike carrier from Leanbox's Basilicom. Noire notes that she was beaten to the punch. Official documents from Lastation will be arriving shortly and she wants the GM to look them over. Blanc reports that she just sent her documents but admits they are more like a draft right now. A more official document will be sent later. Rom notes she hears someone running.Nepgear reports that the documents in Planeptune should arrive in 3 days. However, it will have a digital signature instead of a written one. Neptune wonders if Nepgear just sent it but realizing it will take 3 days make Neptune think it was probably...

The GM cannot believe she is getting from all 4 nations. She will check her mailbox asap. If the nations are offering help, then she has no reason to refuse but she is worried if this really is ok. Noire explains that 4 Goddesses Online is an IP from all 4 nations, it would be a problem for Gamindustri if they lost it. Neptune agrees, it wouldn't be Gamindustri without games.

The GM believes the same thing. She declares that Weiss Labs will not bow to evil intent and notes that CPU must tired from their continued battles so she asks them to rest. She will return later and leaves.

Neptune notices that after all this, †Black Cat Princess† still hasn't returned. She wonders what she is doing in real life. Rom wonders if †Black Cat Princess† is still asleep as she is getting sleepy. Vert suggests they all have a moment for a breather. She hopes there won't be any more abnormalities in the world for the time being.

Later in Wishuel, Bouquet appears and praises them for their work in helping them with their issues. Bouquet switches over to the GM. The GM arrives and apologizes her continuous appearance. The GM reports that it is likely that the issues that have been occurring have a high chance of being connected top behind the scenes activities. Monster attacks are still occurring and errors are still spreading so...

An explosion is heard. The Mastermind arrives. She has finally found Weiss' genius hacker. The GM notes that this is faster than she expected. She taunts her saying that she was worried the Mastermind would run away if she did not leave an opening for a quick victory. The Mastermind counters saying that Weiss' security is claimed to be the best in the world but it is over. She is disappointed in the GM and there is no need to hide. She will show the GM the difference between their skills. The GM says if it comes to that, she swears she will find her location. The two begin to duel.

The Mastermind launches a logic bomb. The GM notes that the data was planted before hand but she can stop it before it compiles. She tells the Mastermind that she is naive. The Mastermind is upset that it was all nullified but continues her assault. The GM fends off all the Mastermind's assaults and tells her it was a waste of her energy. The GM launches a small counter-attack. The masterminds is affected. She admits that the GM is not bad and that Weiss' elite are a cut above. The Mastermind thought she hated 4 Goddesses Online but she supposes that great hate comes out of great love. She laughs and finds this fight fun as she feels alive.

Ram thinks the Mastermind is scary. Rom agrees and shivers. The Mastermind launches her lethal weapon "WWWWW". The insides and outsides of the data will turn into weeds. The GM notices that this attacks comes from the linage of "filename xx". This virus menaced every single nation but she was the developer of the anti-virus program on behalf of the Basilicom. If the attack is similar to the virus then she'll break it instantly. She asks the Mastermind what she will do now.

The Mastermind is running out of options. She thinks about her next move. The GM takes this moment of hesitation to attack the Mastermind. The Mastermind screams in pain. Nepgear is amazed that such a complicated program was created in a single moment. Ram thinks she has caught the bad person. Rom's eyes sparkle as she sees the GM as a magician.

The GM admits that the Mastermind gave her quite the difficult time but there is no escape now. The Mastermind laughs and admits she has lost. She tells the GM to reveal her identity as she should have figured it out by now. The GM reveals the culprit as the only person capable of all this, the president and top engineer of Schwartz Co., the rival to Weiss Labs, Mine. Vert is surprised and recognizes her as the creator of World Break Online.

Mine asks Vert not to yell so loudly. In addition, she has no idea who Vert is. They just got to the good part and she would appreciate it if Vert didn't interrupt it. Finally that title has been changed, she is just the person who ruined Schwartz Co and a bad person who got jealous of 4 Goddesses Online's success and tried to mess it but took a beating instead. She sighs and notes she is sure they are coming for her now. Blanc wonders who they are, as the police could not have known where she lives. Mine tells the GM it was nice to have one last match and she has no intention of getting arrested. She asks the GM to visit sometimes.

Bouquet alerts the GM to an emergency. GM wants to know what is going on. Bouquet reports that Cheetah has been found but he suddenly started to rampage. The area is beginning to collapse. The GM is not worried as they captured the boss. She asks Mine to stop Cheetah. Mine tries to stop him but fails. The GM wants to what is wrong. Mine explains that it looks like it won't stop and apologizes. That is the last thing the GM wants to hear right now so she requests Mine to grant her authorization so she can control Cheetah.

The GM is unable to control Cheetah. GM never thought its data absorption abilities would be this powerful. The only way to stop Cheetah is to deplete his HP to old fashioned way but the GM admits that her skills are not good enough for that.

Vert tells the GM to leave that battle to the players. Noire tells the GM not to forget about them as she does not need to do everything herself. Blood agrees with Noire and his guild, the Jet-Black Fallen Angels will gladly lend a hand. Eve volunteers to fight as well. Rugadin and the other players volunteer as well. Kiria notes that she is at 1HP but she should be able to take on weaklings regardless. Neptune is glad to see Kiria. The GM thanks everyone and tells the players that Cheetah will be isolated in Chrono Wasteland. She tells everyone to do their best. Neptune leads everyone to Chrono Wasteland.

In Chrono Wasteland, Rom fidgets as this place feels really weird. Uni asks if it is just her or is her screen fritzing out. It is making her screen crawl. Ram tells Uni it is not just her as they experienced this before. Neptune can see it too so that must mean Cheetah is nearby.

Later, monsters are heard. Blanc wonders if they are Cheetah's underlings. Rom is determined to beat them with her sword. Ram finds her sister so cool. She will be the best ninja as well. Blanc tells her sisters that they have gotten used to their classes. She tells the twins to go for it as she has their back.

At the end of the dungeon, CPU finds Cheetah. Cheetah is angry about what happened to Master Mine. Cheetah will not forgive CPU and announces that they will die along with the rest of the world. Neptune doesn't care who the enemy is as the Goddesses will always win. She leads CPU to attack Cheetah. They are unable to damage Cheetah.

Cheetah finds them weak. He thought he would enjoy this a little bit but this is disappointing. Neptune notes that Cheetah really is a cheat class. She wonders how they are going to defeat him. Bouquet arrives and asks if everyone is alright. Bouquet explains that she will now assemble the anti-virus data, she received from the GM. She asks CPU to hold back Cheetah in the mean time. Vert agrees and tells Bouquet that they are counting on her.

Neptune leads CPU. She tells them to keep fighting until Bouquet is ready with their secret weapon. Cheetah finds them a disgrace to the warrior's name for relying on an item to defeat him. CPU is able to make Cheetah lose his balance. Bouquet has finished assembling and tells Cheetah his rampage is finished. Cheetah screams in pain and wonders what is that light. Bouquet explains that they are both created by Weiss Labs and even if he is altered, they are still related. They share the same weakness. Cheetah figures out what Bouquet and gets angry at her.

Bouquet tells Cheetah it is too late. It is unforgivable for an AI to bring harm to their owner. Cheetah has been bad and as the older sister, it is her responsibility. Bouquet invites Cheetah to go on together and apologizes to Lady Vert for not being able to give her a proper response to their date. Vert tells Bouquet that she is not being fair. Cheetah begs Bouquet to stop this as he still has a mission. Bouquet and Cheetah glow in a white light. Cheetah fades away with his last words being "Master Mine". Vert calls out to Bouquet and wants her to open her eyes.

Bouquet wakes up and calls out to Vert. Vert gets confused. Bouquet notes that she hasn't disappeared yet. GM arrives and is glad she was just in time. She applied a patch to Bouquet just now. Vert thinks it is not okay as she was so worried. Bouquet assures Vert that she is fine but tired. Neptune thinks that is reasonable and leads everyone back to Wishuel.

Mine welcomes them back. Mine apologizes for everything and will be going now. Vert tells Mine to wait, and tells her she loved World Break Online. Ever since service ended, she was left with a void in her heart. Mine thanks Vert but she tells her she does not need any sympathy. Vert tells her it is not sympathy. She had explored every last corner of World Break Online. Her character's name was †Green_Heart†. Mine can't believe that she is the legendary player †Green_Heart†.

†Black Cat Princess† suddenly asks if she said †Green_Heart† surprising Mine. Mine does not like getting another shout at point blank and that freaks her out. †Black Cat Princess† recognizes Mine as the one who gave her that tool. She cannot believe Mine tricked her. Her display and controls got messed up because of her. She was scolded by her mother for breaking the family console. It was such a mess.

Kiria shows up recognizing the princess' voice. Neptune notes that everyone has now shown up. Kiria is glad that †Black Cat Princess† showed up. She has always believed in her. †Black Cat Princess† tells Kiria that can wait. She wants to know where †Green_Heart† is. Kiria confirms that †Black Cat Princess† is talking about the †Green_Heart† who defeated the legendary player that she admires, two-sword Kirio. There is no one who doesn't know of her in the online world. Kiria should have known that the princess knows of her. †Black Cat Princess† reveals that she point daggers in her name because she was a fan of †Green_Heart†.

Vert thinks this is all beginning to feel slightly embarrassing. Mine remembers †Green_Heart† as the legendary player who was the top of World Break Online, by being the top of 40 elites including four kings and seven sages. She was the first to max her level, clear all the dungeons, undefeated in all Guild battles, solo'd a boss that showed up once a month that required 8 people and dual wielded the ultimate weapon Liddie of which there are only 2 copies of.

Mine tries to calm down and she refuses to believe that she is meeting †Green_Heart†. Vert asks Miss Mastermind but decides to address as Miss Mine if she was the ultimate GM of World Break Online admins, "Miney". She had several fights with her and the current score is two to two. She would like to challenge Mine once more.

Mine wonders if she is talking about the battles she proposed out of curiosity. She knows the battles were kept a secret so she believes Vert is †Green_Heart†. †Black Cat Princess† is surprised to learn that Vert, her "older sister" is †Green_Heart†. Vert tells Miss Mine that she would like to go to World Break Online. She asks that Mine atone for her crimes by restarting World Break services. She can help her too. Mine tells her not to say that haphazardly. Her company is already... The other CPUs also attempt to hire Mine.

Mine starts crying. She wonders how can she can be headhunted after everything that has happened. Mine never knew there were players who waited for her return. She should have just continued to make games. All she has done is pull others down. All that should be asked of her is to leave. No one should have any need for her anymore.

Vert reminds her that offer only stands only when she does atone for her crimes. She asks Mine to consider it. Mine does not know what company Vert represents and her offer is gracious but if she does restart, she wants to stand on her own two feet in the world, she created herself. Mine then tells GM she would like to continue to be her rival from now on. GM tells Miss Mine she would like to meet again in another stage. Mine agrees and leaves 4 Goddesses Online for good.

GM decides to deal with one final problem. †Black Cat Princess† understands. She admits she got scared and hid under her blanket for a long time. She did think a lot of things through though. Her console broke earlier and it was thanks to everyone fixing the world that the console is working again. Thanks to that, she was able to return. †Black Cat Princess† then apologizes.

Kiria and †Black Cat Princess† explains that they are both ready to accept their punishment. GM decides to freeze their account as punishment. This surprises Kiria and †Black Cat Princess† as they thought, they would have been arrested or fined. They were ready for anything. The GM admits she could have branded them as criminals and take away their equipment before making the avatars jump down from a high place but banning their accounts suffices. She admits that the situation was not all that bad, as she was able to patch security holes around the game but she will not give them a second chance.

Kiria and †Black Cat Princess† understand. †Black Cat Princess† explains that online games to her were a utopia. She can get a cute avatar and act cute and get everyone to fawn over her. Her selfishness then grew until she was not satisfied unless she was first. She stopped thinking about other people at that point. Kiria admits that they both forgot that there are people behind the players in this virtual world.

Kiria tells CPU if they meet again in another world and are able to work together in the same goal, that would be lovely. Neptune agrees and looks forward to that. GM announces she will now freeze their accounts. †Black Cat Princess† tells Kiria that she is sorry as even if she said horrible things to her, Kiria always stood by her side. Kiria tells †Black Cat Princess† that her soul and fiery passion is for her. That is why even in the last moments, she wants to be with her. †Black Cat Princess† thanks her and if they are reborn again, she would like to adventure with her. Kiria agrees and says this is a promise. †Black Cat Princess† says she will see them all again someday. Both the accounts of Kiria and †Black Cat Princess† are now frozen.

GM then thanks CPU for all their help. She was prepared for the official launch of 4 Goddesses Online to be delayed or even worse but thanks to their help, they were able to overcome this crisis. Neptune thinks because they saved the game before they save the world, they truly are cut out to be protagonists. Vert is glad that they are finally able to continue the game. They must defeat the Demon King before the beta ends. Vert then remembers Bouquet and wonders what has happened to her.

GM explains that she has been running some checks on her. She is currently integrated into her avatar but she will now switch over to Bouquet. She thanks them again for all their hard work. She looks forward to their continued support. Neptune thanks GM for all her work until now. Bouquet takes over and greets everyone. Everyone is glad to see Bouquet. Ram is so glad she is okay. Rom smiles as they were able to protect this world. Nepgear wants to continue the story together. Uni thinks they can finally grant Bouquet's wish of saving this world. Vert tells Bouquet when she thought she lost her, she could not put it into words. Bouquet sincerely apologizes for worrying everyone.

Bouquet tells them that everyone in this world has been so kind to her. All of CPU and many players are included. Everyone has shared stories of the "outside" world and adventures in Alsgard all have made her very happy. Noire is happy for Bouquet and stutters as she considers Bouquet a good friend. Blanc says Bouquet is a member of CPU as well. Bouquet concludes with saying that this is the reason why should like to learn more about everyone. She asks everyone to go on a date with her. CPU all go on a date with Bouquet.

CPU is now able to progress their quest to defeat the Demon King. They decide to visit the Cathedral in order to continue their quest. In the Cathedral, Bouquet tells CPU it is finally time to confront the Demon King and his captains, the Paramount Pair. An all-out intense war is inevitable. Rom fidgets and hopes the next place won't be scary. Vert asks if the Goddesses know where the Paramount Pair are.

Green Heart tells CPU they do. She can sense they evil aura. Both captains should lurking within the backroads of space. Black Heart thought they destroyed the Demon King's captains last time. His following must have grown since they were gone. Purple Heart agrees with Black Heart's assessment. They are now significant enough to attempt to revive the Demon King. The Demon King's darkness must have spread far beyond their range of protection. Green Heart thinks it would be ideal if they could purify those who have been drawn to darkness, the Wicked Believers but... White Heart thinks that can be solved if they beat some sense into them. She tells CPU to call them if they need to borrow their power.

Neptune thinks the Goddesses are all fired up. Once they are all ready, they should accept the quest and move on. After CPU accepts the quest to defeat Minotauros, they head over to Chrono Wasteland. At the end of the dungeon, CPU has found Minotauros. Green Heart tells him to awaken so he may meet his fate. Minotauros awakens with a roar. Vert thinks his appearance is terrifying. Neptune is not scared. She thinks he is probably one of those meat-head characters who are all brawn but no brains. Noire agrees and will attack him with her spear. Ram will blow him with fire using ninjitsu. Rom shwings her sword and shyly joins in the taunts.

Minotauros roars again. This shocks CPU. Purple Heart detects that Minotauros seems to be afraid of humans. She senses a powerful sadness. Black Heart believes the power of darkness must have manipulated whatever negative emotions he harbored inside. White Heart tells the Goddesses not to hold back now and purify the hell out of him. CPU is able to defeat Minotauros.

Green Heart tells Minotauros this is not the place he belongs and asks him to return back to the light. Minotauros roars softly as he fades into the light. White Heart explains that even if Minotauros is a monster, he wasn't originally the type to threaten other creatures.

CPU heads over to Horor Garden. At the end of the dungeon, Purple Heart alerts CPU to the appearance of Dark Knight. She warns them to be wary when fighting him. Dark Knight wonders why the Goddesses and their servants would stand against him. He asks if they know that he is the most powerful knight under the Demon King Jester. It is a shame that he will be here to witness this. The Dark Knight declares that he will crush every last insect he sees before him.

Rom is afraid but she will do whatever it takes to protect Blanc. Ram agrees and encourages everyone to beat up this armor-wearing old man! Dark Knight snaps back saying he is not an old man. CPU is able to defeat the Dark Knight. Black Heart tells Dark Knight it is time to purify his twisted spirit. Dark Knight tells them there is no need. He tells them it was a truly wonderful battle and thanks the Goddesses for the honor. He charges his lightning attack. White Heart tells everyone to get behind her. Dark Knight uses the lightning to strike himself down.

White Heart was glad she was able to block the attack before he took his life. Purple Heart thanks White Heart but is sad to be unable to save him. White Heart thinks he overcame the darkness on his own. This was probably his way of assuming responsibility for that. However, White Heart does not agree with it. Green Heart wonders if the tiny speck of good in his heart prevented the darkness from making him rampage. Black Heart brings them back to the mission. They have defeated the Paramount Pair and the barrier to the Demon King is waning. Now is the time to strike.

Lean Crystal

CPU returns to Wishuel to see Bouquet. Bouquet notes that the Paramount Pair are gone so the barrier around Atlio City Ruins has weakened. They should be able to enter with the Goddesses' help. She asks them to take this treasure of the Royal Geist known as the Lean Crystal. It should protect everyone from the power of evil. CPU acquires the Lean Crystal. Bouquet continues that the crystal wields tremendous power to dispel darkness but will break as soon as they use it.

CPU arrives in Atlio City Ruins. Purple Heart announces that the four of them will now begin to dismantle the barrier. She asks everyone to lend them their strength. They should focus their hearts towards the Goddesses. The Four Goddesses dismantle the barrier and Vert congratulates them. Purple Heart says all that is left is to defeat the Demon King. They should proceed with caution. Green Heart notes that since the Paramount Pair have fallen. The Demon King must be preparing for their inevitable battle. Black Heart announces that the Demon King will receive a battle. They will come in fighting and they shall be victorious. White Heart asks CPU with their hearts united to go with them to the Demon King. CPU agrees.

In the middle of the dungeon, Rom admits she is starting to get nervous, her hand is shaking. Ram tells Rom it is okay. She is a Samurai so her hand is shaking because of excitement. Vert agrees that it must be excitement she is feeling. They should take on this challenge with courage in their hearts.

At the end of the dungeon, Purple Heart notices from the miasma that this must be the gate to the Demon World. Noire deduces that this gate is similar to the altar that connects to the Divine Realm. Green Heart tells Noire she is correct and the Demon King will appear here in this world. Nepgear deduces that the Goddesses and the Demon King have been battling over Alsgard while both being from another world.

Suddenly the Demon King attacks CPU. The Goddesses quickly defend them. Demon King Jester finds it interesting that these are the Chosen Ones. He laughs and concludes that Dark Knight and Minotauros have died. He calls them feeble weaklings. Demon King Jester explains his true joy is to destroy and conquer. He asks CPU to allow him to decimate them to the point where there is nothing left to revive.

Demon King Jester begins to glow a dark color. Green Heart notices her strength fading away. Demon King Jester sarcastically thinks it is strange that they are all to tuckered out before fighting. He asks if they are okay and how they are feeling before laughing. Vert realizes all their stats are dropping lower and lower. At this rate, they won't be able to fight properly. Noire knows this isn't good. They have to do something about his special move and fast!

Demon King is upset Noire would call it a "special move". It isn't something so tacky. It is a curse, a curtain of darkness. Curses are his specialty, after all. Black Heart cannot believe it as curses are dangerous spells that could completely erase its user if not used properly. He is using some powerful magic. White Heart tells CPU they will try to hold it back but in the meantime...

Purple Heart requests that the Chosen Ones hold aloft the Lean Crystal. With its holy light, they can strip away the curtain of darkness that covers the Demon King Jester. Noire thinks Neptune should take the spotlight as this is a request from Purple Heart. Neptune tells them to leave it to her. She raises the Lean Crystal and it dispels the curse.

Demon King Jester shows his surprise followed by praise. The curse should have been impenetrable so he commends them for being able to break it. However, he asks if they thought he could only use it once. He laughs and recast the curse. White Heart damns his ability ability to cover them with the curtain of darkness like nothing. Neptune says they can just dispel it with the Lean Crystal. She looks for it but the item is gone.

Vert remembers that Bouquet said it would break after one use. She wonders if this is the end and if there is no other way they can win? Minotauros suddenly appears and grunts a warcry before tackling the Demon King. Demon King Jester screams in pain. Green Heart realizes her strength is returning. The curtain of the darkness was released when Demon King Jester was knocked of balance.

Neptune is impressed and cheers Minotauros on. Demon King Jester is absolutely livid at the beast's betrayal. He calls him idiot and can't believe that this is happening to him. Minotauros grunts and continues to fight the Demon King. Demon King Jester tells Minotauros he has lost his mind and downs the beast with a fierce lightning bolt. Minotauros grunts as he falls. Neptune is devastated by Minotauros' death.

Demon King Jester pants before breaking into a laugh. This is Minotauros' punishment for doubling crossing him. Ram is saddened by this. She asks where Minotauros has gone and notes how awful this is. Rom sobs for the fact this happened after Minotauros turned good again. Nepgear praises the twins for being so kind to Minotauros despite being afraid of him at first. Neptune jokes that their affection points for the old villain is going up but she admits she is feeling sad about his death.

Noire tells them to save their tears for later. Many NPCs helped them to get to this point and they cannot let it go to waste. Green Heart notices their chance now, not only did the Demon King Jester cast his curse twice, but his battle with Minotauros has weakened him. Purple Heart agrees and the Demon King should no longer be able to activate his curtain of darkness. Black Heart asks Demon King Jester if he is still willing to battle eve now. White Heart declares they will bust his face in and he just has to grin and bear it.

Demon King Jester laughs and notes that all they have done is beat the curtain. They have not won yet. He will crush them to the pits of despair and releases his power. Purple Heart notes that he has gathered a fair bit of power while sealed in the Demon World. Rom grits and prepares to go further in the front lines than usual. Ram will be in the "vanguard" with everyone else as well. Blanc assures her sisters can fight knowing that they won't have to worry about their back. However, it is the final boss though so Blanc hopes it is fine for her to get some punches.

Demon King Jester laughs and tells them to struggle as he will completely, utterly, savagely crush all their hope and light. Purple Heart tells Demon King Jester to prepare himself. She leads the charge of the Goddesses who follow. Demon King Jester declares that it's show time! After a fierce battle, CPU and the Goddesses are victorious.

Demon King Jester screams as he won't accept this. Purple Heart declares victory. She asks if the Demon King is prepared to meet his fate. Demon King Jester tells her they are just going to shut hum out of this world again. He laughs as that means he will be back again and again. Black Heart tells him they will not do it alone this time. They will end him thoroughly so that he will never awaken again. White Heart tells Demon King Jester he will be sleeping with the fishes when she is done with him. Green Heart declares they will purify a great evil such as him.

Purple Heart asks the Chosen Ones to lend them their strength as well. With that they purify Demon King Jester who screams as he fades away. Vert reports that Demon King Jester and his gate is gone. With that, everything is over. Purple Heart thanks the Chosen Ones as it is thanks to their help that they were able to repel this evil. Black Heart declares that they will continue to give this world their protection from now on. When the day comes true danger arrives, they will lend their power. White Heart notes that since CPU went through the effort of dragging them here, she guesses they will destroy the rest of the monsters living in darkness. Green Heart agrees as the Divine Realm is fine for now. They will stay behind in this land a little longer.

After the credits roll for 4 Goddesses Online, Neptune cheers as CPU has cleared the main 4 Goddesses Online Story. Purple Heart agrees that they have done well. On behalf of the 4 Goddesses, she offers their warmest thanks for their assistance. Black Heart thinks if someone is to give thanks on behalf of the 4 CPUs, it should be her. In any case, she thanks CPU. White Heart wonders what the heck are they talking about. If anyone gonna be their representative, it gotta be her. They all did a great job. Green Heart tries to conclude with an encouragement to continue to protect this world together.

Uni feels like this is deja vu. Nepgear laughs and notes that they really feel like the Goddesses were modeled after their sisters. Rom nods and Ram thinks they have to hurry and return to Bouquet to tell her that they defeated the Demon King. Vert agrees and encourages everyone to make their triumphant return.

CPU returns and Bouquet thanks them for saving this world twice over. She congratulates the members of the guild, CPU as they are the very first to clear the main story. Neptune is pleasantly surprised and cheers. Blanc tells Rom and Ram, that at first, she thought they were too young for online games but they did great. She should have expected this, however. Rom bashfully tells Blanc they were able to do this because she was always behind her. Ram adds that Blanc taught them so much about how to play. Ram asks if Blanc thinks they did a good job protecting her. Blanc assures that they did, she will always be relying on them in real life and in this game.

Since everyone is here and they just cleared everything, Neptune wants to have a picture with everyone as she wants to remember this moment. Noire thinks that is a good idea and suggests that they take it in front of the Cathedral. Neptune says that if they are going to take it with everyone, she really means it. She wants to call the shopkeepers over here. Blanc notes that she does not have to. Vert is surprised that everyone is here. Neptune and the others supposedly take their picture.

Later, Neptune clears her throat and welcomes the player to the customary "Thank You for Playing" Corner. The CPUs, Nepgear and Uni say a few words before Nepgear passes it on to Rom and Ram.

Ram thinks Rom as the older sister should go first. Rom worries and notes that she is nervous. Nevertheless, she thinks it was fun playing together. She asks the player what they think with hopeful eyes. Ram assures her that it was fun and she had lots of fun. Rom laughs and asks Ram if she wants to say their congratulations together. Ram accepts her sister's idea and decides to do it on the count of 2. On the count of 2, Rom and Ram thanks the player.

The 4 Goddesses, friends and enemies all get their chance to say a few words. After that, Blanc thinks that should be everyone. Vert notes that if they were going to include everyone, they will have to bring out minor characters and the eggplant lady. They would not finish until sunset. Neptune agrees and they are just in time for pudding so she wants to end it here. Neptune concludes the Thank You Corner and tells the player to do their best and take of them from now on.

The party decides to go to Tetyu Temple and has made it to an altar. Bouquet appears and welcomes them. She explains that this is the altar where they will offer the Sacred Treasures to release the Goddesses. It is the closest place in Alsgard to the Divine Realm. Due to the recent increase in monsters, less and less people have been making a pilgrimage here. Their presence pleases the Goddesses.

Source of Life

Neptune offers the Amethyst Glass. Rom notes that it feels like they are in the Cathedral. Purple Heart's voice can be heard. She gives the Chosen Ones blessings from the Goddesses and the party acquires the Source of Life. Bouquet explains that as this altar is connected to the Divine Realm. The offer of a Sacred Treasure allows them to feel the presence of the Goddesses.

Neptune is happy the trip was worth it. They are all more pumped. Neptune retrieves the Amethyst Glass and the party returns to Wishuel.

CPU checks out the newly opened Gion Blacksmith. Blanc recognizes the owner and greets her. She wonders what she is doing here. The owner notes that it has been a long time. Neptune asks Blanc if she knows the owner. Blanc explains that the owner helped her out a long time ago. She never expected to meet her in this game. The owner introduces herself as Tamsoft and her occupation is a Blacksmith.

Rom is shy around Tamsoft and asks Ram if she is safe to talk to. Ram assures her that she is as she is Blanc's friend. The twins decide to introduce themselves to Tamsoft. Tamsoft also greets them and notes that it is difficult to tell the two apart. Neptune then asks Tamsoft since she has a traditional Japanese vibe, if she specializes in sword smithing. Rom excitedly wonders if she can improve her katana. Tamsoft tells them to bring in the materials and she will upgrade them. She is not limiting herself to swords, she can do guns as well. Tamsoft notes that they need strong weapons to beat this game so they should not hesitate to call her. Blanc promises that they will and is happy to see her.

Later, Noire asks Rom if she has seen Neptune. Noire saw Vert log out earlier so she thinks Vert is going to sleep. Rom tells Noire that Neptune and Nepgear were planning to do some work together. Noire remembers that the sisters are preparing for heavy snow in Planeptune tomorrow.

Blanc arrives and tells Noire if she wants to go hunting, she is available. Noire accepts her offer. Blanc wonders why Uni is not coming along. Noire explains that she is planning to shop with Nepgear after work today. She is getting ready right to go out. Ram wants to go with them. She hears that they are going to a "junk shop". Ram thinks it sounds fun. Noire tells her she is getting the wrong idea of what a "junk shop" is. Ram whines and really wants to go.

Blanc returns to the topic and wonders if the four of them make a good party for hunting. Noire notes that they have 2 vanguards, one character that can use both magical and physical attacks and a support character. Their party is great. Blanc suggests she picks an easy dungeon for the sake of her sisters nonetheless. Rom and Ram are eager to try a hard dungeon. Noire decides to go to a hard dungeon. Blanc worries about this but resolves to focus herself all in support.

In the dungeon, Rom and Ram rush forward using all their skills. Blanc tells them not to push so hard or else she can't heal them. Noire tells the twins she will distract the monsters and asks them to pull back for healing. Ram tells Blanc not to worry as she is currently fine and continues to push forward. Blanc gets angry as the twins are only fine because she is healing them. Rom notices that they are surrounded by monsters and begins to panic.

Blanc snaps and urges the party to move forward cutting down all monsters. They can dodge on their own or chug healing items. Noire wonders why everyone is on the front lines. The party barely manages to win against the monsters. Blanc breathes a sigh of relief. Rom notes that it is hard to fight and use healing items at the same times and cries. Ram wants to head back. They are done with the monsters and they ran out of healing items. Blanc admits that this was a total defeat. Noire gets angry as their party balance was for nothing.

Blanc's a princess and Vert's a prince!

Rom and Ram log in to find their sister being bridal carried by Vert. Rom's eyes sparkle as comments on Blanc being a princess. Ram thinks Blanc is a princess while Vert is the prince. Blanc gets embarrassed and tells Vert that people are gathering. She wants to get down. Vert tells Blanc not to be so cold and give her one more minute of this. Blanc is going to die of embarrassment. Neptune is sad this is over so soon. Well at least she got to see something unique so it was worthwhile despite how short it was.

In Wishuel, Ram and Rom see Uni. Ram wonders why Uni is not with Nepgear. Uni explains that Nepgear had work come up and she asks the twins to join her in going somewhere. Rom is not uncomfortable with just 3 people and prefers a fourth member. Ram wonders if there is anyone around. Neptune walks by and Ram praises her timing. She tells Neptune that the 3 of them are going to a dungeon and invites Neptune. Neptune understands this as being the party tank. Since it can't be helped she happily agrees. Uni thanks Neptune and asks if Rom is okay with this. Rom nods.

In the dungeon, Rom fidgets and asks Neptune since Nepgear has work, what about Neptune. Neptune is guilty and tries to justify her situation by saying that it is not good to do work all the time. If one does, their stress level will hit mach speed. Uni tells Neptune this does make her concerned for Planeptune but what does Neptune mean by stress going mach speed. Neptune tells her not to sweat the small details. If they were going technical here, everyone of them are lazies and not doing work right now. Uni notes that Neptune hit home. She was planning on working after playing a little or a lot. She doesn't know at this point.

Ram announces that she and Rom have already finished studying. Neptune is happy to have such good girls and decides to give them head pats. This shocks Rom. Ram wants to pat Rom's head as well. Rom laughs and wants to pat Ram's head. Neptune finds it unfair that Rom responds more positively to Ram than to her. She calls the Ninja class unfair. Uni wonders what this has to do with Ninjas. Seeing as how the party is currently progressing, Uni thinks they won't get any serious hunting done. Neptune promises to be quiet in order to get serious hunting down. This is all fun for her.

A roar is heard nearby. Ram thinks the monster that roared looks like a boss. She urges her sister to charge the monster together and Ram attacks. Rom dashes in. Neptune follows and Uni supports the party from the rear.


In Alph Plains, Ram tries out her new skill Ominaeshi. Blanc thinks that is a good skill. Rom praises her sister for being cool. She also learned the same skill as well. Ram is glad that they are the same. Rom is glad but asks what does Ominaeshi mean? Ram is not sure and asks Blanc. Blanc tells them it is the name of one of the seven flowers of autumn. Ram thinks it is pretty to be named after a flower. Rom wonders if the seven flowers are the same as the ones they eat in rice porridge. Blanc tells her those are the seven flowers of spring.

Blanc is surprised Rom remembers that. One is not supposed to eat the autumn flowers but enjoy the sight of it. There is another origin to ominaeshi where it comes from another meaning: "to overwhelm even a beautiful woman". Much like the Yamato Nadeshiko, it's a flower that exudes a feel of humble elegance... Rom and Ram decide to ignore their sister and just try out the skill much to her displeasure.

The candidates decide to visit the Fancy Shop. Nepgear confirms that Peashy really does have a shop of its own. Peashy calls out to Nepgear, Uni, Rom and Ram and welcomes them to her shop. Ram tells Peashy they came to play. Rom greets Peashy and bows.

Nepgear notices that there are a lot of different things in Peashy's shop. She cannot see a pattern behind it. Uni thinks it is a sundry shop, a shop that sells trinkets and other stuff. Peashy wonders what kind of shop is Uni talking about, this shop is simply Peashy's shop. Nepgear remarks that Peashy's answer is surprisingly deep.

Ram wants to buy a star shaped badge and asks Rom to buy one with her. Rom is excited and wants to buy one with her sister. She asks Peashy how much is it. Peashy tells her she does not accept money, she'll trade it for something shiny. Rom wonders if this means jewels. Ram asks if she wants a piece of crystal. It may not be a jewel but it is pretty.

Peashy is impressed and wants 1...2...4 pieces of crystal. Rom fidgets as she notices that her hand is showing 3 fingers. Peashy decides to count her fingers again and will trade for 3 crystal pieces. Ram is happy to make the trade and can't wait to show this to Blanc when they return to the plaza. Rom makes the trade as well and likes how cute the star is. She smiles and thanks Peashy. Peashy thanks Rom and Ram. Nepgear is glad the transaction went well.

Minor Player A sees Rom and Ram in the distance. They can't believe they can see them. Minor Player B wonders what Minor Player A is talking about. There is no way CPUs are playing online games. On top of that, Rom and Ram are too young for that. Minor Player A understands that they have to be imposters but all they can do is give their love to the imposters in an online game. Minor Player A asks Minor Player B not to make them say it.

Minor Player C thinks they are very cute nevertheless noting that they have never seen away copy them so well. Their speech is perfect. Minor Player B is skeptical as as Rom is saying her emotions out loud. That is not how it is supposed to work. Minor Player C disagrees as even in real life, they are able to hear her inner voice. Perhaps Minor Player B is the fake. Minor Player D thinks even they are old men behind the characters, if they only hear lies for their life, it basically is the truth. Ram calls Rom to come over here as she runs ahead. Rom tells her sister to wait as she dashes ahead. The players continue to fawn over the twins.

In Wishuel, Rom excitedly asks Ram if she is able to talk to Mr. Frog. Ram has not been able to. She tries to greet him every day but he won't talk at all. The frog shows up once in a while but he does not help out in battle. Ram wonders what she needs to do to make the frog her friend. Rom thinks they can find the frog some food he likes. Ram likes the idea but wonders what frogs eat.

Neptune shows up and tells the twins that frogs like to eat bugs. However, the bugs need to be alive as well. Ram and Rom are not happy about that. Ram tells Neptune there has to be another way and leaves. Rom shakes her head and agrees with her sister before leaving.

In Hestie Crater, Nepgear thinks it is nice to just have the candidates out just by themselves once in a while. Uni agrees as it is a new experience. Rom is determined and tells the two to leave all the directs to her and Ram. Ram tells her sister to knock to down all the enemies with her. Nepgear notices some fog and wonders what this is. Rom tells Nepgear to look over there. Nepgear wonders if that is a cave. Uni sees a big hot spring. Ram is eager to do so and tells everyone to take off their equipment and get in. Rom is excited and waits for everyone. Ram tells everyone to go. The candidates get in the hot springs.

How warm and comfy!

Rom finds the hot springs so warm and comfy. Ram feels like her body is melting in. Uni notes the twins are really selling this place. Ram thinks online games let them do so many things and it's fun. Vert is always playing games in her rooms but she must be adventuring in so many places in the games. Rom tells the candidates that Blanc lets them choose a time to play games but since they are always playing together, time flies. Uni agrees that it is different from phones or emails. It feels like they are playing together. It also feels like they are on a vacation soaking in the hot springs like this.

Nepgear agrees and it makes her want to travel to a real hot springs. Uni likes that idea and thinks they should go to the hot springs with their sisters. She'd like to stay at an inn in a yukuta. The idea of wading in a hot springs and wearing yukutas sounds like fun so Nepgear decides to ask her sister about the idea. Rom says she will ask Blanc too and is excited. Ram wants to wash Rom's back when they are in the hot springs. Then they can have pillow fights. Uni asks how are the twins going to deal with her accuracy.

Rom remembers Blanc giving them a Book of Adventure when they go traveling. The book has stamps added at train stations and a map drawn too. Uni thinks a travel guide book is good for having to remember plans. Uni would like to get one herself. Nepgear thinks wanting to travel places because of a game is a healthy relationship for games and society. Uni notes that games with real life links generally have a festive feel to them. The Lowee game where they can search for 1.51 million monsters is super popular as well. Rom is proud to have captured 1.42 million of them already. Ram has heard that the remaining monsters are not in Lowee. They might be able to catch them all if they travel.

If Rom remembers correctly Blanc also really liked that game as it made their shares go up explosively. Rom smiles as she was happy too. Ram does remember people picking fights because of walking into each other. They should text and walk. That is a message from Rom and Ram. Whether with games or traveling, Nepgear thinks they should be careful to not injure themselves. Either way, Nepgear can't wait for the real hot springs.

In the Guild, a well built gentleman calls everyone around to tell them about something strange that happened a while ago. The gentleman explains that he saw a suspicious duo head towards the altar with one of them saying chu chu... He thought they were trying to offer the Sacred Treasures but then he heard a scream from the altar. The gentleman ran to the altar to check on the situation. All he found were two people beat up and collapsed but the gentleman could not find any sign of monsters. He asks CPU to investigate so that he can deliver his Sacred Treasures in peace.

CPU heads to Tetyu Temple and reach the altar. A mysterious voice asks them to leave twice. Rom shivers thinking it is a ghost. Ram is nervous as well but she tries to assure her sister that ghosts aren't scary at all. She will take care of them. Blanc assures the twins that as a Priest, she is suited to exorcism. She will send any ghosts back to the afterlife if they attack.

The mysterious voice warns them that those carrying the... to leave. Vert believes the voice is telling them to leave. Nepgear understands that they are in the ruins so perhaps an ancient ghost is haunting the place. Rom gets scared. Neptune looks for the ghost but she notices no walls or TVs around. Vert thinks if an event is to occur at any point, it should be at the altar.

The mysterious voice warns again that those carrying the eggplant. Blanc wonders if this has anything to do with the eggplant that they have received from the old lady. The item could be event trigger. Vert deduces that the players that the gentleman saw must have had eggplants with them. This resulted in them being attacked by this monster. Nepgear realizes that her sister hates eggplants. Perhaps this is reflected to the Goddess modeled after her. Neptune wonders if that means if they carry eggplants close to the altar, the Goddesses will get angry and something terrible will happen. Neptune always knew the eggplants would bring catastrophe. Neptune urges everyone to erase the item right now.

Uni reminds Neptune that they don't really know if that is truly the cause right now. She believes Neptune is just trying to find an excuse to remove the eggplant in general. Ram tells Neptune that she and her sister eats their eggplants and vegetables without issues. Rom adds that she loves mild mapo eggplants and smiles. Vert praises the twins for being such good girls to eat their vegetables without being picky and pats them. Blanc laughs and recommends that Neptune should learn from her sisters.

Neptune gets upset and explains that she does get enough nutrients and happiness from her pudding and she does not need to eat eggplants. Nepgear suggests to her sister that she can have a slightly more balanced diet. Blanc thinks however they choose to deal with the eggplant is fine but they should report back to the gentleman.

Noire agrees as she does not want to get into a fight with the Goddesses which may turn out to be a hopeless boss fight. She thinks they should stay away from the altar with the eggplant. Vert agrees and leads them back to the city. Neptune whines and just wants the eggplant destroyed.

CPU returns to the guild to report to the well-built gentleman. He is glad to see them safe. They report that eggplants are the key to summoning the stronger monster. He thanks CPU for investigating this for him and gives them the Eyes of Nagia. He hopes they will meet again someday. The gentleman leaves and Neptune wonders what they should do with the eggplants. She wants to throw them away. Vert notes that if they return to the altar with the eggplant, the guardian may not be so forgiving. Neptune catches the glimmer of excitement from Vert's eyes. While Neptune likes a fight with a strong boss, she feels bad for the Goddesses.

Back in the altar at Tetyu Temple, CPU hears the guardian and he sternly tells them to leave. Neptune agrees with the guardian. Eggplants will contaminate their inventory and turn it purple. Vert wonders if they continue to stay here, a boss fight will occur. This piques Vert's interest. Nepgear does not want to upset her sister too much. Rom knows that eggplants are good and wonders why the Goddesses don't like it. Ram bets that Neptune and the Goddesses only hate the eggplants because they have never tried it.

Schwing! I hope the Goddess will like this

Neptune counters Ram, she has tried it and she wishes she never did. They should just destroy the eggplant. Rom believes the Goddesses will learn to like it if they try so the twins approach the altar with the eggplant. Blanc tells her sisters to wait. Ram tells the Goddesses she will offer this eggplant. Rom puts it on the altar with a schwing. Neptune yells in vain to stop the two. A rumble is felt followed by a bright light stunning CPU. Blanc wonders what just happened. Vert is infatuated by how mischievous and cute the twins were just now. Neptune tells Vert this is not the time for her infatuation.

Ram thinks this is weird. Perhaps, they should have cooked the eggplant first. Nepgear does admit that even if the Goddesses liked eggplants, it would be tough to eat without cooking. Nepgear then quickly remembers that the twins are on the altar and asks them to come back quickly. Rom tells her sister that something is approaching and she begins panic.

The guardian arrives and is upset they have the gall to carry the abhorrent vegetable of vengeance, Deep Purple to the altar. They are fools to be afraid. Neptune barely contain her laughter at the Guardian's naming sense. Noire tells Neptune to quiet down so they don't aggravate him any further. The Guardian gets angry at CPU and wonders what is so funny. He will deliver the judgment of the Divine World and charges in. Noire tells Neptune she has made the guardian angry so she must take responsibility for this. Neptune thinks that the guardian who hates eggplants and her are on the same side. Vert tells Neptune, the guardian does not feel the same. Vert feels like the guardian is a powerful enemy so everyone should be careful.

I think they liked it

CPU manages to defeat the guardian. The guardian cannot believe that he lost and retreats. CPU acquires 3 Tetyu Holy Water, 3 Oneiro Demon Book and one Philisopher's Stone. Blanc feels that hidden bosses are on a whole other level. Noire notices that the eggplant on the altar has disappeared. Neptune wonders if a goddess ate it. She hopes her other self is okay.

Rom and Ram wander into the confessional. Rom wonders where they are as she glances around. Ram notices there is someone on the other side of the window. She suggests they talk to them. Rom greets them shyly. Sister asks them to please take a seat. Rom thinks Sister's voice is very happy and familiar. Ram thinks it is Bouquet. She asks Sister if she is Bouquet. Sister quickly denies this. She is just a sister in training. Ram was sure she was right, Sister does sound a lot like Bouquet. She asks Sister why she is talking over a window. They should talk together in the same room.

Sister explains that this room, the confessional is for listening to a person's worries or confessions. It is over a window as it is easier to speak of secret things without seeing someone. Rom remembers that confession means saying you're sorry. Ram wonders why they would apologize to Sister. They already get scolded by Blanc for causing mischief and then they apologize. Rom is determined to apologize to Sister. Sister explains that they confess their sins to the Goddesses rather than her. This is a room to help them turn over a new leaf.

Rom is confused as there was a lot of big words just now. Ram admits she does not understand and that being an adult is hard. Sister agrees and regarding mischief, she warns the twins not to cause trouble in this world as well. Ram tells Sister not to worry as Blanc already made them promise not to cause mischief here. They are determined to keep that promise. Rom adds that because if they break their promise, she is not going to let them play this game anymore. Ram says she wouldn't that at all. She wants to continue to adventure with Blanc, everyone even Bouquet.

Sister thanks them. Rom wonders if that means Sister wants to go adventuring with them. Ram knew it was Bouquet. Sister tries to come up with an excuse. She coughs and notes that the next person is coming. They should leave it as it is. She asks the Goddesses to guide these lost, little lambs.

Ram runs into Rom and tells her of big news she heard. Rom wonders it is. Ram tells her sister that Peashy had just told her about the pond spirit and she had her wish granted. Rom's eyes sparkle at the thought of the spirit being real. Ram thinks they should try to ask it a wish. She wants Mr. Frog to be able to talk. Rom shares her sister's wish because she does not want to catch frogs in order to make him talk.

At the pond, Rom remembers they have to throw something important to make the spirit come out. She wonders what they should throw. Ram wants to throw Mr. Frog. Mr. Frog becomes disturbed by this. Rom likes her sister's idea. Perhaps the power of the lake may allow Mr. Frog to speak. Rom gets excited. Ram asks her sister if she has a good grip on Mr. Frog. She does and the twins throw him into the pond. Mr. Frog is confused about what is going on.

Ohh! A spirit

Rom notices that the pond is shining. A butterfly of light appears. Ram wonders if that could be the spirit. Mr. Frog asks the twins to treat him more gently. The twins are surprised that he is talking. Mr. Frog wonders why, words are being forced out of his mouth and ninjas are supposed to be silent. He observes that children are truly terrifying. Ram thinks it is neat that he was a ninja too. Rom fidgets and asks Mr. Frog if he actually eats bugs. She asks if he can eat sweet things instead. If they were to give him sweets, would he enjoy with them. Ram asks why he sticks with them. Does he want to play with them. Rom asks when he was little, was he a tadpole. How old is he right now?

Mr. Frog asks them not to barrage him with so many questions. He has only learned how to speak the human language. He has long forgotten the time he had a tail. The secrets of the ninja belong to the clan of his master, Sakuya. Frogs like him are called to make sure they never break their ninja code. Ram tells Mr. Frog that she never breaks her promises so he shouldn't worry. Rom tells Mr. Frog she made be a samurai but she always keeps her promises as well.

Mr. Frog is glad to hear that. Ram wants to play with Mr. Frog. She wants to go to a flower garden. Rom is excited at the idea of picnic and if they go to a flower garden in the woods, there will be bugs for Mr. Frog. Ram declares that it is decided. They will talk, play in the woods and get some snacks. Mr. Frog tells the twins it would be difficult. If he leaves the pond he will lose his ability to speak. Time is almost up anyways. Ram wanted to talk to him more. Rom asks even if he can't talk, will he still be her friend and not just Ram's? Mr. Frog just croaks. Rom notices that the butterfly has just disappeared. Mr. Frog is back to normal.

Ram tells Rom not to worry. She is sure they are already all friends. She thanks Mr. Frog for always being with them. Rom smiles and suggests to Mr. Frog that they become friends. Mr. Frog happily croaks. Ram thanks the spirit for everything. Rom is glad she got to talk to Mr. Frog and bows as she gives thanks to the spirit. Ram can't wait to tell to Blanc all about this. Rom agrees and wants to tell her about how they all became friends in the end.

After taking the Beast's Diary quest and defeating the Minotauros in Yiear Sea of Trees, Uni notices a strange drop. Nepgear sees that something is written on it. CPU acquires the Musky Diary. Rom sees that the words are hard to read. Maybe they are words they haven't learned yet. Ram asks Blanc what it says. Blanc takes a look and notices that she has never seen those characters before. She tells the twins she doesn't know what it says. Vert thinks there might be a hint in the city. They should return and look for it. A similar event is repeated for the Black Knight's Diary quest with CPU acquiring the Black Knight Diary after defeating Dark Knight in Oneiro Corridor.

In Horor Garden, Rom and Ram are hunting. Rom attacks with the scattering light. Ram cheers her sister on and attacks with Ninjitsu-Swallow Blade. Vert sees the hunters in the distance and is excited to see Rom and Ram. She has grown tired of gathering materials and hopes to join the twins. She asks Rom and Ram if they are planning to hunt any longer. She will lend them a hand. Rom is excited to see Vert and agrees to hunt with her. Ram agrees and now that there are 3 of them, they can hunt stronger baddies. Vert agrees as the composition of their team has superb offensive skills in their arsenal. They should be able to handle going further with ease.

Vert spaces out for some time. Ram wonders if Vert is listening. Vert assures Ram that she is and suggests they go on ahead.

Vert thought Rom and Ram would both choose the Mage class. She admits she is surprised with their choice. Ram explains that a Ninja feels like a strong type of character. Besides, she can already use magic in real life. Vert agrees that it is true that ninjas are feared even within her nation, but she wonders where that particular sense of strength about them comes from.

Vert asks Rom the same question. Samurais always have a rather tenacious essence about them whenever they appear in RPGs. Ram agrees and the clothes are like Ram's. It is nice to be something different. Rom admits that she thought she was going to be a ninja until the very end though. Vert tells the twins that even their reasons are adorable. The two of them are the perfect pair. Rom and Ram the continue on ahead.

Rom tells Ram that Vert isn't following and fidgets. Ram tells Vert to hurry up. If she takes too long, they will leave her behind. Vert notes that will not do. She must support them immediately and runs up ahead.

Back in Wishuel, Bouquet makes an announcement that the investigation team found a monster nest on an island in the south. The team requests help and they left a request at the guild. She humbly asks everyone for their assistance. CPU heads to Unreal World. At the end of the dungeon, Neptune is impressed with how strong the boss looks. Neptune leads CPU in the charge forward. CPU defeats the boss and Neptune declares victory. Nepgear wonders if they can get anything from this dungeon. Ram tells them to look as a treasure chest appeared. Rom is excited to open it. Rom and Ram eagerly dash to the treasure. Blanc tells them to wait.

In the Guild, Plutia requests Neptune to get her Holy Silk Thread. Neptune confirms that the labyrinth in the south means Unreal World.

In Unreal World, Nepgear wonders if there really are silkworms here. Uni believes it is their responsibility as those who have taken her quest to see it through to the end. Rom's eyes sparkle thinks Uni is really cool. Ram agrees. Uni gets flustered and says what she said was obvious and urges everyone forward. At the end of the dungeon, Noire notes the quest boss has appeared. Uni thinks if they defeat this boss, they might be able to get the Holy Silk Thread.

Holy Silk Thread

CPU defeats the boss and Nepgear declares that they have gotten the Holy Silk Thread. CPU acquires the Holy Silk Thread. Neptune wants to hurry and give it Plutia. Vert notes that since they have accepted the quest in the Guild, they only need to report to the Guild. Then the Guild will give it to Plutia.

I can see this if I bounce!

In Wishuel, Neptune is impressed with the huge crowd gathering. She sees in the center of the crowd is Uzume. She greets her. Uzume is glad that Neptune made it. She is about to start her Guardian of the River Cutting Demonstration. Uzume tells everyone to gather around. She will keep cutting pieces and people can take as much as they want. It is a first come, first serve basis. Blanc tells Rom and Ram that they can think of this as an extracurricular lesson. The fish aren't swimming in the sea as fillets. Ram complains that there are too many people and she cannot see. Rom thinks they can see if they jump so she bounces. CPU was able to acquire Raw Monster Fluid, Cursed Fang and Slimy Scale.

Luke is impressed that CPU has finally made it to this quest. Ram asks him who he thinks they are. Rom and Neptune agree with her. Luke laughs and apologizes but he warns them to be careful in this particular quest. He reports that the monsters in Unreal World are more violent lately. Archaeologists just announced that some dark magic is flowing into it from the Demon World. One week ago, the Black Knight Guild went to investigate but haven't returned. He urges CPU to be careful. Neptune, Rom and Ram are spooked. Noire can't believe what she is seeing. CPU was able to complete the quest nevertheless.


Rom is a very powerful physical oriented character. She has one of the highest STR, good HP and DEF. Her INT and SP are lacking. She can further increase her own STR and DEF with Daffodil. Her slashes are fast but small in range making her better suited for bosses than monsters. While her skills cost a lot of SP, her quick slashes allow her to recover SP with relative ease.





Name Obtain Description Image
Rom's Brown Hair Default Light brown hair tied halfway up.
Rom's Silver Hair Fancy Shop (Guild Rank 4):3000B Cool silvery hair.
Rom's Blue Hair Fancy Shop (Guild Rank 8):3000B Calm blue hair



Lv. Name SP Cost Skill Description
5 Violet 4 Slices using the momentum from drawing a katana. Damage increases according to STR.
5 Morning Glory 8 Instantly slices twice, while closing the distance. Damage increases according to STR.
32 Magnolia 34 Slices consecutively faster than the eye can see. Damage increases according to STR.
6 Baby's Breath 6 Slices upward while rising. Damage increases according to STR.
14 Patrinia 16 Attacks in all directions. Damage increases according to STR.
18 Camellia 20 Slashes the enemy after launching them into air. Damage increases according to STR.
52 Peony 30 Throws a slash out in front. Damage increases according to STR.
45 Daffodil 24 Sharpens the spirit, and increases STR and DEF for a short time.
24 Forward Step 12 Move forward at a high speed
38 Willow 16 Quickly slashes enemies multiple times. Damage increases according to STR.


  • Rom's Samurai Class and her fighting style were inspired from Kenshin Himura in Rurouni Kenshin series.
    • Unlike her other goddesses with different classes that lacked inspiration in-game, Rom is the only goddess to have a reference.
